Felipe Criado-Boado

Felipe Criado-Boado
Spanish National Research Council | CSIC · Institute of Heritage Sciences

Doctor of Archaeology


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Publications (173)
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This article proposes a novel computational approach to embodied approaches in cognitive archaeology called computational cognitive archaeology (CCA). We argue that cognitive archaeology, understood as the study of the human mind based on archaeological findings such as artefacts and material remains excavated and interpreted in the present, can be...
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This paper challenges the notion that each Neolithic dolmen targets either a single astronomical body at a specific time of year or perhaps two, one in each direction of the monument alignment. By applying Silva and Pimenta’s 2012 statistical models of lunar cycles connected to the Sun through time to our Galician orientation data, we produced more...
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This is the accepted, non-typeset version of our paper. It investigates the extended landscapes, i.e. their topography and the sky above, surrounding dolmens in the area of Costa da Morte (Coast of Death), Galicia. Having previously uncovered that the megalithic monuments in this coherent area of the south-eastern side of the European Atlantic Faça...
Conference Paper
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How are landscapes, artefacts and ways of perceiving the world linked, and how do they interact? Every prehistoric art tradition has its own distribution, ornamental structures, designs and techniques, but to what extent are these features linked to thought systems, and how do they change over time? Considering that material culture, and more speci...
Conference Paper
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Wow, what a week that was at the European #Megalithic Studies Group Meeting (EMSG), @IncipitCSIC, @CSIC. Here is a poster of some talk highlights. I had an amazing time both co-organising and running this conference (co-organiser names' below). Supported by #Horizon2020 #MSCA #SHoW 800236 & #ERC-#SyG-2020-951631 #XSCAPE-Material Minds. Organiser...
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This paper presents new data on the spatial organization of mound-builder groups in the India Muerta wetlands, Uruguay. This area presents the beginning of land architecture in the region (ca. 4800–5000 years BP), associated with more arid climate. This construction tradition continues and intensifies, mainly from ca 3000 years BP, from the establi...
This paper investigates the extended landscapes surrounding dolmens in the area of Costa da Morte (Coast of Death), Galicia. Having previously uncovered that the megalithic monuments in this coherent area of the south-eastern side of the Atlantic Façade are visually situated in relation to complex topographical variables, we now reveal our investig...
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La dimensión social del valor se ha convertido en una piedra angular del debate sobre conservación, gestión y sostenibilidad turísticas en relación al patrimonio cultural. El presente artículo examina el papel del valor social en la gestión patrimonial y promoción turística a través del caso de la Cueva de Altamira como lugar Patrimonio de la Human...
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America's first urban centres were allegedly located at the Supe Valley sites in Peru. After investigating the location and the orientation of the main built structures, we show that it is not only the presence of the River Supe that determines their orientation but also astronomical relationships within the orientation of the buildings dictate the...
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This paper presents an active inference based simulation study of visual foraging. The goal of the simulation is to show the effect of the acquisition of culturally patterned attention styles on cognitive task performance, under active inference. We show how cultural artefacts like antique vase decorations drive cognitive functions such as percepti...
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En el presente artículo se realiza un estudio perceptual de diferentes estilos de cerámica prehistórica de Galicia (con cronología entre el 6000 y el 2000 BP) mediante la técnica de seguimiento de movimientos oculares. Este análisis permite comprobar la relación de la mente con la materialidad y sugiere la existencia de una estrecha imbricación ent...
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America's first urban centers may have been located in the Supe Valley, Peru. After investigating the location and the orientation of the main built structures, we show that it is not only the presence of the Supe River that determines their orientation but also that astronomical relationships within the orientation of the buildings dictate their s...
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This paper presents an active inference based simulation study of visual foraging and transfer learning. The goal of the simulation is to show the effect of the acquisition of culturally patterned attention styles on cognitive task performance, under active inference. We show how cultural artifacts like antique vase decorations drive cognitive func...
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This paper presents an active inference based simulation study of visual foraging and transfer learning. The goal of the simulation is to show the effect of the acquisition of culturally patterned attention styles on cognitive task performance, under active inference. We show how cultural artifacts like antique vase decorations drive cognitive func...
Research Proposal
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We invite submissions to our WAC2020 session (no 18): Please submit at - https://www.wac-9.org/call-for-papers/ This session wishes to address approaches and interpretations that determine in what ways megaliths & earthworks first became phenomena in particular regions and/or why they didn´t. Connected to this is whether or not people saw themselv...
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Este trabajo trata sobre el desarrollo de la complejidad y la desigualdad social en la Prehistoria del Noroeste de la Península Ibérica (Galicia) entre el Neolítico medio y el fin de la Edad del Hierro, aproximadamente entre el entre 4500 BC y el cambio de era. En vez de entender la emergencia y extensión de las sociedades complejas como el resulta...
The Pago Lindo site in the River Plate basin (Uruguay) is an important pre-hispanic mound settlement (ca. 3000–600 BP), of which the technologically and socially advanced nature have only recently been revealed. Different angles of pedogenetic and palaeo-ecological science are rapidly improving our understanding of the history of the site and the r...
Este mes de septiembre se cumplen 25 años desde que la EAA (European Association of Archaeologists) celebró su reunión inaugural en Liubliana (Eslovenia). En cierto sentido es una asociación muy pegada a España, desde que celebró su primera reunión un año después en Santiago de Compostela, en 1995. Por alguna razón España se ha mantenido a través d...
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2016 fue un año crítico en la política mundial. Los cambios que se precipitaron ese año, tendrán un largo impacto en la arqueología, antropología y disciplinas relacionadas. En este texto reflexionamos sobre lo que supone la emergencia del populismo reaccionario y cómo afecta a la práctica y teoría de la arqueología. Nos centramos en tres críticas...
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We live in a cluttered visual world that is overflowing with information, the continuous processing of which would be a truly daunting task. Nevertheless, our brains have evolved to select which part of a visual scene is to be prioritized and analysed in detail, and which parts can be discarded or analysed at a later stage. This selection is in par...
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Es necesaria una aclaración inicial: el objeto de presentar esta versión en español de nuestro texto en Antiquity-pensada como una crítica esencialmente a la academia anglosajona-responde a dos objetivos: en primer lugar, debatir cuestiones que son de interés común con colegas latinoamericanos a quienes admiramos y que han realizado desde hace años...
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Entre los años 2012 y 2014 el Incipit (Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, del CSIC) realizó un estudio del Valor Social de Altamira, en el marco del Programa de Investigación para la Conservación Preventiva y Régimen de Acceso de la Cueva de Altamira, promovido por el Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, y dirigido por Gaël de Guichen (IC...
¿Qué es la "ciencia pública" y qué papel tendría hoy en día en relación con la investigación y valorización del patrimonio cultural? Para tratar esta cuestión, este texto explora posibles respuestas a cuatro cuestiones principales. ¿Por qué la situación de la ciencia es peor ahora que hace diez años? ¿Por qué en este contexto necesitamos derivar ha...
This paper evaluates the complexities of radiocarbon ( ¹⁴ C) dates from soil organic matter (SOM) in archaeological scenarios. The aqueous NaOH-insoluble residual SOM from Neolithic to medieval sites in NW Spain produced consistently older calibrated ¹⁴ C ages than NaOH-extractable SOM. Using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS...
From Brazil to the United Kingdom, 2016 was a critical year in global politics. Heritage, ethics and the way that archaeologists relate to the public were and will all be affected, and it is time to reflect critically on the phenomenon of ‘reactionary populism’ and how it affects the practice and theory of archaeology. ‘Reactionary populism’ can be...
We thank all of the commentators for raising crucial points that provide us with the opportunity to make important clarifications. Bernbeck and Pollock point out that in our work, only the people of the present matter, rather than those in the past. Although our discussion centres on living people, we also believe that the past is unfinished and th...
We present the results of our analysis of two singular Neolithic monuments and two prominent megalithic groups in Galicia. The two singular monuments are the dolmen of Dombate (Baio, Coruña county), perhaps the largest megalithic chamber in Galicia (or at least the most investigated and well-known) that houses an elaborate decorative program with e...
This article presents the key results of a major survey carried out by the NEARCH project on the public perception of archaeology and heritage across Europe. The analysis focuses on three main points of significance for contemporary archaeological practice. The first is the image of archaeology and its definition in the perception of the general pu...
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This article presents the key results of a major survey carried out by the NEARCH project on the public perception of archaeology and heritage across Europe. The analysis focuses on three main points of significance for contemporary archaeological practice. The first is the image of archaeology and its definition in the perception of the general pu...
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We present the results of our analysis of two singular Neolithic monuments and two prominent megalithic groups in Galicia. The two singular monuments are the dolmen of Dombate (Baio, Coruña county), perhaps the largest megalithic chamber in Galicia (or at least the most investigated and well-known) that houses an elaborate decorative program with e...
The underlying notion for this article is that archaeology requires an amalgamation of humanities and science, and of narrative and scientific knowledge. The need for this fusion has arisen in a context in which contemporary society is experiencing major changes in epistemics, aesthetics and fashion; an increase in virtual experiences; and an econo...
A paisaxe é un produto das formas de ser, de estar, de pensar e de actuar de cada sociedade. A paisaxe galega de hoxe é o resultado das nosas formas de ser, estar, pensar e actuar, mais tamén das daqueles que nos precederon no tempo. Moitas das cousas que consideramos máis características da paisaxe de Galicia son o produto ou o efecto da acción hu...
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Waterlogging favoured the preservation of several wooden objects and fruits inside the first medieval ditch that surrounded the city of Santiago de Compostela. The wooden assemblage in the bottom of the fill was integrated by a yoke and two bowls in a context dated from 855 to 981 cal AD (78,6% probability -2 sigma-). Also one dish, in association...
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We analyzed the isotopic (13C and 15N) composition of a polycyclic terraced soil located in Santiago de Compostela (NW Spain) and compared it with previous results on total aluminum, iron and silicon and their fractionation by selective dissolution techniques. The aim was to recognize the imprints of land management changes, with particular attenti...
Se presenta una primera síntesis y valoración de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto Valor Social de Altamira, llevado a cabo en el marco del Programa de Investigación para la Conservación Preventiva y Régimen de Acceso de la Cueva de Altamira entre septiembre de 2012 y agosto de 2014. El proyecto pretendía profundizar en la caracterización de...
Conference Paper
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Archaeological excavations carried out in Galicia (NW of Iberia) during the last 15 years, have shown that megalithic barrows had a complex and long-standing life. Not only in terms of later uses and reuses (something that has been already acknowledged in bibliography since many years) but also in terms of construction and ‘megalithic’ use. Today,...
Colluvial soils can store signals of the environmental conditions occurred during their formation, including the anthropogenic activities they supported. Their study may provide important information for reconstructing and interpreting the evolution of cultural landscapes. We studied the chemical properties of a terraced soil system located in the...
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La innovación organizativa o de gestión constituye un elemento esencial de dinamización empresarial, particularmente en los servicios, para los que, a diferencia de las empresas industriales, el desarrollo tecnológico y la inversión en I+D no suponen la fuente principal de innovación. En este artículo se analiza la innovación organizativa como fuen...
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La innovación organizativa o de gestión constituye un elemento esencial de dinamización empresarial, particularmente en los servicios, para los que, a diferencia de las empresas industriales, el desarrollo tecnológico y la inversión en I+D no suponen la fuente principal de innovación. En este artículo se analiza la innovación organizativa como fuen...
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We offer in this paper the first results of a research project still in course, aiming at the study of Galician petroglyphs from the viewpoint of Landscape Archaeology. To that end, we emphasize the analysis of locational factors of carved rocks and their relationship with the surrounding landscape, rather than stylistic or artistic aspects. In thi...
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This work uses ideas of Foucault, Clastres, and Lévi-Strauss to develop an approach to the conceptualization and symbolic use of space and time which legitimized and made possible the construction of megalíthic monuments. The megalithic burial pattern is contrasted with those of Mesolithic and earlier Neolithic communities. While the Mesolithic/Neo...
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En el presente texto se destacan algunos rasgos sobre el valor actual del patrimonio cultural, la situación de los estudios de investigación y gestión de dicho patrimonio, la necesidad de conjugar múltiples perspectivas y narrativas en la interpretación de éste, la conveniencia de establecer un sistema ordenado de diálogo entre todos los intereses...
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Not available. Este trabajo apunta a dos objetivos concretos. En primer lugar se plantea determinar en qué medida el estudio de los movimientos actuales del ganado "semi-doméstico" (caballos y vacas) que vive en régimen de libertad en los montes gallegos, puede rendir datos válidos para completar una adecuada comprensión del paisaje rural y de las...
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A partir de un enfoque teórico-metodológico basado en la Arqueología del Paisaje, exploramos la organización espacial de un sitio de arte rupestre en Chile central en busca de las estructuras que ordenan la distribución de las manifestaciones. Esta aproximación nos permite reconocer la presencia de un conjunto de códigos espaciales básicos, que def...
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Using Landscape Archaeology as a theoretical and methodological framework, we explore the spatial organization of a rock art site in Central Chile in search of the structures that order the distribution of engravings in the site. We recognize the presence of a group of spatial codes, which define the placement of the carved blocks through a system...
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This article presents a comparative analysis of archaeological sites in northwest Iberia focusing on Neolithic spatial concepts and their materialization in different architectures from this period. The recently excavated site of Montenegro in Galicia is analysed to determine how the construction of circular enclosures reproduces the organizational...
Technical Report
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The document reflects the work and successive meetings of the World Rock Art Archive Working Group in 2010 and 2011.
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This paper deals with the present situation of Spanish Archaeology. It starts by accepting that attention to the Archaeological Heritage should be the applicable horizon for developing Archeology in the future: archaeological discipline should be understood as fully integrated in the management of cultural resources and adapted to play specific rol...
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The Holocene fire regime is thought to have had a key role in deforestation and shrubland expansion in Galicia (NW Spain) but the contribution of past societies to vegetation burning remains poorly understood. This may be, in part, due to the fact that detailed fire records from areas in close proximity to archaeological sites are scarce. To fill t...
[ES] Este volumen contiene un epílogo al evento “Consenso, Contribución y Excelencia: Jornadas sobre Grupos de Investigación Postburocráticos”, que tuvo lugar en noviembre de 2010 en Santiago de Compostela. Este epílogo resume los contenidos de estas jornadas, añade nuevas reflexiones sobre los mismos, e hila todo junto para documentarlo de forma p...
Through the excavation of an archaeological site in an area of hilly terrain devoted to intensive land-uses in which traces of old field systems were recorded,, on the basis of our previous experience in the archaeological study of settled zones with permanent agriculture in lowland areas of Galicia, we attempted to reconstruct the function and chr...
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[ES]Este texto pretende contribuir al estudio de las relaciones entre la cultura material arqueológica y las formas de paisaje social en la Prehistoria. Propone que es posible encontrar regularidades entre los estilos cerámicos (especialmente en su concreción en formas específicas de decoración) y las estrategias de construcción del paisaje cultura...
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El estudio del paisaje como construcción social implica considerar sus dimensiones económicas, territoriales y simbólicas. Sería importante reconstruir cómo fue percibido el espacio natural y social, para lo que se debería construir una Arqueología de la Percepción que tendría entre sus objetivos evaluar el efecto de los rasgos naturales y artifici...
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[ES]Este texto plantea la necesidad de establecer procedimientos y convenciones de práctica arqueológica para resolver los problemas y demandas en la gestión actual del Patrimonio Arqueológico. En concreto se presenta el programa CAPA (criterios y convenciones en Arqueología del Paisaje y Patrimonio Arqueológico) en vía de realización por nuestro G...
Technical Report
[ES]En enero de 2010 el Consejo Rector del CSIC acordó la creación de un nuevo instituto de investigación, con sede en Santiago de Compostela, y la denominación de Instituto de Ciencias del Patrimonio, con acrónimo Incipit – CSIC. El proyecto científico de este centro había sido elaborado por una comisión conjunta designada por el CSIC y la Xunta d...
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Contribución a la caracterización de los espacios agrarios castreños: documentación y análisis palinológico de una posible terraza de cultivo en el castro de Follente (Caldas de Reis, Pontevedra) A contribution to the characterisation of Iron Age agrarian spaces: documentation and pollen analysis of a possible cultivation terrace in the castro of F...
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A series of samples extracted from the stratigraphic profile of a possible cultivation terrace located in the surroundings of an Iron Age hillfort in Galicia were used for pollen analysis. The combined results of both the stratigraphic information and the pollen analysis allow the proposal of a sequence of landscape transformation where, rather une...
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La investigación sobre el mundo megalítico del NW peninsular ha estado ceñida hasta el presente al estudio de los aspectos arqueológicos tradicionales, centrándose la mayor parte de los trabajos en cuestiones de tipología, cronología y relaciones con otras áreas culturales. Otros aspectos relativos al megalitismo han sido soslayados o bien tratados...
Conference Paper
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Se recogen, en la primera parte de la ponencia, algunas de las transformaciones que ha conocido la arqueología en los últimos decenios: la ampliación de los límites cronológicos hasta umbrales contemporáneos, la caída del enfoque tradicional que concebía la arqueología como una disciplina ocupada básicamente en trabajar bajo cota 0 y la ampliación...
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This article analyzes the specific features that characterise knowledge transfer from Social Sciences and Humanities research groups to their socioeconomic environment. First, it shows that knowledge transfer is a complex and evolving concept. Second, to capture this complexity we identify the factors that affect knowledge transfer following Bozema...
The colluvial soils of Galicia (NW Spain) are records of Holocene environmental change. In spite of the omnipresence of charcoal fragments in these soils, the effect of fires on the development of the Galician landscape and the potential role of past societies are poorly understood. We isolated macroscopic charcoal (>2 mm) and NaOH-extractable soil...
Analytical pyrolysis-GC/MS and solid-state C-13 NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) were applied to the NaOH-extractable organic matter fraction of a colluvial soil from Galicia (NW Spain) that represents more than 8500 yr of accumulation. While molecular indicators of vegetation change were looked for, it seemed likely that any such signal was distur...