Evgeny Moroz

Evgeny Moroz
Russian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences



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Publications (59)
The ice-gouging topography of the southwestern part of the Kara Sea bed is a result of the impact of icebergs and sea ice. During 52 cruise of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov using a multibeam echo sounder we collected a representative data of key parameters of ice scours (location, orientation, depth, width) for the first time, which allows us t...
Using the results of multibeam echo sounding and seismic profiling performed during 2018—2019 on the R/V “Akademik Nikolay Strakhov” and all previously published data, a conceptual scheme of the pingo-like feature formation on the shelf of the Pechora Sea (south-eastern part of the Barents Sea between the islands of Kolguev and Vaygach) was develop...
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This study analyzes seismicity within the shelf of the Barents Sea and the Knipovich and Gakkel ridges that surround it, and compares the spatial distribution of seismicity with the fault network as identified by seismic prospecting data. Kinematic characteristics have been obtained for the spatial migration of seismic activity. It is shown that th...
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The morphology of the seafloor of the Madagascar Basin from Mauritius Island to the Southwest Indian Ridge (SWIR) is represented by a ridge-echeloned relief of the spreading basement. The azimuth of the relief differs by ~90° for the basin north of the SWIR and its wedge-shaped sublatitudinal rift system, separated by an abyssal escarpment. A genet...
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The paper summarizes and systematizes available data on geological and geomorphologic structure of fluidogenic landforms on the Arctic shelves, in particular, pockmarks, pingo-like features, domes and craters. A small-scale map of the spatial distribution of fluidogenic landforms has been compiled. Geographical patterns of distribution of different...
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Numerous landslides are located on the passive margin of Norway. According to the landslides number and the extent of their detachment zones, the margin can be divided into three segments (from south to north) — Scandinavian, Barents Sea and Svalbard. The fourth segment (Arctic) is the transition area located north of the Spitsbergen archipelago. I...
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Basing on results of multibeam echsounding and acoustic profiling performed during expeditions of research vessels “Akademik Nikolai Strakhov” and “Akademik Boris Petrov” in 2018-2023 on two polygons and regional profiles regularities of occurrence of fluidogenic processes of the shallow part of Pechora Sea were established. Mapping of fluidogenic...
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Interpretation of the results of multibeam echo sounding and high-frequency seismic profiling, carried out as part of the voyages of the research vessels “Akademik Nikolay Strakhov” in 2018-2019, allowed us to establish that mud volcanic processes play an important role in the formation of pingo-like features on the Pechora Sea shelf. The process o...
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Orthogonal wedging of the SWIR rift into the MOR formed a ridge spreading topography on the seabed with an orientation 90° different from the older one. The change in morphology is compared with the age of the MOR flank rupture and with the slowing down of the spreading rate. The absence of a deep mantle upwelling under the SWIR and the presence of...
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Geomorphology of ping-like feaures of shallow Pechora sea
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The results of detailed geological and geomorphological studies in the waters of the Pechora Sea using a complex of hydroacoustic methods in the 52 cruise of the R/V “Academic Nikolaj Strakhov” revealed numerous gas funnels (pockmarks) at the bottom of the Yuzhno-Novozemelsky trench. These forms are widespread on most of the bottom of the Barents S...
Comprehensive geological and geophysical, geomorphological and hydrophysical studies carried out on the R/V Akademik Boris Petrov in the eastern part of the Barents Sea and the western part of the Kara Sea in the fall of 2022. The research included multibeam echo sounding and seismic profiling, hydrological sounding, as well as sampling of water an...
Contourite drifts were for the first time detected on the SW Kara Sea shelf basing on аnalysis of bathymetry and seismoacoustic data obtained in RV “Akademik Nikolay Strakhov” cruises 41 (2019) and 49 (2020). The drifts are confined to narrow nearly NS-striking depression with depth reaching 240 m. They are separated from underlying sediments by ba...
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The research is based on the results of multibeam echo-sounding and high-frequency seismic profiling, carried out during the cruises of the R/V «Akademik Nikolai Strakhov» and «Akademik Boris Petrov» in 2018-2022. Regularities of changes of morphometric parameters and the internal structure of pingo-like features of the shelves of the Pechora and K...
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An Erratum to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1134/S0001437022330013
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The Pechora Sea is optimally located for studying the coalescence of a glacial and periglacial continental shelf zone in the high Arctic. Here, we present data acquired during cruises of the RV Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov in 2018–2021, revealing the distribution of submarine glacial landforms in the central part of the Pechora shelf area. Based on mo...
Conference Paper
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Based on the results of multibeam echo-sounding and high-frequency seismic profiling performed in expeditions of research vessels "Akademik Nikolay Strakhov" and "Academician Boris Petrov" in 2018-2022. the regularities of changes in morphometric parameters and the internal structure of pingo-like features of the shelves of the Pechora and Kara sea...
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The article deals with the issues of the geodynamic evolution of the Kara–Barents Sea shelf and influence of structure-forming processes on the nature of relief formation. The aggregate data obtained allows us to assume that the relief of the western part of the Russian Arctic formed as a result of polycyclic processes of closing of the Proto-Atlan...
The article briefly describes the results of research during cruise 52 of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Hydrophysical sounding was carried out, and water samples were taken using bathometers and bottom sediments were taken using a bottom grab and a gravity corer at complex stations. Geophysical studies have identified areas manifesting modern...
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The emission of natural gas from the seafloor to the surface in shelf areas of the Arctic seas is of increasing interest among researchers. Recently, various types of acoustic instruments have been used to record streams of natural gas flowing out from the seafloor. Hydroacoustic and seismoacoustic equipment in various combinations was installed as...
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The descritpion of PLF firstly discovered in the Baydaratskay bay in the 52nd leg of R\V "Akademik Nikolay Strakhov" is given in the thesis
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Pingo-like features are weakly studied geological-geomorphological phenomena. In the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea during works of 38 and 41 legs of RV Akademik Nikolay Strakhov areas of development of these forms were studied using the mutlibeam echosounding and seismic profiling
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A summary seismostratigraphic description of the Nansen Basin sedimentary cover was compiled using data from the Norwegian sector of the Eurasian Basin and data interpretation from the Russian Arktika- 2011 project. It was found that sea level fluctuations had a significant impact on sedimentation processes in the Arctic basin. Erosion processes on...
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Reconstruction of the glaciation of the Barents Sea shelf is currently an urgent scientific problem. In the south-eastern part of the Barents Sea during the work on the scientific program. On the 38th and 41st flights of the NIS "Academician Nikolay Strakhov" complex geological and geophysical work was carried out, including multibeam echosounding,...
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The concept of glaciation of the Arctic region is currently the subject of discussion. To the greatest extent, this concerns the waters of the modern Arctic seas, in particular the waters of the Barents Sea. The conceptual dispute about the glaciation of offshore waters includes two theories. Proponents of continuous shelf glaciation (Swedsen et al...
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По результатам анализа и интерпретации детальных акустических данных, полученных в экспедиционных работах 28 рейса НИС «Академик Николай Страхов» в 2011 году в южной части российского сектора Баренцевоморского шельфа, были выявлены основные генетические типы рельефа, а также определены мощности четвертичного осадочного чехла в пределах исследуемой...
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Флювиальные формы рельефа широко распространены на территории Западно-Арктического шельфа. Формирование флювиального рельефа в исследуемом регионе ассоциируется как с классическим развитием речных долин, так и с эрозионной деятельность ледниковых вод. Хорошая сохранность и выраженность в рельефе форм флювиального генезиса на дне Баренцева и Карског...
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Studies of acoustic anomalies in the water column and seismoacoustic anomalies in the Quaternary sediments of Pechora sea and their relationship with deep hydrocarbon sources were conducted by the Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Geological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences in the 38th cruise of RV “Acad...
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Индикаторами геодинамической активности процессов вдоль оси ААРС (рис.1), исследованными в настоящей работе, являются сейсмичность и тепловой поток. Разрез δ(Vp/Vs) (рис.2) используется как единственный параметр для непрерывной геодинамической характеристики на всю глубину мантии, с которой проводится сопоставление этих индикаторов по разновозрастн...
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Indicators of geodynamic activity of processes along the AARS axis (Fig.1), investigated in this paper, are seismicity and heat flow. Section δ(Vp/Vs) (Fig.2) is used as the only parameter for continuous geodynamic characteristics of the entire depth of the mantle, which is compared with these indicators for different age segments. The aim of the w...
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Проявления деформаций осадочного чехла и флюидов, осветляющих сейсмическую запись, в экваториальном сегменте Атлантики приурочены к субширотным зонам активизации движений вдоль пассивных частей трансформных разломов, к зонам пониженных гравитационных аномалий и повышенных значений остаточной намагниченности, возникающих при серпентинизации. Причин-...
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The paper presents description of the relief, open fracture system, and submarine slides west of the Spitsbergen Archipelago in the Vestnesa Ridge area based on the data collected during cruises of the R/V Akademik Nikolaj Strakhov. Data pertaining to seismicity, as well as gas flares, chimneys, and holes are given based on the published sources. A...
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Manifestations of fluids and deformations in the sedimentary cover, which are both factors of brightening (blanking anomalies) in seismoacoustic records, in the equatorial segment of the Atlantic coincide with the sublatitudinal zones of the activated passive parts of transform faults and with zones of lower gravity anomalies and higher values of r...
В статье дано описание рельефа, системы открытых трещин, оползневых процессов западнее архипелага Шпицберген в районе хребта Вестнесса по данным экспедиций НИС “Академик Николай Страхов”. Приводятся данные о сейсмичности, газовых факелах, газоподводящих каналах и газовых воронках по опубликованным источникам. На основании анализа всей информации де...
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This article presents the first map showing the vertical amplitudes of modern disjunctive dislocations inNorthern Atlantic, based on the estimated phase shifts of reflected waves recorded by high-frequency seismic acoustic surveys. The amplitude distribution pattern is mosaic with alternating areas of compression and extension in the flanks of the...
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On cruises 25 (2007) and 28 (2011) of the R/V Akademik Nikolai Strakhov in the northern part of the Barents Sea, the Geological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, conducted comprehensive research on the bottom relief and upper part of the sedimentary cover profile under the auspices of the International Polar Year program. One of the instrumen...
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25-м (2007 г.) и 28-м (2011 г.) рейсах был проведен комплекс работ по исследованию рельефа дна и верхней части разреза осадочного чехла в рамках программы Международного по-лярного года. Одним из компонентов аппаратурного комплекса являлся мелководный многолу-чевой эхолот SeaBat 8111 с возможностью регистрации акустического поля, аналогичной сигнал...
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265 The works of the 26th cruis of R/V Academik Nikolaj Strakhov scientific research vessel showed that the Barents Sea shelf located north of Medvezhii island experiences lift and erosion delivering terrige� nous material for fan systems from the shelf edge to the Knipovich Ridge. Bottom relief indicates the presence of tectonic fracturing in the...


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