Fernando Bezerra LopesFederal University of Ceará | UFC · Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola
Fernando Bezerra Lopes
Doctor of Engineering
Professor Adjunto do Departamento de Engenharia Agrícola - DENA do Centro de Ciências Agrárias - CCA da UFC.
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October 2013 - present
Publications (139)
Zucchini may present different responses to the presence of salts in its phenological phases, and the supply of potassium can interfere with assimilate allocation dynamics, maximizing production. In this context, the aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of brackish water irrigation strategies at different phenological stages under potassium...
Climate change significantly impacts agriculture and forage production, requiring the implementation of strategies toward increased water and energy use efficiency. So, this study investigated the yield of forage cactus (Opuntia stricta (Haw.) Haw) under different irrigation depths using brackish groundwater (1.7 dS m−1), whose management was based...
For the use of saline waters in agriculture to be a viable option, solutions must be adopted to mitigate the impacts caused by these waters. In this context, the present study aimed to evaluate the foliar application of algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) extract as a strategy to mitigate the deleterious effects of salinity on the production and post-harve...
Nitrogen fertilization can provide greater nutritional support and mitigate salt stress in the millet crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological responses and agronomic performance of millet crop subjected to nitrogen fertilization and irrigation water salinity. The study was carried out in a greenhouse, using a completely random...
O semiárido brasileiro apresenta regime pluviométrico instável e caracteriza-se pela presença de cenários hídricos que variam de muito seco a muito chuvoso. Portanto, a definição dos determinantes essenciais para cada cenário hídrico corrobora o entendimento e estabelecimento de padrões para a região. Nesse sentido, o estudo analisa as variáveis de...
Peanut (Arachis hypogaea) is an important agricultural crop in Brazil, considered one of the most important oilseed crops cultivated. The use of fertilizer-solubilizing bacteria can mitigate salt stress. The objective of this study was to evaluate the gas exchange, growth, and water use efficiency of the peanut crop irrigated with brackish water un...
Nitrogen fertilization can provide greater nutritional support and mitigate salt stress in the millet crop. The aim of this study was to evaluate the physiological responses and agronomic performance of millet crops subjected to nitrogen fertilization and irrigation water salinity. The study was carried out in a greenhouse, using a completely rando...
In Brazil, logging in the Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) under management plans that include clear-cutting has increased in recent decades, and the structure, composition, diversity and functioning of the forest likely must have been affected. The aim of this study was to understand the growth dynamics of shrub–tree biomass (STB), species ri...
Water reservoirs were built in the semi-arid region to mitigate the effects of drought and water scarcity. However, these reservoirs are subject to variables that impact the volume and quality of the stored water, with the contribution of such nutrients as Total Nitrogen (TN) and Total Phosphorus (TP) being one of the main factors in intensifying t...
Irregular rainfall and the occurrence of droughts in tropical semi-arid regions have a negative impact on the quality and
availability of water stored in reservoirs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the quality of water stored in an artifi cial reservoir in the
tropical semi-arid region of Brazil during years of drought. The study area was the...
The objective of this research was to define the potential of brackish groundwater for 15 systems of biosaline agriculture in a representative area of the Brazilian semi-arid region. The study was conducted using a database of the State of Ceará, with 6284 wells having brackish water (EC ≥ 0.8 dS m −1 and discharge rate ≥ 0.5 m 3 h −1). Our results...
Reservoir evaporation represents one of the most significant forms of water loss in tropical and semi-arid areas, but methods to accurately quantify evaporation fluxes at large scales are currently missing. The objectives of this study were: (1) to estimate evaporation in two Brazilian tropical reservoirs by calibrating the Stephens-Stewart equatio...
Entender os processos hidrossedimentológicos em escalas maiores, a fim de
amenizar os seus impactos causados pelos diversos fenômenos existentes. Práticas
conservacionistas se apresentam como alternativas aos manejos convencionais de agricultura
de sequeiro no semiárido. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida na microbacia experimental vale do
curu (MEVC), lo...
A bacia hidrográfica consiste na área de gestão dos recursos hídricos, sendo essencial o conhecimento de seus limites, forma e uso do solo. Neste sentido, as geotecnologias se apresentam como uma alternativa para a obtenção destas informações. Assim, objetivou-se
delimitar a Bacia Hidrográfica do Açude Capitão Mor e obter suas características
Cotton yield under the rainfed farming system in tropical semi-arid regions is significantly decreased by prolonged dry spells. In this context, supplemental irrigation (SI) with treated wastewater emerges as a strategy for the sustainability of agricultural production besides contributing to the reduction of fertilizer costs. The objective of this...
Intensification of the eutrophication process in surface water leads to an increase in the intensity and frequency of cyanobacterial blooms, compromising the availability of drinking water. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the spatio-temporal dynamics of cyanobacteria and identify the most important nutrients for such dynamics in...
The increase in irrigated areas and the water crisis in numerous regions have encouraged the use of irrigation systems and management that afford greater efficiency in the use of water. Wastewater is one option for maximising this efficiency. The aim of this study was to evaluate the indicators of water productivity in the cultivation of irrigated...
Although hyperspectral remote sensing techniques have increasingly been used in the nutritional quantification of plants, it is important to understand whether the method shows a satisfactory response during the various phenological stages of the crop. The aim of this study was to quantify the levels of phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca) a...
Quantifying the organic carbon content of soil over large areas is essential for characterising the soil and the effects of its management. However, analytical methods can be laborious and costly. Reflectance spectroscopy is a well-established and widespread method for estimating the chemical-element content of soils. The aim of this study was to e...
A qualidade hídrica e a dinâmica natural das comunidades biológicas, são
submetidas constantemente a interferências de ordem natural e antrópica, resultantes das atividades de uso e ocupação do solo. Portanto, objetivou-se avaliar a influência do uso e ocupação do solo nas variáveis físicas e químicas e na composição de macroinvertebrados aquáticos...
As cianobactérias são organismos potencialmente tóxicos que tem sido observado frequentemente em reservatórios do semiárido em virtude de suas condições ambientais. Nesse sentindo, objetivou-se avaliar a partir de Análise Multivariada quais variáveis de qualidade da água são responsáveis por influenciar a dinâmica desses organismos em reservatórios...
Remote-sensing data are essential to evaluate dynamic processes such as eutrophication and increases in the concentration of suspended sediments in continental aquatic systems. The aim of this study, therefore, was to develop models to estimate chlorophyll-a concentrations from remote-sensing data in continental waters of the Brazilian semi-arid re...
O semiárido brasileiro é afetado por escassez hídrica constante, onde o reservatório superficial artificial representa uma das principais estratégias para convivência e mitigação dos efeitos da seca. Além de armazenamento hídrico, o barramento superficial gera acúmulo de sedimentos e nutrientes, o que ocasionam a redução da vida útil dos reservatór...
Remote sensing coupled with the measurement of physical, chemical and biological variables is an important tool in water resource management. The aim of this study, therefore, was to evaluate the dynamics of the physical, chemical and biological variables of the waters of an intermittent river and an artificial surface reservoir using multivariate...
The efficient use of natural resources in production systems is essential for achieving ecological balance and sustainability in these systems. Current agricultural production systems have intensified the use of fertilisers and pesticides that contribute to an increase in energy flow, accelerating the process of degradation. The aim of this study w...
Water is an important resource for life and as such, its monitoring is essential. The aim of this study therefore was to estimate concentrations of chlorophyll-a and total suspended solids (TSS) using orbital remote sensing data. The study area was the General Sampaio reservoir, located in the Curu River Basin, in the state of Ceará. The concentrat...
Tem-se como objetivo analisar a influência da sazonalidade climática da qualidade das águas subterrâneas no Perímetro Irrigado do Baixo Acaraú - CE. Para isso, foram realizadas análises hidroquímicas dos atributos de HCO3-, Ca2+, Cl-, CE, Mg2+, K+, pH, RAS, Na+, SDT, SO42- nos meses de junho e novembro de 2015 e 2016. Realizou-se a análise de agrup...
RESUMO: A água é um bem com valor econômico e social e atua como recurso estratégico para o desenvolvimento econômico. Assim, objetivou-se realizar uma pesquisa participativa com os produtores do Perímetro Irrigado do Baixo Acaraú (CE) para caracterizar as fontes de água subterrânea e diagnosticar sua qualidade e usos. A pesquisa foi realizada no a...
In relation to the process of eutrophication of water reservoirs, it is necessary to understand the nitrogen and phosphorus supply, as well as they contribute to the eutrophication process. The aim of this research was to quantify the input and the balance of phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as to identify the effect of climate seasonality on dynam...
The bean is an important crop in feeding the global population. In the northeast of Brazil, it is of particular importance, since it is a staple food, which also generates employment and income. The low productivity of the northeast in recent years due to the water crisis combined with the cost of energy has compromised technical and economic viabi...
Resumo Os diversos problemas que o estado do Ceará vivenciou e vivencia em decorrência do balanço hídrico desfavorável, especificamente na segunda década do século XXI, tem ocasionado diversos conflitos quanto ao uso e qualidade da água. Com as baixas pluviométricas, com as altas taxas de evaporação, e com a constante retirada de água do reservatór...
The semi-arid region of Brazil is characterised by the irregular temporal and spatial distribution of the rainfall, which together with anthropogenic action causes degradation of the water quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate water quality in surface reservoirs in the Brazilian semi-arid region due to rainfall variability and the degree o...
Knowing the importance of the physical characteristics of a river basin as a subsidy for the planning and use of the natural resources present in it, it is justified to carry out this study by comparing two methods of determining the morphometric characteristics of the Fae watershed, located in the region semi-arid region of the State of Ceará. The...
Agricultural production in the semi-arid region is critically important for ensuring food security and agricultural development in world. However, due to the environmental impact generated by agricultural activity, and the challenge of producing food for a growing demand, agriculture is dependent on a constant flow of non-renewable environmental an...
Understanding the spectral behaviour of water is of the greatest importance to the quality management of water resources. Continuous monitoring by remote sensing is therefore essential for administrators seeking the efficient management of its many uses. The aim of this research was to characterise the spectral response of water submitted to differ...
The dynamics of land use and land cover in watersheds of the Brazilian semi-arid region is not only influenced by human action, but also by the climatic seasonality of the region. Knowledge of the relationship between surveys of land use and land cover using geotechnology and the climatic seasonality of semi-arid regions is necessary. The aim of th...
ALTERNATIVA PARA O CÁLCULO AUTOMÁTICO E ESPACIALIZADO DO FATOR TOPOGRÁFICO DA USLE EM BACIAS HIDROGRÁFICAS FRANCISCO EMANOEL FIRMINO GOMES1; GEORGE LEITE MAMEDE2 E FERNANDO BEZERRA LOPES3 1Departamento de engenharia agrícola/UFC, Doutorando em engenharia agrícola, Fortaleza, CE, Fone:(85)99238-2819, CEP:60440-900, e-mail: emanoelfg@hotmail.com. 2In...
O mamoeiro apresenta grande importância econômica em países tropicais e subtropicais, sendoo Brasil um dos maiores produtores de mamão (Carica papaya L.) do mundo. Assim sendo,torna-se necessário determinar a rentabilidade e o custo de produção, além da participaçãorelativa dos itens no custo operacional efetivo. Desse modo, objetivou-se avaliar o...
This study had with objective to evaluate the influence of climatic seasonality and dry season prolonged on parameters of the groundwater quality of irrigated perimeter of lower Acaraú-Ceará, for the years 2010, 2011, 2015 and 2016. Hydrochemical analyzes of the attributes of HCO 3-, Ca 2+ , Cl-, Mg 2+ , K + , pH, EC, SAR and Na+ in the periods of...
Acid soils have been responsible for the poor performance of most plant species, and liming is an
efficient way of correcting the pH of such soils. The aim of this study was to assess the performance
and establishment of the Brachiaria hybrid ‘Mulatto II’ under different doses and forms of limestone
application. The experimental design was of five...
Objetivou-se neste estudo determinar o Índice de Estado Trófico do açude Pompeu Sobrinho, Ceará, e avaliar o comportamento temporal dos parâmetros Fósforo Total, Clorofial-a e Transparência. Para isso, foram obtidas 17 amostras de Clorofila-a, Fósforo total e Transparência, de análises realizadas entre outubro de 2009 e novembro de 2016, com frequê...
Assuming that physico-chemical attributes affect the spectral curve of sediments, the objective of this work is to study the relationships of organic matter, phosphorus, nitrogen and granulometry with the laboratory spectral reflectance (350 to 2500 nm) of Brazilian semiarid sediments from the bottom of reservoirs. The study was carried out in the...
RESUMO Objetivou-se analisar a influência da variabilidade espaço – temporal na qualidade das águas subterrâneas no Perímetro Irrigado do Baixo Acaraú. Neste estudo foram consideradas as águas de 10 poços profundos empregadas na irrigação do Perímetro Irrigado do Baixo Acaraú. Os atributos investigados foram HCO3-, Ca 2+ , Cl-, Mg 2+ , K + , Na + ,...
A propagação de plantas aquáticas nos corpos d’água tem contribuído para o comprometimento dos diversos usos da água. Para realizar o controle dessa vegetação é essencial que se faça a identificação e o monitoramento das espécies presente nos mananciais. O sensoriamento remoto é uma tecnologia que pode ser empregada na coleta de dados sobre macrófi...