Federico AgnolinMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia"
Federico Agnolin
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Publications (357)
Buenos Aires representa a una de las capitales del mundo con mayores ofertas culturales, y en ellas, la arqueología y la paleontología representan un polo de atracción de niños y adultos. Entre el 25 y el 31 de octubre de 2021, la Dirección General Patrimonio, Museos y Casco Histórico llevó a cabo la séptima edición de la Semana de Arqueología y Pa...
Patagorhacos terrificus is a phorusrhacid bird known from the early Miocene of Río Negro province, northernPatagonia. Originally based on the distal end of a quadrate bone, and a referred fragmentary ulna, itsaffinities were considered dubious by some authors, who also regarded it as Aves incertae sedis. The aim ofpresent contribution is to report...
Noasaurus leali is a small (~2 m) carnivorous theropod and the nominal genus of the clade Noasauridae, one of the two radiations of abelisauroid ceratosaurs predominantly present in the Southern Hemisphere during the Mesozoic. This eponymous theropod from the Maastrichtian Lecho Formation of Salta, Argentina, is known from an incomplete skeleton of...
Anurans are characterized by a biphasic life cycle, with an aquatic larval (tadpole) stage followed by an adult (frog) stage, both connected through the metamorphic period in which drastic morphological and physiological changes occur¹. Extant tadpoles exhibit great morphological diversity and ecological relevance², but their absence in the pre-Cre...
The fossil record of New World vultures (Cathartidae) and hawks (Accipitridae) in South America is extensive but still remains patchy, with relatively few records coming from northern South America. The aim of the present contribution is to describe new records of birds of prey from Late Pleistocene beds of the La Carolina tar seeps (Santa Elena Pr...
Carcharodontosaurids were gigantic terrestrial dinosaurs and top predators of dinosaur faunas in Gondwanan landmasses during the “Mid”-Cretaceous Period. Despite their wide geographical and stratigraphical distribution, essential parts of their anatomy are still poorly known. The present contribution aims to describe a new partial skeleton of the c...
This study aims to describe a new fossil species of the extant aspredinid genus Bunocephalus. The new species is represented by a nearly complete skull and pectoral girdle coming from late Miocene Ituzaingó Formation beds of Paraná City, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina. The specimen constitutes the first fossil record for the genus and the family As...
Ernesto Guevara, conocido como “El Che”, fue uno de los ideólogos y comandantes
de la Revolución Cubana de 1959. A pesar de su fama, poco se sabe sobre su vida antes de sus estudios universitarios y posiblemente uno de los hechos menos conocidos sea su participación en el Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia” (MACN). Durante...
Tyrannosaurus rex is one of the most popular dinosaurs in the world. It inhabited North America during the late Cretaceous, and a large number of specimens are known from USA. The aim of present contribution is to inquire information about a T. rex skull cast that is exhibited in the Vertebrate Paleontology Hall at the Museo Argentino de Ciencias N...
The genus Chloephaga Eyton, 1838, consisting of four species that breed in Patagonia, encompasses anatids endemic to South America. Despite their prominence in the present-day avifauna, these species have left behind a limited fossil record. The aim of the present contribution is to describe Chloephaga fossils coming from Middle Pleistocene levels...
Los vertebrados fósiles de las líneas costeras marinas a lo largo de la costa atlántica de la provincia de Buenos Aires, en el este de Argentina, son bien conocidos desde el siglo XIX. A pesar de ser frecuentes a lo largo de la costa del área de Cabo San Antonio, la descripción de los vertebrados e invertebrados fósiles encontrados a lo largo de la...
The early history of the study of vertebrate palaeobiogeography in South America is marked in the first decade of the twentieth century by two opposite and competing hypotheses, authored by Florentino Ameghino (1906) and Albert Gaudry (1906, 1909), respectively. Ameghino, proposed that South America, specifically Patagonia, was the cradle and sourc...
Previous pages were the necessary introduction to understand the topics that are included in present chapter. Here the main pillars of a new model for understanding the history of Cenozoic mammals from South America are exposed. South America should not be viewed as a landmass that served as a refuge for non-competitive taxa or archaic and obsolete...
In this chapter, I shall provide a brief introduction to the main lineages that form part of the early history of South American mammals. Here, the proposed phylogenetic relationships, the content and extension of each clade, as well as its distribution are reviewed cursory. Also, a very brief account on selected Mesozoic mammals from South America...
This chapter includes a cursory, but critical analysis of the South American Land Mammal ages, their chronology, and brief comments about some stratigraphical units that yielded early mammals. It also includes observations and mentions about main fossiliferous sites from the South American Paleogene.
Los fósiles forman una parte (en algunos casos de relativa importancia) de la cultura popular. La relación entre las personas no especialistas y los fósiles son llamadas “paleontología popular” o “folclore paleontológico” y son abordadas por disciplinas conocida como Paleontología Cultural y Etnopaleontología. Si bien se tiene poca evidencia acerca...
Theria represent an extant clade that comprises placental and marsupial mammals. Here we report on the discovery of a new Late Cretaceous mammal from southern Patagonia, Patagomaia chainko gen. et sp. nov., represented by hindlimb and pelvic elements with unambiguous therian features. We estimate Patagomaia chainko attained a body mass of 14 kg, wh...
Lagerpeton chanarensis is an early avemetatarsalian from the lower Carnian (lowermost Upper Triassic) levels of the Chañares Formation, La Rioja Province, Argentina. Lagerpeton and its kin were traditionally interpreted as dinosaur precursors of cursorial habits, with a bipedal posture and parasagittal gait. Some authors also speculated saltatorial...
Abstract. The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new species of the extinct falcon genus Thegornis. The species is based on the distal end of a tarsometatarsus coming from late Miocene beds of Catamarca province, Argentina. The new taxon is distinguished from closely related forms by details in tarsometatarsus trochleae. It constitute...
Insect faunas from the latest Cretaceous are poorly known worldwide. Particularly, in the Southern Hemisphere, there is a gap regarding insect assemblages in the Campanian-Maastrichtian interval. Here we present an insect assemblage from the Maastrichtian Chorrillo Formation, southern Argentina, represented by well-preserved and non-deformed, chiti...
The present contribution aims to describe new fossil bird remains coming from early-middle Miocene beds (Pinturas and Santa Cruz Formations) in Santa Cruz province, Patagonia, Argentina. These include a new tinamid, a basal anseriform, one anhimid, two new tadornine ducks, possible gruid, psophiid, and parvigruid cranes, an uncertain falconid, a ne...
Las aves Hesperornithiformes fueron un grupo de Ornithurae de hábitos buceadores, semejantes a los modernos Podicipediformes y Gaviiformes. A pesar de ser uno de los grupos de aves más diversos del Cretácico, sus restos provenían, hasta el momento, exclusivamente del Hemisferio Norte. En el presente trabajo, se reporta un extremo proximal de tarsom...
We analyze a dental plate belonging to Myliobatiformes (Chondrichthyes, Batoidea) from the Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation (Saladar Member; Upper Early Miocene-Lower Middle Miocene) located in Gran Bajo del Gualicho locality, Río Negro Province, Argentina. The specimen analyzed (MAPBAR 3671.26) represents the first record of an associated, partial...
The aim of the present contribution is to review the taxonomy of the loricariid Sturisoma in the La Plata basin. The original description of the species S. barbatum is analyzed and compared to Regan’s later description of S. robustum. We noticed that Kner’s illustrations may have influenced the description by Regan and other later authors, leading...
Azhdarchid pterosaurs in South America were hitherto represented by two taxa coming from Coniacian-Santonian and Maastrichtian beds, of the Mendoza and Río Negro provinces, respectively, in Argentina. Here we report an incomplete pterosaur cervical vertebra from Cenomanian beds exposed at the east shore of Ezequiel Ramos Mexía Reservoir at the Río...
This present work reports new data on the palaeohistology of Chañares Formation (early Carnian) proterochampsids based on appendicular bones, particularly Chanaresuchus bonapartei Romer, 1971 (i.e., PULR-V 116, femur, tibia and fibula) and Tropidosuchus romeri Arcucci, 1990 (i.e., PVL-4606, femur), and provides new insights into their paleobiology,...
Dinosaurs and pterosaurs have remarkable diversity and disparity through most of the Mesozoic Era1–3. Soon after their origins, these reptiles diversified into a number of long-lived lineages, evolved unprecedented ecologies (for example, flying, large herbivorous forms) and spread across Pangaea4,5. Recent discoveries of dinosaur and pterosaur pre...
Vegavis iaai is without any doubt the most complete and well-known Mesozoic bird from Antarctica. In spite of being known by several specimens, its highly specialized postcranial anatomy has obscured the recognition of its phylogenetic affinities. Skull material from Vegavis is scarce, and the lower jaw is known by a relatively well-preserved artic...
INTRODUCCIÓN En contraposición con el abundante registro de invertebrados marinos del Holoceno (véase resumen en Cavallotto, 2009), la información édita sobre vertebrados fósiles te-rrestres correspondiente al área del Parque Costero del Sur, refiere mayormente a unos pocos hallazgos puntuales y restos aislados (e. g., Agnolín et al., 2020). Como e...
El paisaje tan característico de la llanura costera que se conserva en el "Parque Costero del Sur" muestra evidentes signos de los fuertes cambios ambientales que le acontecieron en los últimos miles de años. Particularmente, hace unos 6500 años antes del presente (AP) donde el mar Atlántico avanzó sobre el Río de la Plata, transgredió su costa y c...
The Neogene avifauna record from San Juan Province is poorly known. The aim of the present contribution is the description of a new diverse Late Miocene assemblage from Las Flores Formation, cropping out in the area of Puchuzum in the Calingasta Valley (San Juan Province, Argentina). Bearing levels represent fluvial systems of meandering rivers and...
This contribution includes the analysis of 39 pieces of the Vertebrate Paleontology Collection of the Argentinean Museum of Natural Sciences “Bernardino Rivadavia”. These specimens were acquired before 1925 from the Heidelberger Mineralien-Comptoir company, which was a firm specialized in mineral and fossil
commercialization during XIX and beginni...
The aim of present contribution is to describe the osteohistology of an articulated skeleton of an unnamed elasmosaurid coming from Santa Cruz province, Argentina, and recovered in late Cretaceous beds of Calafate Formation (Maastrichtian). Histological analysis indicates that the specimen reached somatic and sexual maturity. The specimen exhibits...
Monotremata is a clade of egg-lying mammals, represented by the living platypus and echidnas, which is endemic to Australia, and adjacent islands. Occurrence of basal monotremes in the Early Cretaceous of Australia has led to the consensus that this clade originated on that continent, arriving later to South America. Here we report on the discovery...
La ocurrencia de restos
óseos fósiles a lo largo de
la costa bonaerense es un
acontecimiento frecuente,
ya sea en el litoral marino
como en la ribera rioplatense.
El Río de la Plata con
frecuencia desentierra de
sus costas o de los diferentes
sedimentos que conforman
su lecho, distintos
tipos de fósiles que con el
correr del tiempo terminan
Enantiornithes were the dominant avialan clade in the Mesozoic. However, their record for the Upper Cretaceous is scarce. In this study, we present and describe Yatenavis ieujensis gen. et sp. nov., one of the youngest occurrence of an enantiornithine bird. The specimen, the distal half of a right humerus, was found in Chorrillo Formation, southern...
El género Chloephaga incluye cuatro especies que habitan en la Patagonia argentina y chilena. Si bien hoy en día son elementos frecuentes en la avifauna de nuestro país, su registro fósil es relativamente escaso. En la presente contribución se dan a conocer nuevos registros de cauquenes en niveles del Pleistoceno (Secuencia San José) aflorantes en...
Vegavis iaai es una de las aves más completas y mejor conocidas del Cretácico de Antártida. A pesar de esto, su anatomía postcraneana altamente especializada dificulta deducir su posición filogenética. Los materiales craneanos son muy escasos, entre ellos se encuentra la región articular de una mandíbula y un pterigoides, ambos pertenecientes al ej...
The aim of the present contribution is to examine the bone histology of two non-mammaliaform cynodonts recovered from the Late Triassic (Carnian) Chañares Formation, at Los Chañares locality, La Rioja province, Northwestern Argentina. The taxa analysed here are the Traversodontidae Massetognathus pascuali and the Probainognathidae Probainognathus j...
New World capuchin monkeys are well-known by their ability to solve problems using stone tools that have the characteristics and morphology of some human-made stone tools. The aim of the present contribution is to carry out brief comparisons between the Pleistocene archeological sites from Brazil (e.g. Pedra Furada, Sitio do Meio, Vale da Pedra Fur...
The present contribution aims is to analyze the fossil record of the genus Echinorhinus in South America, and particularly Argentina. We made a first-hand examination of the species Echinorhinus pozzi from the early Miocene of Patagonia, and recognize it as a valid taxon. The species was originally described in the XIX century, and since then no au...
Skorpiovenator bustingorryi is a derived abelisaurid theropod represented by a fairly complete skeleton from the Late Cretaceous sedimentary beds of north-western Patagonia. Although some features were described in the original paper, mainly related to the skull, the appendicular anatomy remains undescribed. The aim of the present contribution is t...
The fossil record of condors in South America is relatively extensive. However, fossil specimens from the late Pleistocene of Argentina are still very scarce. Here, we describe fragmentary remains of a large sized cathartid of the condor lineage. The new specimen is represented by an incomplete ulna, radius and metacarpal belonging to the Lujanian...
The aim of the present contribution is to describe a partial coracoid (CTES-PZ 7797) coming from Upper Pleistocene Toropí/Yupoí Formation, in Corrientes province, Argentina. The comparative anatomical analysis indicates that it belongs to an indeterminate species of the goose genus Chloephaga, but sharing some characters with the living C. picta. T...
Pleistocene large carnivores from the Pampean Region have been studied almost always based on bone remains. Here we report the first coprolite of a large carnivore from the Late Pleistocene of the Pampean Region, Argentina. The coprolite was found associated with megafauna bone remains and it shows the typical shape and size of a carnivorous mammal...
55 MATADEROS. Pampa y asfalto 54 Adoquines que cuentan (pre) historia Mataderos conserva aún empedrados que persisten desde su época fundacional. Las calles San Pedro, Gral. Garzón, y el Paseo Liborio Pupillo, especie de calle semicircu-lar que rodea la estatua El Resero, dan tes-timonio de estos adoquines; Lisandro de la Torre, en cambio, contiene...
Desde mediados del siglo XIX, los paleon-tólogos buscan y encuentran restos fósiles de animales en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus inmediaciones. La ciudad nació ha-cia fines del siglo XVI ajustada a las pres-cripciones de la Corona española, contenidas en las Or-denanzas de la Población, que eran parte de las Leyes de Indias. Esas normas incluían,...
Elio Massoia (1936-2001) se interesó desde joven por las ciencias naturales y rápidamente descubrió en los mamíferos, y especialmente entre los roedores, un campo de investigación casi ilimitado. Durante su vida Massoia generó más de 250 trabajos publicados y editó una revista de comunicaciones científicas de elaboración muy artesanal que se convir...
Ejemplar de distribución gratuita DIRECCIÓN GENERAL DE CULTURA
In this contribution, we seek to make visible a set of fossils from the well-known
fossiliferous locality of Monte Bolca, Verona, Italy. The set is part of the paleontological heritage that protects the Museum of Natural and Anthropological Sciences “Prof. Antonio Serrano” of Paraná, Entre Ríos. The materials were acquired from the Civic Museum of...
The Greater Rhea (Rhea americana, Rheidae) is a flightless paleognath with a wide geographical distribution in South America. The morphology of its shoulder girdle and wings are different from those of flying birds and some characteristics are similar to basal birds and paravian theropods. We present a detailed osteological, myological, and functio...
The aim of the present contribution is to review the fossil record of chimaeroids in Argentina. We review previous records from Argentina, including the presence of Cretaceous chimaeroids reported by Ameghino in the 19th century from the Cretaceous of Santa Cruz province. We re-analyse the species Callorhynchus crassus described from the Miocene of...
Megaraptora is a theropod clade known from former Gondwana landmasses and Asia. Most members of the clade are known from the Early to Late Cretaceous (Barremian–Santonian), with Maastrichtian megaraptorans known only from isolated and poorly informative remains. The aim of the present contribution is to describe a partial skeleton of a megaraptorid...
Armored catfshes of the subfamily Loricariinae include more than 250 species and 31 genera distributed along South America from Costa Rica to Buenos Aires province in central Argentina. In spite of that, the entire clade lacks a single paleontological record. In this work, a new species of Loricariinae belonging to the genus Sturisomatichthys from...
Here we describe a new hadrosaurid from the Upper Cretaceous (Campanian-Maastrichtian) Allen Formation of R ıo Negro Province, northwest Patagonia. The new taxon is based on cranial and postcranial elements from subadult and adult specimens. The new taxon may have reached 8-9 m in total body length, and it is diagnosed by a unique combination of ch...
The fossil record of abelisaurid theropods in South America is mostly limited to Brazil and Argentina. In Argentina, abelisaurids are generally known from Patagonia, where their record is relatively abundant and includes well-known and complete specimens. However, for Northwestern Argentina, abelisaurids are represented by incomplete and isolated b...
The deposits of the Chorrillo Formation (Maastrichtian) were accumulated during a ‘continental window’ that occurred during the Late Cretaceous in the Austral-Magallanes foreland basin, southern Patagonia, Argentina. The aim of the present contribution is to describe the depositional conditions as well as new vertebrate and plant fossils from this...
Megaraptorans are a theropod clade distributed in former Gondwana landmasses and Asia. Most members of the clade are known from early Cretaceous to Turonian times whereas Maastrichtian megaraptorans are known just from isolated and poorly informative remains. The aim of present contribution is to describe a partial skeleton of a megaraptorid coming...
The fossil record of freshwater fishes and anurans from the Miocene in Patagonia is relatively patchy, a large number of specimens remaining undescribed. The aim of the present contribution is to describe a fossil association of percomorphacean fishes and calyptocephalellid anurans from the early to late Miocene Collón Curá Formation, at Chubut pro...
The fossil record of the genus Bothrops is still sparse in South America. Most records belong to extant species recovered in strata not older than the late Pleistocene. The genus was also tentatively reported from the early Pliocene and earlymiddle Pleistocene of Buenos Aires province, Argentina, based on fragmentary specimens. The aim of the prese...
The fossil record of Early Cretaceous birds in South America has been restricted to members of Enantiornithes from the Crato Formation (Aptian) of Brazil. Here we describe a new genus and species of bird discovered at Pedra Branca Mine, Nova Olinda County, Ceará State, Brazil, which adds to the avian fossil record from the Crato Formation. The spec...
Resumen: Entre 1956 y 1965 los paleontólogos Osvaldo A. Reig y Rodolfo M. Casamiquela llevaron adelante una serie de trabajos sobre anuros fósiles que impactaron de manera decisiva sobre la comunidad paleontológica. Sus trabajos consistieron en la descripción de una gran diversidad de anuros sudamericanos extintos así como en los hallazgos de las e...
The record of sauropods in the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia is rich. However, there are still several blanks on this record. Here it is described a new sauropod assemblage coming from the Salitral Ojo de Agua Area, Río Negro province, northern Patagonia, Argentina (Allen Formation; Maastrichtian). Remains of indeterminate saltasaurines, aeolosauri...
Carcharocles megalodon is considered a macropredatory shark that inhabited the seas around the world from middle Miocene to late Pliocene. In Argentina, it has only been formally recorded at two localities. Here, we report the first record for this taxon in the Buenos Aires Province. This occurrence is based on an isolated tooth recovered on the be...