Fabiana Queiroga

Fabiana Queiroga
Université Côte d'Azur

Doctor of Psychology


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Researcher at the laboratory of Adaptation, Measurement and Evaluation in Health (APEMAC, University of Lorraine). Her research expertise is Work and Organizational Psychology (WOP), more specifically, sustainable performance and wellbeing at work. She is a member of the Brazilian Society of WOP (SBPOT) and of the International Test Commission (ICT).


Publications (63)
S’appuyant sur les modèles conceptuels de Stone et Colella (1996) et Colella (2001), notre recherche porte sur l’inclusion professionnelle des personnes en situation de handicap dans le secteur de la santé. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la manière dont les professionnels de santé percevaient leurs collègues en situation de handicap. Dans une premiè...
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The aim is to present validity evidence of the Brazilian-Portuguese Recovery Experience Questionnaire (REQ-PB) by applying a procedure to decentering cross-cultural scales translation and adaptation. First, we had a phase with bilingual experts, which assessed different criteria of translation quality. In sequence, we conducted the replication of t...
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Esta pesquisa teve o propósito descrever a influência das práticas de gestão de pessoas e experiências de restauro no desempenho laboral individual. Trata-se de um estudo correlacional em que foram aplicados questionários com trabalhadores de organizações privadas e públicas. Estes questionários tiveram os seguintes instrumentos: Questionário de De...
Background Having a score to assess the occurrence and severity of flares of knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA) to guide interventions is essential. Objectives To compare different methods of constructing a composite score for the Flare-OA-16 self-reported questionnaire for measuring knee and hip OA flare, defined as a cluster of symptoms of sufficie...
Conference Paper
Introduction Un score de fréquence et de gravité des poussées d'arthrose est essentiel pour guider les traitements. L'objectif était de comparer plusieurs méthodes de construction d'un score composite pour l'auto-questionnaire Flare-OA-16 de mesure de la poussée d'arthrose du genou et de la hanche, défini comme un ensemble de symptômes d'une durée...
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The song alluded in the title could be continued by saying that people around the countries criticised the measures to contain COVID-19. Beliefs in a just word (BJW) are related with affective reactions triggered by extreme events. The aim was to test Affective Events Theory (AET) by analysing to what extent work environments have influence on affe...
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Background The recent Flare-OA questionnaire measuring flare in knee and hip osteoarthritis (OA) (19 items in 5 dimensions, numerical rating scale) showed good psychometric properties along with classical test theory. This study aimed to determine its scaling properties by Rasch analysis and to present evidence for a refined scalable version. Meth...
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The International Labor Organization considers that gender equality and hours for free time and adequate rest are part of the essential dimensions of decent work. This work aims to analyze parents' recovery experiences in the situation of mandatory telework, controlled by job satisfaction. The research has been developed in Brazil, one of the count...
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The service sector currently employs the largest portion of workers in the world and stands out due to the nature of labor in this context. This study aimed to produce a systematic multicriteria review on job performance in the service sector. We selected 50 articles in accordance with relevance criteria comprising recentness, citations, and journa...
Introduction L'arthrose entraîne des altérations structurelles des articulations et des épisodes de poussées. Le groupe OMERACT a proposé une définition des poussées avec cinq domaines: douleur, gonflement, raideur, aspects psychologiques et conséquences des symptômes. L'objectif était d'utiliser l'analyse de Rasch pour évaluer les propriétés de me...
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Livro organizado por Gardênia da Silva Abbad, Jairo Eduardo Borges-Andrade, Luciana Mourão e Sonia Maria Guedes Gondim Acesso ao eBook: http://vetoreditora.rds.land/e-book-desenho-e-redesenho https://books.google.com.br/books?id=lNNkEAAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=pt-BR#v=onepage&q&f=false
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Purpose Effort by managers and academics have been applied to understand elements that improving organizational performance and results. This study aims to analyze the relationship among job performance, job crafting, work complexity and learning support. The authors conducted a cross-sectional survey in a study with a regression hierarchical (i.e....
Introduction La poussée (flare) est une composante importante de l’expérience vécue par les patients atteints d’arthrose du genou et de la hanche, couramment utilisée comme critère de jugement dans les essais cliniques. OMERACT a récemment approuvé la composition de la poussée en cinq domaines : douleur, gonflement, raideur, aspects psychologiques...
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The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the economic market and labor contexts worldwide. Brazil has suffered one of the worst social and governmental managements of the COVID-19 crisis, forcing workers and organizations to develop coping strategies. This environment can affect both well-being and performance at work. Sustainable well-being at work refe...
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Identifying criminal infractions through police investigation is among the attributions of the Civil Police. The extensive workload and the advancement of violence expose police officers to the risk of becoming ill due to burnout. The present study aims to test an integrated model in which burnout will be predicted by the demands and resources of t...
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Sickness-related absenteeism in teachers represents financial, social, and human costs. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between work characteristics and lengths of absence. The main hypothesis is that different work characteristics are predictors of different lengths of absenteeism. In total, 1,530 teachers participated in the study. T...
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Sickness-related absenteeism in teachers represents financial, social, and human costs. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between work characteristics and lengths of absence. The main hypothesis is that different work characteristics are predictors of different lengths of absenteeism. In total, 1,530 teachers participated in the study. T...
Conference Paper
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Compreender os problemas organizacionais e do trabalho na educação pública tem o propósito de melhorar tanto o desempenho dos profissionais quanto de os proteger. Esta relação entre bem-estar e desempenho pode não ser linear. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a relação entre ambos e seus possíveis antecedentes. 2.668 trabalhadores da rede pública...
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The pursuit of high levels of performance and well-being at work is a shared goal in societies nowadays. The happy-productive worker thesis (HPWT) proposes a positive relationship, where “happy” workers will perform better than “unhappy” workers. However, other relationships found in the literature have encouraged a revision of this thesis. This sy...
Esta pesquisa se estrutura com o propósito de compreender de forma mais aprofundada os trabalhadores em seus desempenhos individuais no ambiente laboral. Busca-se analisar o fator de desempenho individual no trabalho relacionando-o com o mundo corporativo em que se encontra. Para tanto, busca-se fazer interface com a saúde do trabalhador, pois esta...
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This paper aims to reduce the job performance self-assessment scale as well as control the response bias and acquiescence bias using vignettes anchors and inverted items. The original scale database was composed of 20 items divided into two factors: task and context. For the reduction, the ten items with higher factor loads and thresholds were chos...
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The purpose was to seek validity evidences of scales based on the model of reactions of higher education professors about the evaluation of graduate programs conducted by the Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education (Capes). The scales of satisfaction, justice perception, utility perception, and accuracy perception...
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A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar o papel moderador do burnout na relação entre aversão à perda e tomada de decisão de se sobrecarregar no trabalho. Um total de 128 profissionais, com idades acima de 18 anos e inseridos no mercado de trabalho, responderam a uma medida de burnout e avaliaram um cenário de sobrecarga no trabalho. Verific...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo reducir la Escala de autoevaluación de Desempeño en el trabajo, como también controlar el direccionamiento de respuesta y aprobación, utilizando la técnica de viñetas y elementos invertidos. Para la reducción de la escala, se utilizó el banco de datos de la escala original, compuesta por 20 elementos divididos en d...
The present study aimed to evaluate the moderating role of burnout in the relationship between loss aversion and making a decision to suffer work overload. A total of 128 professionals over 18 years old inserted in the job market participated in the study, responding to a burnout measure and evaluating a work overload scenario. A loss aversion effe...
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Concerning the crisis caused by the pandemic COVID-19, several measures were adopted by the authorities that impacted people in general, but we have especial impacts in the work context. Among them is the social distance that has resulted in compulsory teleworking. As an action to support workers, the Brazilian Association of Organizational and Wor...
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Purpose: Test job fulfillment as a mediator of the relationship between work design and presenteeism in teachers. Originality/value: Presenteeism is one of the reasons for teachers to underperform in the classroom. Many models explain organizational results, among which the Job Characteristics Model. That model, however, has not yet been tested wi...
As pesquisas sobre o indivíduo e o seu contexto de trabalho não são recentes e, no Brasil, desde a década de 1970 observa-se um aumento de estudos científicos no intuito de analisar e compreender os fatores que influenciam o comportamento das pessoas no seu ambiente de trabalho. Nessa busca, a recente revisão de Vienen (2018) aponta a enorme contri...
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Objetivo desta pesquisa foi testar a realização no trabalho como mediador da relação entre desenho do trabalho e presenteísmo em professores regentes. O presenteísmo é uma das formas de perda de desempenho dos professores em sala de aula. Diversos são os modelos que explicam resultados organizacionais, entre os quais o Modelo de Características do...
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Com o objetivo de desenvolver instrumentos para avaliar a efetividade do processo de implementação dos CAPS, essa pesquisa se apoiou em metodos qualitativos e quantitativos de investigação. Alem disso, considerou-se a perspectiva relacionada ao modelo hibrido de analise de politicas públicas, com o intuito de abarcar a complexidade inerente ao camp...
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Work design refers to the study, creation, and modification of the composition, content, structure of tasks and roles and the environment in which they are performed. A measure with evidence of validity is necessary to understand the impact of work design on people and organizations. To obtain such evidence in the Brazilian context, we conducted tw...
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Purpose: Sustainable Well-Being at Work Model (SWBW) suggests that the relation between well-being and performance is organized in synergic and antagonist patterns, indicating that this relation is more complex than the happy productive worker linearism suggested before. Founded on the SWBW model we tested four patterns of the relation between well...
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One of managers' major concerns is related to maintaining good performance levels at work, to ensure differential advantage to their organizations. Contextual and individual characteristics are perceived as important variables that help organizations maintain their distinctiveness and, consequently, high levels of competitiveness. The current resea...
Conference Paper
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Resumo As exigências cada vez maiores de qualificação profissional, aliadas a precarização das relações de trabalho e a reestruturação produtiva, constituem um cenário incerto para os trabalhadores. Ante esta necessidade crescente de qualificação as Instituições de Ensino Superior emergem como agentes importantes, seja pelo ensino, seja pela extens...
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A gestão por competências tem merecido crescente atenção por parte de profissionais e acadêmicos desde seu surgimento. Sobre o setor público, percebe-se uma lacuna no que diz respeito a estudos teóricos ou empíricos que se refiram aos níveis estadual e municipal, e, do mesmo modo, no que se refere a seu primeiro escalão. O presente artigo relata a...
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Competencies management has deserved increasing attention on the part of professionals and academics since it was proposed. In the public sector, a gap is perceived on theoretical or empirical studies concerning the state and municipal levels of the administration and also their decision level. This article describes the construction of an instrume...
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O presente relato busca estimular a discussão sobre avaliação no campo da educação profissional, tendo em vista a relevância que os cursos profissionalizantes exercem no mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Foi delineada uma pesquisa cuja proposta era verificar em que medida os egressos da educação profissional utilizam, em suas atividades laborais, aqu...
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Livros de texto para o ensino superior muito raramente são objeto de avaliação formativa. Este estudo teve como objetivo desenvolver e validar para o contexto brasileiro um instrumento para a captação de dados de avaliação formativa, visto que no Brasil ainda são escassas as tentativas de aplicação de avaliações dessa natureza. Contou-se com a p...
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Text books for undergraduation are seldom the focus of formative evaluation. The goal of this study was to develop and validate for the Brazilian context an instrument for data collection in formative evaluation. Brazil has scarce attempts of this nature. Participants of the study were psychology and management undergraduate students in a federal p...
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This study had the objective of exploring the relationship between the intention of consumer behavior and human values approaching subjects as environmental protection and the protection of other people. They had participated of the study university with average age of 21 years (s.d. = 4.6) and a majority was females (72.4%). The students had colle...
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This study had the objective of exploring the relationship between the intention of consumer behavior and human values approaching subjects as environmental protection and the protection of other people. They had participated of the study university with average age of 21 years (s.d. = 4.6) and a majority was females (72.4%). The students had colle...
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The objective of this study was to adapt The Socially Responsible Consumer Behavior Scale –ECSRC (Roberts, 1996) to Brazil. The main objective of this scale is to evaluate to what degree consumers who tend to express conduct which indicates social responsibility take this conduct into consideration at the moment of product acquisition. Two hundred...
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Considering the importance of having measures to assess the predictors of antisocial behaviors, specifically of the drugs use in Brazilian milieu, it was performed the current study to adapt the attitudes toward marijuana use scale (ATMUS). Participants were 548 high school students from João Pessoa (Paraiba). Their age ranged from 13 to 18 years o...
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The social responsibility is an important construct to understand people’s daily behavior; therefore it should attract the researchers’ attention. A lack of information about the topic motivated the present research, which aimed at knowing at what level the personal responsibility correlates with values and individualism-collectivism expressed by p...
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The social responsibility is an important construct to understand people’s daily behavior; therefore it should attract the researchers’ attention. A lack of information about the topic motivated the present research, which aimed at knowing at what level the personal responsibility correlates with values and individualism-collectivism expressed by p...
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The relationship between individualism/collectivism constructs with human values has been previously suggested. However, the studies that try to empirically valiate this relationship are scarce. Thus, this study aimed to identify the human values that best describe the dimensions of these constructs (vertical individualism, horizontal individualism...
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This study aimed to construct the Attitudes Towards Computer Scale, establishing its psychometric parameters. There were two factors as hypothesis: Autonomous Machine and Interacting Instrument At the beginning there were 100 items, reduced to 50 after theoretical and semantical analysis, and discriminatory power. Based on answers of 487 subjects,...
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Este estudo objetivou adaptar a Escala de Interdependência Social - EIS e conhecer a influência dos valores filiais e parentais sobre a orientação social. Os jovens (N=191) à EIS e Questionário de Valores de Kohn; e os pais destes (N=148) responderam ao último. Observou-se que jovens com atitudes cooperativas dão importância a agir como uma criança...
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Considering the importance of having measures to assess the predictors of antisocial behaviors, specifically of the drugs use in Brazilian milieu, it was performed the current study to adapt the attitudes toward marijuana use scale (ATMUS). Participants were 548 high school students from João Pessoa (Paraiba). Their age ranged from 13 to 18 years o...
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Este estudo teve como objetivo verificar a relação das dimensões da auto-imagem independente e interdependente com os critérios de orientação valorativa. Para tanto, foram considerados os postulados teóricos da tipologia dos valores básicos (Gouveia, 1998b) e da teoria da construção do eu (Markus e Kitayama, 1991). Participaram deste estudo 320 est...
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The relationship between individualism/collectivism constructs with human values has been previously suggested. However, the studies that try to empirically valiate this relationship are scarce. Thus, this study aimed to identify the human values that best describe the dimensions of these constructs (vertical individualism, horizontal individualism...
Os processos seletivos configuram-se como importantes ferramentas para as organizações contemporâneas que precisam buscar os melhores resultados em um curto espaço de tempo e que tentam alcançar bons desempenhos com menos desgaste para seus trabalhadores. Uma seleção adequada também pode diminuir o custo da organização com programas de treinamento...


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