Fernando Laxe

Fernando Laxe
Universidade da Coruña | UDC · Dpt.Economia Aplicada


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Publications (99)
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La política portuaria española ha experimentado transformaciones sig-nificativas desde finales del siglo XX, destacando su orientación hacia la competitividad económica y el avance hacia un modelo landlord. Este modelo combina la propiedad pública de las infraestructuras con la provisión privada de servicios y una mayor regulación pública. El artíc...
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La política portuaria española ha experimentado transformaciones significativas desde finales del siglo XX, destacando su orientación hacia la competitividad económica y el avance hacia un modelo landlord. Este modelo combina la propiedad pública de las infraestructuras con la provisión privada de servicios y una mayor regulación pública. El artícu...
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O proceso de transición ecolóxica (e a súa derivada máis importante, a enerxética) ten como fin inequívoco a substitución de fontes de enerxía derivadas de combustibles fósiles por renovables. Neste contexto, Galicia podería definirse coma un hub enerxético, onde se poderían desenvolver diversas actividades xestionadas por distintos operadores econ...
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El presente artículo parte de la consideración de la importancia secular del transporte marítimo como vehículo para el desarrollo económico: en la actualidad el 90% del comercio mundial se lleva a cabo por esa vía, y el papel de los puertos es transcendental para tal fin. La investigación fija como objetivo, con carácter previo, un análisis exhaust...
La preocupación por compatibilizar el crecimiento económico con la preservación de los activos ambientales ha pasado por varias etapas. La más conocida y extendida no es otra que el desarrollo sostenible. Este amplio concepto ha evolucionado y han surgido nuevas derivaciones, como es el caso del crecimiento verde y, posteriormente, economía azul y...
The economic activities of the primary sector are mainly linked to sustainability, especially regarding marine life, a concern reflected in Sustainable Development Goal 14. Direct contact with nature affects environmental and species preservation; they are activities located in specific geographical spaces, especially in the case of shellfish harve...
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Unlabelled: One of the leading national and international objectives is to achieve more egalitarian societies. Avoiding gender or digital gaps are priorities generally assumed as concerns of governments and international organizations. This paper evaluates the digital gender divide in its three stages: access, use and results, relating it to gende...
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The objective of this paper is to identify the approaches and the Code of Good Practices related to the four dimensions of sustainability (economic, social, environmental, and institutional) in the port sector and provide a framework for action based on transparency, monitoring of indicators, and accountability for the future development of sustain...
The goal of this study is to analyse the efficiency and profitability performance of Spanish ports of general interest over the 2011–2018 period. The approaches adopted so far do not include both variables. It is based on our own original methodology, defining and calculating different ratios for each port and its clusters according to size, geogra...
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The Spanish port system consists of 28 port authorities (PAs) that manage 46 ports, which transported 563.5 million tonnes of freight and 46 million passengers in 2018. They are almost all located in urban environments. In all the ports, complex activities are being carried out that have serious impacts on the environment. One of the most important...
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The EU lacks a single legislation on port matters, except for provisions concerning port facilities and the operations of certain technical port services. Europe has more than 1200 ports, of which 319 are global and basic, integrated into the TransEuropean Transport Networks as a whole. Ports play an essential role in the EU trade and passenger ser...
La globalización ha generado cambios importantes en los esquemas del transporte marítimo internacional. Por lo cual, con el objetivo de constatar las evidencias sobre los cambios de la estructura de conectividad del sistema portuario en el Océano Atlántico, durante el periodo de 2006 a 2011, en este artículo se utiliza una metodología de análisis d...
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In general, seaports are located in urban areas or in their environs, whereby their activity has a very direct effect on the population. Therefore, reducing environmental contamination and improving air quality are priority management goals for port authorities (PAs). In Spain, the state-owned seaport system consists of 28 PAs that manage 46 ports....
After the economic recession in which Brazil was immersed during the years 2015 and 2016, signs of recovery are perceived through port activity. The objective of this research is to analyze the efficiency and productivity of 20 container terminals in Brazilian ports for the 2008 to 2017 period. The methodology used is stochastic frontier analysis a...
In Spain, 28 Port Authorities of general interest moved more than 168 thousand tonnes of liquid bulk (34% of overall traffic) in 2015. Almost 82% of this amount corresponded to eight ports (G-8) that have a refinery within their facilities. This unique degree of specialization and concentration makes this set of ports an ideal sample to analyse the...
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For a long time there has been an attempt to explain the current crisis in the fisheries sector in terms of a confrontation between those defending “fish” and those defending “fishermen”. However, the real problem concerns the governance of fisheries and how common resources are assigned; it is not just a crisis of resources per se. Therefore, an i...
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The difficulties of access to the labor market remains in the post-crisis period, particularly for younger people and for those countries more affected by the crisis. The economic conditions with the precariousness of the labor market and higher unemployment taxes for youth, draws a scenario where the risk of poverty and social exclusion could infl...
Los puertos tradicionales han modificado sus hábitos y sus comportamientos y, actualmente, tratan de potenciar sus estrategias de marketing en un mercado global donde existe mayor competencia, y donde cada vez se exigen nuevas infraestructuras y mayores facilidades para operar. En este artículo se describen las nuevas vías a través de las cuales se...
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Analizar a importancia económica da pesca require de información económica detallada respecto dos inputs, os empregos dos produtos ou a demanda, sendo as táboas input-output a ferramenta que mellor capacidade ten para amosar a rede de interrelacións e dependencias entre os distintos sectores da economía. A partir da Táboas input-output da Pesca-Con...
The present importance of oceanic topics -fishery included- is characterized by the existence of conflicts at a global, not compartmentalized, level that no country can keep out of. The greatest awareness about questions linked to fishery resource sustainability - such as the need to arbitrate acts designed to regulate fishery access conditions; th...
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El segmento de las aerolíneas de carga, como demandante y usuario de servicios aeroportuarios, ha crecido en las dos últimas décadas hasta convertirse en parte fundamental de la red global de suministro en España. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución de la conectividad de este modo logístico, en el período 2004-2014, utilizando la...
This paper investigates the relationship between containerized transport supply, measured by the number of weekly services, and inland accessibility at subnational revel. It employs Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel tracking data to estimate the number of maritime services to main overseas markets, and Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regress...
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The minimum wage establishment has its origin in the first third of the last century. Since its creation has been a focus of continuing controversy and an unfinished debate on economics field. This work reviews the effects of the minimum wage on employment and other macroeconomic variables, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. The meth...
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El trabajo aborda el análisis de los indicadores de desempeño ambiental portuario en España. Se evalúan las distintas fases de su implementación bajo la nueva normativa legal y se formulan los diferentes indicadores e sub-indicadores utilizados, agrupados en las dimensiones económicas, sociales, institucionales y medioambientales. Finalmente, se co...
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The fishing activity has a key role in terms of income and employment, and it also guarantees access to food and food security. 56 million people are estimated to work in this field, three fold if we include aval and amont activities. Almost 40% of the fishing production is sold in world markets and its value represents 146000 million dollars. Thes...
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El concepto de la path dependence es utilizado en las ciencias sociales para entender los sistemas económicos. A partir de este concepto se aborda su aplicación analítica a la política sobre recursos pesqueros en dos contextos distintos como son la Unión Europea y México. La Comisión Europea empieza a atender la opinión de los productores, sobre la...
Successive changes to the legal framework affecting the Spanish Port System have been implemented over the last 25 years, forcing maritime operators to adapt to new rules. Based on a comprehensive literature review of studies addressing Spanish port devolution, our paper provides the most up-to-date evaluation of the impacts of these changes. Apart...
In general, Synthetic Indexes of sustainability have been applied to specific countries and regions. With some variations, the ones considered simple, such as the case of the Ecological Footprint (EF), have been applied to port areas. The same has not happened with those of a multidimensional nature (Global Synthetics) that still have a minimal and...
The strongest economic crisis ever known, started in 2008, destroyed much of the social achievements. Although the European Union had to deal with this situation by designing common policies, the member states have handled this crisis in many different ways. Nevertheless, not all the countries had the same possibilities for manage their economic po...
This article presents a proposal for determine, given a port region, new SSS candidates between a node and its neighbours, considering the nautical distance between ports as a distance metric. For accomplishing that, classic, homothetic and spatial shift-share decompositions are applied to the 2006-2014 throughput dataset of the 57 European Atlanti...
Perceived wellbeing at the workplace could be related to various factors such as the training received, the general working environment and particularly, the level of gender equality. Moreover is expected that the higher wellbeing at work will be reflected in a higher general welfare. This paper discusses the sense of wellbeing at the workplace, an...
Research into the methodological development of alternative systems of sustainability measures is recent. In understanding sustainable development in a multi-dimensional sense, one of the most significant advances was the construction of Synthetic Indexes, applicable to different spatial spheres or to organisations, businesses, institutions, etc. T...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to assess the impact that the free trade agreement between the European Union (EU) and Chile and its resulting dismantling of tariffs has had on the mussel cultivation industry, particularly in Galicia. Specifically, the authors examine how trade liberalisation has affected the mussel farming industry. Design...
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The document of the European Commission entitled “Communication from the Commission concerning a consultation on Fishing Opportunities” [COM (2011) 298 final] confirms the actual complexity and the problems regarding fisheries management, when it declares “the fact of overfishing assumes that the catches are made too soon, that catch size is too sm...
This study will highlight the factors that influence the choice of port in Spanish port system, which determine greater fidelity, the capture of traffic and the extent to which, in general terms, the installations that go to make up the Spanish ports are attractive to users. The study is made from the point of view of government port institutions:...
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Este estudio resaltara los factores que influencian la seleccion de un puerto en el sistema espanol de Puertos de Interes General, lo que determina con mucha fidelidad la capacidad de captacion de traficos y de atractividad del sistema portuario espanol. En funcion de las conclusiones, extraidas a traves de un Analisis Factorial Exploratorio, sera...
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Los efectos de la crisis mundial y la emergencia de nuevas rutas marítimas provocan cambios sustanciales en lo que concierne a la polarización de las zonas económicas y logísticas. Se alteran los tradicionales parámetros de atracción y las perspectivas de los puertos quedan determinadas por nuevos criterios de conectividad interna y externa que del...
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This article seeks to analyse the factors that determine the dynamics of the balance between supply and demand in the Spanish fresh fish market. For this, the time-series of fresh fish landed in the 1973–2009 period is analysed through an estimation of the series of transfer function models. Among other things, the findings in the Spanish case show...
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Los últimos años han sido de grandes y rápidos crecimientos en las operativas de las industrias portuarias y del transporte marítimo, y la globalización de los intercambios y relaciones económicas ha traído consigo un intenso proceso de contenerización. Estas transformaciones significaron una buena prueba para medir la constitución y asentamiento d...
Last years have been of great and fast growth in port and maritime transport industries operations, and globalisation of interchanges and economic relations have brought an intense process of containerisation. These transformations meant a big challenge for measuring the constitution and consolidation of port global trade networks. In this work, im...
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Formal equality recognition in the law has been carried out in international, European and national level by organisms and public administrations. In addition, action plans have been developed. The last Plan is the Equal Opportunities Strategic Plan 2008-2011. It is a state Plan and has twelve axis. The forth of them is referred with education, the...
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A mobilidade do factor traballo é, especialmente nesta etapa de globalización económica, un aspecto positivo que promove a competitividade. Non obstante, é tamén un elemento que pode determinar a existencia de deficiencias estruturais nas rexións ou nos países de orixe dos emigrantes. Galicia é unha Comunidade cunha ampla traxectoria na expulsión d...
This paper combines official data from 1990–2007 for (i) the Total Allowable Catchs (TACs) recommended by International Council for the Exploration for the Sea (ICES) scientists and the proposed and approved TACs and (ii) biomass, recruitment, catches, fishing effort, and current exploitation rates for all marine populations subjected to TAC regula...
This paper analyzes the vision that the urban tourism fabric in the hinterland of five Spanish regional airports has of the low cost carrier (LCC) phenomenon and the impact that LCCs have on the various niche tourism markets. Data are used from a survey of almost 500 tourist establishment managers. One of the conclusions that should be highlighted...
This paper analyses the historical development of fisheries management systems within the framework of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP): how resources are managed, how tasks are allocated by the Commission, and how quotas must be implemented. Early developments were based on the control of the fleet, aiming at the best compliance regarding catches...
Spain’s port system was subjected to significant legislative reforms during the 1990s. Spanish Law 62/97 allowed regional governments to manage commercial ports, whereas the central government continued to control the main organisation in charge of the Spanish port system – the Spanish National Ports and Harbours Authority (SNPHA). This paper analy...
This paper combines official data from 1990–2007 for (i) the Total Allowable Catchs (TACs) recommended by International Council for the Exploration for the Sea (ICES) scientists and the proposed and approved TACs and (ii) biomass, recruitment, catches, fishing effort, and current exploitation rates for all marine populations subjected to TAC regula...
Ports use port marketing as a guideline to face the demands in view of more open and competitive markets; hence, port marketing is considered as a high-value tool in order to search and capture new markets and products. This chapter collects those elements that shape the market plans and, notably, the base concepts related to the strategic mission...
One of the main concerns of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) lies in guaranteeing consistency among the different implemented actions. The main concern is establishing a relationship between the levels of compliance with the Multi-annual Guidance Programme (MAGP), the adoption of total allowable catches (TACs), and the levels of compliance with ru...
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La sobreexplotación de los recursos pesqueros mundiales ha propiciado un desarrollo notable de la actividad acuícola desde los años setenta. Con una capacidad productiva que garantiza la viabilidad técnica y comercial, el aprovisionamiento de los mercados domésticos ha seguido un fuerte desarrollo gracias al incremento de los flujos comerciales int...
Spanish Port Authorities currently face a wide range of complexities in their decision-making processes, as they have to satisfy several port management objectives that may conflict with one another. This paper examines these circumstances by using decision theory methodology with multiple objectives, which, through the Promethee method, makes the...
Se parte del concepto de atractividad como elemento más complejo que aglutina, explica y complementa a otros de uso más tradicional en economía como son los de competitividad y capacidad de los territorios para desarrollarse y captar recursos y factores externos. Una vez definidos los determinantes y las dimensiones que puede presentar la atractivi...
Maritime transport is facing up to a new stage of liberalization and deregulation that forms an innovative network of distribution, storage and services. Maritime companies and port operators have made headway in the processes of grouping firms and in geographical centralization. This greater concentration forces ports to redefine their scope of ac...
El sector pesquero está enfrentado en la actualidad a varios desafíos. De una parte, a la escasez de recursos disponibles y a la complejidad para definir los derechos de acceso a los recursos; y de otra parte, a la presión de lograr compensar una elevada subida de costes e incorporar actuaciones en lo tocante a los problemas medioambientales asocia...
The fishing sector faces three big challenges: preservation of resources, resource management and control mechanisms, and competitiveness of the economic fishing sector and its social and territorial effects. Fisheries legislation searches for the principles of good governability; it aims at contributing to responsible fishing; and it wants to be c...
El nuevo escenario que se configura en Europa obliga a repensar estrategias de desarrollo que desbordan el ámbito estrictamente regional para poder afrontar líneas de acción multirregionales. La heterogeneidad de situaciones, de diferencias regionales y de distintas dinámicas de integración espacial en Europa subraya la necesidad de compatibilizar...
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Analizamos las tendencias del transporte marítimo internacional: la fuerte especialización de tráficos, la selectividad de rutas y la intensificación de la jerarquía portuaria. El proceso de utilización de contenedores y la mayor cantidad de bienes transportados impulsaron la concentración empresarial en esta actividad. Nuestra aportación subraya l...
Some authors defend the implementation of regulation mechanisms such as individual transferable quotas, that is, the capacity to assign every fisherman an individual right so that he can fish a certain quantity of a specific species during a concrete period of time, as the most efficient way to reach a greater resource assessment and to guarantee b...
Los sistemas de organización hub-and-spoke se están imponiendo en el transporte marítimo debido a la tendencia a construir buques portacontenedores cada vez mayores, que sólo se pueden rentabilizar si se minimiza su tiempo de inactividad, para lo cual se debe reducir su número de escalas a los puertos hubs. Pero los sistemas hub-and-spoke se repite...
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La Política Común Pesquera (PCP) se enfrenta a tres grandes retos: el de la preservación y conservación de los recursos, el del modelo de gestión de los recursos y los consabidos mecanismos de control y, finalmente, el de la competitividad del sector económico de la pesca y sus efectos sociales y territoriales. La PCP busca los principios de la bue...
The precautionary principle has become a reference rule for public actions and policies. Two conceptions coexist under this principle. The first one, based on the strengthening of the concept of environmental protection, aims to promote a prevention proportional to the potential risks. The second one looks for the eradication of risks and it may ev...
Although the calculation of indicators of sustainable development is increasing on both national and global levels, its implementation to the regional analysis is still very incipient, especially regarding those indicators that are considered as measures of the strong sustainability. Some recent researches have determined that the ecological footpr...
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El transporte marítimo (especialmente de hidrocarburos y sustancias peligrosas) no ha quedado al margen del proceso general de globalización de la economía. El accidente del buque Prestige en las costas de Galicia (España) no ha hecho más que revelar la existencia, por una parte, de importantes fallos de mercado y, por otra, del sector público, lo...
A través de la aplicación de índices sintéticos de sostenibilidad, en el presente artículo se aborda el análisis de la relación existente entre los resultados obtenidos para las dimensiones social y medioambiental del desarrollo sostenible. Mediante el procesado y análisis estadístico de los datos se ha tratado de establecer la existencia de víncul...
The proliferation of multifunctional ports allows intentification transhipment activities, demanding more infrastructures and specific services. Ports, defined as meeting points among the different stakeholders involved in transport and services, become both convergence spaces among the different transport systems and service suppliers; and they al...
In the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), the bases for a world sustainable development were set. Ten years later it took place in Johannesburg the World Summit on Sustainable Development, where it was discussed about the fulfilled advances and it favoured actions for century XXI. This document analyses...
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En el presente artículo se establecen las bases metodológicas y se diseña un índice sintético global de desarrollo sostenible que cumple tres condiciones: se adapta a los principios de Presión – Estado – Respuesta, adopta los mandatos de la Agenda 21 Local y se adecua a los cuatro componentes o dimensiones básicas de la sostenibilidad: ins...
El presente artículo establece las bases metodológicas para el diseño de un índice sintético global de desarrollo sostenible que cumple tres condiciones: se adapta a los principios de Presión-Estado-Respuesta, adopta los mandatos de la Agenda 21 Local y se adecua a los cuatro componentes o dimensiones básicas de la sostenibilidad: institucional, me...
Las regiones europeas no se benefician de forma equitativa de los beneficios de la integración. El crecimiento económico se ha repartido de tal manera que se ha consolidado un centro-núcleo muy fuerte y estable frente a una periferia muy diversa y con muchos contrastes. La globalización económica ha endurecido la competencia. Con objeto de garantiz...
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La globalización se presenta como la interconexión creciente de las economías nacionales. La percepción de dicha dinámica ha dado lugar a diferentes sensaciones y apuestas de futuro. Las diversas connotaciones intrínsecas a las perspectivas de la globalización pueden ser o de carácter pesimista o tener rasgos optimistas. Las primeras hacen mención...
Se presenta las nuevas bases del comercio marítimo que incluye las fórmulas y las pólizas de fletamento y los agentes que participan en el negocio naviero. Contenido: 1) Los agentes participantes en el comercio marítimo; 2) El transporte marítimo; 3) El comercio marítimo; 4) El mercado de fletes; 5) Nuevo rol económico de los puertos.
Aspectos sobre el futuro de la política pesquera comunitaria -- Balance del sector pesquero español y gallego -- La perspectiva del sector pesquero desde las asministraciones -- Las opiniones del sector pesquero desde las revistas especializadas --


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