Fabien Bourlon

Fabien Bourlon
Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia CIEP · Human Environment Interactions - Scientific Tourism

PhD in Geography


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Specialist in research, innovation and development support related to planning and territorial management in Chilean Patagonia. My focuses include tourism as a factor of cultural and economic change, integrated management by local stakeholders, social representations, conservation and natural resource use in borderlands in the context of socio-environmental change, constructed geographies, and Scientific Tourism as a tool for integrated local development and participatory research.
Additional affiliations
April 2013 - August 2013
Universidad Austral de Chile
  • Geology and Geography
  • Geology teacher for Bachelors degree in Science and Natural Resources.
November 2007 - present
Patagonian Ecosystems Investigation Research Center
  • Researcher
  • I’m specialized in field research related to Territorial Management, Tourism and sustainable use of Natural Resources in Chilean Patagonia. I am director of the Scientific Tourism Initiative, and the InterAmerican MIF project “Archipielagos Patagonicos”..


Publications (70)
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La Patagonia chilena, territorio austral históricamente aislado y carac-terizado por extensas áreas naturales de significancia ecológica mundial, posee una valiosa historia ambiental de resistencia, con el enorme movimiento social "Patagonia sin represas" y su férrea defensa ante la amenaza hidroeléctrica transnacional como su principal hito. Actua...
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The 1950s initiated transformative shifts in human interactions and societal behaviors, exacerbating global environmental challenges-notably, biodiversity loss. The post-2020 Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) addressed these challenges with ambitious plans to halt and reverse biodiversity losses. Supported by initiatives like UNE...
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Synchronous losses of biological, linguistic, and cultural diversity are contributing to processes of biocultural homogenization, a persistent downgrading in how people perceive biodiversity, environmental, and cultural conditions, and what they consider as normal. Some have linked biocultural homogenization with neoliberal practices that emphasize...
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Tourism and conservation-based development in the periphery: Lessons from Patagonia for a Rapidly Changing World is part of the Natural and Social Sciences of Patagonia Springer book series. This work applies a social-ecological lens to conservation-based development in Patagonia, bringing together authors with his torical, contemporary, and future...
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Synchronous losses of biological, linguistic, and cultural diversity are contributing to processes of biocultural homogenization , a persistent downgrading in how people perceive biodiversity, environmental, and cultural conditions, and what they consider as normal. Some have linked biocultural homogenization with neoliberal practices that emphasiz...
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The evolution of tourists’ motivations is generating new approaches to tourism. One of them is scientific tourism (ST), which involves travel experiences with a focus on participation in scientific studies of various disciplines. ST has evolved significantly over the last decade in ChileanPatagonia, driven by public policies and the interest of var...
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This chapter explored how Modernization , Transformatio n, and Control Sustainable Development (SD) imaginaries and trajectories interacted, nuanced, and mediated the approaches of neoliberaldevelopment initiatives and the conflicts which surrounded them. A collective case study approach was employed to better understand actors, their strategies, a...
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Using the theories of Sociological Worlds, this article presents empirical research into the underlying logics of tourism development in a nature-based tourism area. Sociological behaviors underlie development trends; people act according to values, representations, and justifications. The analysis of tourism stakeholders’ discourses reveals specif...
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The region of Aysén, in Chilean Patagonia, is an isolated natural mountainous area, which relies on science for its tourist and territorial development. Project leaders are promoting specific scientific research underway in the territory. Science is mobilized as a resource in the creation of products, recreational and educational activities, commer...
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La région de Aysén, en Patagonie chilienne, est un espace naturel montagnard, isolé, qui mise sur la science pour son développement touristique et territorial. Des porteurs de projet valorisent de manière spécifique la recherche scientifique menée sur le territoire. La science est mobilisée comme ressource dans la création de produits, d’activités...
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This contribution focuses on scientific mediation implemented within scientific tourism initiatives in mountain areas. Three case studies in the French Alps support this research: the Jardin Alpin du Lautaret of the University of Grenoble Alpes, the CREA Mont-Blanc, a private research center organizing participatory science and student travel abroa...
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This contribution focuses on scientific mediation implemented within scientific tourism initiatives in mountain areas. Three case studies in the French Alps support this research: the Jardin Alpin du Lautaret of the University of Grenoble Alpes, the CREA Mont-Blanc, a private research center organizing participatory science and student travel abroa...
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Introducción El geoturismo, como forma de turismo enfocada en la geología y el paisaje, ha incentivado la protección y divulgación del patrimonio geológico del país. En zonas extremas como la Patagonia Occidental, y particularmente la Región de Aysén, valoradas por sus paisajes, cobran particular relevancia tipos de turismo de intereses especiales,...
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This paper presents empirical research that supports territorial approaches to tourism product development that ground tourism in science, as a mechanism to support sustainable tourism heritage conservation goals. Scientific Tourism (ST), in this context, builds on the scientific heritage of a geography, matching researchers with local actors and t...
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Una crisis sanitaria mundial ha llevado a los países a implementar medidas de confinamiento que afecta a toda la cadena turística. Este estudio evalúa las perspectivas para su reactivación en destinos de naturaleza, mediante una evaluación de las tendencias internacionales y el análisis de discursos de actores locales. Para expertos internacionales...
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The article analyses the activation of the object “science” on the coast of southern Chile to create a destination for scientific tourism. A territorial resource is “revealed” through the selection and enhancement of scientific objects. A research centre acts as an articulator of the tourism development project and trans‑ forms “generic” resources...
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Avec la crise du coronavirus, les destinations lointaines de nature comme la Patagonie chilienne sont inquiètes d’un effondrement du tourisme. Les communautés locales, apeurées par les risques liés à l’accueil de visiteurs, se replient et se protègent. Les entrepreneurs espèrent un rapide retour à la « normalité » d’une zone relativement épargnée p...
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Territorial dynamics are the result of stakeholder interactions within a given geographical area. Understanding them requires identifying stakeholder strategies and their relationship to the territory. Gradual tourism-based economic growth induces significant socio-spatial changes for frontier territories. What are the socio-geographical dimensions...
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Lugares emergentes como la región de Aysén al sur de Chile, son ejemplo de territorios que debido a su aislamiento geográfico, se han convertido en el escenario perfecto para plantear diferentes alternativas turísticas ante la creciente masificación global del turismo. El turismo es una de las actividades económicas preponderantes en la región, lo...
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Les dynamiques territoriales sont le résultat des jeux d’acteurs au sein d'un espace géographique déterminé. Les comprendre suppose de cerner les stratégies d'acteurs et leurs rapports au territoire. L’ancrage progressif d’un espace à la frontière de l’écoumène dans l’économie du tourisme induit des changements socio-spatiaux importants. Quelles lo...
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The bio-geography of Douglas Tompkins, a comprehensive approach of private conservation in Chilean Patagonia. RESUMEN: Al final de los años 80, una nueva idealización de la naturaleza, el "wilderness", transforma a la Patagonia en un lugar para disfrutar turísticamente y preservar de las codicias industriales. Desde una perspectiva constructivista...
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At the end of the eighties a new idealization of nature, the "wilderness", transformed Patagonia into a place to be enjoyed by tourists and safeguarded from industrial exploitation. Through a constructivist approach, that will from now on be referred to as bio-geographic, this article analyzes the socio-spatial incidence of the environmental utopia...
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Réhabiliter les utopies – et non pas l’utopie au singulier (en dépit du titre de son essai) – fut le souhait, guère exaucé il est vrai, de l’écologiste René Dumont qui, dès le milieu des années 1970, s’inquiétait déjà des menaces en tout genre qui détruisent à petit feu notre planète en danger de mort. L’utopie ou la mort donc. La première, pour bâ...
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Patagonia has long been considered a Terra Australis res Nillius: the lands of the south with no master. Since the Spanish Conquista this space has been the object of many collective utopias, those of discoverers, soldiers and missionaries, and individual ones, those of merchants and adventurers and sportsmen, eager for wealth and glory. Towards th...
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In the context of a tourism crisis in the north, a globalized economy and an increase of mobility, a change in the forms of tourism development seems to occur in peripheral areas. In some tourism areas and due to conflicts over the use of natural resources, alternative recreational practices arise that combine economic needs and socio-environmental...
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The Center for Research in Patagonian Ecosystems (Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia, CIEP) was created in 2005 as part of the Chilean CONICYT research program to favor regional development. The present paper explores how CIEP, Universidad Austral de Chile (Chile) and the University Joseph Fourier (France) studied new knowledge,...
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La Patagonia forma parte de un círculo privilegiado de lugares turísticos que pueden denominarse como místicos de acuerdo a las representaciones sociales occidentales. A semejanza de Antártica, de Groenlandia, de Isla de Pascua, de la Polinesia o Seychelles, o de Bután, la Patagonia posee un lugar particular en los imaginarios turísticos y de viaje...
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Cet ouvrage explore les différentes façons dont s'associent les mondes du tourisme et de la science aux confins géographiques de la Patagonie chilienne. Durant toute son histoire, depuis sa découverte par Magellan en 1520, la Patagonie a vu se succéder un grand nombre d'illustres voyageurs et scientifiques en quête de connaissance et d'exploration....
Conference Paper
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Since 2007 the Center for Research in Patagonian Ecosystems (Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia, CIEP) has implemented Scientific Tourism (ST) to foster research programs, technology transfer, and scientific mediation in order to strengthen sustainable tourism development in remote mountainous areas of Patagonia. Public and priv...
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La Patagonie depuis le XVe siècle attire les Européens. Cette attirance résulte de divers motifs avec une évolution dans le temps et dans l'espace. La Patagonie est un lieu propice aux utopies. Celle de la « Cité des Césars » (« Ciudad de los Cesares ») de la période coloniale, de « la Nouvelle Galle » du pasteur Jones, du royaume d'Araucanie d'Ant...
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Tout cela et aussi les émerveillements que j'attendais des paysages et des vents patagoniens contribuaient à me jeter vers mon désir. » Melville. La Patagonie, des utopies à la pelle… La Patagonie depuis le XVe siècle attire les Européens. Cette attirance résulte de divers motifs avec une évolution dans le temps et dans l’espace. La Patagonie est...
Conference Paper
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Le « Centro Regional de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia » (CIEP), un exemple de régionalisation de la recherche au Chili. Le cas du CIEP est représentative des processus en cours concernant la régionalisation de la recherche scientifique au Chili. Afin de comprendre la spécificité de la situation chilienne il important d’évoquer cer...
Conference Paper
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The Center for Scientific Tourism of Patagonia (CTCP) was created within the Center for Research in Patagonian Ecosystems (CIEP) as part of its strategic mission to favor regional development, knowledge and technology transfer. The CTCP works with public and private entities in the region to support a better understanding of tourism development a...
Conference Paper
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SCIENTIFIC TOURISM, A TOOL FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN PATAGONIA In 2005 is created the Center for Research in Patagonian Ecosystems (Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia, CIEP) as part of the Chilean CONICYT research program to favor regional development. In 2007 CIEP offers to foster new knowledge and technology transfer ba...
Technical Report
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Durante 10 días en Marzo 2014 se realizó la expedición "Istmo de Ofqui 2014", liderado por el Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas de la Patagonia donde investigadores chilenos y franceses de áreas de la geografía, geología, ornitología, antropología y biología marina, de las universidades Grenoble Alpes, Arturo Pratt, Austral de Chile, Concepció...
Conference Paper
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La Patagonie est un territoire sans fondement politique et administratif dont les limites historiques et actuelles restent imprécises. La frontière qui sépare le Chili et l’Argentine, ébauché à partir de 1881, reste aujourd’hui encore disputée. Cet espace a été longtemps considéré comme une « Terra Australis » (Prato, 2010, Martinic 2013, Alvarez 2...
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Cet article s’intéresse à la notion de tourisme scientifique. Il propose par une revue de littérature de distinguer quatre formes distinctes de pratiques et de produits touristiques mobilisant de différentes manières et à divers degrés la dimension scientifique. Il s’agit : 1) du tourisme d’exploration et d’aventure à dimension scientifique ; 2) du...
Conference Paper
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Históricamente, los mundos del turismo y de la exploración científica han estado fuertemente vinculados a partir del siglo XIX. La noción de turismo científico que movilizan numerosos autores y operadores a partir de mediados de los años 90, que tiene diversos derivados en términos de prácticas y productos turísticos, es una prolongación de este fe...
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The article analyses the development of economic clusters and their relationship to tourism. Tourism clusters can be a useful tool to promote tourism in a particular area. However, for its implementation, there are preconditions to consider when transferring the cluster concept to tourism. The most important factor is the relationship between actor...
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Tourism is a global phenomenon, which has reached and penetrated the remotest parts of the world. As such, tourism has assisted the process of economic and a cultural globalization. Tourism produces both short and long-term effects for destinations; the ramifications of which are only partially addressed by the social and economic sciences. It was...
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In the long term, the economy and the environment are the same. If something is not good for the environment, it is not good for the economy. That is the rule of nature. Wendell Berry, one of the best thinkers and writers of our time, makes this observation: “We have lived by the assumption that what was good for us, would be good for the world… We...
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this article analyzes the development of economic clusters and their relationship to tourism. tourism clusters can be a useful tool to promote tourism in a particular area. however, for their implementation, there are conditions to consider when transferring the cluster concept to tourism. With reference to the case study region of Aysén in Patagon...
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International Research Seminar Max Planck Institute of Germany and Chilean Government June 27th – 29th, 2012, Berlín – Germany Title of Presentation, “Complex System Analysis for a sustainable development in multi-use marine protected areas of Aysén, Chile”. Working Paper. Abstract The South Pacific coast of Aysén in Chilean Patagonia is a rich...
Conference Paper
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El presente trabajo presenta los resultados de un trabajo de investigación y desarrollo, a petición de la Agencia Regional de Desarrollo Productivo, Región de Aysén, con el fin de aprovisionar de un bien club al Programa de Mejoramiento de la Competitividad del sector Acuícola en la Región de Aysén, Chile. Este trabajo se enmarca en el esfuerzo por...
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this article analyzes the development of economic clusters and their relationship to tourism. tourism clusters can be a useful tool to promote tourism in a particular area. however, for their implementation , there are conditions to consider when transferring the cluster concept to tourism. With reference to the case study region of Aysén in Patago...
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Tourism is a global phenomenon, which has reached and penetrated the remotest parts of the world. As such, tourism has assisted the process of economic and a cultural globalization. Tourism produces both short and long-term effects for destinations; the ramifications of which are only partially addressed by the social and economic sciences. The d...
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This work addresses the issue of tourism development in remote territories by analyzing the contribution of Scientific Tourism as innovative model for sustainable tourism. Scientific Tourism appears as to be a favorable tool to support group dynamics in specific areas. In the new global context of tourism, Scientific Tourism emerges as a relevant w...
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Several independent studies and evaluations indicate that until now there are no reliable assessment on the real impact of possible dams and power lines to the tourism development of Chilean Patagonia. Focused studies even indicate a strong negative and long-term impact, to this sector –an essential socioeconomic development option for Aysén as has...
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Cet article s’interesse a la notion de tourisme scientifique. Il propose par une revue de litterature de distinguer quatre formes distinctes de pratiques et de produits touristiques mobilisant de differentes manieres et a divers degres la dimension scientifique. Il s’agit : 1) du tourisme d’exploration et d’aventure a dimension scientifique ; 2) du...
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Rock Glaciar Identification and distribution in Chilean Patagonia, region of Aysén.
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RESUMEN El presente artículo, ideado en el marco del proyecto "Las Ciencias al servicio del desarrollo turístico de Aysén, creando un Centro para el Turismo Científico de la Patagonia", llevado desde 2007 por el Centro de Investigación en Ecosistemas (CIEP), trata de la noción del turismo científico y sus formas en la Patagonia chilena. Basado en u...
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Cet article s’intéresse à la notion de tourisme scientifique. Il propose par une revue de littérature de distinguer quatre formes distinctes de pratiques et de produits touristiques mobilisant de différentes manières et à divers degrés la dimension scientifique. Il s’agit : 1) du tourisme d’exploration et d’aventure à dimension scientifique ; 2) du...


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