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I am an Oceanographer with a Ph.D. in Sciences/Ecology & Natural Resources interested in the adaptation and resilience of social-ecological systems. I have work experience in inter/transdisciplinary research, teaching and outreach. I aim to integrate stakeholders' and rights-holders' knowledge (ILK) with scientific knowledge to develop environmental policies and planning solutions. I have produced science communication materials to convey scientific information as part of my research activities.
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June 2017 - June 2018
Publications (20)
Flooding is Aotearoa-New Zealand's most frequent natural hazard, and there is high confidence that climate change is making extreme rainfall events more frequent and intense. Additionally, there are significant development pressures which could both increase the number of people and assets at risk and the flood hazard. To date, there is no publicly...
Many coastal areas in the world are experiencing coastal erosion and flooding, which is likely to escalate due to sea-level rise and an increase in the frequency and intensity of storms, however, some countries still lack a dedicated policy to guide the application of adaptation solutions specific to the coastal zone. This remains the case in Irela...
Recent decades have witnessed a steady increase in efforts from a range of actors to facilitate and support meaningful and effective engagement with coastal communities and stakeholders. Indeed, this move towards improved participatory approaches are increasingly framed as being integral to successful and sustainable management of coastal resources...
Social participation enriches decision-making and is considered a civil right in many democratic countries, despite remaining a challenge. This paper presents evidence and discusses the evolution of social participation in the Araçá Bay (Southeastern Brazil), as a result of participatory action-research. Over three years, a process of social mobili...
While coastal management has been recognized as an urgent and strategic process since 1970s worldwide, it is still struggling to show robust outcomes in some countries and even among regions within countries. Coastal Ecological and Economic Zoning was proposed in 1988 as an integrated environmental and territorial management tool by the Brazilian N...
O projeto foi uma parceria entre o Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA), Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (FURG), Universidade de São Paulo (USP) e Universidade do Vale do itajaí (UNIVALI). O objetivo deste projeto foi realizar uma avaliação quali-quantitativa dos processos de elaboração e implementação dos zoneamentos costeiros já conduzidos no paí...
A growing number of studies suggest a participatory ecosystem approach to support decision-making toward resilience and sustainability in social-ecological systems. Social-ecological resilience (SER) principles and practices are recommended to manage natural crises. However, it is necessary to broaden our understanding of SER on human-induced distu...
The lack of a strategic planning to order a defined marine territory may result in a patchwork of overlapping policies, sometimes reinforcing the legislation, but sometimes contradicting it. In Brazil, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) and Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) policies have been implemented to marine management, however, in an inde...
O uso compartilhado de recursos naturais demanda sistemas alternativos de governança que levem em conta os conflitos causados pela diversidade de usos de um mesmo território e deem espaço e voz aos atores sociais ali atuantes. Isso é especialmente necessário na Zona Costeira (ZC), região de interface entre os ecossistemas terrestres e marinhos, resp...
‘Pulsating: a film about the Araçá Bay’ (https://youtu.be/HtGd2t1YSJ8) is a short film (25 minutes) about the debate towards the maintenance of the traditional way of life, the dilemma of the port expansion and the social-environmental conflicts of the contemporaneousness in Bay of Araçá.
The documentary is a co-production of Terra Azul Culture an...
This is the Strategic Document for the Brazilian Future Ocean Panel - PainelMar, an initiative that aims to " Perform as a multi-sectorial collaborative platform of individuals and organizations on the interface of knowledge and decision-making processes, aiming at qualifying policies for the sustainable use and health of the oceans" -illuminating,...
The increasing of industrial and port activities in the estuary of Santos (São Paulo State - Brazil) is threatening marine-estuarine ecosystems, including their environmental goods and services. This article focuses on the analysis of the controversy of an environmental licensing of a modern port terminal in this estuary and in the analysis of the...
Aspects of resilience and sustainability in social-ecological systems to adapt to moments of crisis have been widely discussed in the scientific community. We chose to analyze the case of traditional caiçara community of Ilha Diana (Santos municipality, Brazil) that has been isolated of the commercial world until nowadays and now it passes through...
The coastal-marine extractive fishery activity in Brazil has been going through a moment of crisis because of the decline in the fish stocks due to over-exploitation and to negative environmental impacts. In search of a better comprehension of the fishery's panorama, an integrated analysis of bibliographical was carried out. The management of the f...
This document aims to characterize quantitative and qualitatively the organic solid residues produced by the fish processing industry in Itajai and Navegantes cities Santa Catarina State, Brazil. According to 73% of the 22 companies interviewed, the fish processing reaches an average of 60,000 t/year, generating approximately 30,000 t/year of resid...