Ewa DutkiewiczMuseum für Vor- und Frühgeschichte der Staatlichen Museen zu Berlin · Stone Age Department
Ewa Dutkiewicz
Doctor of Philosophy
Postdoctoral Researcher in the ERC-Funded Project EVINE (Evolution of Visual Information Encoding, 101117111)
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June 2019 - present
October 2007 - April 2018
Publications (29)
In the Paleolithic, geometric signs are abundant. They appear in rock art as well as on mobile objects like artworks, tools, or personal ornaments. These signs are often interpreted as a reflection of symbolic thought and associated with the origin of cognitively modern behavior. SignBase is a project collecting the wealth of geometric signs on mob...
In diesem Buch widmet sich die Autorin geometrischen Zeichen, die auf den ältesten figürlichen Kunstwerken der Menschheit zu finden sind. Die Objekte stammen aus den Höhlen der Schwäbischen Alb und sind rund 40.000 Jahre alt. Eine Vorstellung des Fundmaterials, symboltheoretische Überlegungen zur Funktion abstrakter Motive in frühen Gesellschaften,...
Ancient adhesives used in multicomponent tools may be among our best material evidences of cultural evolution and cognitive processes in early humans. African Homo sapiens is known to have made compound adhesives from naturally sticky substances and ochre, a technical behavior proposed to mark the advent of elaborate cognitive processes in our spec...
The early prehistory of the European subcontinent is marked by significant events, among which the immigration of anatomically modern humans (AMH) during the Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS 3, ~60,000 to 30,000 cal BP) stands out. Understanding the dynamics of this migration requires tracing the routes taken by AMH and documenting their spread across d...
Chassés, consommés, utilisés ou représentés, les animaux tenaient une place centrale pour les sociétés du Paléolithique supérieur européen. Il y a environ 40000 ans, une diversité de représentations se manifeste par d’exceptionnels corpus graphiques sur les objets, blocs et parois rocheuses. Si le bestiaire animalier, prépondérant, semble peu varié...
The earliest European carvings, made of mammoth ivory, depict animals, humans, and anthropomorphs. They are found at Early Aurignacian sites of the Swabian Jura in Germany. Despite the wide geographical spread of the Aurignacian across Europe, these carvings have no contemporaneous counterparts. Here, we document a small, intriguing object, that sh...
Orientation in space and time is one of the most fundamental parameters of human life. In addition to the difference between day and night or the changing seasons, since ancient times people have found ways and means to measure the passage of time and to predict events. For this purpose, recurring astronomical events were observed, noted, and final...
Animal depictions in the Paleolithic art of Central Europe are a widespread phenomenon. Unlike other regions of Europe, very few examples of parietal art are known, most of which are debatable. Instead, there is a long continuity of portable art, beginning with the ivory figures of the Swabian Aurignacian cave sites, and followed by the figures of...
In the Paleolithic around 100,000 to 10,000 years ago, abstract motives also referred to as signs, patterns, or marks are abundant in parietal art as well as on mobile objects. In the case of parietal art, several studies have been dealing with such abstract signs. However, studies scrutinizing signs on mobile objects, such as figurines, tools, or...
The 16th issue of the ROCEEH newsletter focuses on the climate of the Iberian
Peninsula during the first wave of human expansion into Western Europe. We also
take a closer look at Paleolithic mobile art in Central Europe and present a session
report from INQUA 2019 in Dublin, Ireland.
All ROCEEH newsletters are available on www.roceeh.net
Dans la région du Jura souabe, quatre grottes, Hohle Fels et Geißenklösterle dans la vallée de l'Ach, et Vogelherd et Hohlenstein-Stadel dans la vallée de la Lone, présentent des niveaux archéologiques aurignaciens particulièrement riches en objets en ivoire. Outre les centaines d'outils, elles ont livré des dizaines d'œuvres figuratives mobilières...
The two cave sites of Hohle Fels in the Ach Valley and Vogelherd in the Lone Valley in southwestern Germany have yielded hundreds of personal ornaments and graphic symbolic expressions from the Aurignacian. They are mainly made of mammoth ivory and are among the earliest symbolic expressions worldwide. In this study, we examine the differences and...
Symbolic communication represents an essential feature of modern behaviour. According to Charles S. Pierce, " symbols " are signs in which the signifier does not resemble the signified but which are fundamentally arbitrary or purely conventional. They are used in systems that have to be learned and transferred by the members of the group that is us...
The region of the eastern Swabian Jura is particularly known for the earliest evidence of figurative art in the Aurignacianaround 43 to 35,000 years ago (Conard and Bolus, 2003, 21; Conard and Bolus, 2008; Higham et al., 2012; Kind, 2014, thisvolume; Wolf, 2014, this volume). This paper will focus especially on four caves: the Geissenklösterle and...
Mit dem Lone- und dem Achtal auf der Schwäbischen Alb sowie ihrer Umgebung liegt eine einzigartige Fundlandschaft für die Eiszeitarchäologie vor. Im vorliegenden Buch stellen vier Tübinger Forscherinnen und Forscher, die wesentlich zum Erkenntnisgewinn der letzten Jahre beigetragen haben, in allgemein verständlicher Form die wichtigsten neuen Forsc...
Since the early researches in the second half of the 19th century, Southern Burgundy represents one of the most important regions of the early Upper Palaeolithic in France. Beginning in the middle of the 1990ies, a workgroup from Tübingen University, directed by H. Floss, investigates this area in the tradition of the research starting by A. Arceli...
Nach der erfolgreichen Zusammenarbeit auf der Aurignacien-Freilandstation Königsbach-
Stein wurde vereinbart, die begonnenen systematischen Prospektionen auf die
Schwäbische Alb auszudehnen. So gelang Hans-Walter Poenicke im September 2009 auf einer Ackerfläche auf Gewann Eisenberg, 750 m nordwestlich des Ortskerns von Börslingen die Auffindung ein...