Fernando Vesely

Fernando Vesely
Fernando verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Fernando verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Federal University of Paraná | UFPR · Department of Geology

PhD in Geology
Clastic sedimentology and stratigraphy


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I use sedimentology to reconstruct paleoenvironments and predict georesources. I'm currently working on the upper Paleozoic of western Gondwana and on deep water systems from the South Atlantic rifted margin.
Additional affiliations
March 2002 - August 2006
Federal University of Paraná
  • PhD Student
March 1999 - August 2001
São Paulo State University
  • Master's Student
July 2010 - present
Federal University of Paraná
  • Professor (Full)


Publications (158)
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Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) result from gravity-induced mass failure and downslope movement of rock and sediment, spanning various temporal and spatial scales. MTDs originate from triggers that can be seismogenic, inducing rapid emplacement of single MTDs or, in some cases, occurring slowly enough to span significant sedimentation atop the defor...
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Poster presented at the AGU Annual Meeting in the 2024 edition. The presentation highlighted the key data and interpretations derived from the master's research
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Poster presented during the Ricardo Rodrigues Synchrotron Light School (ER2LS) in the 2024 edition. Partial data from master's research on Pennsylvanian units formed during the Late Paleozoic glaciation were presented
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The success of oil and gas exploration in deep and ultra-deep marine environments critically hinges on the discovery of effective stratigraphic traps, where turbidite pinch-outs play a central role and pose a considerable exploration challenge. The characteristics of the margins of sheet sands are important at all stages of exploration, appraisal,...
Conference Paper
Glaciation and deglaciation elevate the probability of subaquatic landslides in marine and lacustrine basins. Glacial-related factors contributing to instability include base-level changes, high sedimentation rates, meltwater floods, and seismic activity linked to glacioisostatic adjustments (GIA). These mechanisms have been studied as potential tr...
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Mass movements are common on the continental slope, affecting not only the subsequent sea floor morphology but often substantially modifying the underlying deposits. Various styles of substrate interaction have been recognised, representing the various degrees of involvement of the underlying material and its incorporation into the mass movement. T...
The near-field glacial record of the late Paleozoic Ice Age in Gondwanan basins is widely used in global paleogeographic and paleoclimatic models. Nevertheless, several late Paleozoic glacial successions still lack a detailed depositional history or reassessment of their genesis under modern glacial sedimentology concepts. One such example is the A...
Conference Paper
A documentação de formas de leito de fluxos supercríticos é bastante restrita em sistemas deposicionais glaciais e proglaciais inseridos no contexto da glaciação do Neopaleozoico. Visando melhorar a caracterização das formas de leito e por consequência dos fluxos formativos referentes a estes sistemas, foram realizados trabalhos de caracterização s...
Grounding-line fans and their associated supercritical-flow bedforms are still poorly recognized in the upper Paleozoic glacial record. In order to fill this gap and to explore the products of the transition between upper and lower flow regimes, we examined a gravel-rich succession composed of conglomerates, sandstones, and diamictites deposited du...
Conference Paper
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MTDs (mass-transport deposits) are important features in deepwater environments that form because of subaqueous landslides and present characteristic patterns of internal deformation. Once formed by sediment failure in response to gravitational forces, the displaced mass flows down the regional slope towards basin's depocenter. However, in basins c...
Full-text available until July 31, 2023: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0926985123001714?dgcid=author
The late Paleozoic glacial-to-postglacial turnover evolved complexly across Gondwana. Successions bearing volcaniclastic material that can be radiometrically dated provide crucial information about the timing of those climate events. The southernmost part of the Paraná Basin, for instance, has a high-precision geochronological framework. The easter...
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The Pennsylvanian on the western rim of Gondwana can be considered a time of significant contrasts in terms of environments, revealing a unique translatitudinal disposition of the South American continent, where glaciomarine deposits and peat-forming environments, situated farther south, coexisted with marine carbonate platforms and eolian dune fie...
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The Itararé Group, Permocarboniferous of the Paraná Basin, has its deposition associated with the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA), which encompassed multiple glacial advance-retreat cycles. Recognizing the nature of the processes that form these rocks is essential to understand the diversity of glacial and non-glacial depositional systems that were a...
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Abstract The transition from the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) to fully postglacial conditions in SW Gondwana is under increasing discussion due to either the radiometric ages of its boundary or the stratigraphic nature of this transition. The record of this transition in the Paraná Basin is found in the glacial and glacially influenced deposits of...
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Deep-sea fans are the terminal sinks of clastic sediment, nutrients and pollutants produced in continental landmasses. They are also major targets for oil and gas on continental margins. Several recent studies have applied seismic geomorphology to delineate deep-sea fans, however, most of them describe a relatively short period of the geologic time...
The rooted nature of vegetation allows for individual plants or entire communities to be buried in life position under exceptional geological conditions, thereby preserving their ecology and spatial distribution in the stratigraphic record. Upright lycopsids are not uncommon within paleoequatorial Carboniferous coal-bearing deposits, but they are r...
Ichnology is fundamental to understanding characteristics of paleoenvironments such as hydrodynamic energy, oxygenation, salinity and substrate consistency. The Itararé Group is a Mississippian-Cisuralian lithostratigraphic unit of the Paraná Basin, in which trace fossils have been increasingly employed in paleoenvironmental reconstructions during...
Mass transport deposits (MTDs) contain deformation structures often that are used to determine the kinematics of palaeo-mass flows and hence the orientation of the original slope or gradient upon which the mass flow developed. When integrated with stratigraphic data, the azimuth of the palaeoslope can help elucidate the depositional evolution and p...
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A Glaciação Neopaleozoica e a transição completa para condições pós-glaciais são considerados eventos climáticos únicos na história geológica. O principal registro de tais eventos está nas bacias sedimentares gondwânicas, que sugerem uma glaciação dinâmica marcada por repetidos períodos glaciais e interglaciais. A Bacia do Paraná abriga o registro...
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A Era Glacial Neopaleozoica (LPIA – Late Paleozoic Ice Age) é representada na Bacia do Paraná pelo Grupo Itararé, cujos estratos fornecem um registro glacial dominado por sucessões glácio-marinhas e raros intervalos deformados por geleiras. Depósitos glaciotectonizados possuem macroestruturas como dobras, falhas e zonas de cisalhamento geradas sub...
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Os depósitos de transporte em massa (MTDs) resultam de importantes processos de remobilização e ressedimentação em ambiente subaquático. Esses depósitos são recorrentes ao longo de seção estratigráfica do Grupo Itararé. Portanto, são considerados importantes elementos deposicionais para compreender a evolução tectonoestratigráfica da Bacia do Paran...
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The Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA; 362 to 256 Ma) left a record in the Gondwanan sedimentary basins as glacial successions and ice-carved features. In the Paraná Basin the glaciation is recorded in the Itararé Group and on its basal unconformity that contains micro to mega scale erosive features. Diamictites and glacial erosive landforms such as str...
The late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) was one of Earth's most important Phanerozoic climatic events lasting for over 100 Mys. Despite its importance, its history is controversial with two hypotheses that portray glaciation differently (Fig. 1). Traditional views characterize the LPIA as a continuous glacial event that lasted from the Middle Mississippi...
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No sul do Paraná e boa parte do estado de Santa Catarina aflora uma sucessão de arenitos e ritmitos de idade eopermiana, cuja gênese está relacionada à ação de correntes de turbidez. Esses depósitos foram identificados por Salamuni e colaboradores em 1966, sendo assim os primeiros turbiditos descritos no Brasil. No entanto, esse trabalho pioneiro t...
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O Grupo Itararé consiste em um espesso conjunto de rochas permocarboníferas aflorantes por uma área de cerca de 15 mil km2 no segundo planalto paranaense. Contudo, nos mapas geológicos existentes a unidade é tratada como indivisa apesar da sua grande heterogeneidade litológica. Visando preencher essa lacuna de conhecimento, o presente trabalho apre...
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The Itararé Group, the Permocarboniferous unit of the brazilian Paraná Basin, encloses the record of the most prominent and widespread glaciation of the Phanerozoic Eon, the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA). Despite holding the thickest and geographically more extensive record of the referred glaciation, the Itararé Group has scarce marine fossils wit...
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The response of sediment routing to climatic changes across icehouse-to-greenhouse turnovers is not well documented in Earth’s pre-Cenozoic sedimentary record. Southwest Gondwana hosts one of the thickest and most laterally extensive records of Earth’s penultimate icehouse, the late Paleozoic ice age. We present the first high-resolution U-Pb zirco...
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O reconhecimento do conteúdo fossilífero de uma unidade geológica é um passo fundamental para compreensão de seus processos. Este trabalho buscou elencar todos os macrofósseis e icnofósseis publicados em periódicos e anais de eventos, que relataram ou descreveram materiais encontrados na porção sudeste do Grupo Itararé. As informações foram obtidas...
Wave-dominated nearshore deposits are commonly regarded as laterally-continuous, homogeneous, sheet-like reservoirs that can be resolved at the parasequence scale. Many reservoirs, however, have an internal complexity that becomes clearer during production, indicating unexpected internal compartmentalization. Modern wave-dominated nearshore environ...
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The Paraná Basin, Brazil and the Chaco-Paraná Basin, Uruguay both contain sedimentary records that are critical to reconstructing late Paleozoic ice centers in central Gondwana. The orientations of subglacial landforms and glaciotectonic structures suggest that late Paleozoic glacial deposits in the eastern Chaco-Paraná Basin and the southernmost P...
Conference Paper
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Glaciation has been identified in the rock record through near-field evidence for the presence of glaciers in former landscapes, here called “lithological indicators of glaciation” (LIG). LIG give clues on ice volume, thermal regime, and glaciation timing which, in turn, feed paleoclimatic models. However, LIG involves controversy once its recognit...
Conference Paper
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The Itararé Group (Paraná Basin, Brazil) has one of the most extensive records of Neopaleozoic glaciation. However, there is few strata where it’s possible to identify subglacial and/or glacio-marginal sedimentation. At the Presidente Getúlio locality (south Brazil) the basal/intermediate portion of the Rio do Sul Formation (upper portion of the It...
Tunnel valleys are subglacial incisions formed mainly by meltwater erosion on soft sediment overridden by glaciers. Despite being common in the Pleistocene and Ordovician glacial record, where their fills constitute excellent aquifers and hydrocarbon traps, tunnel valleys are poorly recognized in late Paleozoic strata. Other types of glacial and no...
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Seismic geomorphology has shown to be a powerful tool to assess deep-water systems, allowing to characterize the geometry and composition of depositional elements and to reconstruct erosion, transport and deposition. However, this approach has been applied mainly to describe a relatively short period of the depositional time, preventing the interpr...
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The Itararé Group and time equivalent Aquidauana Formation represent the Late Paleozoic Ice Age in the Paraná Basin. These sedimentary rocks provide an extensive glacial record which contains deformed intervals interpreted as glaciotectonites, with features such as folds, thrusts and subhorizontal shear zones, which could be produced sub-or proglac...
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The demise of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age has been hypothesized as diachronous, occurring first in western South America and progressing eastward across Africa and culminating in Australia over an ~60 m.y. period, suggesting tectonic forcing mechanisms that operate on time scales of 106 yr or longer. We test this diachronous deglaciation hypothesis...
Mass-transport deposits (MTDs) may show a variety of deformation aspects, from poorly-deformed layers to highly deformed and homogenized deposits, as a result of the different kinds of mass-transport processes involved in their evolution. Previous studies indicate that the downslope flow transformation of MTDs is characterized by increasing disaggr...
Since many reservoirs do not allow direct observation due to their depth and/or difficulty of sampling, studies of analogs have been commonly used as a tool to understand the spatial distribution of reservoir properties. The Paraná Basin is 1.6 million km2 large and has two known petroleum systems. However, there are only 124 irregularly distribute...
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The stratigraphy of the Santos Basin has become of great interest in the last decade because of the large oil accumulations in pre-salt (rift) and post-salt (drift) strata. Nevertheless, the most accepted stratigraphic models for the drift phase are only at a basin scale and can still be improved by more detailed work. In this paper we analyze an i...
This paper describes facies relationships and stratigraphic architecture of early Permian deglacial deepwater to fluvio-deltaic deposits exposed in the eastern border of the Paraná Basin, southern Brazil. The studied succession is located in the Rio do Sul depocenter and comprises an upward transition between the topmost interval of the Itararé Gro...
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A deformação oriunda do stress superimposto por geleiras (glaciotectônica) é análoga à tectônica tradicional em diversos aspectos, especialmente do ponto de vista geométrico uma vez que compartilha das mesmas estruturas (como dobras, falhas e até mesmo foliações) e podem-se fazer inferências a respeito da cinemática a partir da medida de direções e...
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Carboniferous glaciogenic strata (Itararé Gp.) in the southernmost Paraná Basin, Brazil exhibit soft-sediment deformation features previously interpreted as glaciotectonism. These sediments were studied in detail to confirm that they were deformed by ice and to assess the nature of the glaciation, depositional environments, and paleoclimate in this...
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In this contribution, we present an analysis of the main faciological features of the São Jerônimo da Serra Site, related to the Morro Pelado Member of Rio do Rasto Formation (Middle/Upper Permian), from Paraná State, Brazil, integrated to its taphonomic context. The outcrop, rich in vertebrates and bivalves remains, presents a succession of red si...
Sub-seismic sand-body characterization depends largely on understanding the heterogeneities observed in outcrops of equivalent depositional settings to subsurface reservoirs (reservoir analogs). Outcrop information, however, rarely covers the whole depositional system. Ground-penetrating radar (GPR), on the other hand, is a powerful tool for the hi...
Conference Paper
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O Grupo Itararé na região centro-leste do Rio Grande do Sul é interpretado como uma unidade glácio-influenciada preenchendo vales glaciais. Este trabalho elucida acerca do preenchimento de um desses baixos do embasamento, interpretado em trabalhos anteriores como um vale contendo influência glacial direta, denominado depressão do Leão. Essa depress...
Conference Paper
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The late Bashkirian to lower Sakmarian deposits of the Itararé Group (Paraná Basin, southern Brazil) compose the thickest, most extensive and one of the longest records of the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) among the late Paleozoic glaciated basins. The upper Itararé Group (Taciba Formation) cropping out in the northeast Paraná State is studied and...
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Most ice-age diamictites were emplaced in basinal settings by non-subglacial processes. Nonetheless, the occurrence of diamictite in rock successions is widely employed to estimate ice extent and delimit glacial growth-decay cycles that serve as background for paleoclimate modeling. We report a cyclic diamictite-mudstone succession from the Bashkir...
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The timing and geographic distribution of glaciers in high-latitude southern Gondwana during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age remain poorly constrained, ultimately precluding our ability to estimate ice volume and associated climate teleconnections and feedbacks during Earth's penultimate icehouse. Current aerial extents of glaciers, constrained by sedim...
Conference Paper
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The reconstruction of geological events and processes in deep time depends on the availability of a robust chronos-tratigraphic framework. Generating such a framework depends on the occurrence of dateable material throughout the sedimentary successions of interest, and on the accuracy and precision of the obtained radioisotopic ages. Reconstructing...
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The location, longevity, and geographic extent of late Paleozoic ice centers in west-central Gondwana remain ambiguous. Paleovalleys on the Rio Grande do Sul Shield of southernmost Brazil have previously been interpreted as fjords carved by outlet glaciers that originated in Africa and emptied into the Paraná Basin (Brazil). In this study, the sedi...
A well-exposed glacial surface sculpted on Precambrian crystalline basement rocks occurs below the glacial succession of the San Gregorio Formation on the eastern border of the Chaco-Parana Basin in Uruguay and was formed in the context of the late Paleozoic Gondwana Ice Age. On the glacial surface are asymmetric parallel streamlined bedrock landfo...
This paper examines a glacial diamictite-bearing succession from the upper Itararé Group (Taciba Formation) in eastern Paraná Basin, Brazil. The object of study provides the opportunity to investigate in detail the late stages of glacial sedimentation during the Late Paleozoic Ice Age (LPIA) in this sector of SW Gondwana, with implications for glac...
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The timing of the late Paleozoic glaciation and its terminal deglaciation in the Paraná Basin, Brazil, is unconstrained and prohibits correlation of the Paraná Basin ice record with other high-latitude Gondwanan and low-latitude contemporaneous records. Here, we reexamine the existing U-Pb framework for the Carboniferous-Permian Paraná succession t...
Bottom current-related bedforms, such as depositional and erosive features, are useful indicators of oceanographic circulation and sedimentary balance conditions in both modern and ancient marine environments. The Eocene-Oligocene transition in northern Santos Basin is seismically expressed as a prominent, high-amplitude reflector (horizon H8.1) th...
The Guaratubinha Basin is a late Neoproterozoic volcano-sedimentary basin included in the transitional-stage basins of the South American Platform. The aim of this study is to investigate its tectonic evolution through a detailed structural analysis based on remote sensing and field data. The structural and aerogeophysics data indicate that at leas...