Felipe Muñoz La RiveraPontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso | PUCV · School of Civil Engineering
Felipe Muñoz La Rivera
PhD in Civil Engineering
BIM/VDC, Construction 4.0 and eXtended Reality Technologies
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My research focuses on the use of technologies in the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AIC) industry, based on the generation of methodologies and developments for this industry, as a response to the technological revolution in the industry. Currently, I focus on Building Information Modeling (BIM) and AEC Technologies (UAVs, Virtual reality, Augmented reality) applied to building projects throughout their life cycle and Project Management with nD modeling.
Additional affiliations
March 2018 - present
March 2017 - July 2017
August 2013 - December 2017
October 2019 - October 2020
October 2019 - December 2022
April 2017 - July 2017
Publications (100)
Los procesos de inspección en minería, infraestructura y energía son esenciales. La tendencia hacia la gestión preventiva y predictiva ha impulsado el uso de tecnologías de acceso remoto, como drones y robots, para acceder a zonas de riesgo y realizar inspecciones desde un computador. No obstante, estas no reemplazan completamente el juicio de un t...
Los entornos accesibles son vitales para la calidad de vida de las personas con discapacidad, permitiéndoles desplazarse y vivir de manera autónoma. Aunque existen normativas para el diseño de estos espacios, no siempre se consideran todas las necesidades específicas y falta un método de evaluación del diseño de viviendas previo a su construcción....
The rapid evolution of digital technologies has revolutionized the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry, driving the wide-spread adoption of digital twins for structures. These virtual replicas, developed using Building Information Modeling (BIM) methodology, incorporate extensive information databases, proving indispensable f...
La vinculación y conocimiento de los proyectos reales es un aspecto formativo que se ha considerado clave en la formación de ingenieros. Las visitas a terreno en el área de ingeniería civil son actividades de formación que permiten a los estudiantes conocer proyectos reales, y con ello comprender de mejor manera las complejidades y dinámicas asocia...
Current railway infrastructure maintenance work, which is mostly carried out by visual inspection, has a reactive approach, dissociated information, and limited follow-up. On the other hand, railway bridges, being critical infrastructures, require effective monitoring and maintenance to guarantee their safety and operation over time. The designed t...
Visual impact is defined as the modification of a visual resource of the landscape, generating an effect on the perception of potential observers. This effect is evaluated using the value of the landscape that has not been altered or destroyed (visual quality of the landscape), as is the case with building projects that generate visible changes in...
La vida independiente es un objetivo prioritario en el ámbito de la discapacidad. Un elemento clave para lograr esta independencia personal está asociada a la accesibilidad de los espacios donde se desenvuelven las personas; y primordialmente su hogar. Alineado a ello, de forma de promover el derecho a la vida independiente de las personas con disc...
This research explores how XR technologies, in this case VR, can contribute to the training of more skilled teams for efficient and optimized design and operation. With a focus on the airport infrastructure construction process and increasing worker productivity in an increasingly digitized, automated and sensorized environment, it is further propo...
Construction 4.0 promotes digital transformation through automation, robotisation, and the integration of systems and processes into digital environments, with direct links to real systems, using a wide range of technologies. The risk here is centred on having very advanced machines with people not prepared to use them. If the training is centred o...
The construction industry is known for its high accident rates. One hundred key factors affecting construction safety (fSCPs)—associated with general aspects of organisational management, materials and equipment, the construction site, and human aspects related to the worker and work team—have been identified. EXtended Reality (XR), which encompass...
Building Information Modelling (BIM) se considera la metodología más utilizada en el sector de la
arquitectura, la ingeniería y la construcción (AIC) y ha revolucionado la forma en que el sector
practica y opera. El enfoque integral e integrado que promueve demanda su implementación y
desarrollo en empresas, pero también en educación y capacitac...
There is a lack of knowledge of the interactions required over time among the members of a building project design team. Without a specific target, it is impossible to identify gaps to propose improvement plans in the coordination and management of projects in the early stages. Therefore, this study proposes a model of the required interaction amon...
Construction megaprojects represent major challenges. Their time extension, high budgets, the multiplicity of stakeholders and multidisciplinary teams, together with their social, economic, political, and environmental impact, demand technical innovation and the implementation of trend management tools that seek to maximise the productivity of thes...
Construction projects’ complexity increases with their size, stakeholders’ environment and engineering specialties. This condition is accentuated in the context of megaprojects.On the one hand, BIM has helped to manage the complexity of construction projects, transforming all project components into a digital system. On the other hand, enterprise a...
The use of learning support technologies has been evidenced, associated with environments such as Moodle. Based on this, and considering the new technological contexts, extended reality (XR) is greatly beneficial to accelerating learning processes due to its immersion, first person interaction, customisation and realism characteristics. However, it...
p>The Taxibot® is a hybrid electric vehicle that can tow medium to large aircraft in the movement area of an airport. Its use can lead to lower noise levels near terminal buildings and reduce fuel consumption and emissions; Aircraft emissions and cost of the aircraft ground operations are reduced significantly. The Taxibot®, which is the name that...
p>The Taxibot® is a hybrid electric vehicle that can tow medium to large aircraft in the movement area of an airport. Its use can lead to lower noise levels near terminal buildings and reduce fuel consumption and emissions; Aircraft emissions and cost of the aircraft ground operations are reduced significantly. The Taxibot®, which is the name that...
Heritage façades are relevant to the historical preservation and identity of a city. Their deterioration can cause the devaluation of the urban environment, together with accidents caused by possible detachment of their different elements; therefore, maintaining them is crucial. It is important to have early warning systems in place, systems which...
The construction industry has high accident rates. The sector is exploring various tools to improve safety management, training, and awareness to achieve zero accidents. This work focuses on extended reality (XR), which encompasses virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies. Several authors have developed trai...
Construction projects' complexity increases with their size, stakeholders' environment and engineering specialities. This condition is accentuated in the context of megaprojects.
On the one hand, BIM has helped to manage the complexity of construction projects, transforming all project components into a digital system. On the other hand, enterprise...
Visual inspection for road damages demands significant human effort. Automating these inspections would reduce costs and errors. Using photogrammetry to generate 3D models of roads has become popular thanks to advances in cameras and image processing techniques. Using UAVs, these models depend on images' capturing parameters such as height, overlap...
RESUMEN Existe una alta variabilidad en la gestión del proyecto de título y la mayoría de las veces depende únicamente del tutor. A lo largo de la confección del TFT el estudiante está acompañado de un tutor, quien se encarga de guiar y evaluar el avance del proyecto en sus distintas etapas. Parece imprescindible averiguar cuáles son las experienci...
The use of building information modelling (BIM) in construction projects is expanding, and its usability throughout building lifecycles, from planning and construction to operation and maintenance, is gaining increasing proof. In the design of domestic drinking-water and sewerage systems (DDWSSs), BIM focuses on coordinating disciplines and their d...
The construction site is a hazardous place. The dynamic, complex interaction between workers, machinery, and the environment leads to dangerous risks. In response to such risks, the goal is to fulfill the zero accidents philosophy, which requires the development of safety skills among workers and the provision of tools for risk prevention. In pursu...
Monitoring a work of infrastructure allows one to know the state of this and the efficiency of the workers. The follow-up is a work carried out by the auditor, which sails to correspond with the design in planes. It takes fulfillment in the budgeted one and complies with the established times. This work uses classical topography elements, which dem...
Monitoring a work of infrastructure allows one to know the state of this and the efficiency of the workers. The follow-up is a work carried out by the auditor, which sails to correspond with the design in planes. It takes fulfillment in the budgeted one and complies with the established times. This work uses classical topography elements, which dem...
Construction 4.0 is pushing the digitization of the construction industry. Lean Construction practices as methods to integrate people, processes, and technologies, together the Building Information Modeling (BIM) are helping to improve project efficiencies. The benefits of BIM are well recognized. Its use has become widespread for the design stage...
Higher education training offered by universities around the world should be supported by high-quality didactic mediation for new professionals to transform the global environment. Therefore, this work presents a statistical analysis of the training process received by students from a university in a Colombian city. The research utilizes of didacti...
Construction 4.0 is pushing the digitization of the construction sector. The use of new technologies forces a reflection on teaching methods. Virtual reality (VR) is one of the most exciting technologies that can be used to provide a new kind of training. It allows the recreation of highly realistic virtual environments, achieving first-person imme...
Thermal comfort can impact the general behavior of the occupants, and considering that humans currently perform 90% of their daily work indoors, it is necessary to improve the accuracy of thermal comfort assessments, and a correct selection of variables could make this possible. However , no review integrates all the variables that could influence...
Requests for information (RFIs) are frequently used by the architecture, engineering, construction, and operation (AECO) industry to resolve doubts and inaccuracies and to request complimentary information. However, they can be inefficient due to the lag between issuance and response, generating delays and cost overruns. The building information mo...
While cities face multiple challenges, population growth must be combined with resource efficiency and sustainability. In this context, many municipalities intend to become smart cities, where good urban management practices are combined with various technologies to generate highly connected and monitored cities, aiming to improve the quality of li...
While cities face multiple challenges, population growth must be combined with resource efficiency and sustainability. In this context, many municipalities intend to become smart cities, where good urban management practices are combined with various technologies to generate highly connected and monitored cities, aiming to improve the quality of li...
Monitoring the progress on a construction site during the construction phase is crucial. An inadequate understanding of the project status can lead to mistakes and inappropriate actions, causing delays and increased costs. Monitoring and controlling projects via digital tools would reduce the risk of error and enable timely corrective actions. Alth...
La pandemia del Covid-19 aceleró los procesos de transición hacia la enseñanza virtual. Rápidamente las universidades se adaptaron a estos cambios, con diversos resultados y métodos. Diversas plataformas se robustecieron para soportar clases virtuales, repositorios de material y herramientas para la interacción con los estudiantes, de forma de repl...
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) framework propose the concept of competencies as a key cognitive, attitudinal, and procedural aspect aimed at the integral development of students, which implies a challenge in the way of evaluating them. Thus, the traditional monitoring of students' progre...
Due to the fact of activity, environment and work dynamics, the construction industry is characterised by high accident rates. Different initiatives have emerged to reduce these figures, which focus on using new methodologies and technologies for safety management. Therefore, it is essential to know the key factors and their influence on safety in...
There is no comprehensive understanding of the problems that may impact the performance of the different actors that participate in the design of construction projects. In the absence of clarity about the problems and challenges that may impact the interactions, it is not possible to propose action plans to optimize the performance of the design te...
The maintenance of port infrastructures presents difficulties due to their location: an aggressive environment or the variability of the waves can cause progressive deterioration. Maritime condi-tions make inspections difficult and, added to the lack of use of efficient tools for the management of assets, planning maintenance, important to ensure o...
In response to increased energy consumption and CO2 emissions, various energy efficiency policies, standards and housing certifications have emerged around the world. These aim to measure and quantify energy efficiency and endorse homes for meeting certain standards according to consistent categories that vary by continent or country. These energy...
The design of retaining walls follows a classic structure. The engineer proposes certain dimensions that will be modified until they comply with the regulatory and site restrictions presented by the project. This is an iterative process that can be optimized through a new method called generative design. The designer codes the characteristics and r...
Considering that many of the logistics infrastructure designs around the world are often sup-ported by studies with various computational tools, but most of these solutions are using in isolation and little understandably. Therefore, it is proposed, to develop this research based on a Logistics Reference Model, which will allow, visualize, manage a...
Mención al proyecto más innovador, de la 4ª Edición del Concurso Nacional de Proyectos Fin de Máster de la Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, convocado por el Colegio
de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos. CICCP - 2020. http://www3.ciccp.es/
The physical progress of a construction project is monitored by an inspector responsible for verifying and backing up progress information, usually through site photography. Progress monitoring has improved, thanks to advances in image acquisition, computer vision, and the development of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). However, no comprehensive an...
Two of the differential characteristics of the AECO sector (architecture, engineering, construction and operation) are barriers for the mass creation of training materials for its workers. On the one hand, the workplace is unique and changing over time; on the other, the aging trend of its workers and the unattractive nature of the industry for new...
The traditional structural design produces elements that can be improved from the point of view of the use of the material. As a way of perfecting these processes, methodologies such as BIM have emerged, which, although they fulfill their mission of creating information models through collaborative work, their form of parameterization is still limi...
Pavement maintenance aims to provide optimal service conditions. To achieve this objective, it is necessary to efficiently carry out pavement monitoring and inspection activities. In this field, damage analysis of road infrastructure by means of image processing has emerged as a low-cost alternative to other, more sophisticated methods. In this res...
El objetivo de investigación es identificar las habilidades de innovación que los futuros ingenieros deben adquirir en respuesta a los desafíos de la ingeniería del siglo XXI, los requisitos de la actual industria 4.0 y los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS). El método está organizado en dos etapas: 1) identificación de las características de...
Although the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry is highly relevant to national development, it suffers from significant productivity challenges. Beneath the design and documentation of structures, a dynamic, complex process is taking place, with constant modifications and feedback involving numerous professionals from differe...
Today the sector is undergoing a profound revision in methodologies and tools due to the push of emerging technologies related to digitization, where Lean Construction and Building Information Modeling (BIM) stand out, within the framework of Construction 4.0.
In this context, recent developments in virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR) and...
La industria de la construcción contribuye al crecimiento económico de un país, pero esta contribución se ve obstaculizada por los riesgos, los cuales pueden provocar aumento de los costos y retraso en los plazos del proyecto. Para determinar la incertidumbre que caracteriza a estos proyectos, es necesario el análisis cuantitativo, ya que generalme...
Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry requires many interactions between professionals of different areas. Thus, project managers in the AEC industry should have a set of management-aligned skills. International agreements and accreditation boards states the expected skills for engineering graduates, but they usually overrate te...
Road inspection and maintenance require a large amount of data collection, where the main limiting factor is the time required to cover long stretches of road, having a negative impact on the optimization of the work. This article aims to identify modern tools for road maintenance and analysis. To carry out the research, recent methodologies are us...
Dos de las características diferenciales del sector AECO (Arquitectura, Ingeniería, Construcción y Operación) complican la creación de materiales formativos para sus trabajadores. Por un lado, el lugar de trabajo es único y cambiante con el tiempo; por el otro, la tendencia al envejecimiento de sus trabajadores debido a la crisis y al poco atractiv...
La creciente digitalización en la construcción, especialmente impulsada a través del Modelado de información de construcción (Building Information Modeling, BIM) pero que también incluye monitorización, visión por computador y virtualización, entre otras, conduce a la reflexión y renovación de los procesos para la prevención de riesgos laborales (P...
En la actualidad, se están implementando nuevas metodologías de trabajo en la industria de la Arquitectura, Ingeniería y Construcción (AIC), las que ofrecen una gran cantidad de beneficios para el flujo de trabajo de los proyectos del rubro. Tradicionalmente, las distintas áreas realizan sus labores de forma bastante independiente, lo que genera pr...
Challenges facing growing cities in the developing world grew as fast as their population. Economies of scale of turned fast into diseconomies due to city management limitations. At a municipal scale, IoT can also be an opportunity to deal with these issues. The literature on IoT urban infrastructure and the analysis of experiences around the world...
Nowadays, the need to the seismic assessment of the performance existing structures is well recognized, in order to find solutions that mitigate the destructive effects of earthquakes both on people and on structures and contents. One of the cases of greatest interest to carry out this type of evaluation is that corresponding to educational buildin...
Universities must focus the training process of their students to integrate theoretical and scientific rigor and academic exigency with the requirements of the work environment. Competency-based curricular designs have been consolidated to integrate knowledge, practices, and attitudes, with a focus on achieving significant learning. Because of this...
The monitoring of the physical progress on construction sites seeks to provide control over the work performed. Traditionally, this task is carried out by an inspector responsible for verifying and registering the progress through site photographs, whose inspection is limited to the registered information, and it is static regarding the requirement...
The Lean Production system, with its principles of industry efficiency and production systems, proposes a new way of working, starting in the automotive sector, but later adapting to other sectors, such as the construction industry, through Lean Construction and its various application systems, among which Last Planner® System (LPS) stands out. Bas...
Building Information Modeling (BIM) allows the integration of work teams, collaboration, and the generation of intelligent parametric digital models. Therefore, because BIM is a collaborative working methodology, it is not possible to effectively teach BIM without the use of collaborative teamwork. Traditionally, teaching at universities has promot...
Teaching methods for calculation and project development, focusing on theoretical principles and the reproduction of validated procedures, has been the traditional focus of engineering education. Innovation has been present in universities, mainly in the creation of processes and technologies for the development of products, services, or companies,...
The Lean Production system, with its principles of industry efficiency and production systems, proposes a new way of working, starting in the automotive sector, but later adapting to other sectors, such as the construction industry, through Lean Construction and its various application systems, among which Last Planner® System (LPS) stands out. Bas...
The construction industry has traditionally been characterised by the high diversity of its agents and processes, high resistance to change and low incorporation of technology compared to manufacturing industries. However, the construction sector is experiencing now a strong renovation process in methodology and tools due to the incorporation of th...
Pavement maintenance seeks to provide optimal service conditions. Before maintenance, it is necessary to know the condition of the pavement by inspection, a crucial step in deciding on the repair to be carried out. In this sense, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) seem to be an economic substitute compared to the ground laser scanner for pavement insp...