Fabienne WateauFrench National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative
Fabienne Wateau
Social Anthropologist
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Social Anthropologist, Professor,
CNRS-UMR7186 Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparative, University Paris Nanterre
Publications (131)
Based on three case studies developed on a local scale over a period of 30 years, this text aims to question some of the transformations that Portugal has undergone since it joined the European Economic Community. The aim is to identify the intentions and then the adaptations that people have developed in the face of certain quite radical changes t...
From a chemical polluting and contaminating complex between the 1950s and 1990s to the touristic reconstruction of wetlands once heavily impacted by toxic waste discharges and now beautifully called BioRia, the history of Estarreja is being rewritten. What remains from the industrial memory of the locality? How do present-day views and voices speak...
From a chemical polluting and contaminating complex between the 1950s and 1990s, to the touristic reconstruction of wetlands once heavily impacted by toxic waste discharges and now beautifully called Bio Ria, the history of Estarreja is being rewritten. What remains from the industrial memory of the locality ? How do present-day views and voices sp...
Presentation of SAFE Project on 8eme Colloque de Restitution do OHM- Estarreja
How can we write the history of the Galermi aqueduct (Syracuse, Italy) from ancient times to the present day? This paper intends to report the first results of an interdisciplinary collective research program by emphasizing the different periods of the Galermi water: the aim is to identify the challenges and the so-called hydrosocial relations of t...
SAFE is an interdisciplinary research project that is conducted in interaction with the population of Estarreja. Firstly, it aims to know better the relationship of people with the environment, the factories and verified contaminations. Secondly, it shows some activities of the University of Aveiro carried out within the scope of the Labex Driihm-O...
Should marketing and advertising be seen as possible forms of cosmopolitanism? This article offers an analysis of methods of selling and distributing Perrier bottled water, sold internationally in the name of a national particularity—a characteristically French style and snobbery that gives it its mark of distinction. Cosmopolitanism is examined in...
With rising global awareness of the need for sound governance of water resources, the issue of dams has resurfaced with fresh vitality, now associated with the idea of clean, environmentally friendly energy. Long criticized for their irreversible impact on landscapes and communities, big dams now appear to be enjoying fresh consideration, at least...
This article proposes a reflection on the production, diffusion and use of ethnographic films, based on the author’s personal trajectory within the field of visual anthropology. In order to develop an archeology and an anatomy of filmic processes, it discusses the production of three of the author’s films. Furthermore, the article discusses theoret...
Préface d'un ouvrage sur les contes, le comptage, la mesure, la littérature et les mathématiques. Approche anthropologique du sujet.
In a sustainable development research context, how can the anthropological literature on social management of water be reread? This article proposes to recall—in the context of a certain number of studied societies, in cases where water management is entrusted to local users—why and how the economic argument is not primary. It will then examine the...
Dialogue ouvert entre anthropologues et archéologues, cette contribution multiple sur le thème de l'objet propose des études de cas et des analyses précises sur des artefacts recueillis en contexte de fouille, sur le terrain, ou déjà conservés au musée. La palette de profils d'objets est vaste et abondante, tant dans la diachronie que dans les lieu...
In a context of renewed interest in artefacts in Europe these last few years, this collection looks at objects as they relate to the hand. How can attention to use, handling, transformation and circulation help us to take a fresh look at modes of theoretical enquiry and the spaces and conditions in which objects are displayed? This collection of ar...
Dossier des Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, Nouvelle série, 40-1 (Coord. de Fabienne Wateau et Pierre Rouillard)
Sur les processus de participation publique et absence relative de contestation lors de la construction du barrage d'Alqueva au Portugal
Présentation du dossier collectif "L'objet de main en main"
Réflexion critique sur les notions de stéréotype et d'insolite en anthropologie
Dans le sud de la Galice, une conque était autrefois utilisée pour sonner les tours d'eau d'irrigation en été. Cette pratique ancestrale a cessé d'être opératoire dans les années 1980 quand la cimentation de la rigole principale et l'établissement d'un document officiel ont été réalisés. Quelque vingt ans plus tard, à l'occasion d'un essai de recon...
Acerca da construção da barragem de Alqueva em Portugal e a applicação das regras de participação pública.
Sur la pertinence des technologies traditionnelles en matière de distribution de l'eau et de durabilité
Sur le fonctionnement d'un instrument de partage du temps d'irrigation en Galice
In Portugal at the end of the 19th century, hitherto indivisible landed estates (entailed) were forced to adjust to new requirements of equal sharing. The entry into force of this legislation (1867) introduced the sharing of estates among siblings, both male and female, and a complete reorganisation of the management of estates and of the place of...
Dossier des Mélanges de la Casa de Velázquez, Nouvelle série, 36-2 (Coord. de Patrice Cressier et Fabienne Wateau)
Fonctionnement d'un instrument de mesure de partage de l'eau
Sur le fonctionnement de trois instruments de mesure de l'eau d'irrigation au nord-ouest du Portugal et de l'Espagne (Minho et Galice)
Fonctionnement d'un instrument traditionnel de mesure de l'eau au Nord-ouest du Portugal
Sur les méthodes et moyens utilisés pour faire accepter à la population la construction d'un barrage et la disparition de leur village
Participation as such is not at stake here, but the maladjusted or falsely democratic ways it is presented as well as the means by which these are legitimized. This paper focuses on several such cases in the context of a great dam construction in Portugal.
Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal, n° 10-2004 (resp. d'Antónia Lima et Fabienne Wateau)/Dir. Fabienne Wateau
Sur les raisons qui ont conduit à construire le barrage d'Alqueva au sud-est du Portugal : histoire, motivations, discours, adaptations et patrimonialisation.
Dans le cadre d’une Europe en phase de reconstruction économique et politique, l’implantation d’infrastructures de taille, intervenant de façon irréversible sur le paysage, conduit aussi à des réajustements dans l’univers des relations sociales. Les régions et les localités concernées par les politiques du global, au regard de l’ethnographie recuei...
Este artigo é fruto de uma pesquisa realizada desde 1997 junto aos migrantes Portugueses e luso-descendentes da cidade de São Paulo. Prétende analisar as idéias de lusodescendência e luso- bras ilidade, bem como suas conexôes com distintos discursos identitários e projetos de continuidade ou renovaçào de associaçôes migrantes de São Paulo. De forma...
Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal, n° 9-2003/Dir. Fabienne Wateau
Réactions comparées à la construction de barrages en Péninsule ibérique
Discours et adaptations secondaires au déménagement du village de Aldeia da Luz au Portugal, déplacé à l'occasion de la construction du barrage d' Alqueva.
Réflexion sur des instruments de partage de l'eau en volume en Espagne et au Portugal
Chronique de l'histoire du village de Aldeia da Luz noyé par les eaux du barrage d'Alqueva au Portugal
Barrages et recomposition des espaces au Portugal
An object and the social order: From a graduated reed for measuring water to the principles underlying a rural Portuguese communityThis cognitive interpretation of an instrument for measuring water – a graduated reed used in northwestern Portugal during the summer irrigation season – brings to light the principles and values that shape a rural comm...
A travers le parcours d'un « writer », l'auteur décrit la pratique du graffiti dans la ville de Lisbonne. Il l'aborde en tant que pratique artistique constituant par ailleurs un système d'idées et un modèle social, qui rend possible une analogie avec les maisons cérémonielles masculines kwoma de Papouasie Nouvelle-Guinée. L'analyse s'oriente sur la...
Resume: Este texto propôe várias possibilidades de mapear a cidade mediante uma etnografia da experiência e dos sentimentos, tomando a Lisboa contemporânea como ponto de referenda. A autora convida a explorar uma das possibilidade dessa «cartografia da experiência» a partir de cidadãos privados de um dos cinco sentidos ou de uma outra capacidade -...
Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal n°7-2001, Actes de la journée d'études du Groupe Anthropologie du Portugal, 1er mars 2000
n° spécial auteur de la revue Recherches en Anthropologie au Portugal