Eva Sotomayor Morales

Eva Sotomayor Morales
University of California, San Diego | UCSD · CCIS



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June 2018 - present
  • Managing Director


Publications (69)
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At the beginning of the 21st century, paradigmatic positioning that gave companies a social function beyond a mercantilist function had not yet been reached a consensus. The economic crisis caused certain fracture on the basis which these discourses are based on, which generates an interest on the analysis of the business ethics from different poin...
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The recent exponential increase in the number of people in situations of dependency and demand for social, health and residential coverage in Europe currently presents a troubling demographic forecast. This article describes the peculiarities of the Spanish care model within the European context. In order to do this, we review previous analyses tha...
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The current work revises concepts of quality related to the needs welfare services in order to increase the life quality of citizens, analyzing how this conceptualization was affected by the world crisis. For this purpose, the concept of quality inside the social, health and vocational training environment was studied, so as the previous research,...
Purpose – This paper aims to analyze the degree of implementation of corporate social responsibility (CSR) policies in the Spanish financial system. Design/methodology/approach – The study includes nine entities within the same organizational field to explore the pressure mechanisms that can affect the behavior of organizations. Findings – It con...
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reSUmO Technological change and responsible town planning are key parts of human development, as long as its social impact is an issue inherent in its implementation. Moreover, the revival of the tramway system represents a revolution and social commitment of industrialized countries. The main aim of this research is to gain more knowledge about th...
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This study aims to analyze the habits and attitudes of young people in Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically regarding leisure and free time, framed within a context of the objective structural indicators of the economy, employment, and health. To this end, we reviewed official data banks and surveys conducted in Spain on the effects of...
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This article aims to examine and describe the ways in which elderly people participate in post-industrial societies. The literature points out the benefits of social participation. However, the influence of context in features of civil society has remained relatively understudied. This article analyses the influence of context on the conceptualizat...
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El objetivo de esta investigación consiste en analizar los efectos de la inclusión de las personas con discapacidad intelectual leve (PDIL, de aquí en adelante) en la universidad. Apelando a las teorías sobre el ecosistema familiar de Destanik (2004) y al modelo ecológico de Bronfenbrenner (1987), se parte de la hipótesis de que la inclusión de las...
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Este artículo tiene como objetivo comprender la dinámica de participación social de las personas mayores. El estudio se centra en cómo el contexto y los marcos culturales afectan a las prácticas participativas de las personas mayores. Para ello, realizamos un estudio comparativo entre los casos de Alemania y España como representaciones de dos marc...
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Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en el marco de una investigación más amplia sobre las diferencias y semejanzas de la participación social de las personas mayores en Alemania y España. En este artículo nos aproximamos a la situación de las personas mayores en el marco del Estado de bienestar y a la cobertura que reciben de los sistemas de protección...
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Los estudios existentes hasta la fecha sitúan el envejecimiento como uno de los factores determinantes de desigualdad en las sociedades avanzadas. La participación social de la ciudadanía es un mecanismo vertebrador de cualquier sociedad democrática, por lo que la participación de las personas mayores se constituye como componente clave del enveje...
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Objetivo principal: El objetivo principal de esta revisión ha sido analizar las relaciones entre el estatus socioeconómico (SES) y el desarrollo de las funciones ejecutivas (FE) durante la infancia, partiendo del conocimiento de que los niveles bajos de SES afectan al neurodesarrollo. Metodología: Se ha realizado una búsqueda en diferentes bases de...
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Objective: The main purpose of this review has been to analyse the relationship between socioeconomic status (SES) and the development of the executive functions (EF) during childhood, based on the knowledge that low levels of SES affect neurodevelopment. Methods: A search in different data bases has been made shortlisting 15 articles of interest....
En el ámbito educativo, la inserción de los/as menores con Trastorno de Espectro Autista (TEA) en condiciones óptimas de inclusión resulta, con frecuencia, una tarea compleja. ¿Cuentan los centros educativos con una infraestructura sólida de recursos y de herramientas inclusivas?¿Disponen de profesionales competentes y especializados en la atención...
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El presente trabajo se ha desarrollado con la finalidad de analizar las estrategias emprendidas por las nuevas Fundaciones surgidas tras el proceso de reestructuración del sector de las Cajas de Ahorro para garantizar la sostenibilidad de la Obra Social que anteriormente venían realizando estas entidades. Para ello se realiza un estudio de carácter...
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Resumen. Actualmente en el ámbito educativo, el alumnado con algún tipo de discapacidad puede llegar a considerarse como un grupo vulnerable de población debido a las carencias inclusivas que existen en los centros educativos. El conocimiento parcial sobre los Trastornos de Espectro Autista (en adelanta, TEA), por parte de la comunidad educativa, d...
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En las últimas décadas, los países europeos han experimentado, en diferentes grados, procesos de ajuste de sus políticas sociales que al mismo tiempo deben responder a las demandas de los colectivos desfavorecidos en un contexto social cada vez más adverso. De manera inevitable, las ciencias sociales y sanitarias, han evidenciado su inquietud por l...
In recent decades, European countries have experienced, to varying degrees, adjustment processes of their social policies which, at the same time, should respond to the demands of disadvantaged groups in an increasingly adverse social context. Inevitably, social and health sciences have shown its concern about the way the shaping of these policies...
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La actual coyuntura de crisis socioeconómica dibuja un escenario marcado por el incremento de la desigualdad y las situaciones de vulnerabilidad y exclusión social. Al aumento de las necesidades y problemáticas sociales, se une la escasez de recursos de apoyo a individuos y familias. Ello produce un importante cambio en la filosofía y funcionamient...
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Currently in our society, children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) can be considered a vulnerable group because of the integration issues they experience in education. This paper presents a report of research study conducted in the province of Jaen. The purpose of this study was to: Identify the difficulties experienced by family members to det...
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In this paper, some of the results of a European Erasmus+ project - involving participation by Spanish, French, Italian and Greek institutions - are presented; its purpose is to conduct research into the skills needed for the education, employability and social inclusion of the immigrant population in Europe. Its aim is to develop new methods and i...
Sometimes social, cultural and/or circumstantial determinism is likely to attract certain risk factors of social vulnerability, which can cause, especially in poverty contexts, an evident situation of social exclusion for the person or even his entire community. To analyze the situation of persons with disabilities in contexts of poverty, can be ap...
La situación de crisis que atraviesa el Estado de Bienestar en España, coloca a determinados grupos de población en situación de vulnerabilidad e indefensión extrema, como son las personas en situación de dependencia (personas mayores y personas con discapacidad), a pesar de contar con un novedoso marco legal de aplicación en todo el territorio nac...
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La crisis socioeconómica y financiera, que afecta a Europa desde el año 2008, extiende su área de influencia a todos los países miembros de la Unión Europea. No obstante, debido a que los modelos de bienestar son diversos, las consecuencias también pudieran serlo. Por ello en este trabajo realizamos una aproximación a esta diversidad, siendo nuestr...
Conference Paper
Orbiting satellites and other spatial vehicles have complex trajectories that can usually be precisely approximated with analytical or numerical trajectory estimation algorithms. However, some scenarios, such as LEOP (Launch and Early Orbit Phase) or during critical manoeuvres, present greater angular uncertainty. During these, large dish antennas...
Introducción • Actualmente en instituciones públicas como privadas del sector de salud existe interés en evaluar la calidad de la atención médica relacionada con los pacientes: como son las comodidades que tiene, en cuanto equipamiento, y sobre todo la calidad de atención que ha estos se les brinda en las áreas de estructura, proceso y resultado. O...
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Introducción • Actualmente en instituciones públicas como privadas del sector de salud existe interés en evaluar la calidad de la atención médica relacionada con los pacientes: como son las comodidades que tiene, en cuanto equipamiento, y sobre todo la calidad de atención que ha estos se les brinda en las áreas de estructura, proceso y resultado. O...
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La sociedad actual se halla inmersa en un proceso de cambios transcendentales en el plano de las realidades sociales, entre otros motivos debido a la actual crisis financiera y económica, en la que las situaciones de carencia han cambiado y se han generado nuevas formas de pobreza, así como fenómenos sociales específicos. Estos cambios afectan de m...
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Technological change and responsible town planning are key parts of human development, as long as its social impact is an issue inherent in its implementation. Moreover, the revival of the tramway system represents a revolution and social commitment of industrialized countries. The main aim of this research is to gain more knowledge about the socia...
In the field of dependency and personal autonomy, the new technologies play an important part. We analyze a technology which is already established in that field, the information and communication technologies (ICTs) (the main contribution of the chapter), and we reflect on the possible consequences, based on accumulated experience, of the introduc...
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Abstract In recent years, the effects of the physical environment on the healing process and well-being have proved to be increasingly relevant for patients and their families (PF) as well as for healthcare staff. The discussions focus on traditional and institutionally designed healthcare facilities (HCF) relative to the actual well-being of patie...
A full-thickness chondral defect in the stifle joint of eight mares was treated by perforation of the subchondral bone. In addition, the experimental group received an arthroscopic implant of a tissue-engineered construct. The objective was the arthroscopic evaluation of the quality of the repair tissue, six months after the treatments. The experim...
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Las Tecnologías de la Información y de la Comunicación (TIC), irrumpen de manera transversal como facilitadoras de la accesibilidad y la participación de todas las personas en el ejercicio de sus derechos. Si nos circunscribimos al ámbito de las personas en situación de dependencia las TIC ponen el énfasis, no en los aspectos relativos a la falta d...
A PC –based method is proposed to enhance the clinical usefulness of the standard 12-lead electrocardiograph of an individual by providing clinicians a fast, simulated, 3-D color image of possible broad locations of the QRS electrical cardiac activity, generating the electrode potentials. The approach consists of placing three rotating, equivalent...
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Reseña de la obra de Salustiano del Campo y de José Félix Tezanos aparecida en 2008, La sociedad. Madrid: Biblioteca Nueva. España Siglo XXI.
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Studies of the coastal sedimentary record have allowed both the reconstruction of relative sea-level changes and the determination of local rates and magnitudes of tectonic deformation, particularly in tectonically active areas. Despite their successful use elsewhere, studies of this type are much less common for the Mexican Pacific coast, which pa...
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic inflammatory disease with predominant joint involvement and possible systemic compromise, which leads to a handicapped status and poor quality of life. An optimal approach to treat RA requires early and intensive intervention with close monitoring of treatment response. Tumor necrosis factor (TNF) blockers are...
It is extremely important to integrate historic accounts with geologic evidence of past tsunamis to fully understand hazards to the highly populated Mexican coast. We aim to complete a record of tsunami events using a multi- proxy approach to identify tsunami deposits recovered from marsh lagoonal sediments on the Guerrero coast of Mexico. Core sam...
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A method of digitization and synchronization of ECG signals for use in vectorcardiography is hereby presented. It is intended to allow the computerized use of the ECG printout used by most cardiologists. The problem is solved by digitizing the printout, which can then be used for vectorcardiography and other modern techniques, once it is synchroniz...
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The study of tectonic deformation rates using displaced shoreline features is relatively well-established, and has provided much useful information on seismic hazard. Such studies have frequently been complemented by analysis of the coastal sedimentary record, where past marine to terrestrial environmental changes (and vice versa) may be recorded b...
Compared to current ECG algorithms that assess the normality or abnormality of a patient's ECG, the proposed method has the advantage of providing the identification of the region within the heart that may have caused any abnormality observed. The purpose of this research is to propose a Matlab software that analyses a patient's ECG with a 3-dipole...


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