Eun Young Lee

Eun Young Lee
Eun Young verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Eun Young verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
University of Vienna | UniWien · Department of Geology

Earth system evolution with interactions of geological/geodynamic processes and climate changes


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I am interested in Earth's surface evolution with investigating interactions of geological/geodynamic processes and climate-environment impacts. Major tasks are 1) Sedimentary basin analysis & modelling in an Earth System framework, 2) Interplay of Earth's surface, interior, and environment/climate systems, 3) Interpretation and modelling of field, drilling, seismic reflection, logging, petrophysical and geophysical data.
Additional affiliations
November 2022 - December 2022
University of Vienna
  • Guest Professor
  • Lecture 'Sedimentary Basin Analysis' and research.
April 2021 - April 2021
University of Vienna
  • Guest Professor
  • Research and teaching 'Basin Analysis'
September 2017 - November 2017
International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP)
  • Physical properties specialist
October 2010 - December 2015
University of Vienna
Field of study
  • Sedimentary Basin Analysis


Publications (103)
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The middle Miocene sediments, a key oil reservoir within the syn-rift structures of the Gulf of Suez, have received limited research attention despite their geological importance. To bridge this gap, we analyzed well cores and petrophysical data from the middle Miocene sandstone-shale sequence (Sidri Member) in the Belayim field, one of Egypt’s maj...
The northern South China Sea has complex rifting-magmatic styles, which are significantly distinct from the Atlantic end-member passive margins that initiated rifting in a craton, and was argued to originate from a subducted setting. Here we propose a new kinematic method to calculate the paleo-lithospheric structure and reconstruct the rifting pro...
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Petrophysical properties of volcanic rocks are controlled by lithology and subsequent modification by alteration processes. Investigating the linkages, using a range of different techniques, are important to establish how petrophysical properties can inform about the alteration state of volcanic rocks. Here, we compile petrophysical data and correl...
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PREFACE In the study of sediments and sedimentary basins, subsidence analysis provides an essential step to understand basin evolution through geologic time and space. Quan-tifying techniques have been developed and applied in many basin research projects to evaluate total, tectonic and thermal subsidence, used also as a pre-requisite for basin mod...
The Naturaliste Plateau is a submarine continental ribbon rifted from the southwest Australian margin during the Early Cretaceous breakup of East Gondwana. It occupied a key position near the juncture of Greater India and the boundary between Australia and Antarctica. However, details of the Early Cretaceous evolution of the plateau are not well kn...
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The Kribi-Campo sub-basin, located in the Gulf of Guinea, constitutes the southeastern segment of the Cameroon Atlantic Margin. Drilling in the Aptian salt unit revealed a sparse hydrocarbon presence, contrasting with modest finds in its counterparts like the Ezanga Salt in Gabon and the Rio Muni Salt in Equatorial Guinea. This discrepancy prompted...
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This study employed 1D numerical pseudo models to examine the Upper Jurassic carbonate succession, focusing on the Mikulov Formation in the Vienna Basin region. It addresses the protracted and complex history of the Jurassic source rock play, revealing a transition from rapid syn-rift (>200 m/Ma) to slower post-rift sedimentation/subsidence of the...
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The Gosau Group is a terrestrial to deep-water succession formed on the northern margin of the Austroalpine microplate during the early stages of Alpine orogenesis. The sedimentary characteristics of the Gosau Group reflect the paleoenvironment of the Northern Calcareous Alps from the Late Cretaceous to the Eocene. It has been divided into the Uppe...
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Lacustrine beach ridges are often used to reconstruct past lake levels. However, the sedimentary architecture involved in their sedimentary evolution remains unclear, particularly for embayed beaches. To better understand the sedimentary processes, the sedimentary architecture and geomorphology of an embayed beach on the southern of Qinghai Lake we...
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This work re-examines the salt unit through the Kribi-Campo Sub-basin on the southeast part of the Cameroon Atlantic Margin. The results obtained from borehole data analysis show the occurrence of evaporitic unit, localized in the Kribi area. The well to seismic-tie analysis reveals that this unit is observed beneath the Top Albian Unconformity and...
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Summing fault heaves is the most commonly used method to evaluate upper crustal thinning. However, since fault deformation width (W) is often assumed as a constant in the range of 75–150 km, the stretching factor estimated from fault geometry (βf) accompanies significant uncertainty. Here we propose a new approach to determine brittle stretching fa...
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Drilling at Site U1513 recovered the Lower Cretaceous volcaniclastic-rich sedimentary sequence on the Naturaliste Plateau and Mentelle Basin, offshore southwestern Australia. The sequence exhibits distinct lithologic characteristics, attributed to volcanism and subsidence occurred during the breakup between Greater India and Australia-Antarctica. I...
Conference Paper
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Extensive volcanism accompanied the Late Jurassic through Early Cretaceous rifting between Australia-Antarctica and Greater India, which culminated in the breakup of the supercontinent Gondwana and opening of the Indian Ocean. Seafloor spreading started at 136 Ma and was established at 132- 133 Ma on the Perth Abyssal Plain, adjacent to the central...
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In geoscientific fields, mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, visualization, simulation, and other computational techniques have become necessary to improve our understanding of phenomena and evolution of the Earth [...]
An 82.2 m-thick sequence of basaltic rocks was recovered from a deep-sea core on the eastern flank of the Naturaliste Plateau, offshore southwestern Australia during International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369. The basaltic rocks were cored at the base of IODP Site U1513 and represent the acoustic basement of the Mentelle Basin. The...
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The Chaiwopu Depression in the southern Junggar Basin is located between the West Bogda Mountains and the northeastern Tian Shan Mountains in northwest China. The intracontinental basin–mountain system was formed in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the Late Paleozoic. The Permian strata around the depression exhibits distinct variations, whic...
Core samples were collected from a volcanic sequence at Holes D and E, Site U1513 on the eastern Naturaliste Plateau, offshore southwest Australia. The site was drilled by the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369 Australia Cretaceous Climate and Tectonics in 2017 (
The 690 m core recovered at IODP Site U1512 offers unparalleled insights into climate during the peak and demise of the Cretaceous hothouse from the southern high latitudes. A new high-resolution micropaleontological record (notably deep water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) combined with additional geochemical data was produced from this locality...
Table 1 Chemical Index of Alteration (CIA) Values and Whole-Rock X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) Major Elements Data (wt%) for (a) Hole D and (b) Hole E, Site U1513, IODP Expedition 369. Note. CIA values were calculated using molar amounts of oxides and corrected CaO contents. The values with lithologic unit and lithology are presented in Figure 5a. Fe2O...
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International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369 recovered a volcanic sequence (Lithostratigraphic Unit VI) at Site U1513 on the eastern Naturaliste Plateau, offshore southwest Australia. We report here the mineralogical composition of the 82.2 m thick volcanic sequence cored in Holes U1513D (24 samples) and U1513E (20 samples) based on X-ray d...
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In this paper, we describe porosity variations in Miocene to Holocene carbonates off the west coast of Australia and assess their compaction trends. The porosity values were measured using discrete samples of Sites U1459–U1464 obtained by the International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 356. The carbonate deposits have been influenced by a rang...
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In this data report, we present postcruise petrophysical measurement results for Hole U1513E. During International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369, five holes were drilled at Site U1513 on the Naturaliste Plateau offshore southwest Australia. The last and deepest hole, U1513E, recovered a volcanic sequence (Lithostratigraphic Unit VI)...
Table T2. P-wave and S-wave velocity data and dynamic Poisson’s ratio for five samples from Hole U1513E and one sample from Hole U1513D.
Pycnometer analysis reports for MAD analysis of Hole U1513E volcanic section, IODP Expedition 369.
Table T1. Moisture and density analysis and data for 25 samples, Hole U1513E.
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International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 369 drilled four sites on the southwestern Australian continental margin, in the deep water Mentelle Basin (MB) and on the neighboring Naturaliste Plateau (NP). The drillsites are located on continental crust that continued rifting after seafloor spreading began further north on the Perth Abyssal Pla...
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Sedimentation impacts thermal and subsidence evolution in continental rifting. Estimating the blanketing effect of sediments is crucial to reconstructing the heat flow during rifting. The sedimentary load affects the basin subsidence rate. Numerical investigation of these effects requires active and complex simulations of the thermal structure, lit...
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The Upper Cretaceous sedimentary sequence at International Ocean Discovery Program Site U1512 in the Ceduna Sub-basin of the Great Australian Bight represents a continuous, > 690 m thick interval of black silty clay and claystone spanning the lower Turonian through Lower Campanian (~10 million years). Sediments were deposited in an elongate, ~E-W o...
Supplementary data 1. Mineral data of Unit V at Site U1513, analyzed by whole-rock XRD. Supplementary data 2. Numerical analysis of Unit V at Site U1513. A) Porosity data of the Cretaceous succession. B) Cretaceous compaction trend. C) Magnetostratigraphic age-depth model. D) Sedimentation profile. E) Subsidence curve. Supplementary data 3. Alter...
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International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 369 recovered the first stratigraphically constrained volcanic sequence at Site U1513 on the eastern flank of the Naturaliste Plateau. We report macroscopic and microscopic core description and petrophysical data from this 82.20 m thick volcanic sequence (Lithostratigraphic Unit VI). We presen...
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BasinVis 1.0, a MATLAB-based modular open-source program released in 2016, has been used for multiple application studies of sedimentary basin analysis and modelling in both academic and industry fields. Based on these studies and user feedbacks, we have improved the workflow, revised user interfaces and developed novel techniques for the compactio...
The Mentelle Basin, located off the southwestern continental Australian margin, is an underexplored deep-water basin that developed during the breakup of eastern Gondwana in the Middle Jurassic through to the Early Cretaceous. There is a high degree of uncertainty in stratigraphic interpretations of the basin owing to the lack of well and seismic d...
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Detrital heavy mineral analysis and sediment chemistry of Lower Miocene sediments of the Lower Austrian Northern Alpine Foreland Basin generally indicate provenance from metapelitic source rocks. The sediments of the Traisen Formation (Ottnangian) were primarily derived from Alpine sources such as the Austroalpine crystalline units of the Eastern A...
Conference Paper
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Western Australia is bordered by a rifted continental margin formed during opening of the East Indian Ocean in Late Jurassic through Early Cretaceous time as Greater India rotated counterclockwise away from Australia and Antarctica during the breakup of East Gondwana. International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition (IODP) 369 drilled four borehole...
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This paper presents a new interactive MATLAB-based visualization and calculation tool (TETGAR_C) for assessing the provenance of detrital garnets in a four-component (tetrahedral) plot system (almandine-pyrope-grossular-spessartine). Based on a freely-accessible database and additional electron-microprobe data, the chemistry of more than 2,600 garn...
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The Perth Basin is a large (c. 172,300 km2) north-south elongated sedimentary basin extending offshore and onshore for about 1,300 km along the southwestern continental margin of Australia. It is a relatively under-explored region, despite being an established hydrocarbon producing basin whose hydrocarbon potential has proven over the basin area. T...
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This chapter introduces three subsidence analysis models which are total subsidence, tectonic subsidence and post-rift thermal subsidence. The three subsidence models are essential to understand evolution of a sedimentary basin. Due to compaction effect, the present stratigraphic framework of a sedimentary basin fill does not present directly the p...
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In this chapter, we introduce geological data visualization techniques and discuss how these techniques can be applied to the subsidence analysis and visualization of a sedimentary basin. Geoscientific data are often sparsely distributed over wide study areas, therefore data interpolation is required to generate comprehensive maps. We examine five...
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Basin analysis is a research field to understand the formation and evolution of sedimentary basins. This task requires various geoscientific datasets as well as numerical and graphical modelling techniques to synthesize results dimensionally in time and space. For basin analysis and modelling in a comprehensive workflow, BasinVis 1.0 was released a...
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To understand the formation and evolution of a sedimentary basin in basin analysis and modelling studies, it is important to analyze the thickness and age range of sedimentary layers infilling a basin. Because the compaction effect reduces the thickness of sedimentary layers during burial, basin modelling studies typically restore the reduced thick...
Conference Paper
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The Mentelle Basin (MB) and Naturaliste Plateau (NP) at the southwestern margin of Australia hold important information for understanding the tectonic events, volcanism and paleo-environmental changes at different stages of the Gondwana breakup between Australia, Antarctic and India. The SW Australia region is characterized by the distribution of o...
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The Mentelle Basin (MB) is part of an extensional rift system on the western margin of Australia and formed during the Paleozoic to Mesozoic breakup of eastern Gondwana. The MB has a complex evolution history of rifting, volcanism and sedimentation related to tectonic events, paleoclimate and paleoenvironmental changes. IODP Expedition 369 generate...
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In subsidence analysis of a sedimentary basin, it is necessary to use an appropriate porosity-depth curve, because understanding the relationship between porosity and burial depth is crucial for decompaction and backstripping techniques to calculate the original thickness of a sediment unit. The relationship is controlled by a variety of factors in...
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The tectonic and paleoceanographic setting of the Great Australian Bight (GAB) and the Mentelle Basin (MB; adjacent to Naturaliste Plateau) offered an outstanding opportunity to investigate Cretaceous and Cenozoic climate change and ocean dynamics during the last phase of breakup among remnant Gondwana continents. Sediment recovered from sites in b...
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Late Miocene to mid-Pleistocene sedimentary proxy records reveal that northwest Australia underwent an abrupt transition from dry to humid climate conditions at 5.5 million years (Ma), likely receiving year-round rainfall, but after ~3.3 Ma, climate shifted towards an increasingly seasonal precipitation regime. The progressive constriction of the I...
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Global climate underwent a major reorganization when the Antarctic ice sheet expanded ~14 million years ago (Ma) (1). This event affected global atmospheric circulation, including the strength and position of the westerlies and the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), and, therefore, precipitation patterns (2–5). We present new shallow-marine sed...
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The northwest shelf (NWS) of Australia extends from northern tropical to southern temperate latitudes situated offshore from the low-moderate-relief and semi-arid Australian continent. The shelf environment is dominated throughout by carbonate sedimentation with warm-water and tropical carbonate deposits, connected to the long-term northward drift...
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Porosity in sediments is influenced by various factors such as mineralogical composition, burial depth, connate fluids, and stratigraphic layering. This work focuses on processes underlying porosity anomalies in carbonate shelf deposits along the northwest shelf of Australia by using different techniques (polarization microscopy, electron microscop...
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The Vienna Basin is a tectonically complex Neogene basin situated at the Alpine–Carpathian transition. This study analyzes a detailed quantification of subsidence in the northern and central parts of the Vienna Basin to understand its tectonic subsidence evolution. About 200 wells were used to arrange stratigraphic setting, and wells reaching the p...