Fabio Montossi

Fabio Montossi
National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay · National Meat & Wool Research Program

Ing. Agr. PhD


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October 1989 - present
National Institute of Agricultural Research of Uruguay
  • Director de Programa Nacional de Investigación de Carne y Lana


Publications (290)
Technical Report
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A través de un esfuerzo colaborativo del Instituto junto a diversos actores nacionales e internacionales, la Plataforma Agroambiental cuenta con siete experimentos de largo plazo que incluyen los principales sistemas productivos del país. Este abordaje permite desarrollar estrategias de investigación más eficientes y robustas para evaluar los proce...
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Previous studies on winter supplementation of growing cattle grazing stockpiled native Campos grasslands suggest that forage allowance (FA), herbage mass, and weather conditions before and during the supplementation period could all affect supplement feed efficiency (SFE)—that is, the difference or change in average daily gain (ADG) between supplem...
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The anti-meat consumption trend is installed globally, where different organized and influencer collectives propose a transformation ofagri-food systems and a diet practically free of red meat. The narrative is mainly based on the negative effects of meat consumption onhuman health, the environment, and cruelty to animals. However, evidence based o...
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Supplementing growing cattle grazing native subtropical Campos grasslands during winter improves the low, even negative, average daily weight gain (ADG) typical of extensive animal production systems in Uruguay. Nonetheless, to render the practice profitable it is crucial to control supplement feed efficiency (SFE), that is, the difference in ADG b...
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Supplementing growing cattle grazing native subtropical Campos grasslands during winter improves the low, even negative, average daily weight gain (ADG) typical of extensive animal production systems in Uruguay. Nonetheless, to render the practice profitable it is crucial to control supplement feed efficiency (SFE), that is, the difference in ADG b...
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This study reports genetic parameters for yearling and adult wool and growth traits, and ewe reproductive performance. Data were sourced from an Uruguayan Merino flock involved in a long-term selection program focused on reduced fibre diameter (FD), and increased clean fleece weight (CFW) and live weight (LW). Pedigree and performance data from app...
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Animal performance, carcass and meat quality characteristics of beef cull cows under different feeding strategies were evaluated. Cows were allotted to one of four direct grazing treatments combining different levels of forage allowance (FA) and supplementation rate (% of live body weight, BW) using rice bran (RB): T1= FA2%+RB0, T2= FA4%+RB0, T3= F...
A telephone survey (n = 601) was conducted in Uruguay to explore participants' mental associations with meat and understand the underlying reasons about changes in the quantity and type of meat consumed. Participants mentioned mostly positive associations with meat's culinary and cultural aspects and its nutritional value as source of high-quality...
The Rio de la Plata region (Argentina, Uruguay, and southern Brazil) is currently characterized by a mosaic of intensively managed croplands and remaining areas of livestock production on native grasslands. The production of crops and animals in this scenario is usually spatially segregated as a result of mindset and structural constraints develope...
Technical Report
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Abundan las evidencias de que una inversión bien dirigida y ejecutada en investigación, desarrollo e innovación (IDi) agropecuaria pública de América Latina y el Caribe (ALC) puede tener un impacto beneficioso en la economía, la seguridad alimentaria y la reducción de la pobreza de un país (Stads et al., 2016). Pero, para lograrlo, las institucione...
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Objective: The objective was to test if creep feeding (CF) improves the average daily gain (ADG) and weaning weight of calves submitted to temporary weaning (TW) and if the combination of CF and TW improves conception and pregnancy rates of cows. Methods: Primiparous (n = 74) and primiparous and multiparous (n = 104) cows grazing native grasslan...
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Context For extensive production systems, crossbreeding may be a tool that can be used to achieve production of quality wool and meat to suit market specifications. Aims To evaluate two levels of crossbreeding of Dohne Merino (DM) sires with Corriedale (C) ewes on productive and reproductive traits of the crossbreed progeny in comparison with pure...
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The demand in the world market for high quality fine and superfine wool is increasing, responding to greater wool textile industry demands and price incentives. There are few research studies focused on hair follicle population in fine and superfine Merino sheep in Uruguay. This study evaluates the association between wool follicle population and t...
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This study reports the phenotypic trends for wool, growth, and reproductive traits in mixed-age ewes after twenty years of genetic selection. Data were obtained from the Merino nucleus flock in Uruguay between 1999 and 2020. Overall, the aim of this selection flock was to reduce the fiber diameter (FD) and increase both the clean fleece weight (CFW...
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The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of two different pasture-based finishing strategies and lairage time on steers welfare in Uruguayan conditions. Sixty Hereford (H) and Braford (B) steers were assigned to two different diets for finishing purposes: (D1) native pasture plus corn grain (1% of live weight) (H n = 15, B n = 15...
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The aim of this experiment was to evaluate the effect of different fattening systems from pasture to concentrate and temperament on animal welfare (AW) and meat quality (MQ). Eighty-four Hereford steers were randomly assigned to the following groups: T1, pasture (4% of animal live weight: LW); T2, pasture (3% LW) plus concentrate (0.6% LW); T3, pas...
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This study evaluated the phenotypic trends for wool and growth traits of the fine Merino genetic nucleus in Uruguay. Data were collected from one-year-old lambs over a twenty-year period (1999–2018). The overall aim of the selection flock was to reduce fiber diameter with concomitant increases in fleece and live weights. Traits analyzed included fi...
The effect iso-energetic supplements (2.9 Mcal/kg DM; 2 % body weight as-dry fed basis) with different crude protein (CP) levels (12, 16 and 20 % CP) during early post-weaning phase were evaluated on lamb carcass and meat quality traits. For three years (January–April; 2013, 2015 and 2016), eighty crossbreed lambs (Dohne Merino × Corriedale, with a...
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Meat cannot be considered as a mere commodity. Modern consumers not only care for certain quality traits and adequate prices, but are increasingly paying attention to other non-traditional cues, such as origin of food, production systems from where their meat comes from and animal welfare practices, among others. Uruguay bases most of its beef prod...
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The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of nutritional management during rearing and finishing phases on beef fatty acid composition, and carcass and beef quality traits of Hereford cattle. The study used 240 castrated male calves weaned at 8 months of age, and with an average weight of 170 ± 17 kg. After weaning, the experiment was...
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Las restricciones nutricionales de los terneros de recría sobre campo natural durante su primer invierno es un problema común en Uruguay, dada la insuficiente calidad y cantidad del forraje. La suplementación invernal del ganado de carne utilizando granos o sus subproductos y pastoreando sobre pasturas nativas, ha sido estudiada previamente, pero m...
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John Hodgson (1937–2018) is renowned worldwide as a passionate and principled researcher, dedicated to the study of interactions between grazing livestock and pasture sward, and to whole‐system management of grassland. He published over 250 scientific outputs during his 50‐year career, and inspired generations of grazing ecologists. Following his u...
In a completely randomized experimental design with two replicates, the impact of iso-energetic supplements with different protein levels on body and wool growth was studied in eighty crossbreed (Merino Dohne × Corriedale) castrated male lambs (24.5 ± 4.4 kg of body weight, BW, 4 months of age) in summer (103 days) for three years. Animals were ran...
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Supplementing calves on deferred native grasslands during their first winter, helps overcoming the nutritive deficits which occur during this season. However, the demand of both qualification and availability of labour may restrain its adoption. The objective of this work was to evaluate calves' average daily live weight gain (ADG) and supplemental...
The beef industry and meat supply chain face several challenges worldwide. These challenges imply increasing overall productivity in order to satisfy a growing population, while keeping a business profitability and product quality and yet minimising its environmental impact. The objective of this paper was to address consumers´preferences consumers...
Contents This study compared the effect of different management systems on endocrine parameters, and gene expression of members of the somatotrophic axis in the liver and endometrium of beef heifers. Twenty‐two 709‐days‐old heifers submitted to Early Weaning (EW, n = 8), Traditional Weaning (TW, n = 7) and TW plus creep feeding (TW+CF, n = 7) were...
Diciembre 2017-Revista INIA INTRODUCCIÓN La faena de vacas constituye en nuestro país una ac-tividad muy importante, representando en el promedio de los últimos 10 años un 48% (rango de 44 a 53%) del total de animales vacunos faenados (INAC, 2016). A su vez, para el mismo período, el 37% de las vacas faena-das provienen de la región norte, lo que r...
Technical Report
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La información científica y tecnológica documentada en esta publicación fue generada por un equipo de investigación del INIA en el proyecto de investigación denominado «Mejora de la productividad y valorización de productos y procesos generados en los sistemas ganaderos del Basalto y Areniscas del Uruguay». «El mismo se desarrolló en el marco del P...
Technical Report
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Esta publicación sistematiza, analiza y concluye sobre la información científica y tecnológica generada por el equipo de producción animal y pasturas de INIA en el marco del proyecto de investigación «Mejora de la productividad y valorización de productos y procesos generados en los sistemas ganaderos del Basalto y Areniscas del Uruguay», desarroll...
Technical Report
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La información científica y tecnológica documentada en esta publicación fue generada por un equipo de investigación de INIA en el proyecto de investigación “Mejora de la productividad y valorización de productos y procesos generados en los sistemas ganaderos del Basalto y Areniscas del Uruguay”, desarrollado en el marco del Plan Estratégico Institu...
Technical Report
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En un contexto de intensificación sostenible de la producción bovina del Uruguay, la mejora de los procesos de recría y engorde conforman aspectos clave para aumentar la producción de carne por unidad de superficie y la ganancia individual, calidad de producto y su proyección positiva sobre el ingreso y la calidad de vida de los productores, lo cua...
Estudio de características vinculadas al procesamiento textil en lanas del Consorcio Regional de Innovación en Lanas Ultrafinas Resumen El objetivo de este trabajo fue tipificar las características vinculadas al procesamiento textil en lanas producidas en establecimientos del Consorcio Regional de Innovación en Lanas Ultrafinas (CRILU), para determ...
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During a four-year period, mature ewes were either shorn in mid-pregnancy or post-partum to study impacts on lamb live weight and survival. Furthermore, placental measurements were collected post-partum from a subset of single-bearing ewes and yearly fleece weights and wool samples were collected from a subset of single- and twin-bearing ewes. Lamb...
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The Uruguayan National Meat Institute (INAC) defined meat as: “edible portion of animals declared fit for human feeding by the Veterinary Inspection, and comprising the tissue muscles and soft tissues surrounding the skeleton after slaughter operation is completed” (INAC, 2002). This definition is applied along the Meat Industry and also by the Hum...
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The Uruguayan National Meat Institute (INAC) defi ned meat as: “edible portion of animals declared fit for human feeding by veterinary inspection and comprising the tissue muscles and soft tissues surrounding the skeleton after slaughter operation is completed” (INAC, 2002). This definition is applied along the meat industry and also by the human h...
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Ewe reproduction affected by crossbreeding Corriedale and Dohne Merino
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The 2013-Uruguayan Lamb Meat Quality Audit (LMQA) was conducted to evaluate characteristics on the slaughterhouses that affect the quality and value of lamb carcasses, and byproducts. Assessments were performed in four slaughterhouses that represented 70% of the Uruguayan lamb slaughter. Approximately 10,927 lambs were evaluated. Bruises were prese...
Conference Paper
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We have long used the term ‘clean green and ethical’ to describe our teaching and research in livestock industries. ‘Clean’ drives us to reduce our reliance on chemicals, drugs and hormones, and ‘ethical’ drives us to maximise animal welfare. ‘Green’, the focus of the present paper, drives us to reduce our environmental footprint. Nowadays, the soc...
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Different nutritional management during the rearing and finishing periods can determine changes on beef fatty acid profile. Beef lipid composition was quantified in 224 male Hereford calves weaned at 8 wk of age with an average initial live weight (LW) of 170 ± 17 kg. After weaning, 4 nutritional treatments were imposed to obtain different daily LW...
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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of nutritional management treatments during the rearing period on the performance and carcass traits of Hereford steers finished either on pasture or in feedlot. Two hundred and forty male Hereford calves, weaned at 8 months of age with an average weight of 170 ± 17 kg, were used. After...
This work aimed to evaluate three varieties of sorghum as wet grain silage (high, low and white tannin), combined with two form of food supply (concentrated with roughage separated or mixed) on dry matter intake, body weight evolution, average daily growth, feed conversion, main meat and carcass traits (rib eye area, fat thickness and marbling in v...
Conference Paper
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of different types of supplements on the performance of yearling steers grazing an annual forage crop (Sorghum bicolor L. moench) and its subsequent influence on carcass quality traits. 50 Hereford steers (265.3 kg live weight-LW) of 15 months of age grazing at a 7.5 steers/ha stoking rate were...
Technical Report
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Las Auditorías de Calidad de Carne tienen sus comienzos en el año 2002, con la finalidad de cuantificar las principales limitantes que afectan a la Cadena cárnica. Estas han sido conducidas por el Instituto Nacional de Carnes (INAC) y el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria con la colaboración de la Universidad del Estado de Colorado (C...
Technical Report
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En el año 2002 el Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria (INIA) y el Instituto Nacional de Carnes (INAC), asesorados por la Universidad de Colorado (EEUU), llevaron a cabo la primera Auditoría de Calidad de Carne en el Uruguay, con el objetivo de determinar y cuantificar los principales factores responsables de las pérdidas de valor en la...
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Recibido: 15/8/15 Aceptado: 4/3/16 Resumen Dentro de los factores que limitan el mayor desarrollo de la Cadena Cárnica Ovina del Uruguay, se encuentra la marcada estacionalidad de la oferta de animales. Esta última se asocia principalmente a problemas de déficit en la cantidad y calidad del forraje que normalmente se da en verano, seguido por el ot...
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Among the limiting factors preventing further development of the Uruguayan Sheep Meat Industry, the seasonality of lamb supply is highlighted. The latter is mainl