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Publications (36)
Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal is a valuable plant of family Solanaceae, which is commonly known as Asgand in Unani system of medicine (Tibb-e-Unani). The plant is found throughout the drier parts of India and other parts of the world. The main drug component comprises of the roots that is used for its therapeutic actions either singly or as an ingr...
The roots of a plant Glycyrrhiza glabra Linn constitute an important drug in the ancient Unani literature, commonly known as Mulethi or Aslus Soos or liquorice. It is one of the most widely used plants from the ancient medical history, both as a medicine and as a flavouring herb. Historically, liquorice has been used from more than 4000 years. The...
Tribulus terrestris Linn is one of the most important medicinal plants traditionally used for various health purposes. The fruit, leaves, stem and root of the plant are therapeutically used. The fruits are greenish to grey in color with faintly aromatic odour and slightly acidic taste. While the roots are light brown in color with aromatic odour an...
Vaginal candidiasis is a major problem of growing concern, worldwide. It is so common that 75% women have at least one episode during their lifetime and nearly 45% of women will experience two or more. Fortunately, few are plagued with a chronic, recurrent infection. In spite of the prevalence of this disease at mass level, the choice of treatment...
Primary dysmenorrhoea is painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin during menstruation without any identifiable pathological lesion. It is commonly seen in menstruating and lasting 12-24 h. Its prevalence is wide, as more than 70% of teenagers and 30-50% of menstruating women suffer from varying degree of discomfort. Tibbe-e-Unani claims to posses...
Jaggery is an ancient natural sweetener derived by evaporating sugarcane juice which is rich in phytochemicals including polyphenols. It can vary from golden brown to dark brown in colour. It contains an enormous wealth of protein, carbohydrate, vitamins and minerals and has been found to have great nutritive and medicinal value. More than 70% of t...
Hijamah is a method used for local evacuation or diversion of morbid humors in which a horn is attached to the surface of the skin of the diseased part through negative pressure created by vacuum. The Messenger Mohammad (Sallallahu alaihe wa Sallam) said: Indeed the best of remedies you have is Hijamah (cupping). It is one of the oldest methods of...
Myristica fragrans Houtt is one of the most important aromatic and medicinal plants traditionally used for various health purposes. It is an evergreen, lofty tree usually 9-12 m high, but sometimes having a height of 20 m or more. It is a native of Moluccas, now cultivated in many tropical countries of both hemispheres. The seed of the plant is kno...
Kafoor or camphor is a well known Unani drug used in a number of pathological conditions including skin diseases
(Amraze Jildiya) since centuries. Its therapeutic values are clearly defined in classical Unani literature. The source
of this drug is the tree of Cinnamomum camphora. The tree is native of Japan, China, and Florida. In India it is
Introduction: Uterine prolapse (Nutu-e-Rahem) is a major health problem affecting large population of women. The available management includes preventive, pessary and surgical treatments. But the only effective method is surgery. Unani system of medicine claims to possess a number of effective and safe therapeutic agents. But despite being extensiv...
Alum (Shibb-e-Yamani) is a colorless, transparent, odorless crystalline mass with a sweetish astringent taste and consists of any of a group of hydrated double salts, usually consisting of aluminium sulfate, water of hydration, and the sulfate of another element. It is often mixed with impurities. It may be rendered fit for medicinal purposes by di...
Objective: Primary dysmenorrhoea is common in menstruating and lasting 12-24 hrs. It is widely prevalent, as more than 70% of teenagers and 30-50% of menstruating women suffer from varying degree of discomfort. In spite of the prevalence of this disease at mass level, the choice of treatment available in allopathic medicine is comparatively limited...
Tamarindus indica is a long lived, large sized, famous and common tree of India. It is cultivated throughout India and Burma. It is commonly used in Indian dietary. It is very beneficial for people of hot area and near to equator. Its fruit is salted and stored in almost every house. Deccan people largely eat it and said that 'life is very ticklish...
Azadirachta indica (Neem), a tropical, large size, evergreen plant, has been known as the wonder tree for centuries in the Indian subcontinent. It is considered as the ‘Village dispensary’ in India because of the use of all its parts for various ailments in the indigenous system of medicine. It has an ancient history about its medicinal properties...
Gul-e-Surkh (rose) is the flower of the plant Rosa damascena Mill that is one of the most important aromatic and medicinal plants traditionally used for various health needs. It is an erect shrub, up to 2 m in height. This plant is cultivated throughout the world because of its beauty and fragrance. It is the most famous than any other flower throu...
Linum usitatissimum Linn is one of the most important medicinal plants traditionally used for various health as well as nutritional purposes. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing up to 60-120 cm of height. Its flowers are small and are blue, bluish violet or white in terminal panicles. The fruits are capsular with five cells, each containing 2...
Astragalus hamosus Linn is one of the most important medicinal plants traditionally used for various health needs. It is an annual herbaceous plant growing up to 30 cm of height. The fruits perfectly characterize this species as they are strongly curved. The plant is found in plains of Punjab. It is also cultivated into Afghanistan, Persia, Balochi...
The seed of Nigella sativa, Linn is known as Kalonji. The plant Nigella sativa is a short-lived, aromatic, annual herb. It is an amazing herb with a rich historical and religious background. The height of the plant is approximately 20-60 cm. The seeds are angular, of generally small size. They are black or dark gray with a rough grooved surface and...
Punica granatum Linn is deciduous, glabrous large shrub or a small and long-living tree. Pomegranate (Punica granatum fruit) is a mystical, unique fruit and very famous from ancient era. It is an oldest known edible fruit, mentioned in Bible and Quran and is often associated with fertility. Prophet Mohammad (SAWS) called it the ‘purgative of hate,...
The tree of Cassia fistula L. is a middle sized, erect tree, glabrous in its all parts. It is popularly known as golden shower Indian laburnum. It is cultivated as an ornamental tree for its attractive yellow blossoms in pendant racemes in many places of India. It is believed that it was introduced into Indian and European medicine through Arabs. T...
A standard controlled single blind clinical trial was conducted in women suffering from trichomoniasis. The patients were divided into four groups after confirming the diagnosis by clinical and microbiological examination. The patients in group I served as control group while those in group II, III and IV served as test groups. The patients in grou...
Medicinal plants have been in use as sources of medicine throughout the world. In fact, several these are now can be important chemical substances with potential therapeutic effects have been discovered. The demand for plant-based medicines is ever growing day by day as they crude or processed products from plants have less or no adverse effects. H...
There are many safe and effective drugs that are commonly being used in Tibb-e-Unani since ancient times, in primary dysmenorrhoea. Musakkin-e-Alam, Mudirr-e-Haiz and Mulaiyan drugs are commonly being used to treat the disease successfully. But most of them being widely used in the management of dysmenorrhoea have not been scientifically studied fo...
Uterine Prolapse (Nutu-e-Rahem) is protrusion of uterus into or out of the vaginal canal. It is the most common gynaecological condition, affecting large population of women in both developing and developed countries. The choice of treatment available in modern system of medicine is comparatively limited. The available management in western medicin...
Vaginal candidiasis is a fungal infection of vagina caused by Candida albicans. It is a major health problem of growing concern, worldwide and 75% women have at least one episode during their lifetime. Nearly 45% of women experience two or more episodes and few are plagued with chronic, recurrent infection. In spite of its prevalence at mass level,...
Primary dysmenorrhoea (Usr-e-Tams Ibtedayee) refers to the occurrence of painful menstrual cramps of uterine origin during menstruation in the absence of an identifiable pathological lesion. It is widely prevalent, more than 70 % of teenagers and 30-50% of menstruating women suffer from varying degree of discomfort. Only 5-15% is severely incapacit...
Trichomoniasis is a common public health problem in women worldwide and accounts for almost half of all curable infections. This infection is found in approximately 50% of the patients who complain of vaginal discharge and over 200 million people worldwide become infected every year with it. In the present study a proprietary Unani preparation name...
Trichomoniasis is a common infection worldwide. It is found in approximately 50% of the patients who complain of vaginal discharge and over 200 million people worldwide become infected every year with it. Literaturereports show highly divergent prevalence rate of trichomoniasis in different countries and even in different geographical regions. The...
Kabab Chini (Piper cubeba, Linn) is a perennial woody climber with ash grey climbing stems and branches, rooted at joints. Cubebs or tailed pepper are the dried, full grown fruits of the Piper cubeba. The spikes of cubebs bear more fruits and become falsely stalked as they mature, owing to an abnormal development of the base of the perica...
Abu Ali Al-Husain Ibn Abdullah Ibn Sina who has been called the prince of physicians, known as Avicenna in the west. He was born in the village Afshena near Khorasan in Iran on August, 980AD (Safar 370H) and brought as a child to Bukhara where he received his earliest education under the direction of his father who was a high official. With an exce...
An ethnobotanical survey of Mansoora, Malegaon, India was conducted to record the plants and mentioned in the present paper. The people living surrounding the Mansoora use these plants to meet their daily requirements of medicine, food, fodder and shelter. The ethnomedicinal uses range in diverse diseases like gonorrhoea, impotency, irregular menst...