Fabian Jintae Froese

Fabian Jintae Froese
University of Göttingen | GAUG · Business


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Current research interests: expatriation, diversity, recruitment, retention management, knowledge creation/transfer


Publications (102)
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Extending the research on corporate brand image and recruitment, this study investigates the influence of industry image on organizational attractiveness in a cross–national context. Drawing from signaling theory and the application of the instrumental‐symbolic image framework, we apply an experimental vignette design in the renewable energy indust...
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Drawing from status characteristics theory, we develop a multilevel model to explain the relationships between gender composition (e.g., female‐female supervisor‐subordinate dyads, a female majority at the next higher level, and a female majority at the same job level) in the workplace and women's career satisfaction. We hypothesise that working wi...
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Organizations have increasingly relied on virtual teams (VTs). For VTs to succeed, the collaborative behavior of team members plays an important role. Drawing from the open systems theory and using a phenomenon-driven approach, we investigate the dynamic pattern of collaborative behavior convergence among members of VTs (i.e., the emergence of coll...
Chinese leadership has received growing research attention amid the rapid development of the Chinese economy, the rising influence of the Chinese government and companies in the global arena, and China’s business transformation and institutional reform. However, the extant literature has tended to adopt Western leadership theories and test them in...
Purpose The main purpose of this study was to develop and test an employability scale in a Chinese context. Moreover, the authors investigated how socioeconomic status indicators (education and occupation of parents, household income and hukou , i.e. household registration location) affect the endowment and development of adolescents' employability...
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This century has been proclaimed the Asian century, as industrialised countries such as Japan, Singapore, and South Korea, along with rapidly emerging nations such China and India, have contributed to worldwide economic growth. In response, research has analysed the reasons why Asian business and management have found such success. Based on a bibli...
Gender (in)equality varies strongly across countries. However, research has not sufficiently addressed how subsidiaries of multinational companies respond to differences in gender equality between home and host countries. Based on interviews with 34 managers, our study explores how subsidiaries experience gender-related challenges in their home and...
The nature of global work is changing. While the past was dominated by the relocation of expatriates across borders, multinational enterprises (MNEs) increasingly embrace global virtual work, often via global virtual teams (GVT). Based on a comprehensive and up-to-date literature review, this chapter provides implications for theory and practice. W...
Digitalization has had pervasive effects on corruption, introducing new opportunities and challenges to minimize the use of corruptive behaviours. This study investigates the dark side effects of digitalization, documenting its facilitation of corruption across countries as a form of perverse innovation. Building upon the theory of moral intensity...
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Female entrepreneurs contribute substantially to economic growth in Asia. Despite their economic success, we know relatively little about them. This article presents a comprehensive review of female entrepreneurs in Asia, focusing on how they differ from their counterparts in the West, along four dimensions: female entrepreneurs’ unique characteris...
Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to change the future of human resource management (HRM). Scholars from different disciplines have contributed to the field of AI in HRM but with rather insufficient cross-fertilization, thus leading to a fragmented body of knowledge. In response, we conducted a systematic, interdisciplinary review of 1...
This paper applies a generalized exchange perspective to examine how and when reintegration in headquarters (HQ) facilitates repatriate knowledge transfer (RKT). Specifically, we theorize how the preparatory stage for repatriation—when expatriates are still abroad—enhances reintegration in HQ upon repatriation and subsequently RKT via interpersonal...
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Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic has forced global organizations to adopt technology-driven virtual solutions involving faster, less costly and more effective ways to work worldwide even after the pandemic. One potential outcome may be through virtual global mobility (VGM), defined as the replacement of personal physical international interactions for...
Migrant workers play an important role in South Korea’s economic growth, yet their adjustment difficulties have often been problematic, leading to low job satisfaction. This study investigates the acculturation strategies and job satisfaction of migrant workers from the same country but of different cultural origins. Based on social identity theory...
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Due to the high costs and strategic importance of expatriate assignments, expatriate performance management (EPM) plays an increasingly important role for multinational enterprises (MNEs). However, research on EPM is still in its infancy. Drawing from the convergence/divergence debate in international human resource management, this study investiga...
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Research on academic expatriation has rarely investigated the drivers of academic performance in a foreign cultural environment. This study focuses on research productivity as a crucial facet of performance and integral part of academic jobs. Drawing from the job demands‐resources model, we position perceived organizational support and the number o...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) has been presented as a powerful tool in human resource management (HRM), but little academic research exists on the topic. The present study introduces the technology, organization, and environment (TOE) model from information systems research and integrates it with the transaction cost theory to better understand the...
With approximately 50 million people across the globe considered expatriates (persons living and working abroad for a limited time), global mobility is an important issue for individuals, organisations, and national governments, and a major research stream in universities and business schools. Written by a team of internationally renowned scholars...
With approximately 50 million people across the globe considered expatriates (persons living and working abroad for a limited time), global mobility is an important issue for individuals, organisations, and national governments, and a major research stream in universities and business schools. Written by a team of internationally renowned scholars...
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Knowledge transfer within multinational enterprises is a source of competitive advantage. However, we know little about repatriates’ role in reverse knowledge transfer upon their return to headquarters (HQ). Using an organizational embeddedness perspective, we conceptualized how embeddedness fit – individuals’ perceived match between their knowledg...
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This study advances our understanding of the contextualization of the effects of cultural intelligence (CQ). Drawing from trait activation theory and institutional theory, we develop a multi-level model showing how host countries’ informal and formal openness towards foreigners facilitate or constrain the importance of expatriates’ CQ in becoming e...
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Fueled by a highly dedicated and highly skilled workforce, South Korea (henceforth Korea) has enjoyed tremendous economic growth and developed numerous successful global companies. In the past, Korean companies benchmarked Japanese and US HR practices. However, Korean companies are now at the crossroads, facing slowing economic growth rates, an agi...
Managers of international subsidiaries, especially subsidiary CEOs, operate at critical interfaces within multinational enterprises (MNEs) and hold strategic responsibility for the operations in their country. Yet, their impact on subsidiary performance has received scant research attention. Building on the subsidiary entrepreneurship and strategic...
Integrating expatriate staffing and leadership succession literature, this study investigates the influence of expatriate top manager replacement on foreign subsidiary performance and the moderating effects of subsidiary context. Building on a refined understanding of agency theory and evidence from 2113 firm-year observations, including 260 expatr...
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This study contributes to research on organizational attractiveness and human resource management (HRM) by drawing on image theory to examine the effect of organizational characteristics (foreign vs. domestic company country‐of‐origin, HRM practices, organizational culture, and work environment) on organizational attractiveness perceptions by host...
Global Virtual Team (GVT) member diversity provides many advantages but also poses many challenges. Diversity comes in different forms that each has different effects on GVT dynamics and performance. Past research typically explored the effect of only one type of diversity at a time. Using multi-source, multi-wave data from 5728 individuals working...
Despite the strong evidence for the beneficial influence of resilience for employee stress resistance in domestic settings, the construct has not received much attention in the expatriation literature, where stress is considered a major factor for expatriates’ poor cross-cultural adjustment and turnover. Drawing upon conservation of resources theor...
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Knowledge integration (KI) is a source of sustained competitive advantage for firms. This paper draws upon the knowledge-based view of the firm and ability-motivation-opportunity framework to develop a theoretical and empirical model showing the role of human resource management (HRM) practices in achieving KI. Findings suggest three ability-enhanc...
Purpose This paper aims to explore the importance of the role of national business systems (NBS) in shaping human resource management (HRM) and organisational behaviour (OB) practices in the context of Asian countries. To this end, this paper presents a comparative overview of different NBS in selected Asian countries and how these variously impact...
Research on international assignments and career progress has concentrated on the international assignment experience of parent-country nationals sent from the headquarters of a multinational enterprise to a foreign subsidiary. Adopting the career-cone perspective, we examine the influence of assignment experience in the headquarters on the career...
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Employee job satisfaction is a strong predictor of pivotal individual and organizational outcomes, e.g. commitment, productivity, retention. This study examines the mediating role of workplace racial harassment in the association of employee racioethnicity and job satisfaction in the South African context. Furthermore, this study investigates the m...
Managing work-life balance abroad is considered as one of the key challenges associated with expatriation. That is particularly true when the enactment of the work-life boundaries of expatriates' home and host countries diverge. Drawing from boundary theory, we investigate whether and how expatriates experience cross-cultural challenges in terms of...
Building on stress theory, this study investigates the mechanism by which terrorism influences withdrawal cognitions of expatriates, namely, via perceived threat as well as perceived constraints in the work and non-work domains. Data from 160 expatriates currently working in African and Asian countries show that the level of terrorism relates to ex...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop and empirically test a conceptual model based on the culturally endorsed implicit leadership theory to comprehend differences in the relationships between consideration, and initiating structure leadership styles and affective organizational commitment for US and Korean employees. Further, the autho...
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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to develop a conceptual model in order to increase the understanding of the influence of national culture on the relationship between organizational diversity and inclusion management and inclusion climate. Design/methodology/approach – Based upon a comprehensive review of diversity and inclusion management l...
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Japanese multinational corporations (MNCs) enjoyed global success until the early 1990s, but recent trends have presented many challenges, necessitating adaptations to international human resource management (IHRM) and other management practices. In reviewing recent changes in the IHRM of Japanese MNCs by focusing on 'internal internationalization'...
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Multinational corporations (MNCs) are increasingly hiring inpatriates into their headquarters (HQ) to disseminate and implement shared organizational values throughout the organization. The purpose of this study is to investigate the antecedents of inpatriates’ turnover intentions, which would be detrimental to the MNCs’ practices of spreading and...
In response to demographic change organizations in Germany and Japan have recently begun to adapt their human resource management practices to embrace employees with diverse backgrounds: e.g. females, foreigners, or older workers (aged fifty and older). Based on a survey of 209 organizations we compare the current situation of diversity management...
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Employee responses to cross-border mergers and acquisitions are an important factor determining the success of post-merger integration. However, little research exists investigating employee responses in this phase. Our study examines employee responses to an acquisition by investigating the role of social support from different hierarchical levels...
Purpose – The family and specifically, the partners of expatriates are unfortunately the major cause of expatriate maladjustment. Drawing from and extending the concept of relational demography, the purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of the nationality of expatriates’ partners, conceptualized as host, home or third country nationalit...
Als Folge des demografischen Wandels stehen viele Unternehmen vor der Herausforderung, eine ausreichende Anzahl qualifizierter Mitarbeiter zu rekrutieren und zu binden. Dazu wenden sich Unternehmen vermehrt neuen Mitarbeitergruppen zu. Die Einbindung von Mitarbeitern unterschiedlichen Alters, Erfahrungsreichtums oder Geschlechts sowie verschiedener...
Research has shown that the organizational perspective toward diversity is crucial for an effective diversity management. Whereas prior research has mainly focused on the outcomes of diversity perspectives, this study explores the antecedents under which organizations are likely to adopt a positive diversity perspective. Based on qualitative data f...
Despite their increasing usage in organizations, relatively little is known on how employees react to merit-based rewards and what kind of effects they have on employee turnover. Partially bridging this research gap, we draw on Person-Organization Fit theory to examine the moderating effects of employee gender, age, and education between merit-base...
We examine whether deploying host-country nationals (HCNs) as subsidiary CEOs in multinational enterprises (MNEs) overseas subsidiaries may lead to stronger relational ties to key host-country business contacts and government officials. Furthermore, drawing on an agency perspective of MNE-subsidiary relationship, we examine how strong relational ti...
This study examines whether and how expatriate supervisors influence the organizational commitment of their host country national subordinates. Based on Person-Supervisor-Fit and Social Identity Theory we suggest that differential individual work values and status incongruences within the employee-supervisor-dyad negatively affect employee outcomes...
While attracting talent is important for company success, very little research is conducted on foreign company attractiveness to host country national (HCN) professionals. To bridge this research gap, this paper investigates foreign company attractiveness from a HCN perspective. Building on Person-Organization-Fit (P-O fit) theory, we develop an in...
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This study evaluates the effectiveness of global virtual student collaboration projects in international management (IM) education. Over 6,000 students from nearly 80 universities in 43 countries worked in global virtual teams (GVTs) for two months as part of their IM courses. Multi-source longitudinal data were collected, including student and ins...
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Cosmopolitanism, i.e. openness to divergent cultural experiences, has become a desired characteristic of today's global managers. This study investigates the antecedents of cosmopolitanism and expatriation willingness as a final outcome. The results of surveys in Germany and South Korea demonstrate that cosmopolitanism is a strong predictor of job...
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Attracting highly qualified talent is crucial for the success of organizations. This study investigates whether and how the soft power of countries or regions (that is, the perceived influence and media exposure of the country/region) is related to the organizational attractiveness of foreign firms. Survey results from more than 2200 initial job ca...
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Reflecting on recent trends in the international labor force, this study investigates and compares organizational expatriates (OEs), who are dispatched by their companies to international posts, with self-initiated expatriates (SIEs), who by their own volition move and work abroad. Findings from a survey of 57 OEs and 124 SIEs in Tokyo show several...
Conference Paper
This study integrates theories from linguistic psychology, communication, and expatriate management to investigate how language and communication affect expatriate cross-cultural adjustment and turnover behavior. We employed a longitudinal sample of 314 foreign professors working in East Asian universities to test the proposed hypotheses. The resul...
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Based on the X-Culture project, a multi-country international collaboration exercise involving several thousand students from over thirty countries, the present paper reports the results of a multi-study investigation of the effects of experiential global collaboration projects on learning in Cross-Cultural Management courses. The study is based o...
Conference Paper
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Based on the X-Culture project, a large-scale international student collaboration initiative that involves over 1,500 students from over 30 countries in a given semester, the paper discusses challenges and best practices of incorporating experiential collaborative exercises in International Business curriculum. The study would be of interest to Int...
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The ability to recruit talented employees in foreign markets has become crucial to the success of multinational corporations. This study investigated how foreign companies attract local employees by considering the case of Japanese companies in Vietnam. The results of a survey of 326 respondents indicate that individual values yielded both direct a...
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Expatriation willingness is an important predictor for expatriate success. This study examines the direct and moderating effects of host-country characteristics (economic level and language) and employee's role commitments (work and family) on expatriation willingness. The survey results of 151 married Korean employees show that host-country charac...
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This study examined the relationships between work values, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of white-collar workers who are employed by foreign-invested companies in China. Results of structural equation modeling show that various facets of job satisfaction mediated the relationships between work values and organizational commitment....
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Integrating intercultural communication and cross-cultural adjustment research, this study examines the impact of host country language proficiency, English use in the workplace, communication styles, conflict styles, and social interaction frequency with host country nationals (HCNs) on general, work, and interaction adjustment, job satisfaction,...
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Globalization and international labor mobility have provided the opportunity for highly qualified people to work in almost any country they desire. The people who take advantage of this opportunity can be categorized as ‘self-initiated expatriates’ (SIE). This study explores the motivation and cross-cultural adjustment of 30 SIE academics in South...
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Leadership succession has been an important topic for research and management practice because of its effect on firm performance. This study integrates leadership succession and expatriate staffing literatures by investigating performance outcomes of leadership succession at foreign subsidiaries in Japan. We distinguished four types of CEO successo...
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Despite increasing interest in recruitment and selection, surprisingly little is known regarding recruiting practices and channels in foreign subsidiaries. This study focuses on the utilization and success of recruiting channels of foreign subsidiaries in Japan. Interviews with 40 company managers show that recruitment strategies in foreign subsidi...
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Understanding the work values of the current and future workforce is essential for designing a human resource management system that attracts, motivates, and retains talent. This study provides an updated, in-depth analysis of the work values of the next generation of business leaders in the commercial centers of China, Japan, and Korea. Although p...
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Despite its strong impact in domestic settings on job performance, organizational commitment, stress, and turnover intentions, job satisfaction has received little attention in the literature on expatriates. This paper analyzes the predictors of job satisfaction that may arise in an expatriate context. Drawing on the cultural distance perspective,...
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In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in foreign merger-and-acquisition (M&A) activity in Japan and South Korea. Based on 23 interviews with Japanese, Korean, and foreign managers, this study investigates the reasons for success and failure in the management of the integration of foreign acquisitions in South Korea and Japan. Although th...
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Attracting high-quality applicants is a crucial activity for the success of an organization. In today's globalized world, multinational enterprises need to attract talent not only in the domestic market but also in overseas markets. This exploratory study introduces the country of origin image framework from marketing literature to the context of r...
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This article provides new insights into the study of acculturation based on a phenomenological research design, that is, in-depth and conscious descriptions and reflections. The in-depth descriptions illustrate the plurality and complexities inherent in the social networks and languages of highly skilled migrants in foreign countries, which transce...