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September 1995 - May 2000
Publications (48)
A reduction in energy consumption, however minor it may seem, can significantly enhance a mill’s profit margin or mitigate operating costs. This article delves into the multifaceted realm of energy-saving strategies for millers, exploring everything from efficient machinery and renewable energy sources to innovative technologies and meticulous main...
In the past, CMMS software was essentially a spreadsheets data repository, but
now CMMS allows to reap the benefits of proven, leading technologies such as
IoT technology, mobile devices, wireless access, and configurable dashboards
of maintenance environment data. CMMS system allows to a preventive maintenance
schedule to be programmed to generate...
Industry 4.0 – digitalization – opened up new opportunities in the mill industry. This also affects the equipment of the mill laboratory. The term "Laboratory 4.0" stands for innovative automation concepts and digitalization in everyday laboratory work. The pressure for innovation and efficiency is making the laboratory equipment industry rethink t...
Reducing tempering time was the aim of modern dampening equipment, which based on the increasing the rate of water penetration by reducing water surface tension by generating high frequency vibration. Reducing water surface tension enhance the efficiency of water dispersion over the grain mass and water penetration into the kernel. This equipment d...
If we combine Computerized maintenance management system – CMMS CMMS with Industry 4.0’s principle aspects, it gives an enterprise system that can access to big data that needed to more accurate maintenance planning. This approach determines the potential component failures and failure ratios of critical equipment and components. These systems intr...
The aims of using flour additive in flatbread industry is to optimize flour dough machinability and preventing bread staling. During bread staling bread firmness and fragility increase because of drying and starch retrogradation. Due to the differences in baking Syrian flatbread as compared with other bread like pan bread it is wrong to recommend t...
If someone asks me about my imagination of the smart mill, I will say that it has to produce flour of a certain customer without any human intervention. This mean that the mill has a big database include all mill parameters. AI mill systems has the potential to bring greater advantage to production process. Miller have to know that the investments...
The amounts of fine products especially bran which are produced in the break system have to be minimized. Because the difficulties of separating flour from fine bran
if produced in the early stages of break system the whole of the subsequent milling process will be affected in a bad way. So that the break system in flour milling is the most
Flour color is a very important quality characteristic of wheat flour, and it is frequently determined to control flour mill operation. Wheat flour mill laboratories use colorimeter to determine the color of wheat flour samples, which is represented as L*, a* and b* values in the CIE color system. A flatbed scanner is generally used to determine th...
Değirmen tasarımı, akım şeması (öğütme diyagramı) ile başlamaktadır. Bir değirmenin diyagramının hazırlanması; daha önce belirtilen öğütme diyagramı ile ilgili teknik veriler göz önünde bulundurularak öğütme elemanlarının sıralanışı, çeşit, sayı ve özellikleri itibarıyla seçimi ve dizaynıdır.Bir akış şemasının uzunluğu, değirmencinin, farklı müşter...
“Maintenance, repair and technical service are significant
since they affect lifetime of milling machines and ensure
them to work non-stop at desired levels. If regular and good
maintenance is not performed, machines cannot work for
long years. Predictive maintenance monitors active machines
and equipment in order to detect possible breakdowns. Thu...
Flour quality characteristics are affected not merely by wheat suitability for specific final product, but also by the type of processing equipment and the suitability of this kind of wheat for milling process all classified as indirect factors.
Unun kalitesi yalnızca nem oranı, dokaj, test ağırlığı ve sertlik gibi doğrudan faktörler olarak sınıfl...
The properties of produced flour of wheat are affected by two basic factors: the first
is the used wheat properties, the second is the milling technology, and other factors are
related to wheat preparation process milling process like the gap between the roller milling
and still other random factors. The aim of this research to study the variation...
يحتوي هذا الكتاب على معلومات حول التركيب الكيميائي للحبوب - تخزين الحبوب - خصائص القمح - تقانة طحن القمح وانتاج الدقيق - تكنولوجيا صناعة البرغل - تكنولوجيا انتاج الفريكة
In this study, Tristimulus color coordinate measurements were performed with Minolta spectrophotometer on thirty-nine semolina samples, and computed using digital image analysis (DIA). Both L* Minolta reading and L* computed values by DIA were negatively correlated with brown, black, and total speck counts. The highest correlation was at resolution...
This investigation has been conducted through the period (February 2007-December 2008) to find relationships joining between rheological properties of dough in both apparatus (Extensograph and Alveograph). In order to achieve this objective, (8) samples
of flour have been selected, and its major characteristics have been determined, and when we com...
Enzymes have been widely used as substituted of chemical additives for enhancing production and quality of foods, and enzyme additives used for enhancing flour quality and in sequence bread quality. The purpose of this research is to study the effects of three Enzymes (amylase, bentosonas , lipase) on rheological properties farinograph, ex...
Studies were conducted to compare total phenolic content and polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activities in various milling fractions and determine the role of PPO in flour and dough color.
The PPO activity was analyzed in flour millstreams by spectrophotometric method with catechol as substrate. The total phenolic compound was extracted with 60% v/v (aque...
Enzymes have been widely used as substituted of chemical additives for enhancing production and quality of foods, and enzyme additives used for enhancing flour quality and in sequence bread quality.
The purpose of this research is to study the effects of three Enzymes (amylase, bentosonas , lipase) on rheological properties farinograph, extensograp...
النوديلز مُنتَج مُحضّر من الدقيق والماء والملح كمكونات أساسية بسلسلة من العمليات الإنتاجية كالخلط والرق والتقطيع الطولي والعرضي، ثم يخضع هذا المُنتج إلى بعض العمليات الإضافية كالتجفيف الهوائي أو القلي أو السلق والتي تختلف تبعاً لنوع النوديلز، كما قد تُضاف له بعض المواد لتحسين جودته أو إطالة مدة حفظه أو إعطاءه بعض الصفات المُميزة(Fu., 2008) . قُدِّر...
Many type of Mediterranean sweets dessert made from Konafe
fiber (shredded dough). There are no researches about Konafe dough or
Konafe fiber, so this research investigated technological and rheological
properties of three types of flour and viscosity of samples flour when
adding different water percents 130-180%. As well, effects of Konafe
dough i...
تحصد حبوب القمح في كثير من الأقطار عند محتويات رطوبة منخفضة تكون غير مناسبة لعملية الطحن حيث يتوجب ترطيبها، ويحدث العكس في الأجواء المعتدلة حيث يتوجب إجراء تجفبف للقمح لضمان الحماية الصحيحة له عند التخزين وكذلك جودة طحن مثالية . تجرى عملية الترطيب بإضافة الكمية المناسبة من الماء وتركها لتستريح فترة من الزمن (زمن الترطيب ) حيث أن الرطوبة المضافة تها...
Wheat milling dates back to thousands of years, and milling technology gradually evolved, until this date where traditional mill process using roller mill has been developed. Because of machine manufacturing technology development and millers, interest in more controllable machines, manufacturers of milling equipment have continually searched for n...
There are not any studies about the quality characteristics of durum Syrian wheat noodles, so that the objective of this investigation was to determine characteristics of noodles produced from some types of durum Syrian wheat's. In order to consummation this objective (6) samples of durum Syrian wheats have been selected, Then flour has been produc...
Wheat hardness is an important characteristic in milling process technology. It affects tempering stage, power consumption during milling, and flour extraction and quality . The most practicable reference methods include the Particle Size Index (PSI) method. This involves grinding a sample, and sieving a weighed amount through a standard screen for...
Effect of Wheat Kernel Size and Tempering Time on Hardness of Syrian Wheats
Frekeh, genellikle sarı olum dönemi sonunda hasat edilmiş yeşil sert buğdayların (Tr. Durum) tekniğine uygun olarak kurutulması, kavrulması, ikinci defa kurutulması, temizlenmesi, dövülüp elenerek kepeklerinden ayrılması ve kırılması ile elde edilen bir üründür.
There are no any studies about the quality characteristics of soft Syrian wheat noodles, so that the objective of this investigation was to determine characteristics of noodles produced from some types of soft Syrian wheat's. In order to consummation this objective (6) samples of soft Syrian wheats have been selected, Then flour has been produced f...
Wheat flour particle size has an important roll in bread production process. It affects biochemical changes speed during dough development, consequently on dough properties and characteristics and yield of produced bread.
Wheat flour particle size has an important roll in Bread production process. It affects biochemical changes speed during dough...
عرف الإنسان طحن القمح منذ زمن طويل، ومنذ ذلك الحين تطورت تقنيات طحن القمح وجودة المنتج، وفي نهاية المطاف طورت التقنية المستخدمة حاليا وهي ما تدعى بالطحن التدريجي وذلك باستخدام آلة الطحن الاسطوانية. نتيجة لتطور تصنيع الآلات وطلب الطحانين لتجهيزات أكثر تحكماً يطور منتجو آلات الطحن تجهيزات المطاحن باستمرار. وفي هذا البحث محاولة لتسليط الضوء على ثلاثة...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most commonly consumed foods in the Middle East countries as different food products. The aim of this work is to produce cooked chickpea powder as a food product easy to prepare. Two cultivars of Syrian chickpea were used in the work. Soaking of chickpea seeds in different solutions (distilled water, tap wat...
Chickpea (Cicer arietinum) is one of the most commonly consumed foods in the Middle East countries as different food products. The aim of this work is to produce cooked chickpea powder as a food product easy to prepare. Two cultivars of Syrian chickpea were used in the work. Soaking of chickpea seeds in different solutions (distilled water, tap wat...
Many type of Mediterranean sweets dessert made from Konafe fiber (shredded dough). There are no researches about Konafe dough or Konafe fiber, so this research investigated technological and rheological properties of three types of flour and viscosity of samples flour when adding different water percents 130-180%. As well, effects of Konafe dough i...
Three Syrian common wheat Sham 2, sham 4 and sham 6 and three Syrian Tr. durum wheat Aksad 65, Horani, Bohouth 9 cultivars from agriculture research center at Homs, have been used to study the effects of kernel size and time of tempering on wheat hardness. The original samples separated using 2.8, 2.5 mm slot sieves to three fractions. The hardness...
The first break, the initial stage in wheat milling, affects the succeeding operations. The study of the first break, therefore, is the necessary starting point to understand and control the whole milling process. This paper constructed breakage function models for durum wheat, based on previous work to develop breakage functions for common wheat a...
zet Tr. aestivum ekmek, Tr. durum ise makarna yapımına daha uygun özelliklere sahip buğday çeşitleridir. Türkiye'de yetiştirilen buğdayın yaklaşık 1/3'ünü durum buğdayı, geriye kalanın büyük kısmını ekmeklik ve küçük bir kısmını da Tr. compactum buğdayları oluşturmaktadır. Suriye'de ise ekilen buğdayın % 67'sini durum buğdayı oluşturmaktadır. Değir...
Cumulative ash and protein curve of commercial mill and Buhler Experimental mill was compared.
Quality characteristics of Durum wheat and semolina fro Pasta Production
In this research suitability of the gluten index method for assessing gluten strength in Syrian bread wheat and the correlation between protein quantity, wet gluten, dry gluten, Zeleny sedimentation in wheat meal and flour were studied. Correlations between gluten index and other properties except Zeleny sedimentation (there was no correlation in w...
The aim of this study is, to compare the milling and flour characteristics of bread and Tr. durum wheats from Syria and Turkey. To fulfill this aim, 6 samples of bread wheat, 6 samples of Tr. durum wheat from Syria and 6 samples of bread wheat, 6 samples of Tr. durum wheat from Turkey have been evaluated. For wheat samples physical, chemical and m...
تم تحديد ومقارنة مواصفات الطحن والمواصفات الفيزيائية والكيميائية والتكنولوجية وجودة الخبز لبعض أصناف القمح الطري Tr.aestivum والديوروم Tr. durum المأخوذ من سوريا وتركيا. من أجل ذلك تم دراسة 6 أصناف قمح طري سورية، 6 أصناف قمح طري تركية، 6 أصناف قمح ديوروم سورية و 6 أصناف قمح ديوروم تركية. طحنت عينات القمح الطري وديوروم باستخدام مطحنة بوهلر المخبرية...
Süne (Eurygastra spp.) ve kımıl (Aelia spp.) zararı görmüş buğdayların unlarından ekmek yaparken büyük güçlüklerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Süne ve kımıl zararının un kalitesi üzerine olumsuz etkisinin önlenmesi konusunda çeşitli uygulamalar tavsiye edilmektedir. Bu çalışmada değişik oranda süne zararı görmüş buğdayların unlarından katkı maddesi kullanı...
Ticari bir değirmen ile laboratuvar tipi Bühler değirmenden benzer randıman ve un elde etme imkanını incelemek için laboratuvar tipi Bühler değirmeni ve ticari değirmenlerin kümülatif kül ve protein eğrileri araştırılmıştır. Bühler değirmeninde B2 pasajının külü, B1 ve B3 pasajlarının külünden düşük olmuştur, C pasajlarının külü C1 den C3’e doğru a...
Bu araştırmada, süneden zarar görmüş buğdaylardan Chen, Altar, Dçtd-12, Dçtd-20 (Tr. Durum) toplam 4 örnek kullanılmış, bunların unlarından Arap ekmeği dört farklı katkı maddesi (Orbavit-TS, Sünevit–S, Sünevit-DS, Sünevit–D) ile Arap ekmeği yapılmıştır. Katılan maddelerin oranı sırasıyla 0.0, 300 ve 600 ppm’dir. 600 ppm ilave edilen örneklerden Dçt...
Yeni renk sistemleri kullanılarak unda renk tayinleri yapılmış ve kül miktarı ile aralarındaki ilişki araştırılmıştır. Bu amaç için CIE sistem ASTM WI YI ve CIE W sistemleri değerlendirilmiştir. CIE sistemine göre L* değeri ile kül arasında yüksek korelasyon mevcuttur. ASTM WI YI ve CIE W değerleri ile unun kül miktarı arasındaki korelasyonu değeri...
1999 unlu mamuller .Tek 8(2):59
Süne zararı görmüş buğday unlarından bazı
katkı maddeleri kullanarak ekmek üretimi
Farhan ALFİN1 Mustafa SATOUF1
S. Sezgin ÜNAL2 Ünsal ÇAKMAKLI2
Süne (Eurygastra spp.) ve kımıl (Aelia spp.) zararı görmüş buğdayların unlarından ekmek yaparken büyük güçlüklerle karşılaşılmaktadır. Süne ve kımıl zararının un kal...