Filip Wijkström

Filip Wijkström
Stockholm School of Economics · Department of Management and Organization

Associate Professor (docent)


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I focus on civil society actors and their many modes of organising. I have a particular interest in governance, welfare, hybrid organizing, religion and the shifting roles of civil society in modern society. We often use comparative approaches where embeddedness and different national regimes are made explicit, and empirirically, we aim at the organized civil society sphere: voluntary agencies, nonprofits, social movements, foundations, social enterprises etc. Please visit
Additional affiliations
November 2012 - October 2013
Stockholm University
  • Visiting Professor
January 1998 - present
Stockholm School of Economics
  • Director, Research Center
May 2001 - present
Stockholm School of Economics
  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (97)
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Government-voluntary sector “compacts” have emerged in the recent years as an innovative nonprofit policy practice in many industrialized countries around the world. Originating in England in the late 1990s, the compact phenomenon has today spread to societies with relatively different tracks of inter-sectorial relations and different civil society...
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This article focuses on transnational intermediary organizations in higher education and research. We conceive of intermediaries as organizations that are actively involved in transnational university governance without having formal access to or control over policy or governmental funding. Such intermediary organizations have in previous research...
The article applies a field theory approach to further the analysis of grassroots movements in an urban context. By employing the theoretical framework of Strategic Action Fields merged with the concept of norm entrepreneurs and combined with an idea of networks of challengers, two parallel but different social movement networks in Poland are analy...
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Edited by Gemma Donnelly-Cox (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland), Michael Meyer (WU Vienna, Austria) and Filip Wijkström (Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden), this multi-perspective Research Handbook provides a clear pathway through the nonprofit governance research field, pushing beyond the borders of current theory to expand and deepen the analy...
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The case for theoretical scrutiny of philanthropy's achievements and problems, in the institutional settings in which it operates, has never been stronger. In this introduction to IJMR’s special issue on philanthropy, we examine the developing levels and directions of institutional philanthropy scholarship, together with the consensual and contradi...
Conference Paper
It's been more than half a century since the notion of urban social movement was first introduced by Manuel Castells (1972) to describe the collective action in the context of increased severity of “urban problems” and their importance to the population as well as public policies. This paper focuses on better understanding how and to what extent co...
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Short text presenting a study of Swedish civil society organizations and their work during three different extraordinary situations (or crises): the European Refugee "crisis" of 2015/16, the COVID pandemic and the refugee situation emerging as a consequence of Russias war against Ukraine. In the study we focus on the organizational learning as well...
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The book reports on a study on the work of a group of Swedish civil society organizations during three different crisis situation: the Swedish reception of refugees in 2015/16, the COVID-19 pandemic and the reception of refugees during the Russian full-scale war in Ukraine in 2022.
Conference Paper
This text is an early draft based on parts of an on-going study – on national large scale crisis management in Sweden (e.g. fires, pandemics, floodings, refugee receptions etc) and the role of non-profit organizations in these efforts. We discuss two theoretical ambitions in the project – on partial organization (organization between organizations)...
Conference Paper
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This paper addresses the role(s) of intermediary actors in the transition towards and the institutionalization of Open Access (OA) publishing in Sweden and Austria. The OA notion was in both of the countries introduced and supported by a small group of intermediary organizations, but at different points in time, and the transformation was mediated...
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The non-profit governance literature is emerging, multilevel, and disparate. This chapter provides a critical review of the scholarly literature on non-profit governance, identifies the distinctive and currently most important theoretical frameworks in the field, and outlines the models of good non-profit governance that have emerged, discussing th...
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We examine the effects of school choice reforms implemented in the early 1990s in two different settings: Sweden and Milwaukee (WI, U.S.). We show how both the ideological and theoretical arguments for choice reform were similar in the two contexts, yet the consequences in terms of the organizational outcome and institutional sector configuration e...
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Denna studie är ett bidrag till vår växande kunskap om det nya fenomenet Compacts – eller på svenska ’överenskommelser’ – mellan organisationer ur det civila samhället och regeringen eller kommuner och regioner i det lokala. Konkret handlar den om på vilket sätt tillkomsten i Sverige av överenskommelser på det sociala området mellan det civila samh...
This article deals with the policy discourse on social innovation at the European Union (EU) level as well as across nine European countries. We perform an exploratory analysis of relevant policy documents focusing on articulated policy authority, suggested actors, and key outcomes of social innovation. We also conduct an explanatory testing of the...
Conference Paper
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We study the role of intermediary bodies in the governance and transformation of the rules for publication (through the OA-supportive policies and mechanisms) in the university fields in Austria and Sweden, respectively. The aim of the paper is to contribute to the development of the literature on Strategic Action Fields and through a comparative a...
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Published in August 2018 by the United Nations Statistics Division, the new handbook Satellite Account on Nonprofit and Related Institutions and Volunteer Work calls on national statistical agencies to produce statistics for civil society. The handbook provides guidelines for producing statistics as part of the agencies’ regular official economic d...
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Co-operatives are constitutional hybrids where the hybridity is laid down in structural components such as rules and regulations and is visible in ownership arrangements and organizational mission. We seek to advance the current scholarly debate on organizational governance by applying a structural and processual analytical framework on empirical d...
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En utvärdering med övergripande syfte att beskriva och analysera den omfattande portfölj av projekt som har beviljats medel ur Allmänna arvsfonden. Vi försöker fånga in och bättre förstå den typ av nytta som denna omfattande verksamhet kan sägas ha genererat. Det kan handla om en nytta som uppstår i samhället som helhet, för de enskilda målgruppern...
Conference Paper
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In recent decades, attention has been directed at the emergence of transnational governance arrangements in different areas in society. In a growing number of fields, policy making is being gradually transformed as it is no longer the domain of state actors only, but includes also a whole range of private or nonstate actors, with the borderlines be...
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Foundations and philanthropy currently play a very limited role in the Swedish welfare. The same is true in fields like Culture and Recreation or International Activities. Only in the case of funding of research do Swedish foundations exhibit a role possible to define in terms of substitution rather than weak complementarity in relation to governme...
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This article focuses on transnational intermediary organizations in the field of higher education and research. We conceive of intermediaries as organizations that are actively involved in transnational university governance without having formal access to or control over policy or governmental funding. Such intermediary organizations have in previ...
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This chapter focuses on transnational intermediary organizations in higher education and research. We conceive of intermediaries as organizations that are actively involved in transnational university governance without having formal access to or control over policy or governmental funding. Such intermediary organizations have in previous research...
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Ibland ses det civila samhället som en alltigenom svensk historia. Här uppmärksammas istället dess plats i ett TRANSNATIONELLT RUM av ständigt tilltagande aktivitet och växande flöden av människor, resurser, information och idéer. De idéer som bär organisationslivets FRÅGOR och FORMER har rest in från andra delar av världen. De översätts och vävs i...
Conference Paper
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The paper contributes conceptually and empirically. Our empirical data is longitudinal and focused on the practice of members in the democratic governance of cooperatives. Our cases are two large Swedish producer cooperatives in agriculture – Lantmännen (farmers) and Södra (forest owners) – in which we analyze formal motions for the Annual General...
Conference Paper
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In the last couple of decades, the Swedish welfare system has been opened up for private providers, among them civil society organizations (CSOs). However, we know surprisingly little about how the production of welfare is governed and controlled within CSOs, we actually know little about the nature of the governance chain in these organizations mo...
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Kungl. Sällskapet Pro Patria, som bildades 1766, har framförallt varit känt för att man inrättade Sveriges första barnbördshus. Syftet var att stävja barnamorden och erbjuda förlossningsvård både för fattiga kvinnor och för välbeställda som önskade föda anonymt. Barnbördshuset upphörde 1951 men Sällskapet har fortsatt att dela ut medaljer och ge bi...
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En studie av projektledarens arbetssituation i projekt finansierade av Allmänna arvsfonden I denna rapport redovisas en studie av projektledare och projekt som har finansierats med medel ur Allmänna arvsfonden under perioden 2012–2014. Syftet med undersökningen har varit att kartlägga vilka projektledarna är och hur deras ledargärning ser ut för a...
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Det svenska samhällskontraktet omförhandlas sedan ett par decennier tillbaka och det civila samhällets organisationsliv omgestaltas i processen. Samtidigt är just det civila samhället och dess idéburna och idébärande organisationer troligen de allra viktigaste aktörerna i den nu pågående omförhandlingen. Omförhandlingen handlar i stora stycken om...
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In recent years, many Polish cities have become the sites where a new urban movement emerges, shaped in the meeting between the engagement of neighborhood activists around what Mergler (2008) has called a "concrete narrative" of particular space and everyday needs, and the inspiration of internationally connected "norm entrepreneurs" (Finnemore and...
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Det svenska samhällskontraktet omförhandlas sedan ett par decennier tillbaka och det civila samhällets organisationsliv omgestaltas i processen. Samtidigt är just det civila samhället och dess idéburna och idébärande organisationer troligen de allra viktigas-te aktörerna i den nu pågående omförhandlingen. Omförhandlingen handlar i stora stycken om...
Conference Paper
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Co-operative and mutual entities in most developed societies have been through an interesting development during the last decades. The duality that traditionally has characterized this type of organization and its activities – an integrated balance between commercial imperatives and logics on the one hand and some kind of more value-based rationali...
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This chapter argues for a more holistic systems approach to the complex topic of civil society and governance. First, an important link between “internal” (organizational) and “external” (societal) governance is established. Second, the capacity and role of civil society organizations to redraw and re-define the borders and the rules of – and not o...
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The aim of this chapter is twofold. First we seek to disentangle and conceptualize the analytical relationship between “civil society” and “governance.” This is a tricky endeavour, not only because civil society itself is an elusive concept understood differently by different actors and in different contexts, but also because governance has hithert...
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Bokkapitel är skrivet för Folkuniversitetet, för publicering under 2015. Manus under arbete. Författaren har här vidareutvecklat en föreläsning han höll vid ett seminarium anordnat av Folkuniversitetet i Umeå, september 2014. Här tecknas huvuddragen i en omvandling av civilsamhället som nu pågår och som är central för att förstå vart den ideella se...
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Kapitel baserat på en föreläsning vid ett seminarium anordnat av Folkuniversitetet i Umeå, september 2014, för publicering i Medborgarnas Europa (Folkuniversitetet 2015). I kapitlet tecknas huvuddragen i en omvandling av det civila samhället som pågår och som är central för att förstå vart den ideella sektorn och dess många olika organisationer ä...
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I början av 1990-talet, för nu drygt 20 år sedan, publicerades en statlig offentlig utredning med titeln "Frivilligt socialt arbete" (SOU 1993:82). Utredningen kom som en del av den dåvarande Socialtjänstkommitténs arbete och vi väljer av flera skäl att ta avstamp för vårt kapitel i denna SOU Man kan säga att denna statliga utredning utgjorde ett f...
Technical Report
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The Swedish foundation sector contains a large number of important research foundations which act as important funders of expensive equipment and buildings but which are also prominent as funders and initiators of individual research projects. Through their distinct legal status, research foundations are, according to our respondents, able to ident...
Conference Paper
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In this paper we’re proposing a field theory approach to the analysis of urban social movements. We use the example of an emerging Polish urban grassroots’ civil society movement to illustrate the application of a novel theoretical framework suggested and developed by Fligstein and McAdam in their recent book “A Theory of Fields”.
Conference Paper
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Since 2008 we observe the intensification of grassroot neighbourhood activism in Polish cities along with popularization of the Lefebvre’s idea of the “right to the city” among urban activists (Lefebvre 1968, Harvey 2012). With a number of international actors on global level promoting the idea of “placemaking”, Poland becomes a country where a dyn...
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What is the nature of the political agency of civil society organisations? As the research community concerned with civil society is a multidisciplinary and diverse one, it is not surprising that there is a lack of a common understanding of the concept of civil society, as well as of a common theoretical framework that would allow us to understand...
Technical Report
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The screening of previous literature, existing policies, and recent trends reveals that up to now there is only little research on the connection between social innovation policy and civil society. In only a few EU-projects clear links are established between social innovation and third sector or civil society, some of which rather connect social i...
Technical Report
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The screening of previous literature, existing policies, and recent trends reveals that up to now there is only little research on the connection between social innovation policy and civil society. In only a few EU-projects clear links are established between social innovation and third sector or civil society, some of which rather connect social i...
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Trust Regimes contributes to a further discussion of the conflicts and dilemmas arising as a result of the transformation trust undergoes when it is concretised in varying institutional contexts. © Marta Reuter, Filip Wijkström, and Bengt Kristensson Uggla, 2013. All rights reserved.
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What is the role of social trust in society and in organizational life? Does trust, as many imagine, function as a sort of a web that holds together the entire machinery of society, as a lubricant that oils the wheels of exchange and transactions? Or is it, in reality, a loose but sticky glue that produces inertia and slowness of reaction, hamperin...
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Det svenska samhällskontraktet befinner sig i omvandling, men riktningen är inte given. Utifrån observationen att det tidigare kontraktet mer systematiskt tycks vara ifrågasatt och därmed befinner sig under omprövning, och med stöd i antologins övriga bidrag, identifieras här mönster i den framväxande nya arkitekturen. Olika avtal och överenskommel...
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Vilken roll spelar den sociala tilliten i samhälle och organisationsliv? Fungerar den verkligen som det klassiska kitt som håller ihop hela maskineriet och det smörjmedel som underlättar utbyten och transaktioner? Eller är det snarare ett klibbigt klister som skapar tröghet, stänger inne och försvårar rörlighet? Vilka mekanismer har utvecklats i de...
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The scholarly interest in governance has peaked remarkably within the social sciences in the last couple of decades (Kitthananan 2006; Kjaer 2004; Pierre 2000). The multi-faceted usage of the governance concept found in the study of civil society indicates that more than one phenomenon is in fact being addressed, and that several different approach...
Conference Paper
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The issue of the role of civil society and its organizations (CSOs) as agents or actors in wider society is an analytically and ideologically contested terrain. Depending on whom we ask, the examples of this role can range from representation of collective interests, through production and delivery of welfare services, to promotion of various value...
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This chapter paints a broad picture of the transformations that the Nordic civil societies and their organizations are currently undergoing by putting the present developments into historical perspective. Focusing throughout the discussion on the two fundaments on which civil society rests – its organizations and its people – the ways in which thes...
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Membership organizations embedded in social and popular movements constitute the hallmark of Nordic and Scandinavian civil societies. Will this "popular movement marinade" survive? The volume analyzes the impact of trends like professionalization, transnationalization and marketi-zation on Scandinavian civil societies. Drivers, processes and outcom...
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Detta är ett särtryck ur Civilsamhällets många ansikten : en samling essäer, 1995-2010 © Filip Wijkström och medförfattare, 2010 ISBN 978-91-7258-824-0 (EFI vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm) ISBN 978-91-86641-00-9 (European Civil Society Press) Distribution: OM SVENSKA STIFTELSER Filip Wijkström (2001)
Conference Paper
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The aim of this article is to problematise some of the analytical and normative assumptions underlying much of the contemporary political science debate on civil society and governance. In this debate, notions such as “democracy” and “good governance” are often viewed and treated as objective constants against which the actions and proprieties of c...
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Sweden has a long an rich foundation history, but foundations are also found in the midst of a number of challenging societal transformations. Excluding the absolutely smallest foundations, there exist some 15,000 larger ones today. This chapter focuses on the approximately 11,500 public benefit foundations among these. They represent an important...
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Delvis i det tysta pågår sedan ett drygt decennium omfattande förändringar i den svenska välfärden. I många fall saknas dock både analysverktyg och relevant statistik för att kunna följa utvecklingen. I Sverige har sedan länge den förhärskande föreställningen varit att samhället består av två sektorer – den offentliga (stat, kommun och landsting) r...
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Ett grundläggande antagande i vårt arbete är därför att om en ideell organisation – konsekvent och över längre tid - ska kunna bidra med något annat (ett mervärde) än vad näringsliv eller offentlig sektor är eller gör så måste detta vara förankrat i någon form av stabil skillnad (en särart). Särarten kan till exempel ligga i sättet att organisera s...
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Uppmärksamheten och intresset för verksamhet organiserad av andra än stat, kommun eller företag har successivt ökat under 1990-talet och de första åren in på 2000-talet. Detta sker i Sverige men också i många andra länder. Aktörer på fl era olika områden i samhället lyfter i samtal och analyser allt tydligare och oftare in organisationer som varken...
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In his new book about the U.K. voluntary sector, Jeremy Kendall combines knowledge gained in large-scale quantitative surveys and unique statistical data of his own with more recent soft-line qualitative research to build his story of the “loose and baggy monster” (p. 215), the colorful phrase used to describe the sector in Britain. The book can be...
Conference Paper
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The existence and scale of formal memberships in a country or a region have often been used as an indicator of the country’s degree of civility or the civic and voluntary engagement in the population (Almond and Verba 1963; Curtis, Grabb and Baer 1992; Curtis Baer and Grabb 2001; Putnam 2000). At the same time, many of the larger nonprofit organisa...
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Civil society organizations are found in all possible parts of Swedish society, conducting a multitude of different tasks, involving all types of people in a rainbow-like organizational plethora. We can understand civil society development as a number of waves of interpretations of problems and new needs in society – and the particular social movem...
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Idéburna eller ideella organisationer som formellt står utanför såväl statsapparat som näringsliv finns idag inom alla delar av det svenska samhället. Vi återfinner dem inom allt från rikets styrning och försvar till områden som religion, kultur och fritid men även i vården och omsorgen. Inom de flesta områden (förutom till exempel idrotten och den...
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An important finding from our study on the roles and visions of Swedish foundations is that foundations in Sweden – as a group or a population – have assumed different roles in different time periods. Looking at the foundation population as a whole, we seem to be able to describe this shift in focus over time as some kind of flexible function for t...
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More than a decade ago, an observer wondered whether a Swedish nonprofit sector existed at all. Another researcher concluded that the nonprofit sector in Sweden must be very small, this based on the limited amount of traditional welfare services it produces. This was the stereotypical and somewhat biased picture of Sweden’s nonprofit sector that to...
Technical Report
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Sweden has a long and rich foundation history, but foundations are today also found in the midst of a number of challenging societal transformations. Excluding the absolutely smallest, some 15 000 larger foundations operate in a wide variety of fields. I will here focus on the approximately 11 500 larger public benefit foundations. Excluded are “la...
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The previous picture of the nonprofit sector in Sweden has been biased by a narrow US perspective. Mainstream nonprofit literature seems to neglect work carried out in the important but more complex tradition of the civil society. In this article, recent cross-national data reflecting both these paradigms are presented. This gives us a better pictu...
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Sammanfattning. Organisationer som inte är del av nationalstaten, men inte heller av näringslivet, har åtminstone under de senaste två århundradena varit ett viktigt inslag i det svenska samhället. Det gäller inte minst när det har handlat om hur vår välfärd har byggts upp och organiserats. Under senare år har dessa ideella organisationer ökat sin...
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I svenska folkrörelser diskuteras idag det egna ledarskapet och hur detta kan utvecklas och förnyas. Inom organisationerna söker förtroendevalda och högre tjänstemän efter nya former och metoder, perspektiv och förhållningssätt, för att försöka förstå och vidareutveckla ledning och organisering av både traditionella verksamheter och nya aktiviteter...
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Medborgarna i TV-soffan – och föreningslivet på dekis. Snart är det sociala kapitalet i USA förbrukat, varnar statsvetaren Robert Putnam. Och svenska olyckskorpar kraxar i kapp. Men ryktet om civilsamhällets död är betydligt överdrivet. (av Filip Wijkström)
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Sweden is considered to be a social-democratic welfare state regime, and in the paper the importance of the popular movements, the membership and volunteering, and the general negligence of nonprofit activities in the mainstream welfare state literature are highlighted and discussed. Some observers speculate whether there exists a nonprofit sector...
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Hittills har fenomen som Basta Arbetskooperativ och Roo Gård (som drivs av Länkarna i Johanneshov, Stockholm) tillfört såväl den svenska debatten som praktiken på området en intressant dimension. Förväntningarna och förhoppningarna på dessa försök tycks på många håll vara stora samtidigt som det verkar finnas många skeptiker. Rehabilitering av miss...
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Föreningen Kooperativa Studier strävar efter att utveckla och bidra till samtalet om kooperation och kooperativa verksamhet i samhället. En uttalad målsättning i föreningens verksamhet idag är att utvidga samtalet om kooperation, till exempel genom att ge ut denna årsbok. Vi söker i denna strävan efter en bredare nordisk plattform, samtidigt som vi...
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An important component of comparative third sector research seeks to identify and explain differences in levels of volunteering in different countries. Sometimes the research draws on data collected in country-specific studies; sometimes researchers use the same survey instrument across several countries. A fundamental question that does not seem t...
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This is a PhD dissertation in two parts. In addition to the four papers found in this volume, Different Faces of Civil Society (EFl, Stockholm, 1998), the major publication is a book entitled The nonprofit sector in Sweden (Lundström and Wijkström, Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1997). The book is the result of a joint effort by Tommy Lun...
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I artikeln beskrivs ett annorlunda sätt att organisera rehabilitering av missbrukare i Sverige. Basta Arbetskooperativ drivs helt och hållet utan anställda som har sin professionella hemvist i vård- och behandlingsssektorn. Istället utgörs kärnan i verksamheten av före detta missbrukare. I den speciella organisationsform som Basta Arbetskooperativ...
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The American sociologist, John Boli, wonders whether a Swedish non-profit sector exists at all. His provocative sector question stems from the understanding tat Swedish non-profit organizations are so dependent on the state that their autonomy can be called into question (boil 1991). In another study, American economist Estelle James concludes that...
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ABSTRACT†The Swedish welfare system was developed in an incremental fashion in an interaction between the state and a range of voluntary organizations. Consequently, Swedish voluntary organizations do not quite fit accepted typologies, with regard to underlying normative principles, fields of activity and organizational forms. The absolute size of...
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Limited knowledge of the Swedish nonprofit sector has resulted in the lack of an adequate framework for discussing and debating the sector's nature and future. Existing terminology offers a complex mixture of sometimes overlapping, sometimes contradictory, terms and concepts. For these reasons, the idea of treating the diverse set of nonprofit or v...


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