Ewa Dąbrowska - Prokopowska

Ewa Dąbrowska - Prokopowska
University of Białystok · Faculty of Sociology

PhD Sociology


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Publications (75)
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Social networks are appropriate tools for providing information or creating a proper image of specific organizations or institutions, including those related to health care. They also make it possible to overcome communication barriers in such topics as promoting knowledge related to the diagnosis and prevention of human immunodeficiency virus (H...
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Poland has been entering a period of accelerated secularisation in recent years. The results of the CBOS survey indicate that this process is visible especially in the youngest cohorts of Poles. The Women’s Strike, which took place between 2016 and 2020, is described in the academic literature as one of the factors accelerating secularisation proce...
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This paper uses an agent-based model with an adapted stag hunt style scenario to explore the role of the social transmission of correct information about stag hunting and potentially incorrect information about the costs of defection on cooperation in a small artificial society. The computational architecture of the model draws upon Daniel Sperber...
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Artykuł stanowi analizę komunikacji w ramach prywatnej grupy na Facebooku "Zaufaj Jezusowi" jako działania rytualnego wykonywanego przez jej członków. Celem przeprowadzonych badań wykorzystujących metodę wirtualnej etnografii było ustalenie, czy w postach i komentarzach publikowanych w badanej grupie można zaobserwować właściwości religijnych zacho...
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The research problem is the influence of global crisis on identity and daily life of Montenegrin people. The subject is the political construction of (Montenegrin) identity, as a result of social control on everyday life, where identities are born. For the purpose of researching this relation, the starting point is the explanatory potential of J. H...
Conference Paper
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Problem istraživanja bile su klimatske promjene uzrokovane ‘smeđim’, visokougljičnim, gospodarstvom. Predmet naše analize bile su karakteristike zelenog visokog obrazovanja, koje pridonosi svijesti i djelovanju u korist provedbe Zelene agende, zelenog i kružnog gospodarstva i zelenog konzumerizma. Hipoteza je da je obrazovanje za održivi razvoj fun...
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Abstract: The problem is the lack of consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (B&H). The subject are the characteristics of plural society (PS) in B&H and plural-ist society, with a focus on consociational democracy (CD) and green consumerism (GC). Unresolved pre-political issues of B&H even in the 21st century condition the application of CD and altern...
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According to an international study3, alternative medicine has grown significantly in popularity over the past 30 years in most Western countries. The Covid-19 pandemic and the realities associated with it have meant that the use of non-medical practices has increased significantly. The timing of the Covid-19 pandemic compounded people’s negative...
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The research problem refers to the consequences of the 3rd industrial, digital, revolution on society and individuals and their (consumer) identity: digital intergenerational gap, technological dependence, technological influence on the behavior and (consumer) identity of individuals and the authoritarian (demotivational) effects of contemporary co...
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The research problem refers to the consequences of the 3rd industrial, digital, revolution on society and individuals and their (consumer) identity: digital intergenerational gap, technological dependence, technological influence on the behavior and (consumer) identity of individuals and the authoritarian (demotivational) effects of contemporary co...
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Poland has been entering a period of accelerated secularisation in recent years. The results of the CBOS survey indicate that this process is visible especially in the youngest cohorts of Poles. The Women’s Strike, which took place between 2016 and 2020, is described in the academic literature as one of the factors accelerating secularisation proce...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The research problem refers to the consequences of the 3rd industrial, digital, revolution on society and individuals and their (consumer) identity: digital intergenerational gap, technological dependence, technological influence on the behavior and (consumer) identity of individuals and the authoritarian (demotivational) effects of conte...
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The problem is the lack of social consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter B&H), as a plural society (hereinafter PS), which is why it is directed with its segments to the only sustainable joint activity of the segments-the market, and related economic activities. The subject are the characteristics of alternative development solutions-Gree...
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Abstract: The problem is the lack of social consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter B&H), as a plural society (hereinafter PS), which is why it is directed with its segments to the only sustainable joint activity of the segments - the market, and related economic activities. The subject are the characteristics of alternative development so...
Research Proposal
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Interaction rituals theory by Randall Collins and religious ritual behaviours on the Facebook group ‘Trust Jesus’ Abstract: This paper provides an analysis of communication within a private Facebook group ‘Zaufaj Jezusowi’ or Trust Jesus as a ritual action performed by its members. The aim of the conducted study utilizing the virtual ethnography...
Conference Paper
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Abstract: The problem is the lack of social consensus in Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter B&H), as a plural society (hereinafter PS), which is why it is directed with its segments to the only sustainable joint activity of the segments - the market, and related economic activities. The subject are the characteristics of alternative development so...
Research Proposal
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ZELENO VISOKO OBRAZOVANJE U FUNKCIJI ZELENOG GOSPODARSTVA Sažetak: Problem istraživanja čine klimatske promjene uzrokovane ‘smeđim’, visokougljičnim, gospodarstvom. Predmet su naše analize karakteristike zelenog visokog obrazovanja (u daljnjem tekstu ZVO), koje pridonosi svijesti i djelovanju u korist provedbe Zelene agende (u daljnjem tekstu...
Research Proposal
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SOCIAL CONTROL OF EVERYDAY LIFE AND POLITICAL CONSTRUCTION OF (MONTENEGRIN) IDENTITY The research problem is the influence of global crisis on identity and daily life of Montenegrin people. The subject is the political construction of (Montenegrin) identity, as a result of social control on everyday life, where identities are born. For the purpose...
Conference Paper
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Sažetak: Problem istraživanja su klimatske promjene uzrokovane „smeđim“, visokougljičnim, gospodarstvom. Predmet naše analize su karakteristike zelenog visokog obrazovanja (u daljnjem tekstu ZVO), koje pridonosi svijesti i djelovanju u korist provedbe Zelene agende (u daljnjem tekstu ZA), zelenog i kružnog gospodarstva (u daljnjem tekstu ZG, KG) i...
Prema međunarodnoj studiji3, popularnost alternativne medicine značaj- no je porasla u posljednjih 30 godina u većini zapadnih zemalja. Pan- demija Covid-19 i okolnosti povezane s njom uslovili su značajno pove- ćanje upotrebe ne-medicinskih praksi. Vrijeme pojavljivanja pandemije Covid-19 dodatno je pogoršalo negativna ljudska iskustva rada u druš...
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A b s t r a k t Opracowanie dotyczy jednego z najczęściej analizowanych pojęć we współczesnym społeczeństwie, czyli demokracji 1. Celem artykułu jest krytyczna analiza przyczyn niezadowolenia obywateli z demokracji, tj. jej nieodłącznych niebezpieczeństw, które najbardziej uwidaczniają się w problemie tyranii większości. Nieustannie przejawia się t...
Važne su promjene u načinu na koji ljudi grade svoj identitet i kreiraju svoje strategije djelovanja. U slučaju pograničnih stanovnika, situacija je još složenija zbog kulturno oblikovanog poretka, zasnovanog na sis- tematskim interkulturalnim kontaktima. U toj situaciji, postoji potre- ba za prilagođavanjem dosadašnjeg naučnog saznanja kako stanov...
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The important changes in the way people build their identity and create their acting strategies. In case of borderland inhabitants the situation is even more complex because of a culturally shaped order based on systematic intercultural contacts. In that situation there is a need to adjust hitherto a scientific knowledge how the borderland inhabi...
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Raport z ewaluacji projektu Teatru Dramatycznego im.Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku pt. „Teatr – Lubię to! Sezon 3”. Więcej o projekcie: https://dramatyczny.pl/projekty/teatr-lubie-to-2/teatr-lubie-to-sezon-3/
Conference Paper
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The scientific goal is to explore (describe, understand and explain) socio-psychological aspects, i.e. the influence of sex, material status of the family, level of studies, success during studies and the type of study programs agency, on knowledge and attitudes towards the game, as a practice, of its meaning and functions, of motivation for gaming...
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Abstract: The subject of the paper concerns one of the most frequent notions of discussions in modern society, which almost resists the definition (Lijphart, 1992: 13), as it is often pointed out. It is about democracy and a critical examination of the causes of dissatisfaction with democracy, i.e. its inherent dangers which are most obvious on the...
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THE SOCIAL PHENOMENON OF GAME AND THE ART OF LIVING Socio-psychological essays on Andrić's allegory "Aska and the Wolf" Abstract: The scientific goal of the paper is: description, understanding and explanation of the social phenomenon of game and the art of living, from the perspective of socio-psychological theories. The subject of research is th...
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Summary The purpose of the article is to present the results of research on the analysis of media content on the Greenpeace Polska profile. Material and methods. The qualitative research carried out is based on the method of analyzing the content of the media message of a selected profile on Facebook. The content analysis concerned a total of 83 en...
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Opis książki W mojej opinii recenzowana monografia napisana jest na dobrym poziomie naukowym i jej ukazanie się będzie odpowiadać na zapotrzebowanie rynku. Czytelnik otrzymuje w niej czytelne wyjaśnienia obecnie bardzo złożonej sytuacji, w jakiej znalazła się młodzież w Polsce, a bogata zawartość informacyjna monografii, wysoki poziom merytoryczny...
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Raport z ewaluacji projektu „Teatr – Lubię to! Sezon 2″. Projekt realizowany przez Teatr Dramatyczny im.Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku.Projekt „Teatr – Lubię to!” odbywał się pod honorowym patronatem Podlaskiego Kuratora Oświaty. Partnerami zadania byli: Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli w Białymstoku, Instytut Socjologii Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku i...
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The main purpose of this article is to present individuals' subjectivity concept and underline its importance in terms of consideration constructing of individual adaptive strategies. The verification of a thesis about mutual subjectivity determinism of individuals and structures with constructing of individual adaptive strategies required an analy...
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Przemiany języka polskiego w aspekcie kultury globalnej i społeczeństwa informacyjnego Streszczenie: Zasadniczym celem artykułu jest przedstawienie zagadnienia przekształcania się języka polskiego pod wpływem kultury globalnej oraz użytkowania nowoczesnych technologii informatycznych. W artykule procesy przekształcania się języka polskiego zostaną...
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W raporcie końcowym zaprezentowane zostały wyniki badania ewaluacyjnego zrealizowanego w ramach zadania pt. „Teatr - Lubię to!”. Raport składa się ze wstępu, rozdziału informującego o założeniach projektu, części metodologicznej, gdzie opisano metody i techniki zastosowane podczas ewaluacji. W dalszej części zaprezentowano wyniki: z ankiet CAWI, z...
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Współczesne interdyscyplinarne badania naukowe koncentrowały się dość długo głównie na „jasnej stronie” mediów społecznościowych, która pozwalała zrozumieć różnorodne możliwości, jakie daje ta technologia. Jednak coraz częściej naukowcy na całym świecie zauważają, że media społecznościowe stanowią ogromne ryzyko dla osób, instytucji, firm, a nawet...
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The main aim of this article is to analyse the political activity of Generation Z in modern Poland. The article is based on a description of Generation Z as compared with Generation X and Generation Y, with emphasis on their respective opinions, activities and involvement in the political sphere. The political activity of Generation Z is analysed a...
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Główną tezą artykułu jest stwierdzenie, że dyskurs społeczny graczy e-sportowych ulega dopasowaniu do określonego środowiska społecznego i technologicznego w jakim w danym momencie funkcjonują. Zakładaliśmy, że dyskurs graczy w drużynie e-sportowej inaczej będzie w sytuacji prowadzenia dynamicznych rozgrywek podczas turnieju, podejmowania działań k...
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Raport ewaluacyjny spektaklu realizowanego przez Teatr Dramatyczny im.Aleksandra Węgierki w Białymstoku pt."Koziołek, Matołek, Węgierka i Olek ". Zadanie realizowane było ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego, pochodzących z Funduszu Promocji Kultury oraz z budżetu Województwa Podlaskiego. Raport ewaluacyjny, podsumowujący projekt...
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The idea of local identity complexity is the contemporary problem characteristic to the dynamic postmodern societies. The augmentation of individualism and human subjectivity as the influence of modern technologies have been contributed to the situation that people themselves start to create their social identities. On the other hand, people are st...
Conference Paper
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The idea of local identity complexity is the contemporary problem characteristic to the dynamic postmodern societies. The augmentation of individualism and human subjectivity as the influence of modern technologies have been contributed to the situation that people themselves start to create their social identities. On the other hand, people are st...
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The main aim of this article is to show how the individuals’ subjectivity idea is understood in contemporary Polish society. Some question has been appeared: is there a possibility of the generalization of individuals’ subjectivity in Poles’ mentality, interpreted as an important aspect of market-based strategy. Moreover, in this article, it will...
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Prezentacja przedstawia pierwsze założenia teoretyczne, które zostaną zastosowane do stworzenia modelu koncepcyjnego ukrytego konfliktu pokoleń we współczesnym społeczeństwie polskim. Model zostanie zastosowany w badaniach empirycznych.
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Streszczenie: Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie wyników badań przeprowadzonych za pomocą metody ilościowej i jakościowej analizy treści przekazów umieszczonych w grupie „Motocykliści z Białegostoku” na portalu Facebook. W pracy wskazano w jaki sposób wśród użytkowników badanej grupy internetowej kształtuje się wizja określonych miejsc w przestrzen...
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My dissertation concerns the changes of individual adaptation strategies of Poles in the aspect of local community. It is a theoretical, not an empirical dissertation. It is based on the critical analysis of previously used paradigms of political transformation in Poland which has an influence on how the behaviour of units is studied. In my dissert...
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The cooperation between local non-governmental organizations and differential subjects in Białystok and białostocki district within the theory of compound systems. The analysis of the results of qualitative studies. Summary: The main aim of this article is showing the problematic aspects of cooperation level between non-governmental organizations...
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The cooperation between local non-governmental organizations and differential subjects in Białystok and białostocki district within the theory of compound systems. The analysis of the results of qualitative studies. Summary: The main aim of this article is showing the problematic aspects of cooperation level between non-governmental organizations s...
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The main aim of this article is the presentation of communication processes between nongovernmental organizations and other subjects in local community. The results of qualitative studies performed in 2011 in selected local communities in district of Bialystok were used in this paper. Based on these studies, two models of communication between nong...
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THE CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE PARADIGMS OF POLITICAL TRANSFORMATION IN POLAND WITH TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT THE ISSUE OF LOCAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT TO THE THEORY OF COMPLEX SYSTEMS Summary: The main goal of this article is the presentation of the issues of local and regional development in the aspect of the contemporary Polish society transformatio...
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My dissertation concerns the changes of individual adaptation strategies of Poles in the aspect of local community. It is a theoretical, not an empirical dissertation. It is based on the critical analysis of previously used paradigms of political transformation in Poland which has an influence on how the behaviour of units is studied. In my dissert...
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The aim of this article is showing how the specific Polish religiosity and the global trends in the formation of alternative religious communities based on the individual choice of believes will influence on the atheistic attitudes formation. Moreover, we will present how important space for the atheistic ideas demonstration among young Poles are s...
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This article presents in what way the specific comprehension of tolerance’s notion has been formed in modern Polish society and how it is linked with some Poles’ attitudes towards different minorities. Consequently, two analytic models of Poles’ behaviors have been shown. Every studied behavior has been typically considered as ‘tolerant’ in Polish...
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Artykuł przedstawia opis i uzasadnienie do skonstruowania modelu tzw. polskiej wspólnoty lokalnej. Konstrukcja tego modelu miała na celu ukazanie związku pomiędzy teoretycznymi koncepcjami integracji społecznej a współczesnymi problemami wspólnot lokalnych w Polsce. Model został wykorzystany do stworzenia narzędzi badawczych ilościowych i jakościow...


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