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Ferran Maria Claudin Botines

Ferran Maria Claudin Botines

University Degree in geology. Master's degree in volcanology.


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Since more of 30 years I was working on impact craters research, specially in the Azuara and Rubielos de la Cérida (Spain) impact structures


Publications (23)
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In an abstract paper presented at the EPSC 2022 Granada (Europlanet Sociey) the authors above from Spain, Sweden and Denmark report about research on what they called the first impact structure in Spain. Numerous media reports about this “first impact structure in Spain” immediately after the meeting suggest that this formulation was directly put i...
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Abstract. - We present a new compilation of previously abundantly studied and published shock effects in minerals and rocks of the Middle Tertiary Rubielos de la Cérida Impact Basin in northeastern Spain. Typologically, we organize by: shock melt - accretionary lapilli - diaplectic glass - planar deformation features (PDF) - deformation lamellae in...
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Abstract. – The article, which we comment here, interprets sedimentological findings (seismite horizons) at a distance of 80 – 180 km from the two impact structures, the Ries crater and the Steinheim basin, to the effect that, contrary to the impacts at a distance of only 40 km from each other, which have always been assumed to be synchronous, the...
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We use Schmieder and Kring's article to show how science still works within the so-called "impact community" and how scienti c data are manipulated and "rubber-stamped" by reviewers (here, e.g., C. Koeberl and G. Osinski). We accuse the authors of continuing to list the Azuara and Rubielos de la Cérida impact structures and one of the world's most...
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The Iberian System in NE Spain is characterized by a distinctive graben/basin system (Calatayud, Jiloca, Alfambra/Teruel), among others, which has received much attention and discussion in earlier and very recent geological literature. A completely different approach to the formation of this graben/basin system is provided by the impact crater chai...
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Replica a los artículos Sanchez, M.A. ; Gil, A. y Simón, J.L. (2017): Las rocas de falla del cabalgamiento de Daroca (sector central de la Cordillera Ibérica): Interpretación reológica y cinemática. Geogaceta, 61: 75-78. (http://www.sociedadgeologica.es/archivos/geogacetas/geo61/geo61_19p75_78.pdf) Casas-Sainz, A.M., Gil-Imaz, A., Simón, J.L., Izq...
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The Pelarda Formation (Fm.), located in the Iberian System in northeast Spain, is a sedimentary deposit with an extension of roughly 12 km x 2.5 km and an estimated thickness of no more than 400 m. The formation was first recognized as a peculiar unit in the early seventies and underwent interpretations like a fluvial or an alluvial fan deposit hav...
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We use and variegate the title of this article published in Earth-Science Reviews to show how science may (mal)function, how scientific results are manipulated, and how a few exposed impact researchers (the authors of the Earth-Science Reviews article included) are counteracting exactly the ideas presented in that article.
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The "round rocks" of the Weaubleau-Osceola impact structure have phenomenological counterparts in the Spanish Azuara/Rubielos de la Cérida impact structures where they occur within voluminous heavily brecciated rock units. Related nodular bodies within large monomictic movement breccias are observed also in the Ries impact structure. A process simi...
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A nappe-like thrust of Cambrian over Tertiary, the Daroca thrust, in northeast Spain has puzzled gelogists since longtime. Because of a lacking root zone and a lacking relief it didn't match a reasonable geologic pattern. In the younger regional geologic literature the thrust is nevertheless incorporated in Alpine regional tectonics. An obviously f...
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We show and discuss unusual impact melt rocks from the sedimentary target of the Azuara/Rubielos de la Cérida multiple impact in Spain: a silicate melt rock originating from the melting of shale, a carbonate-phosphate melt rock showing liquid immiscibility of carbonate and phosphate melt, carbonate and sulfate melt rocks, a carbonate-psilomelane me...
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Thumbprints displayed on the clasts from the Azuara/Rubielos de la Cérida impact ejecta (Puerto Mínguez ejecta) are true ablation features (regmaglypts) that formed in the ejection process by heating and partial melting of the limestone. The heating is substantiated by the recrystallization observed on regmaglyptic surfaces and by evidence of decar...
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We report on the Azuara impact structure and its Rubielos de la Cérida compa- nion crater, which establish the largest terrestrial doublet impact structure presently known. Both structures have diameters of roughly 35 - 40 km and they have been formed in a purely sedimentary target. From stratigraphic considerations and palaeontologic dating, an Up...
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Proximal ejecta deposits related to three large terrestrial impacts, the 14.8-Ma Ries impact structure in Germany (the Bunte Breccia), the 65-Ma Chicxulub impact structure in the Yucatan (the Albion and Pook's Hill Diamictites in Belize) and the mid-Tertiary Azuara impact structure in Spain (the Pelarda Fm.) occur in the form of widespread debris-f...
The Pelarda Formation is an isolated continuous deposit which is up to 200 m thick and extends over an area of about 12 X 2.5 km2. It was originally described as a Tertiary fluvial boulder conglomerate. From the occurrence of striated and plastically deformed boulders and pebbles which partly show moderate shock effects, we conclude that the Pelard...


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