Ferenc Horvath

Ferenc Horvath
Centre for Ecological Research



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Publications (132)
Old-growth mixed-conifer forests in Bhutan are characterized by remarkable tree species compositional heterogeneity. However, our knowledge of tree species assemblages and their structural attributes in these forests has been limited. Therefore, forest classification has been reliant on a single dominant species. This study aimed to distinguish tre...
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Carbon accounting in the land sector requires a reference level from which to calculate past losses of carbon and potential for gains using a stock-based target. Carbon carrying capacity represented by the carbon stock in primary forests is an ecologically-based reference level that allows estimation of the mitigation potential derived from protect...
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This paper includes 2 hawthorn species (C. lindmanii, C. rosaeformis subsp. curvisepala) and 9 hawthorn hybrid taxa (C. ×kyrtostyla, C. ×media, C. ×plagiosepala nothosubsp. dunensis, C. × subsphaerica nothosubsp. fallacina, nothosubsp. jacquinii, nothosubsp. subsphaerica, C. ×walokochiana, C. monogyna × C. laevigata × C. rosaeformis s. str.), inclu...
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The existing plant trait databases’ applicability is limited for studies dealing with the flora and vegetation of the eastern and central part of Europe and for large-scale comparisons across regions, mostly because their geographical data coverage is limited and they incorporate records from several different sources, often from regions with marke...
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Deeper understanding on natural forest dynamics requires long-term data series from forests that have not been affected by human interventions, which are often scarce especially in the Pannonian Bioregion. Unmanaged, but regularly inventoried forest reserves provide an opportunity to fill this gap. The dataset provides repeated inventory data for 2...
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We present PADAPT 1.0, the Pannonian Database of Plant Traits which relies on regional data sources and integrates existing data and new measurements on a wide range of traits and attributes of the plant species of the Pannonian Biogeographical Region and makes it freely accessible at www.padapt.eu. The current version covers the species of the reg...
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The long-term study of old-growth forest stands helps to understand the small-scale natural forest dynamic processes driven by the population biology of trees. The sampled trees can be considered from the viewpoint of their life and death cycle from establishment through to growing and death to full degradation. We provide a methodological framewor...
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Néhány ezer éve a Nyírség buckák és buckaközök által tagolt világában homoki tölgyesek, gyertyános-kocsányos tölgyesek, keményfás ligeterdők és láperdők alkottak kiterjedt erdőségeket, mély fekvésű mocsarakkal, lápokkal és rétekkel váltakozva. Azonban a bronzkor végi és vaskori, majd a honfoglalás korának legeltető állattartása az erdők pusztításáh...
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A Kékes sziklás gerincének északi letörésén a valaha kiterjedt mátrai őserdőnek egy töredékes maradványa maradt fenn, amelyet Czájlik Péter fedezett fel és javasolt az Erdőrezervátum Program számára. Ez az állomány rendkívüli jelentőséggel bír, hiszen az Északi-középhegységben sehol másutt nem találunk olyan erdőt, de talán az egész országban sem,...
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A hazai, közösségi jelentőségű erdei élőhelytípusok szerkezet és funkció szerinti, erdőtermészetességi alapokra épülő felmérése állandó, országosan reprezentatív mintavételi helyeken, ismétlésekkel végzett trend-monitorozással, a célélőhelyek szerkezet és funkció szerinti országos természetvédelmi helyzetének meghatározása, értékelése és a rövid és...
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Primary forests, defined here as forests where the signs of human impacts, if any, are strongly blurred due to decades without forest management, are scarce in Europe and continue to disappear. Despite these losses, we know little about where these forests occur. Here, we present a comprehensive geodatabase and map of Europe’s known primary forests...
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Aerial surveys have always significantly contributed to the accurate mapping of certain geographical phenomena. Remote sensing opened up new perspectives in nature monitoring with state-of-the-art technical solutions using modern onboard recording equipment. We developed the technical background and the methodology that supports detailed and cost-e...
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A tölgylisztharmat (Erisyphe spp.) a tölgyek (különösen a kocsányos tölgy) erdész szakma által jól ismert kórokozója. Az európai növénykórtan és erdészettudomány is hatalmas tudást halmozott már fel arról, hogy milyen károkat képes okozni csemetekertekben, tarvágás vagy fokozatos felújító vágást követõ felújításokban, pótlá- sokban vagy éppen fiata...
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European countries are far from the 15% restoration target to be reached by 2020, partly due to the lack of large-scale studies at the national level that would help prioritize restoration efforts. We investigated the regeneration capacity and the determining environmental factors at the national level for three Pannonian sandy habitat types. The a...
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Nyolcvankét éve fogalmazta meg Soó Rezső, a Debreceni Tudományegyetem professzora: „Az egész Nyírségben nincs több ilyen eredeti õsállapotban megmaradt állomány, mely a jégkorszak utáni beerdősülés minden fázisának botanikai emlékeit épségben megőrizte.” A Kárpát-medencei keményfás ligeterdő rezervátumok között ma az egyik legrégebb óta zavartalan...
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Introduced pathogen microorganisms are important drivers of ecosystem change. This paper highlights the impact of the non-native pathogen mildew multi-species complex on the natural regeneration dynamics of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur). Pedunculate oak is a European keystone tree species, hosting a great amount of biodiversity, but its future ro...
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Hosszú út vezetett az erdőrezervátum-gondolat megfogalmazásáig és érvényre juttatásáig, amelyet a Magyar Királyság őserdeinek 19-20. századi kiaknázásáról és gazdasági erdővé alakításáról szóló lelkesült és figyelmeztető beszámolók, valamint az őserdő fogalom körüli értelmezési viták alapoztak meg. ... (Erdészeti LaOK)
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In the absence of primeval floodplain forests, near-natural remnants are key references for close-to-nature forestry and nature conservation. Old-growth forest characteristics (OGCs) were quantified in 16 managed (rotation or selection) and abandoned semi-natural floodplain forests by taking snapshot inventories of structural features. Principal co...
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Current global climate change alters the behaviour of species, and this can be also witnessed when investigating the species composition, the structure and the processes of different ecosystems. Today a grow- ing number of researches deal with the climatic exposures of forests, mostly focusing on the responses of the dominant climate susceptible tr...
Aichi Target 15 aims to enhance the resilience of ecosystems through the restoration of 15% of degraded land by 2020. Compliance with the target is still insufficient, partly due to the lack of appropriate baselines and knowledge of restoration efforts. The four-level model of ecosystem condition was suggested to set the baseline and support the es...
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Inadequate Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) is often thought to hinder adaptive management of socio-ecological systems. A key influence on environmental management practices are environmental policies: however, their consequences for M&E practices have not been well-examined. We examine three policy areas - the Water Framework Directive, the Natura...
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The data presented in this DiB article provide an overview of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) carried out for 3 European environmental policies (the Water Framework Directive, the Natura 2000 network of protected areas, and Agri-Environment Schemes implemented under the Common Agricultural Policy), as implemented in 9 cases (Catalonia (Spain), Esto...
Conference Paper
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More and more research aims to forecast the consequences of global warming, for instance to focusing on the shifts of the geographic range limit of climate-sensitive species or openings of stands due to draught induced tree mortality. Our hypothesis is that the effect of climate change will be demonstrated on the population and forest structural ch...
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Aim Primary forests have high conservation value but are rare in Europe due to historic land use. Yet many primary forest patches remain unmapped, and it is unclear to what extent they are effectively protected. Our aim was to (1) compile the most comprehensive European‐scale map of currently known primary forests, (2) analyse the spatial determina...
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The lack of natural references of dry-mesic oak forests creates conceptual obstacles for their conservation and close-to-nature management in Central Europe. Single-tree inventory was used to investigate stand characteristics and old-growth attributes of a Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Q. cerris L. dominated, 120-year-old stand in a Hungarian...
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Az élőhelyek kedvező természetvédelmi helyzetének fenntartása és javítása érdekében Magyarország és a Pannon régió Natura 2000 erdei élőhelyeinek állapotát monitorozni szükséges. Az egyszerűsített és továbbfejlesztett extenzív szerkezet és funkció monitorozás és értékelés erdőtermészetességi megközelítést alkalmaz, a TERMERD projekt módszertani ere...
Technical Report
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The report is summarising the preliminary findings: Blackstock K.L. et al. (2017) Monitoring and Evaluation for Ecosystem Management (MEEM), Technical Report, James Hutton Institute, 96 pages.
Hyperspectral satellite data is an efficient tool in vegetationmapping; however, previous studies indicate that classifying heterogeneous forests might be difficult. In this study, we propose a mapping method for a heterogeneous forest using the data of the Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) Hyperion supplemented by field survey. We introduced a band reducti...
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Summary Insufficient natural regeneration of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) in alluvial hardwood forests is a serious problem both for close-to-nature silviculture and nature conservation, as it may lead to in-depth changes of forest structure. Natural regeneration processes in pedunculated oak forests, is especially difficult to study due to...
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The Habitat Directive is devoted to ensure maintaining and improving the favourable conservation status of natural habitats remained. Monitoring of Natura 2000 habitats is necessary for that very reason. We are developed a simplified and more efficient way of structure and function monitoring of forest habitats for the Pannonian biogeographical reg...
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Az élőhelyek kedvező természetvédelmi helyzetének fenntartása és javítása érdekében Magyarország és a Pannon régió Natura 2000 erdei élőhelyeinek állapotát monitorozni szükséges. Az egyszerűsített és továbbfejlesztett extenzív szerkezet és funkció monitorozás és értékelés erdőtermészetességi megközelítést alkalmaz, a TERMERD projekt módszertani ere...
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Az élőhelyvédelmi irányelv a még megmaradt természetes élőhelyek kedvező természetvédelmi helyzetének fenntartását, állapotuk javítását és a Natura 2000 élőhelyek állapotának ellenőrző monitorozását írja elő. A Pannon életföldrajzi régió erdőire kidolgoztuk a szerkezet és funkció monitorozás 2008-ban javasolt módszerének egyszerűbb, hatékonyabb és...
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The process-based biogeochemical model Biome-BGC was enhanced to improve its ability to simulate carbon, nitrogen, and water cycles of various terrestrial ecosystems under contrasting management activities. Biome-BGC version 4.1.1 was used as a base model. Improvements included addition of new modules such as the multilayer soil module, implementat...
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In order to develop adequate adaptation measures for environmental vulnerability, we need detailed knowledge on the climatic performance of forest ecosystems. In this study, we aim to explore climate function variability of lowland beech forest distribution at a landscape scale. We also construct the response profiles of these forests near their xe...
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Background Making forecasts about biodiversity and giving support to policy relies increasingly on large collections of data held electronically, and on substantial computational capability and capacity to analyse, model, simulate and predict using such data. However, the physically distributed nature of data resources and of expertise in advanced...
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The process-based biogeochemical model Biome-BGC was enhanced to improve its ability to simulate carbon, nitrogen and water cycles of various terrestrial ecosystems under contrasting management activities. Biome-BGC version 4.1.1 was used as base model. Improvements included addition of new modules such as the multilayer soil module, implementation...
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In order to preserve the variety of life on Earth, we must understand it better. Biodiversity research is at a pivotal point with research projects generating data at an ever increasing rate. Structuring, aggregating, linking and processing these data in a meaningful way is a major challenge. The systematic application of information management and...
Appendix S1. Interpretation of the users' needs based on a self‐made questionnaire. Appendix S2. Comparison of the E‐OBS and the CRU TS 1.2 databases with the CarpatClim reference database. Appendix S3. Differences between the non‐corrected/corrected climate model results and the observation‐based dataset. Appendix S4. Relationship between simul...
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Studies on climate change impacts are essential for identifying vulnerabilities and developing adaptation options. However, such studies depend crucially on the availability of reliable climate data. In this study, we introduce the climatological database called FORESEE (Open Database for Climate Change Related Impact Studies in Central Europe), wh...
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The enchytraeid fauna of the Drava Floodplain (Bukkhat Forest Reserve, alder swamp and meadows at Kisszentmarton, and Barcs Nature Conservation Area belonging to the Danube-Drava National Park, Hungary) was investigated for the first time. A total of 14 enchytraeid genera, including 49 species and two other annelid worms (Hrabeiella periglandulata...
Conference Paper
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Large river floodplains of Europe, most adequate places for human civilization, now practically deprived of their original vegetation, traditionally considered as forests with game populations too low to have any effect on forest dynamics. The alternative Vera hypothesis, less cited in botanical or forestry literature, states that prehuman floodpla...
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In this paper we proposed a two step method to classify forest areas on a species/genus level with hyperspectral satellite images using the data of NASA’s EO-1 Hyperion. Our first step was to reduce the bands of the training samples in a way their spectral angle will be higher – raising the accuracy for the SAM supervised classification method. We...
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Simulation of the biogeochemical cycles of extensively and intensively managed grasslands and croplands are of particular interest due to the strong connection between ecosystem production, animal husbandry and food security. In the frame of MACSUR LiveM activities, we conducted a series of „blind tests” (i.e. uncalibrated model simulations with pr...
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A key driver of biodiversity loss is human landscape transformation. Change detection and trajectory analysis are frequently applied methods for studying landscape change. We studied to what degree habitat-specific change detection and trajectory analysis provide different information on landscape change compared to the analysis with land-cover sta...
Electronic appendix: ANOVA tables containing AIC, χ2 and p-values for single term additions and single term deletions, as well as the coefficients for each term in the best model for each type of grassland loss
Sixteen forest reserves are situated in the northern part of Hungary which belongs to the Carpathian region according to EURAC delimitation (Ruffini et al. 2006). These Hungarian forest reserves expand the natural forest remnant/forest reserve net of the Carpathians towards the lower hilly region, representing the deciduous beech and oak forest bel...
There is an increasing need for aggregated biodiversity indicators to inform policy decisions at all levels from local to global. Despite their similar policy goals, low-level (e.g. local, regional) and high-level (e.g. continental, global) indicator development is generally performed independently, and the resulting indicators are often incompatib...
The increase in the speed of land-cover change experienced worldwide is becoming a growing concern. Major socio-economic transitions, such as the breakdown of socialism in Europe, may lead to particularly high rates of landscape transformations. In this paper we examined the loss of semi-natural grasslands in Hungary between 1987 and 1999. We studi...
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The Pannonian region is situated in the Carpathian basin where forests have been used intensively for centuries. The article shows a map and a tabular overview of the forest reserves featured as forests “left for free development” of the region, and presents the most important stand structural characteristics of beech, mesophytic and thermophilous...
Goal of forest reserves is to provide opportunity for scientific study of natural forest dynamic processes. Definition of „natural forest” is especially difficult in floodplains, because they have been shaped by humans for millennia. Today’s best stands are of anthropogenic origin. Does the Bükkhát forest reserve (Southern Hungary) develop towa...
Questions: Can the climatic adaptive capacity of natural ecosystems be estimated with using landscape indicators based on vegetation or land-cover data? Can species distribution model (SDM) outputs be enhanced using such indicators? What are the data requirements and optimal parameter values of potential indicators? Location: Indicator framework: u...
In our study climatic sensitivity of significant woody habitats are discussed in the territory of vegetation based landscape regions of South Transdanubia, including Belső-Somogy, Külső-Somogy and Zselic. Selected bioclimatic variables are used to characterize regional and habitat climate surfaces and envelopes by habitat occurrence. Gaussian proba...
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Different attributes of MÉTA database on vegetation and landscape make the enrichment of other GIS databases possible. In this paper we show an example where the CORINE Land Cover Map is enriched with vegetation information from MÉTA database. We have tested the method in the area of Ipoly catchment area, Hungary in a case study. The habitat map of...
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A térképi adatbázisokon alapuló környezetügyi döntéstámogató rendszerek aktuális terepismeretekkel való feltöltési lehetősége általában korlátozott, időigényes vagy drága. Az aktuális tájökológiai, növényzeti/élőhelyi és természetvédelmi információkat kezelő MÉTA adatbázis felhasználása és a CORINE felszínborítási adatbázissal történt szakértői egy...
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Salamon-albert, É., ortmann-ajkai, a., HorvátH, F., morScHHauSer, t.: Climatic conditions and habitats in Belső-Somogy, Külső-Somogy and Zselic as vegetation-based landscape regions I. Climatic surface and climati