Federico Re

Federico Re
Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca | UNIMIB

PhD in Physics


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Publications (23)
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In the last years, we saw more and more attempts to explain dark matter as a general relativistic effect, at least for some fraction. Following this philosophy, we considered the gravitational distortions due to the inhomogeneous distribution of matter in the universe, which we know from general relativity to be retarded distortions. This provides...
We push ahead the idea developed in [24], that some fraction of the dark matter and the dark energy can be explained as a relativistic effect. The inhomogeneity matter generates gravitational distortions, which are general relativistically retarded. These combine in a magnification effect since the past matter density, which generated the distortio...
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Ehlers' Frame Theory is a class of geometric theories parameterized by λ := 1/c 2 and identical to the General Theory of Relativity for λ = 0. The limit λ → 0 does not recover Newtonian gravity, as one might expect, but yields the so-called Newton-Cartan theory of gravity, which is characterized by a second gravitational field ω, called the Corioli...
Stationary, axisymmetric, dust sourced solutions of Einstein’s equations have been proposed as fully general relativistic models for disc galaxies. These models introduce a novel physical element, i.e., a non-negligible dragging vortex emerging from a full consideration of the essential self-interaction of matter and geometry in general relativity,...
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In this article we address the mystery of dark matter. We expound the various evidences, astrophysical and cosmological, leading to hypothesize the existence of an invisible form of matter, whose attempts at detecting it have so far all failed. We also discuss some alternative suggestions that replace the hypothesis of exotic matter with the assump...
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Among the great mysteries that physics has not yet solved are undoubtedly those of dark energy and dark matter. In this chapter we deal with the first of them. We will expound in detail the motivations that led to hypothesise the existence of dark energy, the importance of understanding its nature, its main possible theoretical explanations and a l...
In this article we address the mystery of dark matter. We expound the various evidences, astrophysical and cosmological, leading to hypothesise the existence of an invisible form of matter, whose attempts at detecting it have so far all failed. We also discuss some alternative suggestions that replace the hypothesis of exotic matter with the assump...
Among the great mysteries that physics has not yet solved are undoubtedly those of dark energy and dark matter. In this chapter we deal with the first of them. We will expound in detail the motivations that led to hypothesise the existence of dark energy, the importance of understanding its nature, its main possible theoretical explanations and a l...
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A new Newtonian limit of general relativity is established for stationary axisymmetric gravitationally bound differentially rotating matter distributions with internal pressure. The self-consistent coupling of quasilocal gravitational energy and angular momentum leads to a modified Poisson equation. The coupled equations of motion of the effective...
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Aims. We explore the dynamical friction on a test mass in gravitational systems in the quasi-linear formulation of modified Newtonian dynamics (QuMOND). Methods. Exploiting the quasi-linearity of QuMOND, we derived a simple expression for the dynamical friction in akin to its Newtonian counterpart in the standard Chandrasekhar derivation. Moreover,...
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This paper explores the relationships between some the problems of the Fermi Paradox (FP), with its variety of possible answers; and the Problem of Induction, and thus the possibility of a Theory of Everything. We seek to improve the hierarchy of plausibility within answers to FP, given by what we call "preference criteria", among which we particul...
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In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of papers regarding general-relativistic explanations for the dark matter phenomena in disc galaxies. The main focus of this scientific discussion is whether a previously unexamined relativistic dragging vortex could support flat rotation curves, with various research groups taking different...
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Aims. We investigate the core-cusp problem of the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) scenario in the context of the modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND) paradigm while exploiting the concept of an equivalent Newtonian system (ENS). Methods. By means of particle-mesh N -body simulations in MOND, we explored the processes of galaxy formation via cold dissipatio...
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We investigate the core-cusp problem of the $\Lambda$ cold dark matter ($\Lambda$CDM) scenario in the context of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) paradigm exploiting the concept of equivalent Newtonian system (ENS). By means of particle-mesh $N-$body simulations in MOND we explore processes of galaxy formation via cold dissipationless collapse or...
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Superficial considerations about the exponential growth humanity experienced in the last few centuries lead us to wonder how much can it endure. This rapid progress can benefits from subsequent explosions thanks to the discover of always new scientific theories. Hence we conclude that it will find an end, or a slowdown at least, after the Theory of...
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We analyse the dynamics of a single disk galaxy from a general relativistic viewpoint. We investigate dark matter (DM) effects in terms of a known family of stationary axially-symmetric solutions of Einstein equations coupled to a rotating dust. These effects are generated by the non-Newtonian features of such solutions and are ascribed to the esse...
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A recent analysis of data from the ESA Gaia mission demonstrated that the kinematics of stars in the Milky Way can be modelled without invoking the presence of dark matter whatsoever. Indeed, the higher-than-Keplerian velocities observed in outer stars can be ascribed to the properties of the general relativistic (GR) metric assumed to describe the...
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Many recent researches have investigated the deviations from the Friedmannian cosmological model, as well as their consequences on unexplained cosmological phenomena, such as dark matter and the acceleration of the Universe. On one hand, a first-order perturbative study of matter inhomogeneity returned a partial explanation of dark matter and dark...
We analyze the dynamics of a single spiral galaxy from a general relativistic viewpoint. We employ the known family of stationary axially-symmetric solutions to Einstein gravity coupled with dust in order to model the halo external to the bulge. In particular, we generalize the known results of Balasin and Grumiller, relaxing the condition of co-ro...
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We push ahead the idea developed in a previous work, that some fraction of the dark matter and the dark energy can be explained as a relativistic effect. The inhomogeneity matter generates gravitational distortions, which are general relativistically retarded. These combine in a magnification effect since the past matter density, which generated th...
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This erratum concerns the corrections of Equation (41) and Equation (44), that should read:
Many recent researches have investigated the deviations from the Friedmannian cosmological model, as well as their consequences on unexplained cosmological phenomena, such as dark matter and the acceleration of the Universe. On the one hand, a first order perturbative study of matter inhomogeneity returned a partial explanation of dark matter and d...
Using the instruments of perturbative cosmology, it is possible to study not only the development of structures, but also the resultant gravitational potentials. These are retarded potentials, depending not on the actual matter density, but on the past one, which is greater. This magnification effect can generate a contribution to dark matter. The...


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