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Publications (32)
Los Organismos Públicos de Investigación (OPIs) son instituciones de ámbito nacional que, junto con las universidades, forman el núcleo básico del sistema público de investigación científica y desarrollo tecnológico español. Una de las funciones esenciales de los OPIs es la difusión del conocimiento científico-tecnológico derivado de su actividad.
Engineering education is increasingly introducing business administration and management courses in order to adapt engineering curricula to the needs of the labor market and 21st century competencies. Traditionally, business simulation games have proved their efficacy in enhancing learning of business-related subjects in graduate and post-graduate...
Business simulation games have been used for some decades now as a training complement for business administration studies, but more recently they have already been included as part of engineering teaching. Although there is little debate about the usefulness and efficacy of business simulation games, most of them are based on traditional concepts...
This research aims to study the differences between services sold on the Internet, based on their degree of homogeneity. While travel services are mostly sold online, other customizable services do not enjoy the same success. We carry out an empirical study based on declared intentions, risk perceptions, and actual purchasing behavior. The main fin...
Widespread implementation of e-learning systems – learning management systems, virtual learning environments – across higher education institutions has aroused great interest on the study of e-learning acceptance. Acceptance studies focus on the predictors of system adoption and use, with behavioral intention to use the system as a proxy for actual...
The building sector has experienced a significant decline in recent years in Spain and Europe as a result of the financial crisis that began in 2007. This drop accompanies a low penetration of information and communication technologies in inter-organizational oriented business processes. The market decrease is causing a slowdown in the building sec...
La crisis económica protagonizada por las principales economías desarrolladas ha demostrado el agotamiento de los modelos económicos tradicionales y la urgente necesidad de crear y desarrollar sectores basados en tecnologías innovadoras. La comparación de los sectores de base tecnológica en
comparación con los sectores tradicionales ha puesto de m...
Although literature about problem based learning (PBL) is not scarce, there is little research on experiences about learning methodologies that combine PBL and the use of simulation tools. This lack of studies is even more notable in the case of engineering courses. The motivation for this study is to show how such a combination of PBL and simulati...
The barriers and drivers of e-shopping, as well as segmentation and behavior of e-shoppers, have been long studied in the last two decades, but the behavior of non-shoppers in business-to-consumer (B2C) e-commerce is still an open field for research which has seldom been dealt with. Our exploratory study has as its main objective the classification...
Knowledge management is a complex concept of difficult implementation in the organizations and only possible to understand from a socio-technical point of view, where the human component establishes a relation of synergy with technological and cultural elements that allow him to extend their capabilities. The proposed model is based on a cause-effe...
In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the “2.0 Suc...
This study proposes an integrative model for business-to-consumer (B2C) repurchase intention in electronic commerce, based on Bhattacherjee's Expectation-Confirmation Theory (ECT), which has been extended using Cronin's satisfaction marketing models-with particular focus on quality, value and satisfaction, as well as their second order effects-. Th...
Este estudio propone un modelo integrador de la recompra en comercio electrónico (B2C), basado en la teoría de la confirmación de expectativas, tomando como partida el modelo de Bhattacherjee extendido con el modelo de satisfacción Cronin. El modelo de investigación se ha probado con 536 compradores españoles, usando análisis multigrupo. El modelo...
In a Web dominated by social media for information, relationships and communication, the established dynamics between content, people and technology change radically. Given the relevance of the user-generated content in such a scenario and its essentially relational nature, successfully locating the best sources of information requires the developm...
During the last years, there has been much concern about learning management systems' (LMS) effectiveness when compared to traditional learning and about how to assess students' participation during the course. The tracking and monitoring capabilities of most recent LMS have made it possible to analyse every interaction in the system. The issues ad...
Acceptance of online shopping adoption by individuals has been a concerning issue for researchers in the past decade. However, most research has focused in evaluating the attitudes and intention to use electronic commerce from the shoppers' perspective, neglecting to analyze the behavior and attitudes of those who have not adopted e-commerce yet: t...
In this paper, the authors present results from a study on the usage rate of 2.0 tools and technologies among Spanish enterprises. The main objective of the study is to analyze, from the perceptions of executives, the influence of social software tools on a set of business processes. This analysis has been made using two graphic tools: the "2.0 Suc...
This article proposes a study on the implementation rate of the most relevant 2.0 tools and technologies in Spanish enterprises,
and their impact on 12 important aspects of business processes. In order to characterize the grade of implementation and the
perceived improvements on the processes two indexes, Implementation Index and Impact Rate, have...
The purpose of this article is to study the factors which affect the intention to buy online for users who have never made
any prior purchase using the electronic channel, with special focus to the role of perceived compatibility. To do so, an adoption
model for e-commerce was proposed on the basis of the Technology Adoption Model (TAM) and the Inn...
Learning Management Systems’ use has been rapidly increasing during the last ten years, mainly in online distance learning
courses but also in in-class courses. In parallel, technological advances have made it possible to track and store all the
activity taking place in the LMS, and therefore to register the participation and interaction of student...
The present article aims to study and characterize the new conditions of mobility due to the introduction of mobile Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the enterprise, as well as their implications on business processes and the activities developed in the affected workplaces.The authors also determine the capabilities offered by mob...
En los últimos años se han realizado numerosos intentos de trasladar la experiencia de la navegación de los ordenadores de sobremesa al mundo del móvil, con resultados poco satisfactorios. Sin embargo, las mejoras en las prestaciones de los terminales, así como la aparición de nuevas tecnologías de soporte a la navegación en estos dispositivos está...
La acreditación, definida por La Red Iberoamericana para la Acreditación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior, corresponde al “Proceso para garantizar la calidad de una institución o de un programa educativo”, el cual “es llevado a cabo por una agencia externa a las instituciones de educación superior”. La acreditación reconoce la calidad de los...
La simulación empresarial se concibe como un conjunto de herramientas apoyadas principalmente en el uso de la tecnología, que permite a los estudiantes experimentar un aprendizaje mucho más práctico y de manera más natural, a la vez que desarrollan otra habilidades tales como la toma de decisiones y el trabajo en equipo. El empleo de las nuevas tec...
La acreditación, definida por La Red Iberoamericana para la Acreditación de la Calidad de la Educación Superior (RIACES), corresponde al “Proceso para garantizar la calidad de una institución o de un programa educativo”, el cual según la misma definición, “es llevado a cabo por una agencia externa a las instituciones de educación superior”. La acre...