Fabrizio Oneto

Fabrizio Oneto


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November 2017 - December 2020
University of Genoa
  • PhD Student


Publications (125)
Conference Paper
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Two observations (11/02/2022, 05/12/2023 from Davide Barberis) of Anguilla anguilla (Linnaeus, 1758) individuals in a not-touristic part of the Borgio Verezzi show cave (Liguria, NW Italy) raises intriguing questions regarding the phenology of the species and its potential troglophilic behavior in karst environments adjacent to the coastline. Thank...
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I progetti Life+ Gestire e Life IP Gestire2020, entrambi conclusi, hanno dato un nuovo impulso alla Rete Ecologica Regionale in Lombardia sia in termini di aggiornamento della rete sia di pianificazione della sua implementazione. Il Life NatConnect2030, iniziato nel 2024, ha come finalità principale il consolidamento di un sistema integrato di gest...
Long-term effects of current climate on animal populations living in subterranean habitats are still poorly understood. In this study, we analyzed the variability of the demographic structure and abundance of a population of terrestrial plethodontid Strinati's Cave Salamanders (Speleomantes strinatii) (Aellen, 1958) living inside a northwestern Ita...
Conference Paper
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After almost 8 years the Lombardy regional government is currently ending the EU-funded Life Integrated Project called Gestire 2020, aiming to improve the management effectiveness of Natura 2000 sites and their linking Green Networks. Our presentation shows the results of the regional planning and the restoration projects to reduce the presence of...
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The main threats for the freshwater crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes, an “endangered” species according to IUCN, International Union for Conservation of Nature) come from the invasions of alien crayfish species and the diseases they carry, in particular the crayfish plague (Aphanomyces astaci). This problem adds up to others such as, e.g., the f...
Conference Paper
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Introduzione In ambiente sotterraneo, l'abbondanza assoluta delle popolazioni animali è un parametro importante dal punto di vista ecologico, gestionale e conservazio-nistico. In molti casi, come ad esempio per le popolazioni di chirotteri, le stime di abbondanza sono realizzate tramite conteggi di individui ripetuti nel tempo (Dambly et al., 2021)...
Conference Paper
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The Life IP Gestire 2020 (Gestire2020) is active since the 2016 and it is aimed at the improvement of the conditions of biodiversity in Lombardy (Italy). Considering the size of the territory (the entire Region, almost 25,000 square meters), the social complexity (about 10 million inhabitants) and the environmental characteristics (246 Natura2000 s...
Conference Paper
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The freshwater crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) is an "endangered" species according to IUCN, and the Italian subspecies are at risk of extinction. The main threats (which add up to others such as, e.g., the fragmentation of habitats, the introduction of salmonids into streams and water pollution) come from the invasions of alien crayfish speci...
The EU-funded Life CLAW project (LIFE18 NAT/IT/000806) is adressing the conservation status of the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes species complex in the Italian North-western Apennines. There has been a severe contraction in both the census size and distribution area of the species in Italy during the last century due to anthropogenic pressure...
The EU-funded Life CLAW project (LIFE18 NAT/IT/000806) aims to improve the conservation status of the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes species complex in the Italian Northwestern Apennines. A. pallipes populations during the last century faced a severe contraction in both census size and distribution in Italy due to anthropogenic pressure and the...
Conference Paper
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EU Nature2000 network gather the protected areas with habitat and species of high conservative value in the whole UE. Lombardy (Northern Italy) hosts 246 Natura2000 sites (15% of territory). Anthropogenic pressure due to land fragmentation, pollution and invasions of alien species is endangering habitats and species, while climate change is increas...
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The Life IP Gestire 2020 is a project aimed at the protection of biodiversity in Lombardy. Among the numerous activities it also includes the protection of some habitats of community interest mainly located in mountain and pasture areas. The project has envisaged specific actions (A17-C9) that include the realization of 10 Grazing Plans for 10 past...
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Il progetto IP Gestire2020 è un progetto LIFE integrato che mira alla conservazione della biodiversità sul territorio lombardo anche attraverso la crescita di una consapevolezza istituzionale, ma anche civile, e della capacity building degli enti territoriali interessati. Con specifico riferimento alla Rete Ecologica, il progetto ha previsto un'azi...
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In NW Italy, the abandonment of traditional farming is causing the loss of small artificial water reservoirs that are often used by amphibians as trophic and breeding habitats. Starting in 2010, a regional conservation project implemented in Val di Vara (Liguria, NW Italy), had the goal of improving the conservation status of the endangered Yellow-...
The EU-funded Life CLAW project aims to improve the conservation status of the crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes species complex in the Italian North-western Apennines. During the last century, anthropogenic activi- ties and the introduction of allochthonous crayfish species led to a severe contraction in both census size and distribution area of...
Austropotamobius pallipes is currently considered as a species complex including Austropotamobius italicus, an autochthonous species inhabiting the Italian peninsula. Due to the severe contraction of the number of individuals, Austropotamobius populations in Italy have become isolated reproductive units, often confined to separate water basins. The...
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The introduction of alien fish species in wetland ecosystems could have a great impact on freshwater communities and ecological processes. Despite fish introduction has been noticed as one of the principal cause of freshwater extinctions, ecosystem processes alteration, and change in aquatic community assemblage, very few data about impact on fresh...
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Animal personality is a relatively neglected field in amphibian research. In this study we assessed the influence of stomach flushing, a non-lethal technique used in amphibian dietary studies, on the boldness behaviour of the cave salamander Speleomantes strinatii. The time of emergence from a shelter located in an unfamiliar environment (a proxy f...
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The Sicilian Pond Turtle, Emys trinacris (family Emydidae), is a small-sized freshwater turtle (straight midline carapace length to 172 mm in females, 156 mm in males), endemic to the island of Sicily in Italy. It appears to be more widespread in the northern and central-western parts of the island, with the exclusion of Monti Peloritani and most o...
Conference Paper
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La testuggine palustre europea è tradizionalmente considerata una specie legata maggiormente ad ambienti planiziali di bassa quota, ma nelle aree più meridionali del suo areale di distribuzione può raggiungere anche quote di media-alta montagna. In questo studio presentiamo i risultati di un monitoraggio condotto nel 2018 che ha interessato quattro...
Conference Paper
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La presenza di Emys orbicularis all’interno della Riserva Naturale Torrile e Trecasali è nota da tempo, sebbene non siano mai stati condotti studi per approfondire la distribuzione e l'abbondanza della specie all’interno dell’area protetta. In questo lavoro preliminare sono presentati alcuni parametri di popolazione e alcuni aspetti morfometrici de...
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Subterranean habitats are characterized by buffered climatic conditions in comparison to contiguous surface environments and, in general, subterranean biological communities are considered to be relatively constant. However, although several studies have described the seasonal variation of subterranean communities, few analyzed their variability ov...
Population size is a fundamental state variable in ecology, and the analysis of temporal variation in abundance (i.e., detection of trends) is a prime objective in wildlife monitoring. However, population abundance cannot be directly observed because part of the population remains undetected and methods that account for imperfect detection are ofte...
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______________________________ RIASSUNTO-Nel 2015 è stato condotto un monitoraggio sanitario sulla fauna ittica da 7 corsi d'acqua liguri in collaborazione con la Regione Liguria e l'Università degli Studi di Genova. I campioni composti da 93 ciprinidi di cui 46 vaironi (Telestes muticellus), 25 barbi (Barbus plebejus) e 22 cavedani (Squalius cepha...
Conference Paper
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I siti Natura 2000 costituiscono una rete di aree tutelate, istituite come principale strumento della politica dell'Unione Europea per la conservazione della biodiversità, volte a garantire il mantenimento a lungo termine degli habitat naturali più sensibili, nonché delle specie di flora e fauna minacciate o rare. La Rete Natura 2000 in Lombardia è...
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Il progetto Life IP Gestire 2020 (2016-2023), che vede come capofila Regione Lombardia e come partner ERSAF, LIPU, WWF, FLA, Comando Regione Carabinieri Forestali, Comunità e Ambiente s.r.l., ha come obiettivo principale garantire il raggiungimento degli obiettivi di conservazione della biodiversità di cui alle Direttive Habitat e Uccelli, sulla ba...
Conference Paper
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Nell’attuale programmazione delle politiche agricole comunitarie le tematiche ecologiche ed ambientali stanno avendo, più che in passato, un ruolo rilevante e questa tendenza sembrerebbe confermata anche per il periodo post 2020. Per questo motivo, coloro ambiscono al conseguimento degli obiettivi della salvaguardia della biodiversità e delle conne...
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Recently several projects have been implemented for the conservation of the European turtle Emys orbicularis, but few aspects of the captive-bred animals released into the wild have been described. In this note we report about the trophic habits of a small restocked population of the endemic subspecies E. o. ingauna that is now reproducing in NW It...
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The lack of data relating to basic life-history and population dynamics is one of the gaps to be filled in order to develop a proper strategy for the conservation of the Sicilian Pond Turtle (Emys trinacris). In this study, we present the results of the first year of a multi-annual monitoring program focusing on a specific wetland area, located wit...
Conference Paper
Directive 2000/60/EC arises to develop an European-level regulatory framework capable of supporting integrated Community action in the field of water policy. General objectives are either to prevent the deterioration or to facilitate the improvement of aquatic environments and encourage the sustainable use of water resources. Fish community is one...
Conference Paper
The need to identify no-killing monitoring methods for Anguilla anguilla L. stocks has become a crucial requirement according to a management and conservationist perspective. This paper reports the preliminary observations on the enforcement of Silvering Index (Acou et al., 2005) in several basins of the Liguria Region. This Index has been used in...
Conference Paper
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le informazioni sia sulla sistematica sia sulla biologia dei cestodi che inte- ressano gli anfibi europei sono molto limitate, e fino a poco tempo fa era noto un unico genere: Nematotaenia luhe, 1910 (ricci, 1988). Buriola et al. (2002; 2005) confrontando cestodi provenienti da esemplari parassita- ti di Speleomantes strinatii nell’appennino genove...
Conference Paper
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In this study we provide data on the population structure, sex ratio and evi- dence for reproduction in the wild for two populations of the invasive fre- shwater chelonian trachemys scripta elegans, in liguria (nW Italy). During a lIFe nature project, aiming to preserve the endangered autoctonous pond turtle Emys orbicularis ingauna in the Centa ri...
Conference Paper
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Comportamenti territoriali e aggressività verso conspecifici e individui di altre specie sono stati ampiamente descritti nei Pletodontidi nordamericani fin dagli anni ’70. Tali comportamenti sono essenzialmente legati alla spar- tizione degli habitat e delle risorse trofiche, ma sono state evidenziate anche cause riconducibili alla protezione del n...
Conference Paper
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Ianieri Edizioni Via L. Da Vinci, 16-65124 Pescara-Tel. 085.2192404 www.ianieriedizioni.it-info@ianieriedizioni.it Nessuna parte di questo libro può essere riprodotta o trasmessa in qualsiasi forma o con qualsiasi mezzo elettronico, meccanico o altro senza l'autorizza-zione scritta dei proprietari dei diritti. Abstract Since 2000, a captive breedin...
Conference Paper
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Clay models are frequently used in ecological studies to estimate potential predation rates on small and cryptic vertebrates (Bateman et al. 2016). These models are easy to shape and they retain predator marks, allowing the identification of the body part attacked and of the predator. In herpetological studies, prey models are used to evaluate colo...
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This is the presentation concerning the study of terrestrial salamander predation by means of clay replicas. The results from different experiments are discussed, and the pros and cons of the use of this material illustrated.
Conference Paper
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A seguito dell’incremento demografico del cormorano Phalacrocorax carbo palesatosi in Europa negli ultimi anni sono aumentati i conflitti tra questa specie ittiofaga ed alcune attività umane quali la pesca sportiva e l’acquacoltura. Tali interazioni sono dovute in Italia soprattutto all’incremento delle popolazioni svernanti della sottospecie Phala...
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Nel corso dell’estate 2015 è stata condotta un’indagine parassitologica su 17 esemplari di anguilla europea pescati in acque interne liguri con lo scopo di studiare la prevalenza di Anguillicoloides crassus, namatode responsabile dell’Anguillicolosi.
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Feeding ecology of a species is the result of its evolutionary history, biology, physiology and local constraints, such as prey availability, intra- and inter-specific interactions and environmental characteristics. In this study we investigated the still unknown diet of the Sicilian pond turtle, with special emphasis to the relationships with rece...
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Biodiversity and environmental planning in protected areas: elaboration of the Map of naturalistic quality. Geographical Information System (GIS) is a very useful and increasingly common tool for the planning and management of protected areas. The use of a spatial database according to strict protocols and guidelines ensures uniformity and standard...
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Captive breeding and reintroduction programs remain a powerful but divisive tool for management of threatened species, with a proven potential to avoid extinction, but low long-term success rates and high resource requirements. Monitoring the results of reintroductions is critical to be able to assess short- and long-term success, adjusting managem...
The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) is a largescale climatic pattern that strongly influences the atmospheric circulation in the northern Hemisphere and by consequence the long-term variability of marine and terrestrial ecosystem over great part of northern Europe and western Mediterranean. In the Mediterranean, the effects of the NAO on vertebrat...
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This short note describes the first advisory about the return upstream of a specimen of Alosa fallax (Lacépède, 1803) along the River Entella and the Lavagna Stream up to Ponte Vecchio locality (Municipality of Carasco, Liguria Region, NorthWestern Italy). The observation of twaite shad in the Entella River basin is a very important ichthyological...
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The first record of the cisalpine pike Esox cisalpinus Bianco & Delmastro 2011 in the lower Magra River Basin (E Liguria, NW Italy) is reported. The finding of a dead pike specimen in a fyke net in Laghi Gemelli inside the Montemarcello-Magra-Vara Natural Park holds conservation and management implications for the distribution and definition of nat...
Conference Paper
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La ricerca, inserita nell'ambito del “POR Liguria FESR 2007/2013 ASSE 4, linea di attività 4.2 Valorizzazione e fruizione Rete Natura 2000”, ha previsto il monitoraggio nel periodo settembre 2013 - settembre 2015 di alcune colonie di particolare interesse conservazionistico presenti nel territorio ligure. L’indagine ha interessato complessivamente...
Conference Paper
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