Filip Verloove

Filip Verloove
Meise Botanic Garden · Spermatophytes


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I have been studying non-native vascular plants (invasives as well as casuals) since about 30 years now, initially in Belgium but since many years also in other parts of (south-) western Europe (mainly France, Italy, Portugal and Spain + Macaronesia). My research mostly emphasizes on recognition (identification) and taxonomy, usually of complex or poorly understood taxa. Special groups of interest are Poaceae, Cyperaceae, Artemisia and certain succulent families such as Cactaceae and Agavaceae.
Additional affiliations
March 2003 - present
Meise Botanic Garden
  • Researcher


Publications (319)
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Bassia scoparia is a widespread weedy species in the temperate regions of the world and is valued as a medicinal and ornamental plant. To date, the taxonomic concept of B. scoparia remains insufficiently studied due to a limited number of samples used in the previous phylogenetic analyses. To solve the taxonomy of the B. scoparia complex, we constr...
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Based on fieldwork in May and June 2024, a number of alien taxa are reported as new to Crete (or even to Greece in general): Bidens subalternans, Commelina erecta, Datura wrightii, Dimorphotheca ecklonis, Euphorbia cyathophora, Leucaena leucocephala, Oenothera rosea, Paraserianthes lophantha, Senecio angu-latus and Washingtonia robusta. For a numbe...
The increased risk of outbreaks of plant pests due to globalization and climate change requires up‐to‐date knowledge and quick and validated detection and identification methods. DNA barcoding and sequence analysis are increasingly used for diagnostics in phytosanitary laboratories. These methods use (short) genomic sequences specific to a well‐def...
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Fieldwork in the autumn of 2023 in the Spanish provinces of Castellón and Valencia yielded some interesting plant records, mainly (but not exclusively) of non-native taxa. Their degree of naturalization varies from ephemeral garden escapes (such as Clerodendrum trichotomum or Erythrina crista-galli) to well-established, fast-spreading weeds (such a...
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Observations on rare or increasing plants in Lille and surrounding areas (Nord department, France). Several years of fieldwork in the Lille metropolitan area (France, department Nord), mostly between 2020 and 2023, yielded numerous interesting records of vascular plants. Many thermophilous species have recently reached the area and seem to be in th...
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As a result of fieldwork in the island of Madeira (Portugal) in the autumn of 2021 and the spring of 2022, nine non-native grasses are newly reported: Axonopus fissifolius, Chloris pycnothrix, Digitaria radicosa, D. violascens, Eragrostis multicaulis, Nassella hyalina, Paspalum notatum, P. urvillei and Sporobolus aff. fertilis. All are at least loc...
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This article reports on Cenchrus spinifex Cav. (Poaceae) as a new alien species in Croatia. Cenchrus spinifex was found in autumn 2023 on the Pelješac peninsula in the southernmost part of the country. It occurs on ruderal sites with sandy soils. The morphology, habitat and distribution of the species in the Mediterranean and south-east Europe are...
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This article reports on Cenchrus spinifex Cav. (Poaceae) as a new alien species in Croatia. Cenchrus spinifex was found in autumn 2023 on the Pelješac peninsula in the southernmost part of the country. It occurs on ruderal sites with sandy soils. The morphology, habitat and distribution of the species in the Mediterranean and southeast Europe are b...
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Speciation in plants may not always be the outcome of a gene flow barrier followed by gradual mutations, selection, and drift; instead hybridization and polyploidization events can play a significant role. Consequently, species delimitation can be difficult, as morphological assessments or genotyping assays using standard molecular markers (e.g. Sa...
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The fundamental value of universal nomenclatural systems in biology is that they enable unambiguous scientific communication. However, the stability of these systems is threatened by recent discussions asking for a fairer nomenclature, raising the possibility of bulk revision processes for "inappropriate" names. It is evident that such proposals co...
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This study updates the distribution and status of Arctotheca calendula (L.) Levyns (Asteraceae, Cichorioideae) in continental North Africa (Algeria and Tunisia). Field surveys carried out mainly in northeastern Algeria (from 2021 to 2024) and northern Tunisia (from 2004 to 2023) by the first two authors, led to the identification of a total of 13 n...
Further botanical investigations on the vascular mainly non-native flora in Tunisia, especially between 2012 and 2023, yielded numerous novelties of succulents belonging to the Cactaceae in the form of new records and/ or new distribution data. Opuntia phaeacantha and O. pilifera as casual aliens are here reported for the first time from the Africa...
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Contemporary Madeira Floras and plant catalogues accept four exotic, naturalised species of Agave and Furcraea: Agave americana, A. atrovirens, A. attenuata, and Furcraea foetida. All four are regarded as warranting categorisation as invasive species. Recent fieldwork in Madeira has shed new light on which species are present and what status should...
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The species Myrtillocactus geometrizans (Mart. ex Pfeiff.) Console is cited for the first time as an escape in the province of Valencia (Spain). In addition, a second record for the province of Castellón is presented.
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During field work in September 2023 in the Valencia area (Spain), a naturalized population of Opuntia streptacantha was discovered in a dried-out riverbed in Bétera (province of Valencia). Although the cactus flora has been well studied in this region, it is a previously undetected species that has hardly been observed in the wild elsewhere in sout...
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The species Agave attenuata Salm-Dyck is cited for the first time as alien in the Valencian Community, and new observations of two other taxa are provided, Agave americana var. franzosini Sprenger and Agave salmiana var. ferox (K. Koch) Gentry.
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In the summer of 2022 a small population of Pseudognaphalium undulatum was discovered in Roeselare (province of West-Flanders). Although the original population was almost entirely cleared, in 2023 many dozens of new plants were discovered in the surroundings, some almost half a kilometer away from the source population. It seems that the species i...
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RESUMEN: Se aporta en esta nota nuevos datos acerca de la presencia de especies y formas hortícolas escapadas de cultivo del género Agave en las provincias de Valencia y Castellón. Palabras clave: Agave, Castellón, plantas alóctonas, plantas ornamentales, Valencia. ABSTRACT: New data on the presence of species and horticultural forms of the genus...
Three species of Aloe, namely A. arborescens, A. maculata, and A. vera, have been formally recorded as naturalised in the region covered by the Flora iberica project, which includes the Iberian Peninsula [Portugal and Spain] and the Balearic islands [an archipelago of islands and islets off the east coast of Spain, in the western Mediterranean Sea]...
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In 2019, Lespedeza cuneata (Chinese bushclover), a subshrub native from Afghanistan to Japan, tropical Asia and eastern and southeastern Australia, was included in the second update of the EU Regulation 1143/2014. As a consequence, it is subject to restrictions on keeping, importing, selling, breeding and growing, although it should be noted that i...
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The Flora of Belgium, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Northern France and the Bordering Areas was first published in Dutch in 1983. This flora filled a major gap and became the standard work on the flora of Belgium and the surrounding regions. In the course of time some 50,000 copies have enabled thousands of students, botanists, agronomists, forest...
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Following the publication of the seventh edition of the Nouvelle Flore, in 2023, this contribution provides an overview of nomenclatural and taxonomic changes compared to the previous edition of the Flora, which was published in 2012.
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The seventh edition of the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique: new Dutch vernacular names. A list of 58 new Dutch plant names in the seventh edition as compared with the sixth is presented and commented upon.
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During the past decade, numerous chorological data on the flora of vascular plants in Belgium and the neighboring areas have been gathered and published. This contribution gives an overview of altered distribution data in the seventh as compared with the sixth edition of the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique which was published in 2012.
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Two new editions of the Belgian Flora are published in 2023, namely the 7th edition of the Nouvelle Flore de la Belgique and the 4th edition of the Flora van België. This prompts a brief reflection on the future team of authors, the delineation of the territory of the Flora and the challenge of a modularly structured Flora with printed and digital...
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The following new combinations are proposed and/or validated: Crataegus rosiformis Janka var. lindmanii (Hrabětová) Verloove & Galasso, Jacobaea vulgaris Gaertn. var. discoidea (Wimm. & Grab.) Verloove & Galasso, J. aquatica (Hill) Gaertn., B. Mey. & Scherb. subsp. erratica (Bertol.) Verloove & Galasso, J. ×albescens (Burb. & Colgan) Verloove & Lam...
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Glyceria canadensis, a New World weed, is reported from Switzerland for the first time. A naturalized population was discovered in a quite natural area (a protected raised bog area) in Wachseldorn (canton of Bern). The morphological differences between this species and the invasive weed G. striata are emphasized and their habitat is illustrated. It...
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During field surveys carried out in northeastern Algeria, the escape of Gazania ×splendens Hend. & Andr. Hend. was observed; it is reported here as in the process of naturalization for the first time in Algeria and continental North Africa. This hybrid of the Asteraceae family, highly appreciated and widely used in ornamentation, was discovered at...
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Aloe maculata All. (Asphodelaceae subfam. Alooideae) wird erstmals als in Algerien eingebürgert gemeldet. Dies ist auch der erste Nachweis dieser Art für das nordafrikanische Festland. Es wurde festgestellt, dass Aloe maculata aus Kultur in der Region Skikda im Nordosten Algeriens entwichen ist und sich dort an drei Stellen etabliert hat. Detaillie...
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The taxonomy of Carex section Ammoglochin is complex due to the faint morphological species boundaries and overlapping ecological niches. This study focusses on species boundaries within the C. arenaria complex, in particular C. arenaria, C. brizoides and C. pseudobrizoides. Carex pseudobrizoides is morphologically very similar to C. are naria, but...
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In recent years several species of American cudweeds (Gamochaeta; Gnaphalium s.l.) have increasingly been recorded in Belgium and the Netherlands, especially (but not exclusively) in urban habitats. Since these species are naturalizing – at least one even on a relatively large scale – assessing their genuine identity is necessary. Three species are...
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This paper deals with 70 non-native vascular plants, 25 of which are reported for the first time from the Balearic Islands: Agave attenu-Vitis ×instabilis. Moreover, 31 taxa are novelties for the flora of some islands. The occurrence of Centranthus macrosiphon (Valerianaceae) in eastern Mallorca is documented based on herbarium specimens collected...
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Background and aims: Artemisia is a mega-diverse genus consisting of ca. 400 species. Despite its medicinal importance and ecological significance, a well-resolved phylogeny for global Artemisia, a natural generic delimitation and infrageneric taxonomy heretofore remain missing, owing to the obstructions from limited taxon sampling and insufficien...
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Abutilon albidum, a cryptic Saharo-Canarian species, was thought to have been last collected in 1945 in Tenerife by E.R. Sventenius. In 2019, it was rediscovered in the same area. The characteristic features of the Canarian plants are discussed, especially in relation to the morphologically similar-looking and probably closely-related species Abuti...
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Oenothera jamesii Torrey & A. Gray (Onagraceae), a native of the southwestern United States and adjacent parts of Mexico, was found along a streamside near Aksu village in Çağlayancerit and along roadsides in Andırın district of Kahramanmaraş Province in the Eastern Mediterranean Region of Turkey. It is the fourth Oenothera species noted so far in...
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During field surveys, carried out between 2021 and 2022 in northeastern Algeria, two populations of Tipuana tipu (Benth.) Kuntze were discovered. One population was located in the middle of a quite natural habitat in the Filfilla region (wilaya of Skikda). This population seems more or less established and can be considered to be at the beginning o...
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In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates, published elsewhere, and corrections are provided as Suppl. material 1
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Lindernia dubia (L.) PENNELL (Linderniaceae) in Western Central Europe-spreading of a neophyte in the Benelux states and along the Rhine. Since 2018, the American boxweed (Lindernia dubia) has been found in numerous sites along the Middle and Lower Rhine. A further expansion and consolidation is to be expected in the coming years. The starting poin...
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As a result of recent fieldwork in the island of Madeira (Portugal), 32 non-native vascular plant taxa: Tithonia diversifolia, Verbena incompta, V. litoralis and Youngia japonica, are reported as naturalized, xx of them for the first time. All these taxa are reportedly known as weeds or invasive, in climatologically comparable regions elsewhere in...
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The first occurrence of Sporobolus indicus in Hungary is reported. The neotropical S. indicus is one of the oldest introduced neophytes to Europe. From the middle of the 19th century until the last decade of the 20th century, apart from a few occasional occurrences, it expanded only in the Mediterranean area. However, the number of observations has...
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We report here the first occurrences of two alien cacti species from Algeria. During field surveys from 2016 to 2022 in the Skikda region (north-eastern Algeria), ten populations of Opuntia monacantha (Willd.) Haw. were recorded. This species is reported here as naturalized alien species for the first time for Algeria and the second time for mainla...
Homblé collected plants in Guangxi (China) before becoming famous as one of the first collectors in Katanga (DR Congo). His Chinese collection erroneously was inserted in the African herbarium in BR. As a result, four African species were described from Chinese material. After a century, their genuine identity is now elucidated, e.g. Caesalpinia ho...
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The taxonomy of Echinochloa, a predominantly tropical to warm-temperate genus of 40-50 species, including some of the world's worst weeds, is still poorly understood. This is because some species, including the extremely widespread E. crus-galli, show a wide range of morphological, physiological and ecological variation, in part the result of a com...
Recent botanical surveys undertaken in central and northern Tunisia (North Africa) since 2014, mainly within coastal regions, yielded new records for non-native succulents (casual or naturalising aliens) of vascular plant species belonging to Asparagaceae sensu lato (Dracaena draco (L.) L. subsp. draco, Sansevieria hyacinthoides (L.) Druce, S. trif...
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The escape from cultivation of Ficus microcarpa (Moraceae, Magnoliopsida) in Algeria is here reported. Several localities where the species reproduces from seeds have been discovered recently in northeastern Algeria. A map of its current distribution in the study area is provided. The species colonizes mainly urban habitats (walls, balconies and si...
Cynosurus peltieri (Poaceae) is a very poorly known species only occurring in Algeria and Tunisia. A morphological description, together with its distribution and habitat, taxonomy, and IUCN Red List assessment are provided in the present paper. Photographic illustrations of the species comparing it with the similar Cynosurus polybracteatus, togeth...
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This book provides a complete, copiously illustrated and up-to-date overview of the Cyperaceae of tropical West Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo and parts of Mali, Mauritania and Niger). It includes identification keys for all known species in the area (a t...
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Deux nouvelles espèces de wolffies en France métropolitaine : Wolffia columbiana H. Karst. et W. globosa (Roxb.) Hartog & Plas (Araceae) Résumé. Trois espèces de Wolffia sont dorénavant connues en France métropolitaine : l'espèce indigène W. arrhiza (L.) Horkel ex Wimm. et deux espèces exotiques nouvellement détectées en 2020 (W. columbiana H. Kars...
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The Irano-Turanian Rumex chalepensis has been recorded in two localities in Morocco since 2013, apparently for the first time in Africa and rather disjunct from the species' known distribution range. Populations were found in eastern Morocco: one close to the city of Midelt (High Moulouya valley), in the high plains between the Middle Atlas and Hig...
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Sixteen new Asteraceae are added to the non-indigenous flora of Tunisia. Six of them (Dimorphotheca ecklonis,Gaillardia pulchella, Gazania linearis var. linearis, Guizotia abyssinica, Rudbeckia triloba and Tithonia diversifolia) are also new for the flora of North Africa. Chrysanthemummorifolium is here first reported for the Mediterranean Basin. S...
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A rapid response action carried out against the invasion of water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in the Guadalquivir River branch in Seville (Southern Spain) is described and analyzed. Removal was implemented and coordinated by the regional environmental Council, National security forces and public companies. Immediately after its detection, the d...
Mapanoioideae are one of two subfamilies of Cyperaceae and consist of 186 species. Molecular phylogenetic relationships in subfamily Cyperoideae have recently been studied well, whereas evolutionary relationships in Mapanioideae remain little known. Subfamily Mapanioideae include two tribes. This study focuses on Hypolytreae, which is represented b...
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A cryptic invader of the genus Persicaria has recently increased in the damper, northern parts of La Palma and Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (Spain) and locally behaves as an invasive species. Examination of historical herbarium specimens showed this species to be present in Gran Canaria since the 1960s and the same probably applies to La Palm...
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A cryptic invader of the genus Persicaria is recently increasing in the damper, northern parts of La Palma and Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands (Spain) and locally behaves as an invasive species. Examination of historical herbarium specimens showed this species to be present in Gran Canaria since the 1960’s and the same probably applies to La Pal...
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Senecio brasiliensis (Spreng.) Less., native to South America (Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia and Argentina), is reported for the first time as a naturalized alien species from Europe (near Porto; Portugal). The species' taxonomy and nomenclature were analysed based on literature data. Its ecology, habitat, biology and possible vector of introd...
Aim Humans influence species distributions by modifying the environment and by dispersing species beyond their natural ranges. Populations of species that have established in disjunct regions of the world may exhibit trait differentiation from native populations due to founder effects and adaptations to selection pressures in each distributional re...
The genus Vallisneria consists of linear-leaved aquatic plants within the Hydrocharitaceae family. Only one indigenous member (V. spiralis) occurs in Europe. Populations of alien species appeared in some European countries in recent decades and these were named in various ways. To clarify the identity of alien Vallisneria we collected samples for a...
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The Eurasian species Artemisia vulgaris L. has been reported from the Eastern Cape Province (Stutterheim District) in South Africa since at least half a century. However, examination of relevant herbarium specimens has demonstrated that the South African plant material belongs to a morphologically similar East Asian species, A. verlotiorum. It is i...
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The South American weed Cyperus eragrostis Lam. (Cyperaceae) is reported for the first time in the wild from Tunisia, North Africa. A brief description of the species is given and it is illustrated in its Tunisian habitat. Its actual distribution is presented and discriminatory characteristics as compared to C. flavescens, a native species with whi...
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In this contribution, new data concerning the distribution of vascular flora alien to Italy are presented. It includes new records, confirmations, exclusions, and status changes for Italy or for Italian administrative regions. Nomenclatural and distribution updates published elsewhere are provided as Suppl. material 1.