Eva Maria Meier Carlsen

Eva Maria Meier Carlsen
University of Copenhagen · Department of Neuroscience and Pharmacology



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Publications (16)
Here, we present a protocol for using a versatile treadmill system to measure locomotion and neural activity at high temporal resolution in head-fixed mice. We first describe the assembly of the treadmill system. We then detail surgical implantation of the headplate on the mouse skull, followed by habituation of mice to locomotion on the treadmill...
How body metabolism impacts sensory processing in the brain remains unresolved. In a recent study in Neuron, Padamsey et al. (2021) revealed that when the body is food restricted for several weeks, neurons in the visual cortex reduce their energy consumption at the cost of response selectivity and visual performance.
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Familial Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with rare genetic mutations, but the etiology in most patients with sporadic (s)PD is largely unknown, and the basis for its progression to dementia (sPDD) is poorly characterized. We have identified that loss of IFNβ or IFNAR1, the receptor for IFNα/β, causes pathological and behavioral changes resembl...
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Rhythmic motor activities such as breathing, locomotion, tremor, or mastication are organized by groups of interconnected neurons. Most synapses in the central nervous system are in close apposition with processes belonging to astrocytes. Neurotransmitters released from neurons bind to receptors expressed by astrocytes, activating a signaling pathw...
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Cannabinoids reduce tremor associated with motor disorders induced by injuries and neurodegenerative disease. Here we show that this effect is mediated by cannabinoid receptors on astrocytes in the ventral horn of the spinal cord, where alternating limb movements are initiated. We first demonstrate that tremor is reduced in a mouse model of essenti...
Tremor is a common symptom for the most prevalent neurological disorders, including essential tremor, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, or Parkinson’s disease. Despite the devastating effects of tremor on life quality, available treatments are few and unspecific. Because of the need for specific and costly devices, tremor is rarely quantified...
Key points summary: GABA is an essential molecule for sensory information processing. It is usually assumed to be released by neurons. Here we show that in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, astrocytes respond to glutamate by releasing GABA. Our findings suggest a novel role for astrocytes in somatosensory information processing. Abstract: Astr...
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Synaptic cell adhesion molecules represent important targets for neuronal activity-dependent proteolysis. Postsynaptic neuroligins (NLs) form trans-synaptic complexes with presynaptic neurexins (NXs). Both NXs and NLs are cleaved from the cell surface by metalloproteases in an activity-dependent manner, releasing a soluble extracellular fragment an...
Overlap of RNA and protein networks reveals glia cells as key players for the development of symptomatic Alzheimer’s disease in humans
Our ability to generate movements is what allows us to interact with the world in purposeful and goal-directed ways. The movement repertoire of the mammalian central nervous system is immense and ranges from simple rhythmic locomotion, such as swimming and walking, to more complex skilled forelimb movements, such as reaching and grasping for object...
In a recent publication, Thaweerattanasinp and colleagues investigated spinal cord injury and firing properties of deep dorsal horn neurons during NMDA or Zolmitriptan application by employing electrophysiology in an in vitro spinal cord preparation. Deep dorsal horn neurons were classified into bursting, simple or tonic, with bursting neurons show...
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In a recent publication, Thaweerattanasinp and colleagues employed an in vitro preparation and electrophysiology to investigate firing properties of deep dorsal horn neurons following spinal cord injury during NMDA or zolmitriptan application. Deep dorsal horn neurons were classified into bursting, simple or tonic, with bursting neurons showing NMD...
Our interactions with the world occur via precise coordination of our motor system. Even a movement as seemingly simple as reaching for an object is a complex motor behaviour that requires precise neuronal activity in supraspinal- and spinal areas . Motor cortical neurons projecting into the spinal cord via the corticospinal tract (CST) are involve...
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Spinal neuronal networks are essential for motor function. They are involved in the integration of sensory inputs and the generation of rhythmic motor outputs. They continuously adapt their activity to the internal state of the organism and to the environment. This plasticity can be provided by different neuromodulators. These substances are usuall...
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Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) play a central role in the mammalian nervous system. These receptors are G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), which are activated by the agonists acetylcholine and muscarine, and blocked by a variety of antagonists. Mammals have five mAChRs (m1–m5). In this study, we cloned two structurally related GPCRs...


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