Eva ThommUniversity of Erfurt | UE · Faculty of Education
Eva Thomm
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (34)
Dieses Kapitel bietet (angehenden) Lehrkräften Orientierungswissen, welche Arten von Fragestellungen wissenschaftliches Wissen beantwortet und wie man die Aussagekraft und Belastbarkeit empirischer Evidenz beurteilen kann. Es beschreibt Spezifika verschiedener Fragestellungen sowie auf sie abgestimmte Forschungszugänge und erläutert zentrale Merkma...
Many questions about educational topics—such as the effectiveness of teaching methods—are of causal nature. Yet, reasoning about causality is prone to widespread fallacies, such as mistaking correlation for causation. This study examined preservice teachers’ ability to evaluate how various types of evidence provide adequate support for causal claim...
Refutation texts seem to be a promising approach to counter misconceptions. They provoke a cognitive conflict by explicitly naming a misconception and correcting it with a scientific explanation. However, the literature reports mixed findings about their effectiveness, underlining the need to examine potential moderators. For example, when presenti...
Despite the growing emphasis on research‐based teacher education and calls for evidence‐informed practice, teachers tend to prefer experiential over scientific knowledge sources to inform their actions, justify decisions and analyse educational problems. This tendency already occurs as early as during initial teacher education, and it is...
When facing belief-contradictory scientific evidence, preservice teachers tend to doubt the potency of science and consult scientific sources less frequently. Thus, individuals run the risk not only to maintain questionable assumptions but also to develop dysfunctional stances toward research as a reliable source of knowledge. In two studies, we (a...
Fragen von Erziehung, Schule und Unterricht liegen im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Gegenständen empirischer Forschung in unserem unmittelbaren, alltäglichen Erfahrungsbereich. Wir alle waren einmal selbst Schülerinnen und Schüler, haben vielleicht eine Universität besucht oder studieren gerade, arbeiten als Lehrkraft an einer Schule oder sind Eltern...
Researchers, policy makers and science communicators have become increasingly been interested in factors that affect public’s trust in science. Recently, one such potentially important driving factor has emerged, the COVID-19 pandemic. Have trust in science and other science-related beliefs changed in Germany from before to during the pandemic? To...
Wissenschaftspropädeutik gehört zu den drei zentralen Bildungszielen der gymnasialen Oberstufe. Aufgrund eines Mangels an geeigneten Untersuchungsinstrumenten, gibt es jedoch kaum Studien zur Erreichung dieses Bildungsziels oder seines Einflusses auf den Werdegang junger Menschen. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden die theoretischen Ans...
A large variety of misconceptions about learning, teaching, and other educational topics is prevalent in the public but also among educational professionals. Such misconceptions may lead to ill-advised judgments and actions in private life, professional practice, and policymaking. Developing effective correction strategies for these misconceptions...
Information forms the basis for beliefs, judgements, decision making, and behavior. Nowadays, the amount of information available is continually increasing. Still, the quality and credibility of the corresponding sources vary widely. Thus, to avoid making judgments and decisions on basis of biased information, the credibility of information and sou...
We developed and evaluated the Video-Based Assessment of Medical Communication Competence (VA-MeCo), a construct-driven situational judgement test measuring medical students’ communication competence in patient encounters.
In the construction phase, we conducted two expert studies (npanel1 = 6, npanel2 = 13) to ensure curricular...
Understanding processes of selecting, evaluating, and using relevant information sources to inform oneself about scientific topics,
that is, sourcing, is a current topic within educational psychology. This special issue combines recent research about sourcing with a particular
focus on its role in the reception of educational research by (future) t...
Fostering metacognitive awareness of misconceptions should enhance deep processing of scientifically correct explanations and thereby decrease misconceptions. To explore these potentially beneficial effects, we conducted a field study implemented in a regular educational psychology course in an Australian teacher education program. In a two-by-two...
Knowledge from educational research frequently contradicts preservice teachers' prior beliefs about educational topics. Such contradictions can seriously affect their attitudes towards educational research and can counteract efforts taken to establish teaching as a research-based profession.
Inspired by Munro's (2010, J. Appl....
Teachers' reception of educational research is considered important for improving teaching and student learning. Yet, it is a challenging task requiring teachers to have access to scientific sources, the skill and time to find and exhaust such resources, and the capacity to interpret retrieved information. If such essential conditions are not met,...
When reading scientific information on the Internet laypersons frequently encounter conflicting claims. However, they usually lack the ability to resolve these scientific conflicts based on their own prior knowledge. This study aims to investigate how differences in the trustworthiness and/or expertise of the sources putting forward the conflicting...
The teaching of communicative competence plays an increasingly important role in medical education. In addition to traditional teaching formats, such as role-plays with simulated patients, technology-based approaches become more important in medical education. Teaching materials are increasingly augmented by videos of simulated doctor-patient conve...
Learners may increasingly encounter conflicting expert reports. However, little is known about how they deal with this challenge. We examined how learners' familiarity with a controversial historical topic affects their epistemic judgments of conflicting expert claims and sources, the interplay of their claim and source evaluation strategies, and t...
Students in teacher education and other educationally relevant disciplines frequently have questionable or false beliefs about school-related topics. Such home-grown and deeply rooted misconceptions may interfere with learning research-based knowledge at university. The present paper delivers results from a first psychometric evaluation of the Ques...
Zusammenfassung. Laien treffen heute im Internet auf eine besonders große Vielfalt an Wissenschaftsinformationen. Wer hiervon profitieren will, muss Informationen auswählen, Verknüpfungen zwischen verschiedenen, oftmals konfligierenden Aussagen herstellen und deren Gültigkeit kritisch überprüfen. Anhand der Ergebnisse aus zwei Projekten aus dem SPP...
The present study examined the role of conflict topics and individual differences in epistemic perspectives (absolutism, multiplism, and evaluativism) in students' explanations of expert conflicts. University students (N = 184) completed an epistemic thinking assessment and a conflict explanation assessment regarding two controversies in biology an...
When laypeople read controversial scientific information in order to make a personally relevant decision, information on the source is a valuable resource with which to evaluate multiple, competing claims. Due to their bounded understanding, laypeople rely on the expertise of others and need to identify whether sources are credible. The present stu...
On the Internet, laypeople can access a great variety of scientific information. To benefit from the wealth of information, laypeople need to select information, integrate information within and across documents, and critically judge the validity of competing knowledge claims. Based on the findings of two projects involved in the Special Priority P...
Wer könnte es wissen? Erklären beeinflusst die Einschätzung unseres eigenen Wissens sowie unsere Einschätzung des Wissens von Experten
Zusammenfassung. Kinder und Erwachsene überschätzen oftmals ihr eigenes Verständnis komplexer, kausaler Sachverhalte. Werden sie jedoch aufgefordert, die Mechanismen zu erklären, die den Sachverhalten zugrunde liege...
Because modern societies are built on elaborate divisions of cognitive labor, individuals remain laypersons in most knowledge domains. Hence, they have to rely on others' expertise when deciding on many science-related issues in private and public life. Even children already locate and discern expertise in the minds of others (e.g., Danovitch & Kei...
When making personally relevant decisions (e.g. on health-related issues), laypersons have to deal increasingly with science-based knowledge claims that are frequently not only inconsistent if not contradictory but also beyond their own everyday understanding. Nevertheless, they need to reason about these issues. The present interview study investi...
The Internet is a convenient source of information about science-based topics (e.g., health matters). Whereas experts are familiar with the conventions of “true” scientific discourse and the assessment of scientific information, laypeople may have great difficulty choosing among, evaluating, and deciding on the vast amount of information available...