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My current research interests are tourism market segmentation and innovation policy and labor market.
Methods and techniques: CHAID algorithm.
Additional affiliations
January 1986 - present
Publications (63)
Este trabajo se centra en analizar las diferencias entre mujeres y hombres en cuanto a la ocupación, el empleo temporal y la influencia del nivel educativo, en un período que abarca tanto la crisis de 2008 como la COVID-19. Además, se estudia la evolución y los cambios de la normativa laboral en el mercado de trabajo español, a fin de identificar l...
Se propone una visión de los impactos del turismo rural en el desarrollo local, bajo las perspectivas económica, sociocultural y ambiental, como marco de interpretación de la contribución de este sector turístico a la sostenibilidad del medio rural.
Se propone una visión de los impactos del turismo rural en el desarrollo local, bajo las perspectivas económica, sociocultural y ambiental, como marco de interpretación de la contribución de este sector turístico a la sostenibilidad del medio rural.
The analysis of seasonality and domestic tourism from the perspective of the accommodation sector has, to date, been unsatisfactorily studied in the domain of visitors to national parks. In light of the scale of accommodation development and its crucial role in tourism, most notably with regard to environmental impact, in-depth knowledge about acco...
This study identifies those market segments that frequent state parks in Florida and, in particular, determines those segmentation “clusters” with a best fit for frequency of visitation, accommodation, and age. Two-Step Cluster Analysis and CHAID approaches to the determination of market segmentation are used. This study demonstrates the precision...
This paper considers the most suitable market segment(s) from an environmental and local economic development perspective in the specific context of visits to natural environments. More specifically, the paper explores the distinctions and differences between tourists (non-residents) and residents with regard to visit behavior at natural attraction...
The Research Group TOURISM: COMPETITIVENESS AND SUSTAINABILITY has been chosen as case of success on RESEARCH, DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION by the newspaper "El Mundo", 22 th April 2019
El turismo rural ocupa un lugar protagónico en la diversificación de la economía rural y la oferta de nuevas oportunidades de empleo. Su consolidación lleva aparejado un trabajo que, principalmente, es asumido por mujeres. Las características de fuerte estacionalidad y flexibilidad de las actividades propias del turismo rural son claves para entend...
Reseña del grupo de investigación Turismo Competitividad y Sostenibilidad de la Universidad de La Laguna, su trayectoria y resultados, aparecido en suplemento sobre Innovación y Desarrollo, editado por los medios de comunicación ABC y El Economista (ver pág. 10).
El Parque Nacional del Teide (PNT) es un lugar singular, y reúne dos
características contradictorias entre sí: es uno de los principales focos de
atracción turística de la isla de Tenerife (Islas Canarias) y, por ende, muy demandado por
los visitantes y, por otro lado, como organismo, ha de compaginar esa realidad con su principal función que es la...
El objetivo de este capítulo es explicar qué se entiende por política de emprendimiento y cuál puede ser su estructura sobre la base de una estrategia y una configuración de un conjunto de objetivos-instrumentos. En este capitulo se resume las líneas de actuación públicas recomendadas desde la Unión Europea para el fomento del emprendimiento. Asimi...
This document is the result of the Training Curriculum Design for All project, which follows
the publication of five White Books on Design for All in Universities in 2010, which considered the incorporation of Design for All in five university curricula.
The project is starting during a period of change in the European university system.
Despite all the efforts, tourist activity is not a relevant sector in Venezuela today. However, it constitutes an alternative for economic development. The study of the competitiveness of the Venezuelan tourism sector is relevant, and quality and services of lodging are fundamental components. This study determined the fulfillment of the service pr...
The significant and complex relationship between visitor numbers to a national park and the environment calls for appropriate policies to be adopted. This paper analyzes the relationship from the perspective of visitors to the Teide National Park (TNP) in Tenerife, aiming to establish strategies to reduce visitors' environmental impacts. This is pa...
Studies of the segmentation of the tourism markets have traditionally been undertaken by regression methods. The need to have a significant number of segments and qualifying variables has led, however, to the use of other procedures of multivariate analysis. CHAID (Chi-square Automatic Interaction Detection), which is more complex than other multiv...
Rural tourism has developed in recent decades with an increase in the activities available to tourists. In this paper the authors apply a cluster analysis for the segmentation of rural tourism in La Palma, Canary Islands. They consider the level of environmental attitudes of tourists as a variable explaining market segmentation. The results show th...
The present paper aims to ascertain whether gender differences continue to exist in Spain's working population. It sets out to obtain empirical evidence of the employment profile according to gender, quantify the extent to which self-employment or salaried employment is associated with certain characteristics (age, education, marital status and eco...
The literature has highlighted the relevance of segmenting the tourism market as a start point for developing the
right tourism policy recommendations. The present study examines the rural tourism market on the island of La
Palma (Canary Islands) and its relationship with territorial factors. Specifically, it attempts to establish the role
played i...
El propósito de este trabajo consiste en explorar la importancia asignada por los turistas a los atributos del destino rural y examinar la valoración del desempeño que alcanzan en el destino rural de la isla de La Palma (Islas Canarias). Esta pequeña isla de 708 km², dispone de un Parque Nacional y está declarada en toda su extensión como Reserva M...
The service quality is a dynamic and multidimensional construct; its study shall include the performance of all actors involved. Therefore, it has been measured the relationship between the variables of quality, satisfaction and existence of industrial disputes in the tourist accommodations of the state of Mérida, Venezuela. A stratified probabilit...
The factors that determine and influence the choices made by male and female students with regard to their studies and future occupations need to be taken into account in decisions concerning the targeting of human capital investment and the type of policies to be implemented in order to facilitate the transition of young people to working life. In...
Spain became a net receiver country of a high number of foreigners entering the labour market in the first decade of the 21st century. The ensuing economic crisis, beginning in 2007, led to the destruction of a large number of companies and jobs. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between educational level, employment and ec...
Spain became a net receiver country of a high number of foreigners entering the labour market in the first decade of the 21st century. The ensuing economic crisis, beginning in 2007, led to the destruction of a large number of companies and jobs. The objective of this paper is to analyze the relationship between educational level, employment and ec...
En este capítulo se describen las grandes áreas de la política turística. El enfoque seguido condiciona el recurso a una política u otra en función de los diferentes contextos considerados. El capítulo se estructura en tres bloques: en el primero, se describen las grandes áreas de la política turística, según el tipo y alcance de las medidas a apli...
La presente investigación sobre la calidad del servicio turístico, utilizando una combinación del modelo de Servqual, que mide la calidad de la perspectiva del usuario/turista, y el modelo 5 brechas, en un intento de explicar la discrepancia entre las expectativas y las percepciones de los clientes. La medición permite que deduzcamos un déficit de...
The present research focuses on service quality in tourism accommodation, measured using a combination of the Servqual model, which measures quality from the user's/turist¿s perspective, and the 5-gaps model, in an attempt to account for the discrepancy between client expectations and perceptions. The measurement allows us to infer a service qualit...
The present paper aims to ascertain whether gender differences continue to exist in Spain’s working population. It sets out to obtain empirical evidence of the employment profile according to gender, quantify the extent to which self-employment or salaried employment is associated with certain characteristics (age, education, marital status and e...
doi:10.4236/ib.2011.32025 Published Online June 2011 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ib)
Employment in Spain according to gender (2005-2009): education and other relevant variables Iacopo Odoardi, Carmen Pagliari Underground economy and income inequality: two connected aspects in the oncoming context of italian federalism Luca Sandonà Human capital in personalist economics Vittorio Carlei, Alessandro Crociata, Alessandro Marra A prelim...
En la primera década del siglo XXI, España pasa a ser un país receptor de un número importante de extranjeros que se incorporan al mercado laboral. En plena crisis económica, la destrucción de empresas y empleo ha sido también importante y el resultado ha afectado a españoles y extranj...
Chapter 1.- Tourism product: Conceptualisation and characteristics
Flora Díaz; Mª Bethencourt and Marysela C. Morillo
Chapter 2.- Performance Strategies for Mature Sun and Sand Destinations. The case of the Balearic Islands
Eugeni Aguilo
Chapter 3.- Competitive Strategies for Tourism Development in the Central Coastal Regio...
In recent decades the route followed by the conceptualisation of the tourism product has led the literature to focus on the crucial role played by the tourist as a consumer/user. In particular, consensus appears to exist as to the definition of the tourism product as the interpretation which tourists make of experiences they experience outside thei...
In Angola's current transition from a centralised economy to a market economy in the process of post-war reconstruction, the tourism development option may be considered a way of transferring the benefits of economic growth to the population. Although oil has generated substantial income in recent years, this has not been passed on to the majority...
Expectativas de los jóvenes hacia el trabajo y la emprendeduríala influencia del centro educativo y otros factores relevantes Autores: María Olga González Morales (coord.) Editores: Universidad de La Laguna, Servicio de Publicaciones Año de publicación: 2010 País: España Idioma: español ISBN: Otros catálogos Red de Bibliotecas Universitarias (REBIU...
The analysis of spatial mismatches in access to employment remains a very important area of labour market literature. A particular case is that of the mismatches in urban labour markets, which can result in substantial differences in the employment opportunities available in city centres and suburbs. This study examines the spatial mismatches prese...
Tourism develpment: economics, management and strategy, Primera edited by Alejandro D. Ramos, Pablo S. Jiménez, 12/2008: chapter Innovation among tourism entrepreneurs and the implication for rural development: the case of rural tourism in La Palma.
La isla de La Palma (Islas Canarias) ha sido uno de los destinos pioneros en la implantación del turismo rural en España. El carácter insular genera una diferencia en la demanda respecto al turista continental en función de la procedencia de larga distancia desde variados destinos internacionales a la isla. Esta particularidad ha querido ser estudi...
La isla de La Palma ha iniciado el giro hacia un incipiente desarrollo turístico en
el transcurso de los dos últimos decenios. De su tradicional modelo
agroambiental, de forma pausada pero inexorable, se ha ido deslizando hacia
el más especializado mundo de los servicios, tratando de incorporar el turismo
como un activo de su desarrollo.
En esta si...
The Canary Islands have an indisputable comparative and competitive edge within the European Union as regards their tourism products. The present study takes a segmented market approach to study the Canary Islands tourism market, featuring a range of tourism products, each of which satisfies to a greater or lesser extent the needs of one segment of...
La existencia de destinos turísticos maduros, como Canarias, con una creciente globalización
de la oferta turística y con la emergencia de un número considerable de destinos de sol y playa ubicados
en países menos desarrollados altamente competitivos en precios, hace que la mejora de la calidad en la
prestación de los servicios turísticos se haya c...
The Canary Islands have traditionally been a destination for mass tourism, a fact that is not, however, necessarily incompatible with a growing trend towards segmentation in tourist markets. In fact, the experience of other traditional destinations, like the Balearic Islands, shows that the two trends can take place at the same time. This article p...
In the context of the European Union countries, the Canary Islands have presented and continue to do so, unquestionable comparative and competitive advantages as supplier of tourism products that have lead to, driven more by managerial initiative and foreign capital than by the desire and initiative of the local population, a truly monocultural tou...
El estudio de los condicionantes para el desarrollo de una actividad empresarial en el medio rural por parte de la población femenina es abordada en esta obra. La contribución de las políticas de formación e igualdad de oportunidades, la evaluación de la eficacia de los programas de apoyo y el análisis de los servicios que individualmente han sido...
El estudio teórico de los componentes formales e informales en la formación de los trabajadores vinculados al turismo rural son analizados. Por un lado, la adquirida de manera consciente y programada y de otro lado, la informal adquirida en el propio puesto de trabajo y como resultado del aprendizaje derivado del contacto con el entorno y de las ex...
Reports a study of a Canary Island “internal labour
market” (a transnational cigarette manufacturer) analysing its
promotion ladders and ports of entry. Results reflect the importance an
employee attaches to years of service in a firm and describes the
general characteristics of the internal components of the internal
labour market.
La idea del mercado de trabajo como un conjunto de estructuras de promoción jerárquicas que, basadas en la antigüedad, operan en el seno de las empresas, responde a la visión de los autores institucionalistas de un mercado de trabajo segmentado. Estas estructuras de promoción que dichos autores denominan Mercados Internos de Trabajo (MITs), van a c...
El objetivo de este trabajo tiene una doble vertiente. Por un lado, analizar las expectativas de los alumnos de los centros de Educación Secundaria hacia estudios posteriores e intereses profesionales y, por otro, evaluar la posible influencia que la naturaleza del centro educativo (público/concertado/privado) puede ejercer sobre dichas expectativa...