Fatma SusarPamukkale University · Clasroom teaching
Fatma Susar
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Publications (35)
In this study, it was tried to determine the effect of creative reading on reading achievement and reading attitude. The present study employs an experimental research methodology using pre-test post-test control group design. The sampling of the study is composed of two classes of fourth grade students attending a school affiliated to the Ministry...
In this study, an attitude scale related to reading was developed and validity and reliability studies were conducted. In the field, there were many attitude scales for reading and very few studies were found at the fourth grade level of elementary school. In this context, in order to determine primary school fourth graders attitudes towards readin...
Following the amendment made in 2015, the Ministry of National Education renewed the Turkish Curriculum in 2018 and a number of regulations were made in this context. Learning areas are removed from three to four. TQF (Turkey Qualifications Framework), in accordance with EQF (European Qualifications Framework) added to curriculum. New concepts such...
In this study, an attitude scale related to reading was developed and validity and reliability studies were conducted. In the field, there were many attitude scales for reading and very few studies were found at the fourth grade level of elementary school. In this context, in order to determine primary school fourth graders attitudes towards readin...
Reading difficulty experienced by first and second graders is one of the main problems that primary school teachers
have in teaching first reading and writing. It is of great importance to identify teachers’ perceptions regarding reading
difficulty and offer solutions based on these perceptions. The aim of this study was to identify elementary teac...
?zel gereksinimli bireylerin topluma ve ekonomiye kazand?r?lmas?nda zihinsel, bedensel ve sosyal becerilerinin geli?tirilmesi son derece ?nemlidir. Bu sebeple ?zel gereksinimli bireylerin di?er ?ocuklar?n ??renim g?rd??? okullardan yararlanabilmesi yani kayna?t?r?lmalar? fikri olduk?a ?nemlidir. Ara?t?rman?n amac? s?n?f ??retmenlerinin g?r??lerine...
Screen reading has become a way of reading that individuals often use as tablet computers and smart phones have come into daily life. In this regard, students often use screen reading in their daily lives as well as in the classroom environment with technological tools. The aim of this study is to develop a scale to measure students' attitudes towa...
The objective of the study is to determine the views and opinion of teachers on the issues that are experienced in 1st grade classes with the enrollment of 60-66 months old students as a result of the 4+4+4 educational model. Case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was utilized in the study. The views and opinion of 1st grade te...
Since all sense organs are effectively used in the creative drama method, children's communication skills such as attention, perception, listening, speaking and using body language develop. This method gives children the opportunity to express themselves, their problems and imaginary world. Individuals are not passive during the activities, but act...
This study aimed to identify and evaluate elementary teacher candidates' level of knowledge, view and opinions on dyslexia. Case study design was employed in the study. Consequently, holistic single case design that is one of the case study designs was used. The sample consisted of 3rd and 4th year elementary teacher candidates (n=226) at the Eleme...
A functional preparation process that can be conducted before basal reading and writing practices in the 1st grade can be effective for children to start reading and writing successfully. This study aims to examine teachers' views on the practices in the 12-week adaptation and preparation process of 1st graders. Qualitative research method was used...
The Public Personnel State Examination (PPSE) has affected the lives of many teacher candidates. This study aimed to determine the views of teacher candidates studying at an education faculty on PPSE. In the study, survey method was used and the participants consisted of third and fourth year students (n = 497) at different departments of Pamukkale...
The rapid changes in the information era have affected education systems. Within this context, new regulations and alterations are often introduced in Turkey as well as in all over the world. Recently, the Ministry of National Education has adopted the new 4+4+4 model which started to be implemented as of 2012-2013 school year. With this change, th...
Metaphors are usually used as a language tool to combine elements in mind. In creating a metaphor, an analogy is drawn between two things, one of which is well-known and the other is lesser known to the mind of a person. The basal reading and writing process is a special period that is very difficulty for elementary students. Revealing the meanings...
In this era of information and technology, much of the information is produced and stored in computer environments. In particular, the emergence of e-books in recent years has made it essential to conduct studies in this area. The aim of this study was to examine 10th and 11th grade high school students' attitudes towards e-book reading based on ce...
This study aims to identify and evaluate elementary teacher candidates’ views and insights on sound-based sentence method in teaching basal reading and writing, and their competency related to this method. Participants were 3rd and 4th year 197 students studying elementary education at Pamukkale University. An open-ended survey which was developed...
This study aimed to identify teachers’ views with regard to teaching basal reading and writing with cursive italic writing and basic vertical letters. Action research that is one of the qualitative research methods was employed. The population of the study was consisted of elementary 1st and 2nd graders’ teachers working in Denizli and its district...
Problem Situation: Literacy has an important place in people's academic and social life. The initial literacy process is important for both the learner and the teacher. There are several methods of teaching initial literacy. The new curricula that is being implemented in Turkey assumes the sound based sentence method in the teaching of reading and...
Teacher candidates trained to be teachers in education faculties acquire certain academic skills and affective characteristics, which is important for the quality of their future teaching. Perception of self-efficacy that can be briefly defined as "professional confidence" is one of the affective characteristics which shapes teacher candidates' suc...
As education level increase, the expectations related to reading habit also increase. Especially when teacher candidates reach the university level, they are expected to analyze what they read, evaluate and create new ways of thinking. Teacher candidates can also be seen as an important group whose reading habit should be developed. Consequently, m...
Vocabulary knowledge includes all the words one acquires during his or her lifetime. In terms of first language education, the active words used improve vocabulary knowledge. One has the ability to express him/herself as much as his or her vocabulary allows. The aim of this study is to evaluate university students’ vocabulary knowledge and to deter...
The objective of this study is to reveal how well summarizing strategies are used by Grade 4 and Grade 5 students as a reading comprehension strategy. This study was conducted in Buca, İzmir and the document analysis method, a qualitative research strategy, was employed. The study used a text titled "Environmental Pollution" and an "Evaluation Crit...
The aim of this research is to make an assessment related to the efficient and inefficient aspects of the curriculum after determining the ideas of the 6th, 7th, and 8th grade branch teachers related to the application of the new Turkish Course Curriculum; and to make suggestions related to the insufficiencies in the application, and the alteration...
Summarizing helps students to comprehend knowledge, transferring it to long-term memory significantly. Summarizing, which is one of the metacognitive strategies, leads to effective using of mental skills, and increases remembering and understanding. The purpose of this study is to find whether the university students effectively use the summarizing...
Bu arastirmanin amaci, Turkce dersinde Yaratici Drama Yontemine dayali Yaratici Yazma calismalarinin yazmaya yonelik tutuma etkisini ortaya koymaktir. Arastirmada, on test, son test kontrol gruplu deney deseni kullanilmistir. 68 ogrenciyle (kiz=37; erkek=32) yapilan calisma, 2007-2008 egitim-ogretim yilinda, Turkce dersinde 5. siniflarda, 1 deney g...
The aim of this research is to evaluate the Turkish Course books prepared and applied according to new Turkish Course Teaching Program in 2005-2006 academic year with respect to teachers' ideas. 'In order to perform this study, a 67-item "Teachers' Ideas Scale about Turkish Course Books (TÜKÖGÖ)" consisting of 3 sub-dimensions had been developed. F...
it is absolutely necessary to bring. tip individuals of good quality in this century because of the technological developmeni which is progress speedy. ît is the truth that this situation will be provided ~with a well~qualified pre-school education. Because pre-school education is the foundation of the fütur e life, The most important factors, to b...