Fernando Martínez Abad

Fernando Martínez Abad
University of Salamanca · Departamento de Didáctica, Organización y Métodos de Investigación



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Teacher in Research Methods and Diagnostics in Education. My research areas are: - Research Methods - Data analysis in Social Sciences - Informational Literacy - Evaluation - School effectiveness
September 2010 - June 2016
November 2009 - April 2013
September 2005 - June 2007


Publications (205)
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Dadas sus importantes ventajas sobre otras estrategias, la prueba objetiva es un instrumento de evaluación de uso común en la evaluación sumativa universitaria, aunque también se ha asociado a algunas limitaciones como el estudio memorístico, la promoción del conocimiento inmóvil y compartimentalizado, o el desarrollo de procesos de pensamiento de...
Las evaluaciones internacionales a gran escala proporcionan bases de datos valiosas para analizar los factores asociados al rendimiento académico de los estudiantes. Esta revisión sistemática se centra en los estudiantes de países latinoamericanos. Se pretende establecer un marco sobre el tipo de investigaciones y técnicas estadísticas más habitual...
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Las sociedades desarrolladas se caracterizan por un aumento de las desigualdades sociales, que hacen necesario llevar a cabo estudios centrados en analizar los niveles de inequidad educativa como el presente. A partir de las pruebas PISA 2018, se analizan estas diferencias en 976 centros españoles y se detecta que, a pesar de que sus escuelas tiene...
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Argentina, en línea con otros países latinoamericanos, presenta niveles de desigualdad socioeconómica y educativa elevados. Este trabajo analiza la evolución de los niveles de segregación, inequidad como igualdad de resultados, e inequidad como igualdad de oportunidades en la educación secundaria argentina entre 2000 y 2022. Se emplean las evaluaci...
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La Inteligencia Artificial (IA) generativa, como tecnología emergente y disruptiva, ha supuesto una revolución en la comunicación hombre-máquina. Esta nueva forma de interactuar con los dispositivos electrónicos abre interesantes posibilidades en el ámbito educativo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar la eficacia de una máquina de ejemplos pr...
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This study seeks to analyze, through the perceptions of teachers, the impact of the digital divide and the relationship between educational inclusion and the use of ICTs in education. In line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 of the United Nations Agenda 2030, which promotes inclusive and quality education. The methodology used was quantita...
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Las desigualdades sociales y su impacto en el rendimiento académico del alumnado señalan la necesidad de conocer qué factores educativos necesitan abordarse para lograr una sociedad progresivamente más equitativa y con mayor Justicia Social. Partiendo de los resultados de PISA 2018 en España, se obtuvieron dos indicadores de equidad: como igualdad...
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La suposición de relaciones causa-efecto en la investigación ex post facto es un problema ampliamente conocido en el ámbito de la metodología de investigación en ciencias sociales. Para abordar esta importante limitación, en los últimos años se ha extendido el empleo de técnicas de inferencia causal, un conjunto de procedimientos estadísticos estab...
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The flexible, changing, and uncertain nature of present-day society requires its citizens have new personal, professional, and social competences which exceed the traditional knowledge-based, academic skills imparted in higher education. This study aims to identify those factors associated with active methodologies that predict university students’...
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The high percentage of repeating students in the Spanish educational system is a recurring problem whose diagnosis has usually been addressed from the student level and their personal and socio-demographic characteristics. In this work, a different point of view is adopted, with the aim of looking for variables at the school level and at the region...
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This systematic review consisted of 50 theoretical and empirical articles taking China as a specific case study for identifying efforts and challenges to teachers' digital competence, establishing an understanding of their use of concepts, disciplines, regions, methods, and analysis. The review follows the methodology based on the PRISMA statement...
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Professional development for teachers is fundamental in the configuration and functioning of smart schools. This paper aims to characterize professional development with the participation of compulsory secondary teachers in Spain and to detect key factors in the functioning and organization of schools associated with higher levels of ongoing teache...
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Learning styles are personal preferences for receiving, collecting, processing, and interpreting information. To assess this construct, various instruments have been designed, including the Index of Learning Styles (ILS), which is used in this study. The aim of this paper was to analyze the learning style preferences of Spanish students aged 11 to...
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The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the wave of digital social transformation worldwide and pushed the “Accelerator Key” for the digital transformation of education in 2020. This transformation has also impacted in an all-around way in China. Taking Anhui province as a case study, this research explores socio-demographic factors...
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Background: Computer-based programs have been implemented from a psychosocial approach for the care of people with dementia (PwD). However, several factors may determine adherence of older PwD to this type of treatment. The aim of this paper was to identify the sociodemographic, cognitive, psychological, and physical-health determinants that helpe...
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The objective of this study is to analyze the positive relationship between different dimensions (knowledge, attitudes, and ability) of the Climate-Change Competence in the participants of a Massive Open Online Course called "Awareness and Training on Climate Change for Primary and Secondary Teachers". This study describes the use of this competenc...
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Background: Computer-based cognitive training programs have been developed with promising results on the maintenance/improvement of cognitive performance in people with dementia. Objective: The objective was to evaluate the effectiveness of the cognitive rehabilitation program "GRADIOR" in people with mild cognitive impairment and mild dementia....
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El objetivo de este estudio es analizar el efecto que la formación del profesorado de Educación Primaria (EP) sobre Competencia Informacional (CI) tiene sobre su alumnado. Inicialmente, se evalúa la CI Auto-percibida y Observada de 18 docentes de EP en las dimensiones Búsqueda, Evaluación, Procesamiento y Comunicación de la Información. Se constata...
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Las competencias informacionales (CI) han cobrado gran importancia en estos últimos años, se han realizado estudios en todos los niveles de la educación y se han discutido en gran manera la relevancia de éstas como una más de las competencias digitales que no puede estar aislada de los programas académicos. El presente trabajo se ha enfocado en hac...
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El estudio de la calidad y la mejora de la docencia universitaria se basa en la mayoría de las ocasiones en la formación del docente, dejando a un lado otros factores transcendentales como puede ser la actitud. Considerada como el comportamiento del docente en base a sus conocimientos y experiencias, este trabajo presenta la validación de una escal...
Establishing the meanings and relationships that exist between the creation of heritage educational content of applications with elements of mobile pedestrian navigation and mobile augmented reality and learning processes through mobile devices is the objective of this research. From this portable and mobile context, a teaching process linked to te...
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The current technological revolution has reached all social classes, and its educative use by teachers has gone noticed. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the six main international frameworks published from 2010 until now. The first objective of this work is to analyze these frameworks' contributions to understanding the developmen...
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La formación inicial del docente de Educación General Básica (EGB) en Chile ha sido un tema que viene en discusión hace muchos años, sin embargo, no se ha ajustado a los requerimientos de las últimas legislaciones implementadas para abordar una educación inclusiva (Ley de inclusión, Decreto N°83 y actualizaciones del Decreto N° 170), así como tampo...
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Education in recent years has undergone substantial changes in the academic, administrative, and organizational aspects, due to the emergence of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This situation has provoked the transition from an information society to a knowledge society, which requires some key competencies for better professional...
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International large-scale assessments, such as PISA, provide structured and static data. However, due to its extensive databases, several researchers place it as a reference in Big Data in Education. With the goal of exploring which factors at country, school and student level have a higher relevance in predicting student performance, this paper pr...
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El Cambio Climático (CC) es la mayor amenaza para nuestra sociedad, pero, aunque la ciencia presenta evidencias claras sobre la magnitud del problema y describe con precisión las consecuencias, las personas no están actuando lo suficiente. La razón detrás de esta paradoja podría ser la no apropiada Representación Social (RS) sobre el CC en la socie...
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Climate Change (CC) is the greatest threat to our society, but although science presents evidence of the magnitude of the problem and accurately describes the consequences, people are not acting enough. The reason behind this paradox could be the inappropriate Social Representation (SR) on CC in society and may explain why there are still skeptical...
Conference Paper
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Resumen-En el marco de la reforma educativa integral de las universidades marroquíes, el proyecto de hermanamiento financiado por la Unión Europea tiene el objetivo general de acompañar, asistir y promover la reforma del sistema de enseñanza superior de Marruecos en el marco de su visión estratégica 2015-2030 y su enfoque del Espacio Europeo la Ens...
Conference Paper
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Within the framework of the comprehensive educational reform of Moroccan universities, the twinning project financed by the European Union has the general objective of accompanying, assisting and promoting the reform of the Moroccan higher education system within the framework of its strategic vision 2015-2030 and its approach to the European Highe...
A central objective of schooling processes at the international level is reading skills development. Unfortunately, many students in the European Union underperform at this, and these low performances can be more pronounced in countries with lower Human Development Index (HDI) values. This study analysed the contextual effect of school socioeconomi...
Conference Paper
Climate change is the greatest environmental, social and economic threat of our time and affects all forms of life on earth. Although important advances have been made such as the Paris agreement, social action is needed to mobilize the population. Education needs to become a fundamental tool for climate change mitigation, adaptation and resilience...
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Debido a la pandemia del COVID19, en el curso 2019-2020 en infinidad de países, se tuvo que suspender la actividad educativa presencial en cualquiera de sus manifestaciones, teniendo los docentes que planificar y desarrollar un nuevo proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje virtual. Ante esta circunstancia y a tenor de la incertidumbre actual, los recursos...
FREE COPIES https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/KVZYCHNC47QFEAHUJ8IJ/full?target=10.1080/02619768.2020.1827387 Bilingual education currently faces the challenge of improving teacher training to meet the linguistic and didactic demands of a content and language integrated approach. Our paper analyses what Spanish in-service primary school teachers c...
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Resumen Objetivo Validar la escala Rowland Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) como instrumento de cribado de deterioro cognitivo y demencia en atención primaria (AP). Es un test breve, válido para población con bajo nivel educativo formal y fácilmente traducible en entornos multiculturales. Diseño Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo,...
With the main goal of identifying the process factors associated with school effectiveness in secondary education, this work presents an innovative methodological proposal. Based on secondary data from the Spanish sample of PISA 2015, high- and low-effectiveness schools were selected by analysing the residuals of the school level (level 2) in multi...
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La educación en los últimos años ha experimentado cambios sustanciales en lo académico, administrativo y organizacional, debido a la irrupción de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones (TIC). Esta situación ha provocado pasar de una sociedad de la información a una sociedad del conocimiento, la cual exige algunas competencias claves par...
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INTRODUCCIÓN. Aunque existen diversos estudios sobre los conocimientos matemáticos de los estudiantes que acceden a la universidad en España, son escasos los que abarcan largos periodos de tiempo y tienen en cuenta la legislación de acceso en cada periodo. MÉTODO. Se analizan las respuestas en una prueba objetiva de cálculo básico de 627 estudiante...
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INTRODUCTION. Our educational system faces two important challenges today, namely, an inclusive approach to education and fostering bilingual programmes within mainstream education. In Spain, research on the inclusion of students with special educational needs (SEN) has usually been carried out tangentially since it has been regarded as just one am...
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El objetivo de esta investigación ha sido realizar una evaluación de la autopercepción y de los desempeños específicos demostrados sobre competencias informacionales en alumnado de educación secundaria obligatoria. Para ello, se aplicaron dos cuestionarios a una muestra de 1422 estudiantes de entre 14 y 17 años de edad, de una región de alto rendim...
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The objective of the study is to show which demotivating factors the students of English as a Foreign Language present; and also to check if there is a relationship, and influence of those factors on their academic performance. The research has a nonexperimental, descriptive and correlational design. The results show that Difficulty of English Lear...
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The research main objective is to demonstrate CLIL methodology efficacy together with Duolingo and b-Learning in teaching English, in Colombian diverse socio-economic levels in rural-urban contexts. Including motivation, gender, and social class as covariates. Based on a quasi-experimental pretestposttest design with three groups of students in con...
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Resumen: El GRupo de Investigación en InterAcción y eLearning (GRIAL) es un Grupo de Investigación Reconocido (GIR) de la Universidad de Salamanca y, actualmente, Unidad de Investigación Consolidada (UIC) de la Junta de Castilla y León. Su mayor seña de identidad es que es un grupo de investigación multidisciplinar que surge en torno a la creación...
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The study of school effectiveness and the identification of factors associated with it are growing fields of research in the education sciences. Moreover, from the perspective of data mining, great progress has been made in the development of algorithms for the modeling and identification of non-trivial information from massive databases. This work...
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Climate Change is the most important threat to our society and all species on Earth. Large alterations in the climate are affecting every aspect of our society and in order to limit this impact we must decarbonize the economy before 2050. Although science presents solid evidence on the magnitude of the problem and outlines precisely the consequence...
Conference Paper
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This research was developed with 30 high school students of sixth grade in the Southwest part of Colombia. The sample of study presents a vulnerable rural context for being located in armed conflict zones and low socio-economic status. These students were subjected to a technological treatment (the Duolingo web application for schools, desktop vers...
Conference Paper
Within the complexity of the Information Society, which is constantly mediated the impact of Information and Communications Technology (ICT), demand for the incorporation of key competencies educational processes, which highlights the digital information skills, which are related to the processing of information in a virtual context and the compete...
Conference Paper
In the past two decades, large-scale assessment schemes, such as PISA, have been set up at an international level as accountability tools for education systems, whose results and conclusions bear relevant repercussions for education systems and policies around the world. While the guidelines for student sampling and exclusion are explained in detai...
Conference Paper
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Climate change (CC) is the greatest environmental, economic and political threat for society. The scientists of the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) consider that an increase of 2 °;C with respect to the temperature of the pre-industrial era is the limit for dangerous and catastrophic changes in our planet Earth. For this reason, th...
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The purpose of the study is to analyse and identify the stages of adoption of the blended learning (BL or b‐learning) methodology in higher education contexts, and to assess the relationship of these stages with a set of variables related to personal and professional characteristics, attributes perceived on BL and contextual variables. About 980 ac...
Conference Paper
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This case study was developed with 66 students of sixth (n = 34) and eleventh grade (n = 32) of secondary school in southwestern Colombia in vulnerable contexts. The objective was to implement the Duolingo web application (desktop version) in b-Learning methodologies, as a tool to complement the activities of the face-to-face class of English, thro...
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The main objective of this study is to analyze the beliefs of secondary or high school teachers of the Dominican Republic about the methodology based on collaborative learning by ICT (CSCL). The CSCL is a teaching model based on the mutual commitment of the participants to achieve certain educational objectives. We worked with a sample of 542 teach...
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En 2019, la revista Education in the Knowledge Society cumple su vigésimo aniversario, es decir, se publica el volumen 20. Con este hito tan significativo queremos hacer un pequeño recorrido histórico y bibliométrico por estos años, así como informar de las novedades que se presentan a partir de este volumen, siempre con el objetivo de innovar y me...
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Este estudio pretende validar un cuestionario de autopercepción sobre competencias relacionadas con la alfabetización informacional, aplicado a 1422 estudiantes de educación secundaria, de entre 14 y 17 años de edad, en las provincias de Palencia, Valladolid y Soria, así como contrastar la influencia de los estudios del padre y la madre sobre el ni...
Technical Report
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Cuestionario de Indicadores sobre la Penetración y Uso de las Tecnologías Educativas en las Universidades Públicas Marroquíes
Technical Report
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Questionnaire d’Indicateurs sur la Pénétration et l’Usage des Technologies Éducatives dans les Universités Publiques Marocaines
Technical Report
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Cuestionario de Aceptación de las Tecnologías Educativas para la Docencia en las Universidades Públicas Marroquíes
Technical Report
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Questionnaire d’Acceptation des Technologies Éducatives par le corps Professoral des Universités Publiques Marocaines
Technical Report
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Questionnaire on Indicators of Incorporation and Use of Educational Technologies in Moroccan Public Universities
The aim of this study is to define the moderating effect of gender on the relationship between academic achievement and some explanatory factors, according to the PISA 2015 results in the United Kingdom, Finland and Spain. Based on an exploratory correlational study, multivariate statistical techniques were applied with moderate regression analysis...
Conference Paper
The search for non-contextual process factors associated with school effectiveness has become a line of research with very broad dissemination, primarily from the ubiquity of research that includes analysis of secondary data from large-scale evaluations. With the aim of detecting ICT factors related to school effectiveness from the Spanish sample o...
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La potencia de cómputo que permiten los equipos informáticos en la actualidad, unido a la existencia de información y datos masivos en todos los ámbitos sociales, incluido el educativo, exige el desarrollo y aplicación de técnicas estadísticas y software informáticos que faciliten la obtención de información significativa en estos universos de dato...
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Resumen: Los modelos didácticos son planes estructurados que pueden usarse para configurar un currículo, diseñar materiales y orientar la enseñanza en las aulas. El objetivo de la investigación fue determinar la incidencia de los modelos didácticos que aplican los docentes en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes universitarios. Se utilizó un...
Objectives: The experience of students contributes to proactively identifying the changes necessary in training approaches and activities. The main objective of the Institutional Evaluation Programme was to design and validate a tool that permits discerning the experience of students from traumatology teaching. Methods: Lecturers from the Orthop...
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The didactic models are structured plans that can be used to configure a curriculum, to design materials and to guide the teaching in the classroom. The aim of the research was to determine the incidence of teaching models applied by teachers at the academic performance of college students. A quantitative, with a non - cross experimental design, de...
This research aims to establish the meanings and relations that exist between creating educational content for an application featuring Mobile Pedestrian Navigation Systems (MPNS) and Augmented Reality (AR), and the processes involved in Mobile Learning (mLearning). In this mobile context, the study aims to develop a training process linked to terr...
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Background: Cognitive rehabilitation is a highly individualised, non-pharmacological intervention for people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, which in recent years has also been developed for various IT platforms. Methods: In this study, we aim to evaluate the effectiveness of the cognitive rehabilitation software GRADIOR in a...
Objectives: This study aimed to carry out a pilot validation of Affect-GRADIOR, a computer-based emotion recognition test, with older adults. The study evaluated its usability, reliability and validity for the screening of people with Alzheimer´s disease (AD) and amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI). Methods: The test was administered to 212 p...
The global integration of competence-based education and training systems and the search for a generalized common framework for the incorporation of key competences in the curriculums of national education systems have generated a growing need for information literacy as a way of advancing to the awaited knowledge society. Large-scale assessments o...