Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez BustosMuseo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" (MACN)
Ezequiel Osvaldo Núñez Bustos
Main Tecnichian
I investigate the lepidoptera of Argentina and their barcodes.
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Ezequiel Núñez Bustos works at Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales "Bernardino Rivadavia" since 2010. Ezequiel does research in Entomology, especially in Lepidoptera from Argentina.
Publications (96)
Misiones es la provincia argentina con mayor biodiversidad del país. En lo que respecta a Lepidoptera y en especial a mariposas diurnas existen más del doble de especies que en las restantes provincias. Sin embargo, aún hay especies de países limítrofes no halladas en territorio argentino. En este trabajo se dan a conocer a través de material colec...
En este trabajo se dan a conocer algunos registros interesantes de Papilionoidea para las provincias de Salta, Jujuy y Tucumán. Un género y especie es nuevo para la fauna argentina (Oleria derondina, Nymphalidae, Danainae). También se aportan fotos in situ e información novedosa de Eurytides agesilaus viridis, E. xeniades signatus (Papilionidae), P...
A continuación se presenta un listado actualizado de las 73 especies del Parque Costero del Sur y la cantidad de especies por cada familia. Las especies se agrupan por familia y por orden alfabético dentro de cada respectiva subfamilia.
INTRODUCCIÓN En la naturaleza existen ciertas especies animales destacadas o estimadas por el hom-bre, quien las ha elegido como símbolos de la conservación por su importancia ecológi-ca, su rareza o su belleza. Tal es lo que ha acontecido en diversos sitios del mundo con ciertos felinos, águilas selváticas o las ballenas. Entre los insectos no hay...
An annotated catalogue of 69 species of Sphingidae found in Iguazú National Park and surroundings is presented. Information for the records in this catalog was taken from collections, available bibliography, photographs and samples collected by the author. The diversity of species is analized with another areas of the atlantic forest in south Brazi...
A preliminary list of Mimallonidae from Argentina with 21 species is presented for
first time, with six genus and seven species (three undescribed) without previous records for the country.
Comments and theories are discussed about the reasons for the presence and abundance
in Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve of Dione moneta and its host plant, Passiflora morifolia, which
were both unknown until recently in Buenos Aires.
La falta de espacios verdes en ciudades grandes y populosas es una lamentable realidad en muchos países de Latinoamérica. En la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA) no se encuentran demasiados espacios silvestres donde las mariposas puedan prosperar. El hecho de que éstas dependan estrechamente de sus plantas hospedadoras hace que estén limitadas...
Prior studies of butterfly diversification in the Neotropics have focused on Amazonia and the tropical Andes, while southern regions of the continent have received little attention. To address the gap in knowledge about the Lepidoptera of temperate South America, we analyzed over 3,000 specimens representing nearly 500 species from Argentina for a...
In the present paper we describe 57 lepidoptera recorded in five protected areas located in the Andean and High Andean regions northwest of Mendoza province. Aspects of their behavior, morphology, time of year in which they were sighted, height above sea level, and ecological relationships with the flora, whether native or exotic, are included. We...
In an attempt to publicize and increase the limited knowledge on the species of Actinote (Acraeini) in Argentina, data and photographs of various biological and ecological aspects of five species of this genus are presented, with a special focus on the northeastern part of Buenos Aires Province. A new record for that province, Actinote surima (Scha...
Se da a conocer el mimetismo entre lepidópteros en la Reserva Privada Yacutinga, Misiones, Argentina, con los ejemplos típicos, en especial el complejo tigre con sus especies.
Se presenta un nuevo registro de Hedylidae para Argentina, procedente de la provincia de Misiones. Se trata apenas de la segunda especie de esta familia hallada en Argentina.
Lista Ilustrada de insectos polinizadores del Parque Centenario y otras plazas y parques de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (folleto).
Along many decades, protected environments were targeted by the scientific community for ecological research and for the collection of scientific information related to environmental aspects and biodiversity. However, most of the territory in hotspot regions with weak or even non legal protection has been left aside. These non-protected
areas (NPA)...
Along many decades, protected environments were targeted by the scientific community for ecological research and for the collection of scientific information related to environmental aspects and biodiversity. However, most of the territory in hotspot regions with weak or even non legal protection has been left aside. These non-protected
areas (NPA)...
This paper present seven new records of Papilionoidea to Argentina (3 Lycaenidae, 2 Riodinidae and 2 Hesperiidae), taken in situ by nature photographers in the Misiones province but serve to illustrate those species with not have previous records. Three genera are new to the Argentine fauna (Hypostrymon, Theclopsis, Gallio). Allosmaitia strophius a...
Se reporta e ilustra el primer registro de Coronidia evenus para Argentina. El ejemplar
aquí descripto procede del Parque Nacional Calilegua, departamento Ledesma, provincia de Jujuy. Este ejemplar sería el más austral colectado hasta el momento a lo largo de su distribución andina.
Folleto sobre los lepidópteros más comunes del Parque Centenario (CABA)
Some species of certain genera of Eudaminae (Hesperiidae) show crepuscular behavior. This paper describes field observations made by the author and colleagues, with an emphasis on nocturnal habits and seasonal gregariousness in three Sarmientoia species from the Chaco and Yungas regions of Argentina and Bolivia.
This work documents the first record of a large winter concentration of thousands of Episcada hymenaea specimens from August 2014 to October 2017 in the Yungas of the far north of Argentina. This information was documented through photographs and video
recordings, and is compared to the available in Brazil and Paraguay for the same tribe.
Esta es la primera guía de campo para identificar casi la totalidad de las mariposas de Argentina, áreas de países vecinos y neotrópico en general. Describe claramente las principales características físicas y de comportamiento, nombre vulgar y científico, hábitat, vuelo, envergadura alar, sitios de observación, probabilidad de hallazgo, distribuci...
A new subspecies of Lymanopoda ferruginosa is described and illustrated from northwestern Argentina.
Five specimens of Coronidia orithea (Sematuridae), which were collected in the Yungas of
the provinces of Salta and Jujuy, are made known. Also mentioned is a specimen from Entre Ríos
and some more from Misiones founded at MACN, where three specimens were previously known.
Resumen: Son listadas 21 especies de mariposas diurnas para Argentina no registradas previamente provenientes de cinco provincias. Una familia (Hedylidae) y seis géneros son nuevos para Argentina (Allosmaitia, Heterosais, Siderone, Cantha, Lychnuchus y Macrosoma). El material pertenece a la colección del autor, alojada actualmente en el MACN. Los r...
The factors that determine and regulate the diurnal butterfly diversity in central Argentina
are commented and discussed, with mainly of anthropic and seasonal climatic factors (either direct
or indirect) with water as a determining factor. It is concluded that for geographic reasons and
yungas influence, the northern sector of the area presents gr...
Because the tropical regions of America harbor the highest concentration of butterfly species, its fauna has attracted considerable attention. Much less is known about the butterflies of southern South America, particularly Argentina, where over 1,200 species occur. To advance understanding of this fauna, we assembled a DNA barcode reference librar...
BOLD NJ tree for all 2,020 COI sequences analyzed.
Colours indicate different BINs. Numbers above or below branches indicate bootstrap support based on 1,000 pseudoreplicates.
Supplementary Tables A–F.
Summary of collection and sequence data for the 2,161 specimens collected (including the geographic coordinates for all collection sites), the results of the TCS and ABGD analyses, the congruence between species and MOTUs boundaries, and the results of the 42 Mantel tests performed.
Detailed explanation of the clustering algorithms implemented.
Details on how ABGD, TCS and RESL partition the alignment of DNA barcodes into Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units (MOTUs).
Photos of the specimens associated with the taxonomic cases discussed in more detail.
We provide pictures of some specimens involved in the taxonomic cases discussed in more depth in the Discussion section: A. fulgerator, P. argante, G. muscosa, Emesis russula/E. mandana and Calycopis sp. 1/Calycopos sp. 2/ C. caulonia.
Best ML tree for all 2,020 COI sequences analyzed.
Numbers above or below branches correspond to bootstrap support based on 1,000 pseudoreplicates.
Supplementary Figs A and B.
Results from the “threshVal” and “localMinima” functions implemented in SPIDER. These functions were used to compute two of the four thresholds employed for the BCM and BIC criteria.
Three species of butterflies newly reported for Argentina.
Details on three new records of butterflies for Argentina generated in the context of the field work carried out for this project.
Se registran por primera vez dos especies de Sphingidae de la Argentina: Nyceryx hyposticta (R. Felder) y Perigonia stulta Herrich-Schäffer. Ambas especies fueron colectadas en el norte de la provincia de Salta. Se aportan nuevos registros de distribución de otras nueve especies y se aclara un error de identificación previo.
Two species of Sphingidae are recorded from Argentina for the first time Nyceryx hyposticta (R. Felder, [1874]) and Perigonia stulta Herrich-Schäffer, [1854]. Both species were collected in the north of Salta province. New distributional records from Argentina for other nine species are provided, and a previous identification error is clarified.
A checklist of 60 species of butterflies found in a private reserve in the south of Entre Rios, Argentina, developed by more than one decade is presented. The current absence or presence of certain species linked to ecological succession that have the place since the reserve was created after being totally deforested in the past is discussed.
12 species of diurnal butterflies (Papilionoidea) for Argentina not previously recorded from four provinces of the north of the country (Jujuy, Salta, Tucuman and Misiones) are listed. The material belongs to public collections of the three major museums in the country. The records are discussed and illustrated.
This paper present seven new records of Lepidoptera (6 Papilionoidea and 1 Bombycoidea) to Argentina, all taken in situ by nature photographers in Misiones province that illustrate species with not previous records and that have not been collected yet. Additionally, a recent photograph of Xylophanes tyndarus (Boisduval, [1875]) (Sphingidae), with o...
Eighteen species of butterflies not previously recorded in Argentina, coming from four provinces, are listed. Five genera are new for Argentina (Infraphulia, Pierphulia, Thepytus, Metardaris and Enosis). The material belongs to three private collections. Records are discussed and illustrated.
Las mariposas diurnas en la provincia de Buenos Aires son en general bastante conocidas,
existiendo trabajos publicados en especial sobre las especies de la zona nordeste (Núñez
Bustos, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2014; Núñez Bustos et al., 2013), que es el
área más rica en especies. Las dos únicas obras sobre las especies de toda la provincia
A revised and updated catalogue of 123 species of Sphingidae from Argentina is presented. It has been compiled based on bibliographic, references, specimens in both public and private collections and information known by the author. Six new species are recorded for the country that had not previously published records (Manduca boliviana (B. P. Clar...
En este trabajo se presenta una lista de las especies halladas en el área de influencia de Yacyretá, destacando aquellas especies más ligadas a los ambientes de la zona junto con dos nuevos registros inéditos para Argentina.
INTRODUCCION Los Saturniidae están entre los lepidópteros nocturnos más atractivos dado su tamaño grande, colorido y diseño. Debido a estas características captaron la atención de entomólogos y coleccionistas desde antaño. En Argentina se los halla en todo el país, con excepción de grandes altitudes (≈ 3000 m). A pesar de que hacia la primera mitad...
INTRODUCCIÓN El Delta del Paraná es una extensa zona de más de un millón de hectáreas, que en su desembocadura en el Río de la Plata se abre en un abanico de brazos naturales, islas, islotes y bancos. Su superficie es variable, ya que crece continuamente por el aporte de sedimentos que forman nuevas islas. El Delta se subdivide en tres partes: Delt...
RESUMEN. Se registran dos nuevas especies de Sphingidae de Argentina: Aleuron iphis (Walker) y Pachylia darceta Druce. Ambas especies fueron colectadas en la provincia de Misiones. Los especímenes pertenecen a la colección del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales “Bernardino Rivadavia”.
Se presentan dos listados de 98 especies de mariposas diurnas correspondientes a dos reservas municipales de la franja costera platense de la zona norte del Gran Buenos Aires. La composición de especies de las mismas son comparadas entre sí. Se discuten las estrategias de conservación de la vegetación nativa para la atracción de mariposas así como...
The present paper lists all species of Adelpha Hübner, [1819] (Nymphalidae: Limenitidinae) that occur in Argentina and Uruguay based on literature, collections, photographs and field records. Their habitats, abundance, host plants and geographic ranges are provided. The doubtful presence of three species and the possible presence of another nine st...
Lepidopterans constitute the second most diverse group of insects and represent almost half of the sequences of the entire barcode library. However, until 2010 lepidopterans had not been barcoded in Argentina. In addition, even though moths represent over 80% of the described species of this order, there is only a rough estimate of 37,000 species i...
A checklist is presented for the 76 species of butterflies recorded by the authors between 2008 and 2012 in the Sierras de Guasayán, Province of Santiago del Estero, Argentina, including a few found by colleagues. The area surveyed represents an ecotone between three different phytogeographical regions: dry chaco forest, chaco serrano and tucumano-...
Libro de fotografía de lepidópteros de la provincia de Misiones.
Guía de campo de mariposas diurnas de la zona serrana de Argentina central.
A checklist of 115 species of diurnal butterflies in the Natural Reserve of Punta Lara, BuenosAires Province, Argentina, with the relative abundance of each species on the site is presented.The same was compiled by the authors during almost 33 years over some historical data from theliterature and a few colleagues. It compares its wealth of butterf...
INTRODUCCIÓN De varios grupos animales vertebrados bien conocidos como mamíferos y aves se dispone localmente de datos históricos de las especies que poblaban una deter-minada área desde mucho tiempo atrás, si bien no es el caso de los invertebrados. En efecto, con la excepción de aquellas especies económicamente importantes, el resto han sido poco...
La observación de mariposas en su ambiente natural requiere de buena dosis de práctica y paciencia. Dado que las mariposas son indicadores biológicos, aprender de ellas puede ayudarnos a comprender mejor la ecología de la selva misionera y apreciar más su conservación. En la provincia de Misiones son muy conspicuas y no hace falta mucho esfuerzo pa...
The ocurrence of the butterfly Archaeoprepona demophon thalpius (Hübner, [1814]) (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Charaxinae: Preponini) is reported for the first time for the provinces of Corrientes and Chaco, Argentina. The records of this species represent an extension of its geographical range in Argentina.
A checklist of 136 species of diurnal butterflies present in mountainous environments of Central Argentina is presented. This was elaborated through different campaigns carried out the authors between 1999 and 2010, with comments on some limited and rare species present there. Some of them, endemic or with historic registers but apparently absent a...
INTRODUCCION La conservación de la biodiversidad se ha convertido en un objetivo común entre las distintas naciones y culturas del mundo. El deterioro del ambiente por la utilización inadecuada de los recursos naturales, origina a su vez la pérdida de la diversidad biológica, siendo una carrera contra el tiempo conocer que diversidad tenemos y en q...
In this work the historic presence of Olafia roscius roscius (Hopffer, 1874) in Misiones, Argentina is mentioned, together with data on three specimens recently found. Photos taken in nature are shown and a possible host plant is discussed.
Guía de campo de las mariposas diurnas del nordeste bonaerense.
Guía de campo de mariposas diurnas de las sierras de Argentina central.
An updated list of 653 species is reported for Iguazú National Park and surroundings based on 12 years of study, bibliographic information and data from several public and private entomological collections. This is the first published list of butterflies from an area known for its richness and abundance of species, particularly the Iguazú Falls are...
Argentina. RESUMEN Se presenta una lista comentada de los Lepidoptera del Parque Costero del Sur, en especial de las mariposas diurnas, donde se dan a conocer las 60 especies halladas, su bionomía y estado de conservación de especies emblema del talar, tales como la Bandera Argentina y la Zafiro Común. Se nombran también las plantas hospedadoras pr...
Una lista de 39 especies de Sphingidae de la localidad de Aguas Blancas y alrededores es presentada, la cual fue realizada a través de dos campañas del autor a la zona en enero de 1999 y febrero de 2002. Se incluyen también datos de la bibliografía, así como de otras colecciones. Se amplía la distribución en el país de varias especies no registrada...
This paper provides the first checklist of Rhopalocara species from the Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve, the only urban reserve situated in Buenos Aires city. The observations and studies were made continuously from March 1996 to April 2008. This is the first study of Rhopalocera in the principal urban reserve of the country, where 75 species have...
An inventory of the Rhopalocera species is presented in an attempt to disseminate the knowledge of diurnal butterflies of the Yacutinga Private Reserve-an area of high biodiversity in the Argentine Atlantic rainforest. The inventory was conducted during 12 collecting sessions between 2002 to 2008. A checklist is given, including 572 species, with 7...
El presente trabajo provee la primera lista de especies de Rhopalocera para la Reserva Ecológica Costanera Sur, única área silvestrre situada en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires. Fueron realizadas observaciones y estudios desde marzo de 1996 a abril de 2008 en forma más o menos continua. Se trata del primer estudio de Rhopalocera en la principal reserva u...
An inventory of the following group is presented trying to spread the knowledge of Sphingidae species at the Yacutinga Private Reserve. This was done throughout 11 campaigns between September 2002 and September 2007. The checklist includes 47 species with 5 new records for Argentina (Manduca hannibal hamilcar, Aleuron neglectum, Unzela japyx discre...
Se presenta una lista de las especies de Sphingidae de la Reserva Privada Yacutinga, realizado en un inventariado de 11 campañas entre setiembre de 2002 y setiembre de 2007. El listado incluye 47 especies, con 5 nuevos registros para Argentina (Manduca hannibal hamilcar, Aleuron neglectum, Unzela japyx discrepans, Nyyceryx riscus y Xylophanes pista...