Filipe Teixeira-DiasUniversity of Edinburgh | UoE · School of Engineering
Filipe Teixeira-Dias
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Mechanical Engineer and academic since 1993. Professor of Impulsive Dynamics at The University of Edinburgh (UK). Author of more than 250 publications, with over 70 in international peer-reviewed journals, more than 20 book chapters, 5 edited books and 1 authored book. Research areas cover impulsive and structural dynamics, blast and shock waves, ballistic impact, materials for energy absorption, sports impact and human bio-dynamics, computational and analytical methods.
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September 1992 - January 1997
January 1997 - July 2013
July 2009
March 2000
March 1995
Publications (197)
The safety of both military personnel and equipment in unstable regions has for a long time been a major issue and concern. Protective shelters with multiple configurations have been widely used to meet safety requirements. Since military compounds are subjected to different types of threats, such as the detonation of improvised explosive devices (...
Numerous studies have aimed to quantify and categorise the kinematics associated with sporting head impact to obtain a better understanding of the mechanisms of brain injury and observed increased risk of neurodegenerative disease resulting from contact sport participation [1-3]. To improve sensitivity of existing methods of head acceleration measu...
A set of non-linear optimisation algorithms are combined with a finite element simulation code to analyse the energy absorption and elastic stress wave propagation problem in multilayer/multi- material armour systems under ballistic impacts. An Abaqus Python script is used to simulate the ballistic event and to generate the variables and post-proce...
Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete (RC) structures with externally bonded reinforcement (EBR) using carbon fibre-reinforced polymers (CFRP) has in recent years received increased interest from specialists, particularly when dealing with protective structures against terrorist or accidental blast loading. Although a significant number of...
Mild traumatic brain injury within contact sports is a growing concern due to the serious risk of injury and concussion. Extensive research is being conducted looking into head kinematics during impacts in non-helmeted contact sports utilizing instrumented mouthguards, allowing researchers to record accelerations and velocities of the head during a...
Ballistic impacts are a primary risk in both civil and military defence applications, where successfully predicting the dynamic response of a material or structure to impact crucial to the design of safe and fit-for-purpose protective structures. This study proposes a conditional Generative Adversarial Network (cGAN) architecture that can learn dir...
The passive shielding of space craft structures is critical due to the increase in demand for lightweight protection, which is required to counter the damaging effects of micro-meteoroid orbital debris (MMOD) on unmanned spacecraft, which have steeply increased in recent years. Research on hypervelocity impact (HVI) led to the development of shield...
The response of structures subject to impulsive loads remains a field of intense research. Whilst traditional construction materials, such as steel and concrete/masonry, have been the focus of most studies, further research on the performance of alternative materials for blast-resistant applications has been driven by their growing use in sustainab...
Both in military and in law enforcement operations, the most commonly found small caliber threat is the ubiquitous Kalashnikov, also known as the AK-47 (or simply AK). For that reason, a detailed experimental and numerical study of the 7.62 x 39 M43 projectile was made. In this work, 7.62 x 39 mm mild steel core ammunition was fired against a rigid...
This study presents the experimental and numerical characterization of composite laminates manufactured using a novel method known as Advanced Placed Ply (AP-PLY). The behavior of cross-ply and quasi-isotropic AP-PLY laminates under uniaxial tension is compared with that of baseline laminates. Stiffness is found to be unaffected by the preforming p...
Local damage on concrete elements subjected to a contact detonation include spalling and cratering of the back and front face, respectively. This paper presents the results of a detailed experimental and numerical methodology aiming to analyse the influence of externally bonded fibre reinforced polymers (FRP) on the spalling phenomena of concrete w...
Maraging steel is a low carbon steel known for its ultra high-strength after heat treatment. In combination with Additive Manufacturing (AM), the properties of maraging steel indicate potential to enable complex geometries and improved performance-to-weight ratios for ballistic protection. This study investigates the ballistic performance of AM mar...
It is important to understand how ballistic materials respond to impact from projectiles such that informed decisions can be made in the design process of protective armour systems. Ballistic testing is a standards-based process where materials are tested to determine whether they meet protection, safety and performance criteria. For the V50 ballis...
A new theoretical energy-based model that predicts the ballistic behavior of thin woven compos- ite laminates is presented. This model formulated for high velocity impacts, where the boundary conditions (applied at the external edges of the impacted plate) do not play a relevant role. This can be assumed as the mechanical waves do not reach the bor...
The propagation of shock waves in confined environments is a complex phenomenon due to the potential for a multiplicity of reflections, diffraction and superposition of waves. The study of such wave propagation effects, which is different from the propagation of shock waves in free-field scenarios, is not entirely described in literature, especiall...
The following is a review of the processes currently employed when validating the intracranial response of Finite Element Head Models (FEHM) against blunt impacts. The authors aim to collate existing validation tools, their applications and findings on their effectiveness to aid researchers in the validation of future FEHM and potential efforts in...
This paper presents a novel coupling between the Total Lagrangian and Eulerian formulations of the Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) method. It is implemented such that a Total Lagrangian formulation can adaptively convert to an Eulerian formulation (referred to as AdapTLE in this work) and applied to high-velocity impact problems. The novel coup...
This work deals with the modelling and numerical simulation of aluminium stiffened panels, assembled by means of friction stir welding (FSW) operations, and subjected to compressive loads that can catastrophically induce buckling (global or local) unstable modes and, subsequently, overall failure. Due to their geometrical complexity, added to local...
The need to develop armour systems to protect against attacks from various sources is increasingly a matter of personal, social and national security. To develop innovative armour systems it is necessary to monitor developments being made on the type, technology and performance of the threats (weapons, projectiles, explosives, etc.) Specifically, t...
A numerical model is developed and validated to analyse the performance of aluminium skin and agglomerated cork core sandwich plates subjected to blast loads. Two numerical approaches are used and thoroughly compared to generate the blast loading: an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian approach and the Load Blast Enhanced method. Both of the models are v...
A finite element model to predict the ballistic behaviour of woven GFRP laminates is presented. This finite element model incorporates a new constitutive model based on a continuum damage mechanics approach able to predict the performance of these laminates under high-velocity impacts. The material parameters of the model are identified from the li...
The use of externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites on Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures is a widely accepted technique when it comes to the enhancement of blast protection capabilities. However, its effect on the response of RC structures under contact detonations is not well explained and its presence in literature is limited...
This research concerns the crashworthiness enhancement of a model of a Boeing 737-200 fuselage section. Using a validated numerical specimen, four thin-walled crushable hybrid energy absorbers are added to the aircraft to work as vertical struts. The absorbers are composed of a hollow aluminium tube, a star-shaped glass fibre–reinforced polymer inn...
This research concerns the crashworthiness study and enhancement of commercial aircraft fuselage structures by incorporating crushable hybrid energy absorbers to work as vertical struts. To assess their contribution on a representative aircraft structure, a numerical simulation of a Boeing 737-200 drop test is developed and validated with experimen...
The design of protective structures is a complex task mostly due to threat-related unknowns, such as the exact kinetic energy of the impactor and the dominant energy dissipation mechanisms. The design process is often costly and inefficient due to the number of these unknowns and to the cost of necessary steps such as laboratory testing and numeric...
The security of both personnel and sensitive equipment is of crucial importance for the success of military operations, where the construction of defensive compounds based on 20ft ISO container is a common strategy. Pressure-impulse (P-I) diagrams are widely used as a rapid and intuitive tool to investigate the blast response of structural elements...
This work deals with the effective modelling and simulation of the behavior of stiffened panels, when subjected to compressive (buckling) loads. Within the Finite Element Method, two numerical strategies are compared, namely the Riks method and the displacement incremental control method, including damping effects. The capabilities and limitations...
The propagation of blast and shock waves in confined environments is a complex phenomenon; yet, being able to derive valid predictions of such phenomena is highly relevant, for example, when it comes to the assessment of protection of personnel in military environments. This study looks at the propagation of blast waves inside a compound survival s...
The terms perforation and penetration are used frequently throughout this chapter. It should however be noted that there is a significant difference between the two terms. Penetration refers to the ballistic impact of a target which results in the projectile becoming embedded or ricocheting off the target. Perforation describes the projectile impac...
The use of externally bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites on Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures is now a widely accepted technique when it comes to the enhancement of blast protection capabilities. This paper presents a numerical parametric study to examine the influence of different strengthening-related parameters on the overall bla...
Propagation of shock waves in partially- or fully-confined environments is a complex phenomenon due to the possibility of multiple reflections, diffractions and superposition of waves. In a military context, the study of such phenomena is of extreme relevance to the evaluation of protection systems, such as survival containers, for personnel and eq...
Dynamic behaviour of Reinforced Concrete (RC) structures can be assessed using a Single-Degree-of-Freedom (SDOF) approach. Such a method is highly dependent on the resistance curve of the structure which is generally represented by a bilinear elasto-perfectly-plastic approximation. This approximation might lead to erroneous results when it refers t...
The response of structures and materials subject to impulsive loads remains a field of intense research. The dynamic loading and temperature increase affect the material’s mechanical/failure response. For example, strains due to explosive blast will increase at rates from 10^2 to 10^4 /s, leading to regimes of elastic/plastic wave propagation, plan...
The detonation of explosives inside closed spaces, such as industrial facilities or naval vessels, is a very complex phenomenon mainly characterised by an enhancement of internal overpressures and wave reflexions. However, the phenomenon is relevant to the analysis of the effect of accidental or intentional explosions. Examples include, for example...
A numerical model is developed to analyse the influence of the shape of a high-explosive on the dynamics of the generated pressure wave. A Multi-Material Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian (MM-ALE) technique is used as the CONWEP approach is not adequate to model such situations. Validation and verification of the proposed numerical model is achieved ba...
In this work a numerical model is proposed to simulate Friction Stir Welding (FSW) process in AA2024-T3 plates. This model included a softening model that account for the temperature history and the hardness distribution on a welded plate can thus be predicted. The validation of the model was performed using experimental measurements of the hardnes...
Currently, military helmets have greatly reduced the risk of penetrating injuries and saved the lives of many soldiers. However, the risk of a non-penetrating impact has increased and can lead to serious injuries. Behind-helmet blunt trauma is an injury to the human body that results from the back face deformation of the head protection armour syst...
In the past few years, military helmets have greatly reduced the risk of penetrating injuries and saved the lives of many soldiers. However, the risk of a non-penetrating impact has increased and can lead to serious injuries. Behind-helmet blunt trauma (BHBT) is an injury to the human body that results from the back face deformation (BFD) of the he...
The integrity of buildings and the safety of their occupants can be catastrophically affected by the action of contact or near-field explosions. Numerical simulation studies should be carried out in order to better understand the response of reinforced concrete (RC) structures to such dynamic impulsive actions. When concrete structural elements are...
Topology optimisation defines a set of tools associated to the modelling of an effective material domain within structural optimisation. Based on this type of optimisation, it is possible to obtain an optimal material distribution for several applications and requirements. Cellular materials are part of the most prominent materials today, both in t...
The number of victims of attacks from improvised explosive devices (IED), especially from roadside bombs where explosively formed projectiles (EFP) are frequently used, has steeply increased until 2011. Understanding these threats, how they are built and predicting how they interact with targets is of utmost importance. For this purpose it is first...
In recent years, Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) has been used to model a variety of objects and for a number of applications in engineering and science. Much research has been dedicated to forming a better understanding of the SPH method. As a consequence, new numerical techniques have been developed in order to overcome some of its difficul...
The main objective of the present work is to assess the influence of several parameters relevant for Finite Element Analysis (FEA) in modelling Friction Stir Welding (FSW) processes on AA2024-T3 plates. Several tests were performed including variations on the type of shell elements, number of integration points across thickness direction and mesh r...
The ballistic helmet shells used today are made of a single layer (typically composite material) offering good protection against fragments but only limited protection against small calibre projectiles. However, nowadays, due to changes in the type of warfare and the desired higher standard of protection, an improvement of the ballistic protection...
The main objective of the present work is to investigate the effect of the residual stresses originated by the friction stir welding (FSW) process in the compressive strength of aluminium alloy plates. The finite element method (FEM) is used to simulate the welding process and calculate the distribution of the residual stresses. The model is valida...
The mechanical behaviour of welded structures can be significantly affected by the effects of the employed joining process. The main goal of this work is to assess the influence of the longitudinal residual stresses on the overall compressive performance of aluminium friction stir welded plates. Longitudinal residual stress distribution was measure...
This paper is focused on the study of an earthquake protection system, the tuned liquid damper (TLD), which can, if adequately designed, reduce earthquake demands on buildings. This positive effect is accomplished taking into account the oscillation of the free surface of a fluid inside a tank (sloshing). The behaviour of an isolated TLD, subjected...
Dyneema HB26 and HB80 are two types of composite materials that can be used in personal armour systems such as vests and helmets to protect against a wide range of ballistics threats. A numerical model is developed and presented for the impact of a small calibre projectile on Dyneema HB26 and HB80 composite panels. This work focuses on determining...
Recent major earthquakes around the world have evidenced that research in earthquake engineering must be directed to the vulnerability assessment of existing constructions lacking appropriate seismic resisting characteristics. Their retrofit or replacement should be made in order to reduce vulnerability, and consequent risk, to currently accepted l...
Finite element and local strain approach predictions of cyclic stress-strain were investigated for five different types of notched AlCu4.5Mn specimens. Concentration factors for each specimen were determined and compared with those available in literature. Average values and ranges for both elastoplastic stresses and strains were obtained, for seve...
Stiffened panels are lightweight structures with high resistance, composed by a base plate with stiffeners in one or more directions. The structural design, in most cases, focuses mainly on the longitudinal compressive loads that the panels are subjected to and can safely withstand. Welding processes used to build large stiffened structures, such a...
The research here presented is focused on the evaluation of the dynamic behaviour of a closed-cell aluminium foam using the split Hopkinson pressure bar (SHPB) test. On a first approach, the influence of the material of the bars was studied and, as a consequence, polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) was chosen as the most suitable material to be used in t...
In the present work, a set of finite element analyses (FEA) was carried out, using Abaqus to reproduce the mechanical behaviour of integrally stiffened panels when subject to longitudinal compression. Since most fabrication processes, such as welding, introduce distortions and affect the material properties, the sensitivity to these defects was ass...
In this article the authors analyse the characteristics, properties and behaviour of a new composite mate-rial, called Core-Y, resulting from the combination of granular cork and an epoxy resin. This article com-prises three main parts. The first describes the manufacturing process of Core-Y. The second develops an experimental study of the materia...
This paper presents an experimental analysis of the cyclical behaviour of a novel composite material made from a traditional mortar with incorporation of granulated cork. This material is hereby designated by CorBe. Specimens with 0%, 15% and 30% of cork addition, in volume of the mixture, were prepared and tested. Four types of cork with different...
This work studies the capacity of cork to act as material for the absorption of impact energy. Focus is given on the viability of hybrid paddings consisting of micro-agglomerate cork (MAC) and expanded poly-styrene (EPS) through simulations of multi-impacts. EPS is a widely used material for energy absorption applications. However, once deformed, i...
The experimental characterisation of the dynamic (blast) behaviour of micro-agglomerated cork is presented. A 4-cable ballistic pendulum system was used to measure the transmitted impulse to a target subjected to a shock-wave originated from the detonation of an explosive. The displacement of the pendulum and the transmitted impulse were measured a...
Stiffened panels are composed of a base plate with stiffeners in one or more directions, leading to lightweight structures with high resistance. The structural design, in most cases, focuses mainly on the longitudinal compressive loads that the panels are subjected and can safely withstand. In the present work, a set of Finite Element Method Analys...
The efficiency of cork as a material dedicated to energy absorption under impact loading is studied in the present work. The viability of the application of micro-agglomerate cork (MAC) padding on a motorcycle helmet, is studied using finite element simulations of impact tests, considering the specifications of the European Standard ECE-R.22/05.