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Fiki Alghadari currently works at the Department of Mathematics and Sains Education, Mathematics Education Study Program, Universitas Jambi, Indonesia. Fiki does research in geometry thinking and conceptualization processes in Mathematics Education. Their current project is a geometric-function problem, geometry problem-solving, geometric-function thinking.
Skills and Expertise
September 2016 - August 2020
Publications (45)
Microteaching experience is a compulsory subject as a practical training technique that provides prospective teachers with many opportunities to design their effective teaching techniques before they are involved in real classroom experiences as English teachers. However, the challenges and solutions in conducting microteaching in student teachers...
The development of mathematics e-worksheets focused on forming critical thinking skills for class VII students is still very minimally carried out by teachers. This research is critical to test the effectiveness of guided inquiry-based e-worksheets implemented using the blended learning method in improving students' critical thinking abilities. The...
There is an issue regarding students' consistency in completing geometry assignments, as indicated by several research findings and assessments. Diagnosing how students integrate concepts in the conceptual design and understanding the reasons behind their inconsistency in completing assignments are the main focuses of this case study. This research...
Online learning during the pandemic has been a contributing factor to learning loss. However, for students who possess self-control, their learning outcomes still fall within the good category. This research aims to analyze the latent factors of self-control among elementary school students in the context of online learning. This study applied codi...
The use of English in medical contexts is rising globally. The English for nursing purposes assists students meet the requirement by addressing their needs in the context of nursing, particularly their speaking abilities. However, the shift from offline to online learning has an effect on nursing students' opportunity to practice their English-spea...
The aim of this study is to describe profile of middle school students' mathematical literacy ability in Solving Number Pattern Problems. This study used a descriptive case study design with 29 students in grade VIII at a middle school in Kefamenanu city, Indonesia. Test and interviews were the methods to collect data about the mathematical literac...
Kajian sastra lisan Indonesia, seperti pantun, memiliki daya tarik bagi mahasiswa asing pembelajar bahasa Indonesia. Pantun merupakan karya sastra yang terikat dengan aturan yang diucapkan oleh masyarakat tempo dulu secara lisan, berkembang menjadi bagian dari cara berkomunikasi, serta industri hiburan. Hal ini yang menjadi dasar munculnya kegiatan...
This study aims to identify the use of Smart Digital Learning (SDL) as an alternative to web-based learning management systems (WLMS), web-based presentations, and web-based modules. The research approach used in this study is the Research and Development method. The data analysis technique uses a descriptive calculation of proportions derived from...
The acquisition of knowledge assists students in navigating life, but their skill configuration is unstable when confronted with contextual problems. The fact that they make problem-solving errors is a stability problem that stems from existential situations. This study examined students' errors in solving contextual math word problems. The respond...
Education is confronted with the issue of learning loss during the pandemic, although cognitive and affective engagement in online academic activities can serve as a countermeasure. This research examines how students' cognitive and affective engagement in tasks is associated with online academic activity. This quantitative study, conducted on 208...
span id="docs-internal-guid-5ecda03a-7fff-4511-8377-3818966e9cd8"> The cognitive level between teachers and students is clearly different in problem-solving. In the mathematics context, especially the function problem was only in geometric expression form, for knowledge construction and student's learning should use their cognitive level capacity....
Kurikulum pendidikan telah beberapa kali mengalami perubahan karena tuntutan perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kebutuhan masa depan. Di setiap perubahan, siswa tetap dituntut untuk terus-menerus menggenerasi pengetahuan. Dalam pembelajaran, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah meningkatkan peran siswa dan sekaligus mengurangi peran gur...
Pembelajaran matematika menjadi mata pelajaran yang dianggap sulit bagi siswa, siswa merasa kebingunan dalam mengerjakan tugas atau pekerjaan rumah yang biasa diberikan oleh para guru dikarenakan siswa banyak yang belum mnguasai konsep dasar nya dan juga sudah merasa takut dengan pelajaran matematika. sebagian orang tua yang mampu memilih jalan men...
Functional analysis has been of interest and the thinking of students should be prepared. Analyzing the process of conceptualizing geometric function problem solving based on the dimensions of cognitive processes and knowledge was the purpose of this study. The subjects of this study were three students selected purposively from one of the secondar...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana model investigasi siswa pada pemecahan masalah geometri level analisis dan abstraksi. Model penelitian ini didasarkan pada investigasi matematika saat siswa memecahkan masalah geometri melalui proses kognitif dengan level berpikir yang sesuai. Penelitian ini dilakukan di SMAN 99 Jakarta pada s...
Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis jenis kesalahan dan faktor penyebab kesalahan dalam menyelesaikan soal cerita sistem persamaan linear dua variabel yang dilakukan siswa berdasarkan prosedur Newman. Sampel penelitian adalah 36 peserta didik kelas VIII-2 MTs Nurussaaddah Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif. Inst...
Mathematical literacy prepares future generations to deal with the challenges of a changing world. But, students' knowledge and abilities are still below the optimal level. This study aims to evaluate how students' learning habits, which are based on the chronology of time and cognitive processes, affect their mathematical literacy. This quantitati...
Learning mathematics in depth has implications for the quality of achievement. However, students do not apply their best, or even the habit has not formed a consistent. This study aims to interpret how the correspondence between students' learning habits and their mathematics achievement. This observational research was conducted using the correlat...
Setelah mengkonfirmasi kasus positif pada tanggal 2 Maret 2020, pembelajaran dalam jaringan dan pembelajran jarak jauh merupakan salah satu alternatif pembelajaran yang dilakukan di Indonesia. Terlepas dari kekurangan dan kelebihannya, pembelajaran ini merupakan salah satu alternatif agar pembelajaran tetap berlangsung selama masa pandemik COVID-19...
Caklingking is one of the traditional games that used to be played a lot. Usually caklingking is played together and uses stones that are formed to be played. Based on the problems in the field, that students no longer play caklingking in everyday life. In addition, students do not know that caklingking can be a medium for learning mathematics. Bec...
This research was to know students' achievement and improvement risk-taking attitudes in grade 7 at Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bekasi City towards mathematics through Inquiry-Based Open-Ended (IBOE) learning. This research is quantitative research with the research design Non-equivalent Pre and Post-test Control-Group Design. There are 156 students as...
The purpose of studying geometry is for the development of student thinking, able to abstract and reason, against concepts in the object. Note on some study results that the combination of the student's conceptualization process and knowledge of geometry are a source of barriers to their learning. This study aims to investigate how students actuali...
Kegiatan workshop ini adalah bagian dari pengabdian masyarakat yang dilatarbelakangi oleh berkembangnya soal berbasis HOTS, Salah satu perkembangan dari sistem penilaian pendidikan di Indonesia saat ini adalah diterapkannya penilaian berbasis HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill). Kurikulum untuk matematika sekolah menengah telah berubah pada pengemba...
Spatial ability is an important one of the abilities for completing many tasks in everyday life successfully. Spatial ability is considered a type of different ability to others. Therefore, there needs a study on how are the characteristics of spatial abilities and to develop in schools. This paper is to reveal the ways are developing spatial abili...
Based on students’ geometry knowledge, there are contrast and less relevant skills goals being prepared for the students. Students are more dominant in learning how to apply procedural knowledge so there is a need for students to use the Pythagorean theorem when facing a triangle properties problem. Therefore, this case study aims to analyze how st...
This study aims to examine the effect of the mathematical disposition of junior high school students on mathematical critical thinking skills. A quantitative approach with a correlational method used by researchers to examine both variables. Subjects were taken randomly in class. The subjects in this study were 32 students of class VIII in one of t...
Two important elements in the learning process at school are how students' understanding and learning activities are. On the other hand, most students only memorize algorithmic formulas without understanding the concept in depth. As a result, students' thinking abilities at low levels become dominant in learning operations. This study was conducted...
The objective of this study was to analyze the conceptualization process in solving graph function problems based on the student perspective. Samples in this study were three students from the sains program in one of the best high school in West Jakarta region by the reason of testing results. This study has explored the completion of the problem a...
By the characteristics of mathematics, which has the object of study is abstract, then the abstraction becomes an important part that can not be separated from mathematics. The development of abstraction theories, either directly or not, will be closely related to the process of learning mathematics in the classroom. Also, the rapid development of...
Abstract. This study aims to examine the differences in students’ mathematical intuition abilities. Differences were reviewed by gender, through Open-ended Inquiry-Based Learning. The design of this study was a Pretest-Posttest Control Group Experiment. The subject of this study was 156 seventh graders of Madrasah Tsanawiyah in Bekasi, 77 male, and...
F Alghadari1*, Y Yuni1, and A Wulandari1
1STKIP Kusuma Negara, Jalan Raya Bogor KM.24, Jakarta 13770, Indonesia
*Email: alghar6450@gmail.com
Abstract. There has been more than one the solving process of the problem sometimes. It has
been named an open-ended context when related to an approach, and in this study, purposed to
use a geometric-functio...
Purpose: In this study, we investigated the effects of organizational justice and trust directed at the organization as a whole on OCB. Also investigated were the influence between organizational justice and OCB, and the influence between trust and OCB. Design/Methodology/Approach: From a sample of 273 teachers from 305 Private Junior High Schools...
This study aims to analyze the identity of the shadow of the pyramid concept based on the students' mathematical conception. This study was conducted by surveying participants through a question. Survey questions contain two concept definitions, namely the length of all ribs equal to 4 cm, and have diagonal sides. The participants were students of...
PRISMA 164 Vol. VII, No. 2, Desember 2018
p-ISSN 2089 3604
e-ISSN 2614 4611
Volume VII, No. 2, Desember 2018
Rosilawati1, Fiki Alghadari2
1 SMA Negeri 1 Tanjungpandan Belitung
2 STKIP Kusuma Negara Jakarta
The objective of this study is to analyse the obstacles of geometry problem-solving. The case focused on a male student. The object of the study was the answer of Geometry problem on solid and interview. The finding of the research is the obstacles completion categorized in representative, visual-spatial, and conceptual. Solving Geometric problem b...
The purpose of this study is to explore student's conception in solving the distance measures problem on the cube. The subject of this study was a male student of intermediate abilities who was selected for certain considerations on three problems encountered in the process of completion: verbal, spatial, and concept application problems. Overall,...
This study was created for the purpose to know that in gaple card game had used a mathematics knowledge and ability. Gaple card is a domino card which was usually played two pairs of player, sit in arranged circularly so the paired of player will be on the face. Each player will handle some card which was drawn randomly. The purpose player of the g...
The purpose of this study is knowing how to apply vector concepts on two skew lines in three-dimensional (3D) coordinate and its utilization. Several mathematical concepts have a related function for the other, but the related between the concept of vector and 3D have not applied in learning classroom. In fact, there are studies show that female st...
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji sejarah dan kaidah matematis pada tradisi nirok-nanggok di pulau Belitung. Nirok-nanggok adalah upacara adat yang menunjukan rasa syukur, dilakukan beramai-ramai, dan dipandu oleh seorang pemimpin. Tujuan penulisan artikel ini adalah untuk mengetahui kaidah matematis apa yang tersirat dalam tradisi ni...
This article is a study on the ways of vector concepts to determine the distance in three-dimensional space. Typically, mathematics learning has introduced three-dimensional to students at the middle school. These three-dimensional learning during ordinary was implemented by based on spatial ability, both conventional and computer-assisted learning...
This study aimed to find out the constraints faced by a subject of study in solving spatial problems by applying the general steps of Polya problem solving. The object of study was written answers of completion tests about spatial mathematical problem solving ability created by the subject. Subjects of this study were three students on academic yea...
Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektif atau tidaknya pendekatan somatik, audio, visual, dan intelektual (SAVI) dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar pecahan. Fokus penelitian pada perbedaan hasil belajar matematika siswa yang dengan pendekatan SAVI dan pendekatan konvensional. Penelitian ini dengan metode kuantitatif, quasi eksper...
Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah pentingnya kemampuan dan disposisi berpikir kritis matematiksiswa, sedangkan tujuannya untuk mengetahui perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan dan disposisi berpikir kritis matematik siswa yang mendapatkan pembelajaran berbasis-masalah dan pembelajaran konvensional. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan...