Fanny De La Haye

Fanny De La Haye
University of New Caledonia | UNC · Lettres, Langues et Sciences Humaines

PhD in Cognitive Psychology


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Publications (42)
Apprentilangue - Le vocabulaire autrement, de la PS au CM2 ! Comment les enfants apprennent-ils le vocabulaire ? Quels sont les mécanismes d'apprentissage ? Pourquoi les inégalités sont-elles si grandes entre les enfants ? Quel est le rôle de l'école pour y remédier ? Cet ouvrage de référence s'appuie sur les recherches actuelles pour comprendre...
Cet ouvrage de référence s'appuie sur les recherches actuelles pour comprendre les enjeux de l'enseignement du vocabulaire à l'école et mettre en place un nouvel enseignement avec le dispositif Apprentilangue, sur tous les niveaux de l'école, de la PS au CM2.Le plaisir d'apprendre de nouveaux mots !- Un projet né d'une recherche collaborative, test...
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We examined the understanding of emotional speech by deaf children with cochlear implant (CI). Thirty deaf children with CI and 60 typically developing controls (matched on chronological age or hearing age) performed a computerized task featuring emotional prosody, either embedded in a discrepant context or without any context at all. Across the ta...
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One of the main difficulties met in teaching Languages for Specialists of Other Disciplines (Lansod) is the heterogeneity of the learners’ levels. Handling a classroom is thus a challenge for teachers. In English, the improvement of both expression and comprehension competences, both written and spoken, depends on the knowledge of grammar, as shown...
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One of the main difficulties met in teaching Languages for Specialists of Other Disciplines (Lansod) is the heterogeneity of the learners’ levels. Handling a classroom is thus a challenge for teachers. In English, the improvement of both expression and comprehension competences, both written and spoken, depends on the knowledge of grammar, as shown...
Purpose – E-learning is part of instructional design and has opened a whole world of new possibilities in terms of learning and teaching. The purpose of this paper is to develop an adaptive e-learning platform that enhances skills from primary school to university learners. Two purposes converge here: a pedagogical one – offering new possibilities...
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The objective of this study was to confirm the existence of knowledge relating to the cursive writing movement for French pupils in 3rd year of kindergarten, 2nd grade and 5th grade of elementary school. 141 pupils were asked to watch a visual presentation of cursive handwriting to determine whether they were able to detect violations of two rules...
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This study aims at studying the relationship between manual and digital representations and numerical skills through the drawing of a hand. Sixty-two children (ages from 4 years old to 5 years and 6 months old) were asked to draw a hand and to carry out 2 numerical tasks: first to produce 2 equivalent collections and then to use the order-irrelevan...
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This study aims at studying the relationship between manual and digital representations and numerical skills through the drawing of a hand. Sixty-two children (ages from 4 years old to 5 years and 6 months old) were asked to draw a hand and to carry out 2 numerical tasks: first to produce 2 equivalent collections and then to use the order-irrelevan...
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Cette recherche porte sur la capacite´ du jeune enfant a` de´tecter et a` identifier la continuite´ ou la discontinuite´ d’un mouvement d’e´criture manuscrite cursive. L’e´volution de cette habilete´ a e´te´ e´tudie´e en comparant les performances d’e´le`ves non scripteurs (maternelle) et d’e´le`ves scripteurs (2e et 5e anne´es de primaire). Les re...
This research focuses on the ability of the young child to detect and identify the continuity or discontinuity of a cursive handwriting movement. The evolution of this ability has been studied by comparing the performance of nonscripters (kindergarten) pupils and students scripters (2nd and 5th years of primary school). Results showed that the perc...
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Cette recherche porte sur la capacité du jeune enfant à détecter et à identifier la continuité ou la discontinuité d'un mouvement d'écriture manuscrite cursive. L'évolution de cette habileté a été étudiée en comparant les performances d'élèves non scripteurs (maternelle) et d'élèves scripteurs (2e et 5e années de primaire). Les résultats montrent q...
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Résumé Le dispositif du Ministère de la Défense (JAPD, Journée d’Appel de Préparation à la Défense) permet d’évaluer chaque année les performances en lecture d’environ 700 000 jeunes. Les contraintes de passation et l’observation des résultats des années précédentes ont conduit à faire encore évoluer les épreuves. Il s’agit ici de proposer de nouve...
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Every year, reading performance of about 700.000 young people is assessed in the framework of a day (JAPD, Journée d'Appel de Préparation à la Défense) organised by the French ministry of army. These tests changed recently due to some constraints of test administration and the taking into account of the results of the previous version of the test....
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Learning to deduce the meaning of a word from the context: the effects of Segpa (sections of adapted vocational and general education) education This article suggests analyzing the effects of a didactic device to improve the performances in understanding of underachieving students by teaching them to use the present indications in a text to deduct...
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This study relates the realization of a norm of verbal associations in French starting from 150 words. This norm was established on 130 old people between 56 and 86 years. The proportion of women and men is the same one as in France (55 vs. 45%). Several tables present the alphabetical list of the answers and their associated frequency (for all the...
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Word association norms for 9-, 10-, and 11-year-old children (CE2, CMl, CM2) and adults This paper presents a database of word association norms developed for researchers interested in language and/or memory and more particularly in developmental aspects. This normative work concerns single free association norms for 200 words in the French languag...
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This paper presents a database of word association norms developed for researchers interested in language and/or memory and more particularly in developmental aspects. This normative work concerns single free association norms for 200 words in the French language, collected from 1 200 children (9-, 10-and 11-year-old children) and 400 adults, betwe...


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