Fikrul IslamyFreelancer · Konsultan AMDAL & Perizinan Lingkungan
Fikrul Islamy
Bachelor of Fisheries
Data Analyst for GIS & Coastal Water Quality Modelling
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Publications (10)
Mangrove vegetation is one of the forest ecosystems that offers a potential of substantial greenhouse gases (GHG) emission mitigation, due to its ability to sink the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere through the photosynthesis process. Mangroves have been providing multiple benefits either as the source of food, the habitat of wildlife, the coastline...
Indeso Joint Expeditions Cruise (IJEP) activity in 2016 measured some water quality parameters, one of them are dissolved oxygen and in vivo fluorescence for expressing biomass of phytoplankton community.Those parameters were measured for analyzing the important component of marine biogeochemical cycle used the titrimetric method and optical sensor...
Data processing oceanographic models for wind and wave data is based download, visualization and analysis of most of the activities are conducted separately and manually. ArcGIS is a software that play a role in the activities of processing and layouting and is compatible to run in a python window utilizing Arcpy module. Time series data that many...
Thermal front merupakan daerah pertemuan dua massa air yang mempunyai karakteristik suhu yang berbeda. Lokasi kajian thermal fronts dilakukan di WPP-RI 714, WPP-RI 715, dan WPP-RI 716. Pemilihan lokasi studi dilakukan untuk melihat pengaruh massa air yang berasal dari Samudra Pasifik terhadap perairan sekitar WPP tersebut. Kajian dilakukan selama 2...
The abundance and distribution of pelagic fish be affected by the oceanographic dynamics. Natuna Sea, Java Sea and the surrounding significantly influence by the water mass coming from the Indian Ocean, are known have high primary productivity. The aim of this study is to investigate the oceanography characteristics of the Java Sea waters and its i...
bstract - The abudance and distribution of pelagic fish be affected by the oceanographic dynamics. Natuna Sea, Java Sea and the surrounding significantly influence by the water mass coming from the South China Sea, are known have high primary productivity. The aim of this study is to investigate the oceanography characteristics of the Java Sea wate...
Data respon balik memiliki peranan penting dalam memberikan informasi area, frekuensi, dan jumlah penangkapan ikan pada periode tertentu. Analisisa data respon balik dari PPN Kejawanan tahun 2013 menunjukkan bahwa jumlah total penangkapan ikan di WPP 712 tertinggi terjadi pada bulan Juni dengan jumlah 493.981 kg.
Penelitian tentang permodelan pengaruh tsunami terhadap tataguna wilayah dilakukan pada Bulan Januari sampai Maret 2011 di wilayah pesisir Sendang Biru, Malang Selatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk 1) mengkaji dampak tsunami terhadap genangan, 2) membuat pemodelan simulasi tsunami, dan 3) membuat peta awal daerah rawan bencana untuk kegiatan peri...