Eva Alarcón

Eva Alarcón
University of Granada | UGR · Department of Prehistory and Archaeology


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Publications (32)
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Amongst the pottery sets associated with the Argar culture (Cultura del Argar), in the Bronze Age in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula, it is common to find small recipients in funerary and household contexts. However, their techniques and manufacture reveal they do not seem to be products made by expert hands but rather the opposite. They are...
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La explotación de los ricos filones de galena argentífera y cobre del denominado como saltus castulonensis durante época romana derivó en una articulación del territorio bastante compleja, con la fundación de un amplio conjunto de yacimientos vinculados directa o indirectamente con la producción del metal. Dentro del patrón de asentamiento destaca...
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Se presentan los resultados de las excavaciones (2006, 2017 y 2021) en un sector de la aldea del Hierro I del Cerro de San Vicente (Salamanca). Se ha exhumado un agregado informal de edificios y estructuras adjetivas de adobe cuyo patrón espacial es afín al esquema transcultural patrilocal. El artículo se centra en la casa 1 y sus cenizales. Tal vi...
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El presente trabajo muestra las nuevas líneas de investigación que se van a desarrollar en el marco del proyecto de prospecciones arqueológicas del término municipal de Valencia de Alcántara (Cáceres). De este modo, se plantea un estudio completo de territorio con el objeto de favorecer la protección de su rico patrimonio y, con ello, ayudar a su d...
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Research into the Bronze Age on the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula has always occupied a pre-eminent position in the archaeological discipline. Although we can state that there is a certain degree of scientific unity regarding the main cultural features of that period, few studies have focused on the social and technological process involved in th...
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The interpretation of the manufacture and function of Argaric burial potteries has not been subject to a global and systematic study. As such, this paper has reconstructed the sequence of ceramic production of burial potteries of Peñalosa using analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy, Xray diffraction and optical petrography). Ceramic ware technolo...
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The interpretation of the manufacture and function of Argaric burial potteries has not been subject to a global and systematic study. As such, this paper has reconstructed the sequence of ceramic production of burial potteries of Peñalosa using analytical techniques (stereomicroscopy, X-ray diffraction and optical petrography). Ceramic ware technol...
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The need for interdisciplinary studies is the basis of ambitious research (ARCHEM Project) that is carried out in the argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), combining organic residues analysis and techno-typological studies of pottery found in funerary contexts. Manufacture and use of pottery could inform us about customs and tr...
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The southern Iberian megalithic cemeteries of Panoría and El Barranquete offer an excellent opportunity to explore ancient dietary patterns. Due to the special nature of these funerary contexts as palimpsests, a multi-proxy approach including multi-isotopic determination and a high-resolution dating framework was carried out. As a result, 52 sample...
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In this work we show a methodological proposal for the analysis of the manufacturing technology of the vessels found in the Argaric settlement of Peñalosa (Baños de la Encina, Jaén), a reference point in the study of this culture, due to the good conservation of its structures and the archaeological material found in this site (Cortés et al., 2000)...
Conference Paper
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The recent excavation and prospecting work have reasserted that the southern foothills of the Sierra Morena, they confirm his great role played in the development and consolidation of the mining and metallurgy of copper in the Argaric Culture. Particularly, the archaeometallurgy record of Peñalosa, Baños de la Encina (Jaén) express itself as the mo...
Conference Paper
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The union between organic residue analysis and archaeology is at the forefront of international research. This relationship would not make sense without the sum of a well known archaeological context to the equation. That fossilized moment of a community’s life in the past provides invaluable information when interpreting the results. When faced wi...
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This paper presents the results obtained from the archaeological intervention carried out in the ancient mine of Doña Eva/José Martín Palacios (Baños de la Encina, Jaén). This excavation has allowed us to confirm the hypothesis formulated after the initial campaign, that the mine was exploited in two different phases, the first one during the Bronz...
Peñalosa, es el único yacimiento de la Cultura Argárica que viene siendo objeto de una investigación arqueológica sistemática desde mediados de los años 80. Nueve campañas de excavación regidas por una metodología microespacial han dado como resultado un amplio conocimiento sobre este grupo humano de Sierra Morena oriental. Todo este trabajo ha que...
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RESUMEN El propósito de este trabajo es dar cuenta de los hallazgos prehistóricos localizados en superficie en la falda sur del Cerro Panoría (Darro, Granada). Concretamente, se trata de una necrópolis megalítica de, al menos, 11 sepulcros tipo dolménico, localizada durante los trabajos de prospección sistemática y exhaustiva realizada en el Cerro...
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This paper focuses on the recent research carried out at the Argaric site of Cerro de San Cristóbal, a small settlement situated in the Vega de Granada. From an habitational point of view, this site stands out as a culturally hybrid context in which different pottery vessels typologically characteristic of the Chalcolithic and Argaric periods coexi...
Tesis Univ. Granada. Departamento de Prehistoria y Arqueología. Leída el 27 de julio de 2010
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This essay highlights the relationships between the realm of the symbolic world expressed in the funerary sphere and the realm of the maintenance activities of quotidian life, focusing on the Argaric culture of Southeast Iberia (c. 2250—1450 cal BC). The article begins by summarizing engendered mortuary archaeology in relation to maintenance activi...
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L’anàlisi de les ofrenes de carn que s’inclouen als aixovars funeraris argàrics de l’Edat del Bronze del sudest de la península Ibèrica, han mostrat la importància de les pràctiques de comensalitat per a aquestes societats no només com a part del ritual funerari sinó també com una forma de manifestar les desigualtat socials. En aquest article, el n...


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