Fabio Iglesias

Fabio Iglesias
University of Brasília | UnB · Dept. of Social and Work Psychology



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Applied social psychology, consumer behavior, public security Field experiments, scales, surveys


Publications (55)
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A violência contra a mulher (VCM) e o seu desfecho letal, o feminicídio, são questões que exigem a atenção dos mais diversos setores públicos e privados. O presente estudo realiza uma revisão de escopo a fim de mapear sistematicamente as publicações científicas existentes sobre desengajamento moral (DM) dentro dos fenômenos da VCM e do feminicídio....
Aversive or socially undesirable personality traits, characterized by harmful attitudes and behaviors, are gaining more momentum. In the present study, we aimed to describe the cross-cultural adaptation of the versions of the Dark Factor Measure to the Brazilian context and compare results between the general population and incarcerated men to prov...
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In most areas, psychological phenomena tend to be explained only through textual constructions. Several authors, however, point to the need for theories that have a more formal nature, based on mathematical reasoning. In order to encourage broader access to its applications, we present the models and advantages of a mathematical psychology approach...
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In most areas, psychological phenomena tend to be explained only through textual constructions. Several authors, however, point to the need for theories that have a more formal nature, based on mathematical reasoning. In order to encourage broader access to its applications, we present the models and advantages of a mathematical psychology approach...
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When killing includes extreme brutalities, sometimes called extralethal violence, it usually carries a social function that goes beyond that of a "mere" execution. In this research were present the analysis of a filmed triple homicide that was committed and deliberately spread through social networks by members of an organized crime group in northe...
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O interesse pela possibilidade de reconfigurar a mente humana foi recorrente na história da humanidade, sob diferentes formas aliadas principalmente à religião, à guerra e à política. Somente a partir de 1950, entretanto, é que psicólogos, psiquiatras e outros pesquisadores se dedicaram com maior profundidade ao tema, popularizado pelo termo genéri...
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O presente estudo objetivou a elaboração de um instrumento de avaliação pós-ocupacional para a verificação de fatores que influenciam comportamentos criminosos e o medo do crime em ambientes públicos. O instrumento foi construído a partir da revisão sistemática da literatura em prevenção criminal pelo design ambiental, em busca de elementos que ide...
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O sadismo retrata comportamentos de agressão, indiferença e prazer ao causar sofrimento em outros indivíduos. Ainda não existe consenso na literatura psiquiátrica sobre se deve ser considerado um transtorno ou apenas um aspecto subclínico. O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar para o português brasileiro a Short Sadistic Impulse Scale (SSIS), bem com...
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Social Value Orientation (SVO) is an individual characteristic that expresses the value one attributes to their own and other people's results, while revealing the disposition to sacrifice personal interests. The present study aimed to adapt and gather evidence of validity for the Social Value Orientation Slider Measure, as an alternative to tradit...
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Purpose: This research investigated consumers’ reactions to service failures, based on Weiner’s attribution theory, by simulating two situations: a teacher that is late to class and a delay in a course registration service. Method: Students at an educational service (n = 388) responded to four versions of scenarios, combining external and internal...
Case files can show how aggressors use different explanations to reduce the seriousness of their crime. We aimed to identify and categorize a 2016 Brazilian case file from a perpetrator of femicide, based on moral disengagement theory. Content analysis yielded 47 verbalized excerpts, with 70 disengagement occurrences. The most frequently used mecha...
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Although often used in person-environment studies, territoriality appears in the literature as a diffuse and inaccurate term, which impairs not only its practical operationalizations but also the theoretical advances in the area. In this article the concept of territoriality is refined and delimited in the light of criminal prevention through envir...
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Behavioral deviations at work (BDW) are workers' individual actions in dissonance with the prescriptive social norms of organizations, representing psychological damage, "hard" losses, or even prosocial objectives. This literature review aimed to organize, describe, and analyze empirical reports, published in Brazilian psychology and management jou...
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O sadismo retrata comportamentos de agressão, indiferença e prazer ao causar sofrimento em outros indivíduos. Ainda não existe consenso na literatura psiquiátrica sobre se deve ser considerado um transtorno ou apenas um aspecto subclínico. O objetivo deste estudo foi adaptar para o português brasileiro a Short Sadistic Impulse Scale (SSIS), bem com...
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Advertising campaigns influence consumer behavior using key concepts that the behavioral sciences have mapped using controlled and randomized lab experiments. The aim of this bibliographic research article is, therefore, to present, articulate and discuss the main theories of social psychology regarding both attitude and behavior change. More speci...
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People are victims of consumer fraud and scams on a daily basis. However, in most cases, the victims could have detected the fraud if only they had checked for inconsistencies in the scammer’s message. What makes some people detect and avoid a scam while others fall prey to it? This article investigates, in two experiments, the eff ects of ego depl...
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Objetivo: Realizar a adaptação transcultural da versão original norte-americana do inventário Attitudes Toward Lesbian and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) sobre atitudes diante de lésbicas e homens gays para uso no Brasil, e avaliar as propriedades psicométricas em uma amostra de médicos heterossexuais brasileiros. Métodos: Foram realizadas as seguintes etapa...
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Objective: To perform the cross-cultural adaptation of the original North American version of the Attitudes Toward Lesbians and Gay Men Scale (ATLG) for use in Brazil, and to evaluate the psychometric properties of the adapted instrument in a sample of Brazilian heterosexual physicians. Methods: Stages of cross-cultural adaptation were as follow...
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Despite the fact that apologies are seen as mechanisms of impression management in psychology, little is known about the dynamics of offering them (not only receiving) in different types of interpersonal relationships. Experimental apology scenarios in three independent conditions (interacting with a family member, a close friend, or a romantic par...
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Objective: To adapt the Knowledge about Homosexuality Questionnaire to Brazilian Portuguese, and to assess knowledge of heterosexual physicians on homosexuality. Methods: The following steps for cultural adaptation were made: translation by two independent evaluators, translation synthesis, and evaluation of semantic properties by the target popul...
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Objective: To adapt the Knowledge about Homosexuality Questionnaire to Brazilian Portuguese, and to assess knowledge of heterosexual physicians on homosexuality. Methods: The following steps for cultural adaptation were made: translation by two independent evaluators, translation synthesis, and evaluation of semantic properties by the target popula...
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Planejar o futuro com clareza de objetivos pode facilitar o ajustamento à aposentadoria. Este estudo examinou evidências de validade de um instrumento adaptado para o Brasil que investiga a perspectiva de tempo futuro relativa à aposentadoria, no contexto do planejamento da aposentadoria. O instrumento foi respondido de forma on-line por 141 trabal...
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Planning the future with clarity of goals can make it easier to adjust to retirement. This study examined evidence of validity of an instrument adapted for Brazil that investigates the future time perspective related to retirement, in the context of retirement planning. The instrument was answered online by 141 male and female workers, ages 25 to 6...
Nesse capítulo, serão apresentadas informações introdutórias sobre o que é a modelagem por equações estruturais (MEE), seus principais aspectos técnicos, bem como algumas aplicações desse tipo de técnica na construção de instrumentos destinados à avalição psicológica. Por fim, pincelamos algumas noções sobre o paradigma Bayesiano de análise de dado...
Nesse capítulo é ensinado como se testar se os instrumentos utilizados para mensurar as variáveis da pesquisa são válidos de igual forma entre os sujeitos da amostra. Tal objetivo é alcançado por meio de análises de invariâncias sobre os parâmetros dos itens utilizados em questionários. O capítulo apresenta duas partes principais. Na primeira parte...
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Usar cartazes para promover comportamentos pró-ambientais é um recurso popular e de baixo custo, mas geralmente baseado em senso comum. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi desenvolver um sistema de categorização para características persuasivas em cartazes pró-ambientais, baseado em um método misto qualitativo/quantitativo. A partir de uma amostra públic...
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In social contexts, when a fail occurs, people usually use different justifications. This raises a question that concerns how much acceptable is this excuse, depending on its cause (external, internal controllable or internal uncontrollable) and the social status of those who use it. The present research investigated the effects of excuses given by...
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In social contexts, when a fail occurs, people usually use different justifications. This raises a question that concerns how much acceptable is this excuse, depending on its cause (external, internal controllable or internal uncontrollable) and the social status of those who use it. The present research investigated the effects of excuses given by...
While prenatal testosterone and estrogen have been associated with various masculinized traits such as risk-taking, aggression, athletic ability, and sex drive, little is known regarding the impact of prenatal hormones on male romantic gift-giving. In a sample of 130 Caucasian men, we investigate the association between digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2...
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Decisions between cooperating and competing are central to social dilemmas, that is, when individual needs are at odds with collective benefits. The aim of this paper was to test the occurrence of social cognition biases in a simulated social dilemma, by using (Gifford and Hine, 1997) procedures. After taking part in FISH, a micro-world simulation,...
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Cada indivíduo possui um repertório de estratégias e maneiras de lidar com o tempo, diferenciando-se na urgência com que realiza suas tarefas e na quantidade de compromissos a que se submete. Alguns instrumentos foram propostos para acessar tais diferenças individuais em relação ao tempo, destacando-se a Time Urgency and Perpetual Activation Scale...
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O campo do comportamento do consumidor abrange o estudo dos processos que en- volvem indivíduos ou grupos quando usam ou descartam produtos para satisfazer necessida- des e desejos. Até 2012, no Brasil, somente 25,5% da população afirmam ter feito uso contínuo de preservativo nos últimos 12 meses e, quando o parceiro é considerado fixo, apenas 19%....
While hormones have been shown to impact a wide range of behaviors, little is known regarding their influence on consumer behavior. The current research examines the association between digit ratios and courtship-related consumption. Digit ratios (2D:4D and rel2) are indicators of prenatal testosterone exposure and are assessed by measuring finger...
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Social dilemmas typically require individuals to choose between a personal need and that of a group, often sacrificing one for the other. Many factors play a role in whether people choose to cooperate or to compete, but time constraint and other time-related variables might be decisive in this decision-making process. This study investigated the ro...
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Este estudo investigou como informações falsas fornecidas a testemunhas oculares podem afetar a fidedignidade de seus relatos. Os participantes foram divididos em duas condições experimentais. Todos assistiram ao vídeo de um crime e responderam a um questionário sobre informações nele descritas. Em uma condição, os participantes preencheram o quest...
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The literature on educational services tends to focus on students' engagement and performance, which frequently depends of their time management. But how do students react when teacher gets late in class? Based on Weiner's attribution model, this article investigated the effects of teacher's delay on 232 high school students' emotional reactions, a...
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Although the search for solutions to environmental problems is typically associated with technology and largescale interventions, behavioral changes at the individual level directly contribute to sustainable consumption. This study investigated psychological barriers that people report for not behaving pro-environmentally in situations where they c...
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Desculpas são frequentemente utilizadas como forma de minimizar atribuições de causalidade interna após falhas na interação social. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar julgamentos de plausibilidade e reações emocionais a desculpas, assim como sua aceitabilidade. Participaram da pesquisa 155 estudantes universitários, que responderam a um instr...
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Most research on retirement planning tends to focus on attitudinal and behavioral changes, while ignoring its cognitive and motivational predictors. Two studies here detail the development and search of validity evidence for a new measure, the Scale for Behavioral Change in Retirement Planning. Study 1, conducted with a sample of 189 public servant...
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Artigo Resumo As pesquisas sobre preparação para aposentadoria tendem a se concentrar em mudanças atitudinais e comportamentais, sem destacar os preditores cognitivos e motivacionais relevantes. Este trabalho descreve dois estudos buscando a construção e evidências de validade de uma nova medida, a Escala de Mudança em Comportamento de Planejamento...
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Consumers' perceptions of persuasive strategies in retail stores were investigated, based on Cialdini's six principles of social influence (reciprocity, consistency, social proof, scarcity, liking, and authority). A standardized instrument in an attitude scale format was developed for consumers to evaluate a series of typical interactions with sale...
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Despite a strong debate on the ethics and effects of television advertising, little is known about how these phenomena operate among children as consumers. This research investigated the use of persuasive strategies in advertising to children, based on the psychosocial literature of social influence. An analysis of 182 television advertisements dur...
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RESUMO Este trabalho descreve o desenvolvimento e a validação de uma medida de justificativas de motoristas para o cometimento de infrações de trânsito. O instrumento foi baseado no modelo do desengajamento moral, que descreve processos de autoinfluência que neutralizam os próprios padrões morais para justificar atos transgressivos por meio de quat...
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Civility is a prosocial behavior regulated by tacit social norms. However, few studies have investigated the factors determining civility in urban contexts. The purpose of this paper was to test the influence of gender, pedestrian density, and social categorization on civility. Three field experiments simulated everyday social situations. Results s...
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A fila de espera assume inúmeras funções na alocação dos recursos na vida urbana, como espaço, tempo, serviços e produtos. Suas configurações variam desde a típica fila presencial, aquelas em que as pessoas aguardam em pé umas atrás das outras, até formas implícitas de organização da espera, como aquelas geradas por tecnologias de comunicação remot...
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Waiting lines (queues) assume various functions in the allocation of urban resources, such as access to space, time, services or products. They vary from the typical line where people are standing one behind the other to such virtual ones as in telecommunication or the Internet. The paper looks at queues as social systems, and focuses on the presen...
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In order to compare community responses to environmental noise across cultures and languages, international standardized annoyance scales are necessary. ICBEN Team 6 has organized the development of scales for eight European languages and for Japanese. More recently, scales for three other Asian languages were added. The present study reports on th...
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Norms, justice, attribution and power: a revision and research agenda about waiting lines. Considering waiting lines as social systems, a short analysis of the nature and types of queues is presented. Four themes of social psychology are used to analyze behavior in waiting lines: (a) social norms and social influence, (b) distributive, procedural a...
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Considering waiting lines as social systems, a short analysis of the nature and types of queues is presented. Four themes of social psychology are used to analyze behavior in waiting lines: (a) social norms and social influence, (b) distributive, procedural and interactional justice, (c) causal attribution, and (d) relations of power and status. Po...
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Consumer behavior research requires more investigation approaches that include mixed methods and techniques, considering the complexity of phenomena involved and consuming environments. The multi-method approach (MMA) is based on the argument that there is no single more appropriate method. Every method carries weaknesses and limitations which can...
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Consumer behavior research requires more investigation approaches that include mixed methods and techniques, considering the complexity of phenomena involved and consuming environments. The multi-method approach (MMA) is based on the argument that there is no single more appropriate method. Every method carries weaknesses and limitations which can...
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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Psicologia, 2006. Esta tese investigou comportamentos em fila de espera utilizando uma abordagem multimétodos, partindo do pressuposto que esse fenômeno urbano pode ser concebido como um objeto de pesquisa social. Buscou-se sistematizar diversas teorias e construtos da psicologia social, psico...


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