Fenna van Nes

Fenna van Nes
Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences · Knowledge Centre for Health Care and OT-EuroMaster



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Publications (38)
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Objective To obtain insights into parents' information needs during the first year at home with their very preterm (VP) born infant. Methods We conducted semi-structured interviews with parents of VP infants participating in a post-discharge responsive parenting intervention (TOP program). Online interviews were audiotaped and transcribed verbatim...
Background In older couples, everyday occupations need to be adjusted when one of the partners experiences a health decline. Gender dynamics will play a role in this process, yet there is little understanding about how gender can influence and shape changes in couples’ occupations. Aim To understand the changing occupations of old, independent-li...
Background: Smoking is an avoidable risk factor for diseases, impacting socioeconomic and health care systems globally. The meaning, purposes, and values related to continued smoking after being diagnosed with COPD have not yet been sufficiently explored from an occupational perspective. Gaining an understanding of why people continue to engage in...
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Veerkracht gaat over het vinden en benutten van sterke eigenschappen en mogelijkheden. Het is het vermogen van mensen om met veranderingen om te gaan en zich aan te passen. Om na verlies en verandering toch een positieve uitkomst te bereiken. In dit gesprekshulpmiddel vinden zorgverleners praktische tips en voorwaarden voor het gesprek met cliënten...
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Purpose To identify healthcare professionals’ perspectives on key barriers to improving physical activity in hospitalized adult patients, and to identify solutions to overcome these barriers. Methods: We used an explanatory sequential mixed-methods study design in a Dutch university hospital. A survey exploring 39 potential barriers was completed b...
Abstrakt Einleitung: Der Weltverband der Ergotherapeuten sieht die inklusive Bildung als vorrangiges, nicht verhandelbares Recht. Durch ihren einzigartigen Fokus auf Betätigung können Ergotherapeut*innen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Inklusion leisten. Die gesetzlichen Vorgaben eines Landes sowie die jeweiligen Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten beeinflussen...
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Master programmes play an important role in continued academic and professional development of health care professionals. This article describes the development of a framework for describing and comparing master competences in post-registration occupational therapy education in nine countries. The framework may serve as a guideline for prospective...
Rationale: In order to target rehabilitation needs of survivors of critical illness and their relatives timely and adequately, a thorough needs assessment is recommended when hospital discharge planning is initiated. In light of existing evidence on physical and psychological consequences of critical illness for both patient and family, it is as ye...
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Background Consideration of older adults’ quality of life (QoL) is becoming increasingly important in the evaluation, quality improvement and allocation of health and social care services. While numerous definitions and theories of QoL have been proposed, an overall synthesis of the perspective of older adults themselves is lacking. Methods Qualit...
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Objective to gain insight into what older adults after hip fracture perceive as most beneficial to their recovery to everyday life. Design qualitative research approach. Setting six skilled nursing facilities. Participants 19 older community dwelling older adults (aged 65–94), who had recently received geriatric rehabilitation after hip fracture...
Research indicates that the life courses of transgender people are accompanied by occupational transitions, defined as specific moments in life at which occupations change in favour of alternative occupations due to reactions to life events. This study used a narrative approach to gain a better understanding of the occupational transitions experien...
Background and objectives: This qualitative study applied a resilience perspective to socioeconomic inequalities in the functioning of older adults. We aimed to gain insight into how some older adults managed to age successfully despite having a low socioeconomic position (SEP) throughout their lives. Research design and methods: Semistructured...
Health promotion for senior citizens (‘seniors’) is an increasingly important factor in health and welfare policy, having important implications for occupational therapy. The health promotion program ‘Healthy and Active Aging’ originated in the US, has been modified and adapted to the Dutch context and has been implemented in community contexts. Th...
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Purpose: The early detection of a decline in daily functioning of independently living older people can aid health care professionals in providing preventive interventions. To monitor daily activity patterns and, thereby detect a decline in daily functioning, new technologies, such as sensors can be placed in the home environment. The purpose of th...
Previous systematic reviews on occupational therapy for elderly included studies until 2003. The present evidence mapping summarizes recent evidence for the efficacy of occupational therapy with older persons based on randomised controlled trials from 2004-2012. An electronic search in Cochrane and Medline databases identified publications of rando...
International partnerships are a mechanism for supporting the academic development of occupational therapy and promoting cultural competence. This case study describes the factors that have helped to sustain a post-qualifying programme implemented by five higher education institutions in Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden, Switzerland and the UK sinc...
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Purpose: The purpose of this study was to gain insight into how low back pain (LBP) patients conceptualize the construct of expectations regarding treatment. Methods: This study was nested within a mixed-method randomized clinical trial comparing three primary care interventions for LBP. A total of 77 participants with LBP lasting longer than 6...
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The purpose of the study was to translate the Interview for Deterioration in Daily Living Activities in Dementia (IDDD) into German and to evaluate the construct and concurrent validity in people with mild to moderate dementia. IDDD data of two pooled samples (n = 301) were analyzed regarding ceiling and bottom effects, internal consistency, factor...
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To translate the Dementia quality of life instrument (DQoL) into German and assess its construct and concurrent validity in community-dwelling people with mild to moderate dementia. Dementia quality of life instrument data of two pooled samples (n=287) were analysed regarding ceiling and floor effects, internal consistency, factor reliability and c...
Purpose: To examine the reproducibility of the institutional version of the Dutch Activity Card Sort (ACS-NL) and the possible presence of gender bias. Methods: Older rehabilitation inpatients (N = 52) were included. Intra- and inter-rater agreement for the ACS-NL total and subscale scores was examined by intraclass correlations (ICC), and agree...
Paramedici behandelen vaak mensen die een ernstige levensgebeurtenis (life event) hebben meegemaakt. Dat is een gebeurtenis die ‘het leven op zijn kop zet’ en het vereist veel doorzettings-en aanpassingsvermogen van mensen om dat leven weer ‘op de rails’ te krijgen. Inzicht krijgen in de processen die mensen doormaken in dergelijke situaties geeft...
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Aim: The development and evaluation of the Dutch preventive Healthy and Active Ageing program – inspired by the Lifestyle Redesign® program – for community-dwelling seniors in different contexts, in order to enable them to living independently for longer, while maintaining health and well-being. Methods: The program was performed in seven different...
Participation in everyday occupations influences people's health and well-being. To enable individuals to do the activities they want and need to do is the main concern of occupational therapy practice. Many daily occupations are universal, but they also depend on culture. The development of the Activity Card Sort in eight countries has offered the...
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This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the cont...
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This article discusses challenges of language differences in qualitative research, when participants and the main researcher have the same non-English native language and the non-English data lead to an English publication. Challenges of translation are discussed from the perspective that interpretation of meaning is the core of qualitative researc...
Nach einem zerebrovaskularen Insult verandert sich der Alltag fur die betroffene Person ebenso wie fur ihren Lebenspartner, denn dieser ubernimmt meistens die Betreuung im hauslichen Umfeld. Die Veranderungen im Alltag konnen die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden sowohl des Patienten als auch des Partners beeintrachtigen. Aus Sicht der Paare ist jedo...
This exploratory case‐study aims to understand an older couple's experience of their everyday occupations after a stroke. Data were collected through individual and joint interviews conducted during multiple home visits over a period of 7 months, 3 years after the stroke. Analysis resulted in two personal narratives and one joint narrative. The mai...
The European Cooperation in Occupational Therapy Research and Occupational Science (ECOTROS) aims to bring together occupational therapists interested in research in order to promote and facilitate international cooperation. In 2005/06, a survey was undertaken to identify the occupational therapists and institutions that were undertaking research i...


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