Felix TeichnerPhilipps University of Marburg | PUM · Vorgeschichtliches Seminar (Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie)
Felix Teichner
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April 2013 - present
Publications (214)
These brief lines describe the archaeological work carried out in the Villamontán de la Valduerna enclosures during the years 2021-2022. It included excavation work, aerial and ground prospection as well as non-invasive geophysical prospecting (ground-penetrating radar, electrical resistivity and magnetometry) with the aim to characterise these str...
Between 2017 and 2019, the Roman coastal settlement of Boca do Rio (Vila do Bispo, Algarve) was in the focus of intensive archaeological research in the projects “Boca do Rio: um sítio pesqueiro entre dois mares” and “Vulnerability of Com-plex Roman Production Networks on the Southern Hispanic Atlantic Coast” (DFG TE590/8-1). The excavations yielde...
Preliminary results of the geophysical surveys carried out in 2022 at the pottery workshop of Porto dos Cacos (Alcochete). The place was subject of several archaeological excavation campaigns between 1985 and 1990, revealing a vast artisanal area and a necropolis. At the time, it was possible to partially excavate three kilns and other support stru...
La identificación de la muralla tardoantigua de Italica y de su trazado, en el tramo norte de la ciudad, se produjo a inicios de la década de los años noventa del siglo pasado, gracias a las prospecciones geofísicas que en ese momento se llevaron a cabo en la Nova Urbs italicense.
Posteriormente, se han efectuado nuevas prospecciones geofísicas que...
Investigations at the Oppidum of Monte Bernorio (Palencia, Spain) and its environs have not only revealed the complex social structures of the Late Iron Age population, but also provided important new insights into the Roman campaigns against the Cantabri at the end of the 1st century BC. Results from geophysical prospections, pedestrian surveys, e...
At first glance, the density of written evidence seems to give a vivid and realistic impression of the wars that took place in north-western Hispania in the years 26 and 25 BC. Augustus himself led the first campaign against the unruly Cantabrians. The subsequent defeat of the Asturians, who settled to the west in the mining districts around Astorg...
The maritime industry of the Roman Iberian provinces was located in both urban and highly specialised coastal settlements. Boca do Rio and Cerro da Vila in Portugal (Algarve) are two typical examples of these production sites, where favourable natural conditions were used in a far-seeing manner. In both settlements, harbour installations were added...
In this paper we present the summary of the archaeological excavation developed at Cañada Honda in Italica (Santiponce, Seville) between 2017 and 2019. Thanks to this research, it has been possible to document part of the corridor that constitutes the head of the domus and to analyze the preserved structures that were excavated prior to our interve...
The archaeological site of Porto dos Cacos, a pottery center from the 1st-5th c. situated in the municipality of Alcochete (PT), boasts easy access to the Tagus River and the associated economic network.
In 2022, a non-intrusive exploration of a 3.3-hectare area using Geomagnetic, Ground-penetrating Radar, and Electrical Resistivity Tomography tec...
El área de Arqueología de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide, en colaboración con la Universidad de Marburgo, lleva a cabo en la actualidad una actividad arqueológica puntual de prospección geofísica y documentación de las insulae de Italica (Santiponce, Sevilla). El objetivo del proyecto es desarrollar una nueva documentación gráfica de la arquitectu...
Italica's late city wall, first identified by geophysical methods in the 1990s, has been recorded within a Hispano-German cooperation project more accurately thanks to technically improved measurement equipment and new methodology. In addition, its course in the area of the Traianeum could be further narrowed down. Based on the geophysical surveys...
La ciudad romana de Mirobriga, se desarrolla a partir de un oppidum celtíbero a lo largo del siglo I d.C. Esta ciudad llego a contar con importantes instalaciones públicas como un circo, unas termas públicas y un foro. Las investigaciones que se presentan en este artículo se centran en las evidencias de arquitectura doméstica (domus), descubiertas...
Florian Hermann (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Felix Teichner (Philipps-Universität Marburg) - Joao Pedro Bernardes (Universidade do Algarve) - Ricardo Soares (Câmara Municipal de Vila do Bispo), Boca do Rio (Algarve, Portugal) – A center of export oriented garum production on the shore of roman Lusitania.
Located in the extreme southwest of Ibe...
Modern non-invasive geophysical methods are used to investigate the broad diachronic spectrum of archaeological features in a high risk coastal area.
En abril de 2022, en virtud de una colaboración entre la Universität de Marburg, el Ayuntamiento de Eslava y la Universidad de Navarra, se desarrollaron trabajos de prospección geofísica en parte del área urbana de la ciudad romana de Santa Criz de Eslava, una de las más notables y monumentales ciudades romanas de Navarra, en el área central del te...
Since its discovery in the late nineteenth century, the Roman site of Boca do Rio has been assumed – regarding its ruins at the sea-front - well investigated. However, most of the preserved parts of the site, which belong to the productive area of salt-fish processing, extend behind the seafront, where the residential or pars urbana area of this vi...
The Roman fish-salting industry in the Western Mediterranean was concentrated in a high-risk geological area as regards extreme wave events. It underwent a significant and sudden decline and reorganisation between the second and third centuries AD. The few explanations that have been hitherto offered for this abrupt transformation range from politi...
Geoarchaeological Research on Roman fish-sauce production sites in Lusitania: Boca do Rio and Tróia
This article presents the results of an archaeological mission carried out in 2019 by an international team on the site of Henchir Hnich, where the first copy of the lex Hadriana de agris rudibus was found. The study of this site, identified with certainty as a rural settlement of an imperial estate, is part of a larger project devoted to the a...
Recent archaeological examinations carried out at Ginsburg Castle showed that the compound was greatly modified by human activity since the early post-medieval period and the terrain repeatedly extended by the addition of earth deposits, the last time in the 20th century. Only the summit of the upper plateau of the »outer ward« yielded high medieva...
Durante mucho tiempo, la investigación arqueológica de las ciudades antiguas de Hispania se ha concentrado en sus estructuras arquitectónicas más destacadas. Como consecuencia, actualmente conocemos un gran número de ciudades romanas a través, exclusivamente, de algunos de sus edificios públicos o por medio de sondeos estratigráficos limitados y de...
The ‘Asturian culture’ is an archaeological techno-complex characteristic of the coastal areas of central
and eastern Asturias and western Cantabria in northern Spain. Despite a long tradition of research on this
archaeological phenomenon, little information has been acquired about domestic structures. Even locations
of living areas have been po...
Because of its rich polymetallic deposits, the central Balkan region – in other words, today’s Kosovo – was of great importance to the Roman Empire as a source of raw materials (Fig. 2–3) Previous research opinion, however, held that the administrative and urban development of the region of Moesia Superior and Dardania was only fully achieved
at th...
The Santo André lagoon is located on the southern west coast of Portugal, about 80 km south of Lisbon. Although the beach barrier separating the lagoon from the open sea was occasionally breached in the past and has artificially been opened on an annual basis for the last decades, the lagoon still represents an appropriate geo-bio-archive for recon...
El punto de partida elegido para el presente artículo es un yacimiento situado
en el corazón de la provincia romana de Lusitania, no muy lejos de la capital de la
provincia, Emerita Augusta (Mérida). El yacimiento en sí se localiza en el valle medio
del Guadiana, junto al arroyo Hinojales, en la provincia de Badajoz (Extremadura,
España: fig. 1). E...
Abstract: This paper is witness to the prolific scientific production that Emilio Illarregui developed during his academic life. Sadly, this Spanish-German cooperation seeking to define more clearly the ancient city of Termes through new technologies (i.e. geophysical survey) was also his last field work. Therefore, we present the results of this w...
El presente artículo tiene como objeto realizar una nueva evaluación, desde la
perspectiva de las últimas investigaciones, de la estructura y evolución arquitectónica de dos de las termas públicas mejor conservadas que se localizan en
la zona portuguesa de la antigua provincia romana de Lusitania. Los dos conjuntos termales –el llamado «complexo ba...
Recent archaeological examinations carried out at Ginsburg Castle showed that the compound was greatly modified by human activity since the early post-medieval period and the terrain repeatedly extended by the addition of earth deposits, the last time in the 20th century. Only the summit of the upper plateau of the »outer ward« yielded high...
Die Studie präsentiert archäologische Erkenntnisse aus Herzhausen (Ebsdorfergrund), einer ehemaligen Töpfersiedlung, die im 16. Jahrhundert wüst fiel. Historische Quellen und geomagnetische Prospektionen ermöglichten die Lokalisierung und Charakterisierung von Töpferöfen. Das Formenspektrum der Töpfereiprodukte, darunter Ofenkacheln und Kugeltöpfe,...
Ergebnisse: Im Hessischen Ried wurden durch Luftbildbefunde auffällige Grubenstrukturen identifiziert. Geomagnetische Prospektionen bestätigten diese Anomalien,mit starken Magnetisierungsunterschieden. Thermografische Messungen zeigten differenzierte Wärmespeicherung in den Grubenverfüllungen. Bodenanalysen und hydraulisch-schlagende Bohrungen ermö...
Geophysikalische und stratigrafische Untersuchungen wurden im Rahmen der Sanierung von Schloss Homberg (Ohm, Vogelsbergkreis) durchgeführt. Durch Drohnenbefliegung, Structure-from-Motion-Technik, geophysikalische Prospektion und eine Testgrabung wurden neue Erkenntnisse zur St.-Georgs-Kapelle gewonnen. Die stratigrafischen Untersuchungen nördlich d...
Die aufgelassene Töpfereisiedlung Knechtbach (Schwalmstadt-Michelsberg, Schwalm-Eder-Kreis) steht seit mehr als 70 Jahren im Fokus von Wissenschaft und interessierten Laien. Gleichwohl wurde von dem nordhessischen Produktionsstandort allenfalls eine Auswahl der Keramikprodukte bekannt gemacht. Dass es während des vierjährigen Berichtszeitraumes gle...
EN Presentation of the results of archaeological diagnostic survey, surface prospection and geophysical prospection done since 2017 at the Alferce Castle (Monchique), which led to a better understanding of that archaeological site. The works were carried out mainly in two sections: the ruins of an Islamic fort existing over previous traces and a pl...
To this day, the central Balkan region of Kosovo bears an important geostrategic meaning due to its rich metal ore reserves. Consequently, the effort that respective hegemonic powers—Imperium Romanum, Byzantine Empire, Bulgarian, Serbian and Ottoman state—put into controlling these deposits and in establishing administrative and economic centres in...
This volume brings together a series of case studies of spatial configurations of power among the early medieval societies of Europe. The geographical range extends from Ireland to Kosovo and from Scandinavia to the Mediterranean world and brings together quite different scholarly traditions in a focused enquiry into the character of places of powe...
During the Roman Empire the westernmost area of the Iberia was a region specialized in producing fish derivatives, in the form of pastes, sauces, salted fish or brine. These were exported in amphorae to various parts of the Mediterranean and provinces of the Roman Empire. In the Algarve there are dozens of known existing sites that were dedicated t...
In 1755 CE, a strong earthquake followed by a transatlantic tsunami destroyed large coastal areas; it also left its sedimentary imprints in the Boca do Rio valley (western Algarve, Portugal). This tsunami layer is very well preserved and has been analysed in several studies. Deposits of preceding extreme wave events, however, have rarely b...
For two years now, the project "Vulnerability of complex production-networks at the Atlantic Coast of Roman Lusitania" funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG TE 590/8-1) has been investigating the dependency of Roman fish sauce production in Hispania on the changing development of its direct environment. At the site of Boca do Rio the interd...
En este artículo presentamos el proyecto de investigación arqueológica que en junio de 2017 inició en Italica el Seminario de Arqueología de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla y sus primeros resultados. El proyecto cuenta con dos puntos de atención. El primero de ellos, la Casa de la Cañada Honda, constituye uno de los más interesantes...
In this paper we deal with some mosaics found in two seaside settlements in the Algarve (Portugal), Boca do Rio (Vila do Bispo, Faro) and Abicada (Mexilhoreira Grande, Portimão). Mosaics from Boca do Rio were found in 1870 by Sebastião Philippes Martins Estácio da Veiga, and just one of them is preserved today, though we know some others through tw...
El Cerro da Vila se fundó como asentamiento romano de producción y puerto (“aglomeración secundaria”) al final de la época republicana. Con el tiempo, se convirtió en un pequeño asentamiento costero (“aldeia do mar”), con una actividad basada en gran medida en la explotación de los recursos marítimos, aunque es poco probable que su explotación exce...
The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin - edited by Annalisa Marzano July 2018
Cambridge Core - Classical Archaeology - The Roman Villa in the Mediterranean Basin - edited by Annalisa Marzano
Poster presented at AARG 2017 conference in Pula, Croatia.
Los trabajos de prospección geomagnética desarrollados en el oppidum de Monte Bernorio en los años 2007 y 2008 han ofrecido importante información sobre la estructura del asentamiento, sus sistemas de fortificación y las necrópolis asociadas. Además, los resultados han permitido mejorar la planificación de las campañas de intervención, ejecutando l...
ISBN 978 1 78491 590 2 ISBN 978 1 78491 591 9 (e-Pdf) © Archaeopress and the authors 2017 Front cover illustration: The reconstructed southwest gate, South Shields Roman Fort, Great Britain Back cover illustrations: The site of the Roman bridge (Pons Aelius) across the river Tyne at Newcastle; inscription (RIB 1322) found in the Tyne at Newcastle,...
Integrado num projecto financiado pela Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, Fundação Alemã de Investigação), foram investigados entre 2005 e 2010, com os métodos da arqueologia tradicional e da geo-arqueologia interdisciplinar, a evolução e a colmatação de diversos estuários e lagunas na actual costa sul de Portugal, no Algarve, durante o Holoceno...
This paper presents the results of an application of geophysical surveying methods to Mesolithic sites in Portugal. Magnetic gradiometry maps have been produced at the sites of Vale de Romeiras and Poças de São Bento. At the latter, three excavation seasons have provided information to test the results of the survey. It is concluded that these tech...
The Asturias is a classic cultural complex within the European coastal Mesolithic. Since its discovery by Count Vega del Sella in 1914, about one hundred thirty sites have been catalogued only in eastern Asturias, and some tens of them have been excavated. However, archaeological information about this Mesolithic complex is tremendously biased. Mos...
El Oppidum de Monte Bernorio constituye uno de los yacimientos arqueológicos más relevantes de la Protohistoria del norte de la Península Ibérica. Las campañas de investigación arqueológica que se vienen desarrollando de forma ininterrumpida desde el año 2004 permiten comprender el desarrollo de las estructuras defensivas, urbanismo y modos de vida...