Fernanda Araújo Baião

Fernanda Araújo Baião
Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro

DSc in Computer Science and Engineering
Associate Professor at PUC-Rio


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Publications (258)
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Objectives No consensus exists about the best COVID-19 vaccination strategy to be adopted by low-income and middle-income countries. Brazil adopted an age-based calendar strategy to reduce mortality and the burden on the healthcare system. This study evaluates the impact of the vaccination campaign in Brazil on the progression of the reported COVID...
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Organizational decision-making is crucial for success, yet cognitive biases can significantly affect risk preferences, leading to suboptimal outcomes. Risk seeking preferences for losses, driven by biases such as loss aversion, pose challenges and can result in severe negative consequences, including financial losses. This research introduces the A...
This paper trains a household-level disaster risk classifier based on supervised machine learning algorithms for cold wave-related disasters. The households' features considered for this task proxy multiple dimensions of vulnerability to disasters accounting for economic, health, social, and geographical conditions. These features are theoretically...
This article presents an intentional semantics, using Object Petri Nets (OPNs), to assign activity to each biological molecule and complex, such as mRNA, tRNA, ribosomes, and protein synthesis. The work differs from traditional uses of Petri Nets in Biology and Chemistry for being a bottom-up and general semantics and not only a formalization of so...
Conference Paper
Gestão de Processos de Negócio (GPN) e Gestão do Conhecimento (GC) são duas estratégias bem sucedidas para aprimorar a Gestão do Negócio e a construção de Sistemas de Informação, uma vez que endereçam perspectivas complementares e transversais em uma organização. A aplicação conjunta destas abordagens é promissora em cenários intensivos em conhecim...
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Background The lack of precise definitions and terminological consensus about the impact studies of COVID-19 vaccination leads to confusing statements from the scientific community about what a vaccination impact study is. Objective The present work presents a narrative review, describing and discussing COVID-19 vaccination impact studies, mapping...
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Purpose A literature review was conducted in order to establish a detailed definition of a knowledge-intensive process (KiP). Moreover, relevant theories from humanities – especially the fields of linguistics and philosophy – were thoroughly researched and adapted for establishing descriptive and analytical foundations for the phenomena involved. F...
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The planning and monitoring of the contracting processes of contractual instruments are necessary to execute effective operations. In large companies, the planning and monitoring of processes are supported by systems that aim to bring predictability to hiring, avoiding possible delays. This paper proposes predictive models capable of predicting the...
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Combining database tuning actions has neither a precise formulation nor a formal approach to solving it. It is a complex and relevant problem in database research, both for the DBA manual solutions and automatic ones using specialized software. This work proposes an automated method for generating and selecting combined tuning solutions for relatio...
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Background There is limited information on the inequity of access to vaccination in low-and-middle-income countries during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here, we described the progression of the Brazilian immunisation program for COVID-19, and the association of socioeconomic development with vaccination rates, considering the potential protective effect...
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Conceptual modeling plays a fundamental role in information systems engineering, and in data and systems interoperability. To play their role as instruments for domain modeling, conceptual models must contain the exact set of constraints that represent the worldview of the relevant domain stakeholders. However, as empirical results show, conceptual...
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Com o avanço da Web Semântica, foram criadas bibliotecas que armazenam coleções de diversas ontologias. Estas bibliotecas permitem que os usuários possam identificar, reusar e publicar ontologias que descrevam o seu domínio de forma apropriada. Com o aumento da quantidade de ontologias sendo hospedadas nessas bibliotecas pelos usuários, estas preci...
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Conceptual modeling plays a fundamental role in information systems engineering, and in data and systems interoperability. To play their role as instruments for domain modeling, conceptual models must contain the exact set of constraints that represent the worldview of the relevant domain stakeholders. However, as empirical results show, conceptual...
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The COVID-19 pandemic posed several research opportunities raised by the huge amount of data collected and made available at an unprecedented rate. However, this also raised important challenges for manipulating all this data and extracting knowledge from it, due to the lack of semantically precise definitions. In particular, several locations impo...
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Após mais de um ano de pandemia da COVID-19, foi possível notar os diferentes rumos que a epidemia tomou ao longo do território brasileiro. Em virtude de inúmeros fatores, muitos até então desconhecidos, o comportamento da curva de casos da doença em cada estado se deu de uma forma distinta. Entretanto, apesar desta aparente singularidade, é import...
Conference Paper
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OnDBTuning is a relational database (automatic) tuning ontology. Ontologies are software artifacts that represent specific domain knowledge and can infer new knowledge. However, most cases involve only a formal and static description of concepts. Moreover, as database tuning involves many rules-ofthumb and black-box algorithms, it becomes challengi...
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Cancer cell lines, which are cell cultures derived from tumor samples, represent one of the least expensive and most studied preclinical models for drug development. Accurately predicting drug responses for a given cell line based on molecular features may help to optimize drug-development pipelines and explain mechanisms behind treatment responses...
Business Process Deviance Mining is a research area that aims to characterize deviations of a business process from its expected outcomes. Techniques within this area discover which features of a set of process executions are associated to changes in process performance, providing insights on which process behavior leads to the best performance and...
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Background Tests are scarce resources, especially in low and middle-income countries, and the optimization of testing programs during a pandemic is critical for the effectiveness of the disease control. Hence, we aim to use the combination of symptoms to build a predictive model as a screening tool to identify people and areas with a higher risk of...
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For many years, the role played by domain knowledge in all stages of knowledge discovery has been recognized. However, the real‐world semantics embedded in data is often still not fully considered in traditional data mining methods. In this article, we argue that the quality of data mining results is directly related to the extent that they reflect...
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Database tuning is a task executed by Database Administrators (DBAs) based on their practical experience and on tuning systems, which support DBA actions towards improving the performance of a database system. It is notoriously a complex task that requires precise domain knowledge about possible database configurations. Ideally, a DBA should keep t...
Background Most low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) have little or no data integrated into a national surveillance system to identify characteristics or outcomes of COVID-19 hospital admissions and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their national health systems. We aimed to analyse characteristics of patients admitted to hospital wi...
Objectives – The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has highlighted inequalities in access to healthcare systems, increasing racial/ethnic disparities and worsening health outcomes in these populations. This study analysed the association between sociodemographic characteristics and COVID-19 in-hospital mortality in Brazil. Study design...
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Ontology Matching Network of Ontologies System of Systems Network Matching
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Diante da pandemia de COVID-19, muitos países adotaram medidas de contenção buscando desacelerar sua propagação. Entretanto, tendo em vista a diversidade de medidas aplicadas e as diferentes curvas de propagação da doença dos vários países, a análise da efetividade das medidas é extremamente complexa, embora relevante para subsidiar decisões de ges...
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System of systems (SoS) are interconnected systems that bring value to different domains like health, emergency, and crisis management systems. The integration of these SoS creates opportunities to change, validate the information, and add more value to information systems. SoS may have ontologies in their background to support knowledge descriptio...
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Background: Tests are scarce resources, especially in low and middle-income countries, and the optimization of testing programs during a pandemic is critical for the effectiveness of the disease control. Hence, we aim to use the combination of symptoms to build a regression model as a screening tool to identify people and areas with a higher risk o...
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Cancer cell lines, which are cell cultures developed from tumor samples, represent one of the least expensive and most studied preclinical models for drug development. Accurately predicting drug response for a given cell line based on molecular features may help to optimize drug-development pipelines and explain mechanisms behind treatment response...
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OBJECTIVE: To estimate the reporting rates of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases for Brazil as a whole and states. METHODS: We estimated the actual number of COVID-19 cases using the reported number of deaths in Brazil and each state, and the expected case-fatality ratio from the World Health Organization. Brazil’s expected case-fatality rat...
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O número de casos confirmados da doença pelo coronavírus 2019 (COVID-19) é o dado mais importante para que se possa compreender a evolução dessa doença. Contudo, a rápida disseminação da pandemia e o pequeno número de testes realizados tornam difícil estimar o número real de casos e provocam subnotificação em diferentes países. A restrição dos test...
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Objective: To analyse the measures adopted by countries that have shown control over the transmission of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and how each curve of accumulated cases behaved after the implementation of those measures. Methods: The methodology adopted for this study comprises three phases: systemizing control measures adopted by di...
Conference Paper
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The Genome Assembly research area has quickly evolved, adapting to new sequencing technologies and modern computational environments. There exist many assembler software systems that consider multiple approaches; however, at the end of the process, the assembly quality can always be questioned. When an assembly is accomplished, one may generate qua...
Considering the increasing exchange of information among systems, the design and development of Information Systems (IS) must guarantee high levels of interaction, communication, and connectivity. To supply the society and organizations demands, IS have been forming an arrangement called Systems-of-Information Systems (SoIS), in which constituents...
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This volume celebrates the career of Prof. Ricardo de Almeida Falbo on the occasion of his formal retirement. The volume includes reflections from collaborators and former students, casting light on his academic work and contributions. The chapters show how Falbo's original contributions have influenced a number of developments in the application o...
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Ontology matching aims at discovering mappings between the entities of two ontologies. It plays an important role in the integration of heterogeneous data sources that are described by ontologies. Interactive ontology matching involves domain experts in the matching process. In some approaches, the expert provides feedback about mappings between on...
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Decision mining allows discovering rules that constraint and explain the paths that the instances of a business process may follow during its execution. In Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiP), the discovery of such rules is a great challenge because they lack structure. In this context, this experimental study applies a decision mining technique in...
Database tuning is a complex task, involving technology-specific concepts. Although they seem to share a common meaning, there are very specific implementations across different DBMSs vendors and particular releases. Database tuning also involves parameters that are often adjusted empirically based on rules of thumb. Moreover, the intricate relatio...
Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiPs) are a range of business processes which are rather unpredictable, highly variable, and very dependent on human knowledge and collaboration. Despite the recent efforts to provide comprehensive support for KiP management, there are still few discussions about how human aspects influence process execution. For exam...
Hybrid modeling approaches have been proposed to represent processes that have both strictly regulated parts and loosely regulated parts. Such process is so-called Knowledge-intensive Process (KiP), which is a sequence of activities based on intense knowledge use and acquisition. Due to these very particular characteristics, the first author previo...
Conference Paper
A democracia e a participação pública dos cidadãos, ligadas à prestação de serviços eletrônicos de governo (e-gov), têm exigido transparência. Saber coisas sobre como o governo funciona, disponibilidade, qualidade, confiabilidade, fontes e armazenamento de dados são questões que merecem atenção e estão relacionadas ao conceito de transparência. Exi...
Modelling knowledge-intensive processes (KiP) is not an easy task, due to their essential characteristics of being unstructured, based on social interactions, experience and intentions of the actors involved. The knowledge-intensive process ontology (KiPO) provides a structural conceptualisation for KiPs, precisely specifying all concepts and relat...
Conference Paper
Database tuning is a crucial task to address the performance of information systems that deal with a considerable amount of information stored in databases. Current tuning tools are very platform-specific and do not provide adequate support for the database administrator to reason about performance improvement suggestions. In this paper, we discuss...
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The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) is characterized by a fusion of technologies, which is blurring the lines between the physical, digital, and biological spheres. In this context, two fundamental characteristics emerge: transparency and privacy. From one side, transparency can be seen as the quality that allows participants of a community to k...
Identifying the travel modes people use on their daily commute, and the purpose of their trips, contributes to a better understanding of their mobility patterns. Therefore, the detection of the travel modes and the prediction of trips, purposes from smartphone sensors data emerged as two research problems in recent years. Most previous works have t...
Com o recente avanço da pesquisa e prática em Gestão de Processos de Negócio (Business Process Management – BPM), organizações vêm mudando o seu foco para processos críticos que tipicamente são pouco estruturados, dinâmicos e de alta complexidade, denominados Processos intensivos em Conhecimento (Knowledge-intensive Processes – KiP). Em função de t...
WordNet is a large lexical database used by an uncountable number of applications for computational linguistics. Many proposals have attempted to better describe it in a semantic perspective, especially addressing synonymy, taxonomy and mereology properties, which led to very good results in domain-specific applications. A philosophical shift on th...
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Knowledge-intensive Processes (KIPs) are processes whose execution is heavily dependent on knowledge workers performing various interconnected knowledge-intensive decision-making tasks. Among other characteristics, KIPs are usually non-repeatable, collaboration-oriented, unpredictable, and, in many cases, driven by implicit knowledge, derived from...
WordNet is a large lexical database used by an uncountable number of applications for computational linguistics. Many proposals have attempted to better describe it in a semantic perspective, especially addressing synonymy, taxonomy and mereology properties, which led to very good results in domain-specific applications. A philosophical shift on th...
Technical Report
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This document presents the Configuration Management Ontology Pattern Language (CM-OPL). It is the second version of the CM-OPL, represented by using OPL-ML (Ontology Pattern Language Modeling Language). Therefore, we used a structural model to represent the CM-OPL patterns and structural relationships between them. Also, we present a general proces...
Conference Paper
This paper presents an exploratory search model capable of assisting the visualization of search patterns and clarifying best practices associated to users' decision-making process, with implications in areas related to information retrieval, humancomputer interaction, Web searching and educational technology. The Exploratory Search Knowledge-Inten...
A Knowledge-Intensive Process (KiP) is specified as a composition of a set of prospective activities (events) whose execution contributes to achieving a goal and whose control-flow, at the instance level, typically presents a high degree of variability among its several past executions. Variability is a consequence of a combination of decision poin...
Conference Paper
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A System-of-Systems (SoS) is a set of independent information systems that must communicate with each other towards providing a specific service. Therefore, effectively integrating these systems is demanding. Considering that each system is conceptually described by a unique ontology, the conceptual support for the whole SoS demands the alignment o...
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This is the poster for the article accepted in the Ontology Matching 2018 Workshop collocated with International Semantic Web Conference 2018.
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Presentation for the article (same name) at Ontology Matching Conference (OM 2018) collocated with International Web Semantic Conference (ISWC 2018)
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Risk analysis is a complex and critical activity in various contexts, ranging from strategic planning to IT systems operation. Given its complexity, several Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks and modeling languages have been developed to help analysts in representing and analyzing risks. Yet, the notion of risk remains overloaded and conceptua...
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Risk analysis is traditionally accepted as a complex and critical activity in various contexts, such as strategic planning and software development. Given its complexity, several modeling approaches have been proposed to help analysts in representing and analyzing risks. Naturally, having a clear understanding of the nature of risk is fundamental f...
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Every day, over one billion people actively use some social network or social media, sharing opinions, describing facts they believe, and detailing moments of their lives online. In some way, we are digitizing part of our lives and, thus, creating an external collective digital memory in which the issue of privacy is central. We propose to address...
Conference Paper
Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiP) are poorly structured, dynamic and highly complex. The Knowledge Intensive Process Ontology (KiPO) constitutes a semantically rich conceptualization (encompassing a set of logical rules) about the domain of KiP that may serve as a basis to understand, identify and manage KiP effectively. However, applying KiPO in...
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Este artigo apresenta uma análise dos sentimentos expressos pelos clientes de uma empresa de TI em mensagens de e-mails trocadas com a equipe técnica durante a resolução de incidentes. Para isso, foi utilizada a técnica de análise de sentimentos a fim de investigar duas situações distintas no processo de resolução de incidentes: o sentimento dos cl...
Conference Paper
Organizations have to quickly leverage both internal and external capabilities to survive and compete in the current world, using all possible resources to effectively solve their problems. In a microservice architecture, solutions are built through collaboration with external and internal parties, who promote distributed services across networks....
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Decision mining allows discovering rules that constraint the paths that the instances of a business process may follow during its execution. In Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiP), the discovery of such rules is a great challenge because they lack structure. In this context, this experimental study applies a decision mining technique in an event lo...
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Systematic mapping study and challenges comparison between network of ontologies and ontology matching
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Paper from the published poster at OM 2017.
Technical Report
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Background: Network of ontologies is the pairwise match of a set of ontolo-gies, which became recently relevant due to its applicability in different domains, such as cultural evolution. However, the challenges faced in this area are not completely known and understood, neither are their relations to ontology matching counterpart problems. Aims: Th...
Conference Paper
Decision mining allows discovering rules that constraint the paths that the instances of a business process may follow during its execution. In Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiP), the discovery of such rules is a great challenge because they lack structure. In this context, this experimental study applies a decision mining technique in an event lo...
Conference Paper
Knowledge-intensive Processes (KiPs) are unstructured processes that demand an understanding beyond control flow and data. Being knowledge-centric and varying at each instance, KiPs demand new perspectives for proper process analysis. Most KiPs have strong collaboration characteristics, where interactions among participants are crucial to achieve p...