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Publications (308)
Linking National Forest Inventory (NFI) data with local administrative units (LAUs) unlocks a wealth of benefits for forest management. It enhances precision in assessments, facilitates policy alignment, optimizes resource allocation, and enables effective monitoring and research at the local level. This study presents an automated process to conve...
Crown trait-based ecology has significantly advanced, yet a substantial knowledge gap remains regarding its predictive power on internal tree morphology and future growth potential across different species. Our research addressed this gap by examining how crown traits of various species manifest in temporal tree growth dynamics by answering three r...
Technological progress in the last decades has driven great advances in many fields of knowledge. A wide range of tools and services are now available and constantly evolving to handle vast amounts of available data as well as the increased complexity of real-world case studies and analytical alternatives. Most sectors have embraced new methodologi...
Mixed forests are increasingly recognized for their resilience to climate change and enhanced ecosystem services (ESs) provision, making them a focal point for sustainable forest management strategies. This study examines the trade-offs in ESs provision between pure and different proportions of mixed stands of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and M...
New approaches for managing agricultural and forestry systems are needed to bring back inputs to levels that are within planetary boundaries and make greater and better use of ecosystem services based on biodiversity. A new scientific framework informed by ecology, agronomy, forestry, and agroforestry is key to designing resilient plant‐based ecosy...
Modern forestry increasingly relies on the management of large datasets, such as forest inventories and land cover maps. Governments are typically in charge of publishing these datasets, but they typically employ disparate data formats (sometimes proprietary ones) and published datasets are commonly disconnected from other sources, inc...
The present study examined Pinus sylvestris L. growth responses to climatic variations and its relationship with intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) across a water availability gradient and also in pure P. sylvestris and P. sylvestris-Quercus species mixed forests. Study sites were selected in the Mediterranean, temperate, and temperate continent...
Mixed forests generally outperform monospecific forests in terms of productivity, stability, and resilience and are becoming increasingly important for sustainable forest management. However, accurate estimates of tree biomass allocation, as well as aboveground and component biomass in mixed forests, remain scarce. Our study addressed three differe...
the deciduous season (February 2022) using several scanning paths. Ground reference data (418 trees, 15 snags) was used to calibrate the HLS data and to assess the influence of phenology when converting 3D data into tree-level attributes (DBH, height and volume). The HLS-based workflow was robust at isolating tree positions and recognizing stems de...
Understanding the growth efficiency of individual trees, or growth per unit of resource utilization, can inform silvicultural management strategies to maximize tree and stand growth. Stand structure—the size and spatial distributions of trees within the stand—strongly influences water, light, and nutrient availability, as well as the resource-use e...
Mixed forests are crucial to climate resilience in Mediterranean ecosystems and show great potential for mitigating the effects of climate change. Proper parameterization and integration of mixed-forest models into simulation platforms open the possibility to explore and assess alternative silvicultural paths. In this study, a climate-sensitive gro...
SEPCI: A R package to compute Spatially Explicit Competition Indexes
Competition is driving plant growth by modulating jointly with other drivers the potential growth due to site, genetic and
ontogeny factors. Usually, competition is assessed in plant growth modelling and analysis by non-spatially explicit
indices. However, stand spatial structure...
Sepci: A R package to compute Spatially Explicit Competition Indexes
To install: install.packages("your_path/sepci_1.0-0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type="source")
Urban tree canopy cover is a promising solution for mitigating heat island. • Data-driven guidance on tree selection and planting locations is still limited. • Four research priorities are proposed, requiring a collaborative research effort. • Cross-climate morphological and physiological characteristics are desired. • Integration with atmospheric...
Tonkin wingnut is the rarest species within the relict tree genus Pterocarya (Juglandaceae), known from only a few isolated stands in the Indo-Burman hotspot. Despite its classification as a vulnerable species, Pterocarya tonkinensis has received comparatively less attention than other wingnut species, leading to a limited understanding of its dist...
Forest dynamics are undergoing profound alteration due to the fact that climate change is increasing the frequency and severity of abiotic and biotic forest disturbances. Because of the unpredictable nature of the drought periods and the variation in their severity, Mediterranean forests are typically more vulnerable. Mediterranean Pinus pinaster f...
Hypothesis and aims
The topsoil organic matter dynamics in mixed vs. monospecific pine stands responds to the vegetation composition. Thus, we tested the effect of the stand type and every under- and overstory species as well as the understory richness in forest floor and topsoil organic matter variability in a fine-scale approach.
The stu...
A diversification strategy of introducing two or more species is becoming increasingly prevalent in forest plantations previously dominated by single-species compositions. Improving productivity and enhancing other ecosystem services are the main reasons for this conversion. While mixing effects in temperate forests and plantations are well support...
Forests are threatened by increasingly severe and more frequent drought events worldwide. Mono-specific forests, developed as a consequence of widespread management practices established early last century, seem particularly susceptible to global warming and drought compared with mixed-species forests. Although, in several contexts, mi...
Stand density management diagrams (SDMDs) are robust decision-support tools available to forest managers under limited information. SDMDs which are based on empirical models at stand level, graphically represent the temporal relationships among stand density, and different stand variables such as qua-dratic mean diameter, dominant height, and mean...
Thinning treatments along with the establishment of mixed forest stands have been put forward as possible adaptation strategies to cope with climate change, although the effectiveness of combining these two measures has scarcely been studied and may vary depending on stand conditions and the thinning regime employed. The aim of this study was to be...
Severe droughts limit tree growth and forest productivity worldwide, a phenomenon which is expected to aggravate over the next decades. However, how drought intensity and climatic conditions before and after drought events modulate tree growth resilience remains unclear, especially when considering the range-wide phenotypic variability of a tree sp...
Thinning treatment and mixed forest stands have been suggested as possible adaptation strategies to cope to climate change but there is still scarce knowledge about the combination of both subjects. In this study, we aim to better understand the thinning effect and the growth differences between two coexisting species on inter- and intra-annual cum...
Forest stand and environmental factors influence soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, but little is known about their relative impacts in different soil layers. Moreover, how environmental factors modulate the impact of stand factors, particularly species mixing, on SOC storage, is largely unexplored. In this study, conducted in 21 forest triplets (t...
Healthy soils are the second C sink on Earth, and this sink could last for hundreds or even thousands of years as stable soil organic matter (SOM). Forest soils, in particular, have the potential to store significant amounts of C, however, the amount of C sequestered and the carbon-to-nitrogen (C/N) ratio of soil organic matter (SOM) depend on the...
Establishing fast-growing tree species (Eucalyptus spp.) is crucial in supplying forest products to developing economies. However, the increasing frequency, severity and duration of droughts threaten these important ecosystems' viability. In Mato Grosso, Brazil, where water stress is the main limiting factor for eucalyptus, the second-largest droug...
Seedling size-related functional attributes of Mediterranean forest species are critical traits to be considered in nursery practices aimed at improving the survival and performance of seedlings exposed to summer drought in dryland reforestation projects. We looked at how nursery light regimes and nitrogen fertilization affected the survival and pe...
Process-based models and empirical modelling techniques are frequently used to (i) explore the sensitivity of tree growth to environmental variables, and (ii) predict the future growth of trees and forest stands under climate change scenarios. However, modelling approaches substantially influence predictions of the sensitivity of trees to environme...
Many studies show that mixed species stands can have higher gross growth, or so-called overyielding, compared with monocultures. However, much less is known about mortality in mixed stands. Knowledge is lacking, for example, of how much of the gross growth is retained in the standing stock and how much is lost due to mortality. Here, we addressed t...
The use of mobile laser scanning to survey forest ecosystems is a promising, scalable technology to describe the 3D structure of forests at a high resolution. We use a structurally complex, mixed-species Mediterranean forest to test the performance of a mobile Handheld Laser Scanning (HLS) system to estimate tree attributes within a forest patch in...
Quercus robur/Quercus petraea and Pinus sylvestris are widely distributed and economically important tree species in Europe co-occurring on mesotrophic, xeric and mesic sites. Increasing dry conditions may reduce their growth, but growth reductions may be modified by mixture, competition and site conditions. The annual diameter growth in monospecif...
SMARTELO app makes the tree marking process easy int he field, providing your plot information and connecting with SIMANFOR.
Los retos a los que se enfrenta en la actualidad la formación deposgrado y la gestión forestal de calidad son muy relevantes por la ocurrencia y magnitud de problemas ambientales globales (cambio climático, especies invasoras y pérdida de la biodiversidad), así como por la demanda creciente de bienes y servicios ecosistémicos por la sociedad, para...
El Explorador Forestal es una aplicación web con la que se puede navegar fácilmente los contenidos de inventarios forestales y mapas forestales ibéricos. Para ello accede a una fuente de datos abiertos enlazados creada en el proyecto europeo Cross-Forest a partir de los datos originales. La aplicación está disponible en https://forestexplorer.gsic....
We assessed the process of carbon (C) accumulation as a consequence of forest expansion in abandoned agricultural lands over the period 1977–2017 in a vast (9.4 million ha) area of Mediterranean continental environment in Central-North Spain. We achieved this objective, through obtaining AGC and BGC estimations based on direct field measurements ta...
Adapting forests to climate change is a critical issue for forest management. It requires an understanding of climate effects on forest systems and the ability to forecast how these effects may change over time. We used Spanish Second National Forest Inventory data and the SIMANFOR platform to simulate the evolution of CO2 stock (CO2 Mg · ha⁻¹) and...
The increasing disturbances in monocultures around the world are testimony to their instability under global change. Many studies have claimed that temporal stability of productivity increases with species richness, although the ecological fundamentals have mainly been investigated through diversity experiments. To adequately manage forest ecosyste...
How drought affects tree and stand growth is an old question, but is getting unprecedented relevance in view of climate change. Stress effects related to drought have been mostly studied at the individual tree level, mostly investigating dominant trees and using their responses as indicator for the impact at the stand level. However, findings at tr...
The main objective of this study was to analyse biomass production and distribution among the constituent parts of 4-year-old Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis trees. Young trees were harvested from a Nelder wheel experimental site and their biomass weight was determined. With the Nelder design, the effect of stand density can be included in the...
There is growing interest in mixed-species forests but also a lack of studies that analyse them at the regeneration phases or any stage other than mature stands. Information is particularly scarce about relatively unproductive species such as Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis in Mediterranean ecosystems. The objective of this study was to investi...
La modelización forestal es una herramienta que nos permite predecir la evolución de masas forestales y explicar su estado bajo determinadas condiciones, respaldando su gestión. Ecuaciones para el cálculo de variables de interés forestal a nivel de árbol, clases de tamaño y masa han sido desarrolladas, cuya precisión en las predicciones es comúnmen...
En este trabajo se desarrolla una metodología para la validación de modelos forestales de crecimiento, la cual ha permito calibrar los cálculos de crecimiento de los modelos IBERO-PT e IBERO-PS.
Futuros trabajos se deberían centrar en las dinámicas poblacionales (supervivencia y masa incorporada) para lograr la validación total de modelos.
SIMANFOR es una herramienta que permite la simulación de alternativas de gestión forestal para diferentes especies y localizaciones. El objetivo principal de la plataforma es el conocimiento de la evolución de las masas forestales bajo diferentes escenarios, respaldando la toma de decisiones con información de productividad. En ocasiones, resulta i...
Future climate predictions for the Mediterranean area include prolonged droughts and an increase in the frequency of extreme events. Silvicultural modification of stand density can buffer the response of tree growth to changes in climate by enhancing soil water availability. We analyzed the stem growth dynamics of Pinus halepensis, including the da...
Heterogeneity of structure can increase mechanical stability, stress resistance and resilience, biodiversity and many other functions and services of forest stands. That is why many silvicultural measures aim at enhancing structural diversity. However, the effectiveness and potential of structuring may depend on the site conditions. Here, we reveal...
While the impacts of forest management options on carbon (C) storage are well documented, the way they affect C distribution among ecosystem components remains poorly investigated. Yet, partitioning of total forest C stocks, particularly between aboveground woody biomass and the soil, greatly impacts the stability of C stocks against disturbances i...
Global biodiversity-related conventions have positively influenced nature conservation in Vietnam. Adherence to international policies and strategies is one of the critical motivations for reducing biodiversity loss. As highlighted in Aichi Target 11, protected areas are central for this effort and Vietnam is not an exception. In this study we refl...
Global high-resolution imagery is a well-assimilated technology in forest mapping. The release of the Norway's International Climate & Forests Initiative (NICFI) Planet tropical basemaps time-series starting in 2015 at a 4.77-m resolution represents a unique opportunity to forecast climate change consequences such as drought episodes. Using multi-t...
Forest Explorer is a web tool that can be used to easily browse the contents of the Cross-Forest dataset, a Linked Open Data resource containing the forestry inventory and land cover map from Spain. The tool is purposed for domain experts and lay users to facilitate the exploration of forestry data. Since these two groups are not knowledgable on Se...
The plantation of fast-growing tree species plays a crucial role in supplying forest products to growing economies while relieving pressure on native forests reducing the overexploitation of native ecosystems. Grown in more than 90 countries, Eucalyptus spp. are fast-growing tree species driving economic production comprising pulp, wood, or thermal...
Competition plays a key role controlling tree growth in mixed forests. Contrary to monocultures, quantifying species mixing influence on tree growth suppose a challenge since the presence of two or more species requires to estimate the degree of intra- and inter-specific competition among trees. Moreover, it is well known that aridity can also infl...
Estimating tree height is essential for modelling and managing both pure and mixed forest stands. Although height–diameter (H–D) relationships have been traditionally fitted for pure stands, attention must be paid when analyzing this relationship behavior in stands composed of more than one species. The present context of global change makes also n...
Mixed forests make up the majority of natural forests, and they are conducive to improving the resilience and resistance of forest ecosystems. Moreover, it is in the crown of the trees where the effect of inter-and intra-specific interaction between them is evident. However, our knowledge of changes in crown morphology caused by density, competitio...
Monocultures or single-tree species plantations cover a vast territory in southwest Europe (Spain, Portugal and south France). Much of these forests were planted either to prevent soil losses or to obtain provisioning ecosystem services. However, in some cases poor tree performance and lack of proper management has derived to high biotic and abioti...
Background: There is growing interest in mixed-species forests but a lack of studies that analyse them for regeneration phases or any stage other than mature stands. Information is scarce about relatively unproductive species such as Pinus pinaster and Pinus halepensis in Mediterranean ecosystems. The objective of this study was to investigate inte...
Forest resilience should be improved to promote species adaptation and ensure the future of forests. Carbon stock is considered an indicator of resilience, so it is necessary to determine forest carbon stocks and how to improve them through forest management. The main objective of this study was to analyse biomass production and distribu...
Educawood is a socio-semantic annotation system intended for environmental learning in Secondary and Higher Education. It can be used to socially annotate trees and other ecosystem structures such as dead wood. Furthermore, Educawood allows the exploration of existing semantic datasets of land cover maps and forestry inventories as well as social t...
The impact of biodiversity loss on the functioning of forest ecosystems has become a central issue in ecology. Most reports of the positive effects of tree mixture on the biodiversity–productivity relationship focus on mixtures that combine tree species with contrasting traits. Nevertheless, little is known about how coniferous mixtures of the same...
Tree biomass and the diversity relationship in mixed forest have an impact on forest ecosystem services provisions. Tree biomass yield is driven by several aspects such as species identity, site condition, stand density, tree age and tree diversity expressed as species mingling and structural diversity. By comparing diverse degrees of tree mixtures...
• Key message
This document provides valuable environmental information about a triplets’ essay of Scots pine and Maritime pine in Spain. The dataset characterizes the soil profile (physicochemical parameters of organic and mineral horizons), climate, physiography, understory and overstory. Dataset access is at
Tree biomass and diversity relationship in mixed forest impacts on forest ecosystem services provisions. Tree biomass yield is driven by several aspects such as species identity, site condition, stand density, tree age as well as tree diversity expressed as species mingling and structural diversity. By comparing diverse degrees of tree mixture in n...
Recent studies show that several tree species are spreading to higher latitudes and elevations due to climate change. European beech, presently dominating from the colline to the subalpine vegetation belt, is already present in upper montane subalpine forests and has a high potential to further advance to higher elevations in European mountain fore...