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Publications (45)
The possibility of using an oxygen-nitrous oxide mixture for prolonged hypothermic preservation of rat heart for 24 hours was investigated. A comparative analysis of restoration of functional activity of hearts in the groups of 24-hour preservation at +4°C with different gases (O2, N2) and gas mixtures (CO+O2, N2O+O2, N2+O2, N2O+N2) was carried out...
The need for innovative techniques to preserve microbiota for extended periods, while maintaining the species composition and quantitative balance of the bacterial community, is becoming increasingly important. To address this need, we propose an efficient approach to cryopreserve human gut microbiota using a two-component cryoprotective...
The maximum hypothermic storage time of amphibian oocytes is several hours, which is due to the peculiarities of the structure of the cell envelope. The authors of this paper have already demonstrated the possibility of increasing the storage period of unfertilized oocytes of the common frog (Rana temporaria) up to 5–7 days. The aim of the current...
A concept on gut microbiota as one of the key players in maintaining the human health is becoming more and more actual [1, 2]. Currently two main strategies can be distinguished in gut microbiota valuable biological matter application in the therapy of various pathologies, transplantation and application of probiotic medications, which both are foc...
It is well known that body temperature maintenance between 20 and 35°C prevents hypoxic damage. However, data regarding the ideal duration and permissible temperature boundaries for ultra-deep hypothermia below 20°C are rather fragmentary. The aim of the present study was to determine the time limits of reversible clinical death in rat...
The article presents the results of taxonomic identification of two Silene L. somaclones regenerated in vitro from Late Pleistocene and the extant fruit material. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on two DNA markers (nrDNA ITS region and cpDNA rps16 intron) have been conducted. The analyses were carried out separately for each marker and includ...
We studied the effect of xenon on the survival rate of the spermatozoa of the common frog Rana temporaria during slow freezing with saturation of the suspension with xenon at a pressure of up to 1.2 bar. The cryoprotective properties of xenon were analyzed in comparison with nitrogen. No specific cryoprotective effect of xenon was revealed. Viabili...
The effect of different pressure levels of a gas mixture of carbon monoxide and oxygen on the shelf life of rat heart tissue during prolonged hypothermic (4°C) gas preservation with the durations of sample storage of 24, 36, and 48 h was evaluated. The pressure decrease of the CO/O2 gas mixture (in the ratio of 1 : 1) from 6.5 to 1.5 atm during 24...
The effects of air, helium, argon, xenon, and sulfur hexafluoride on the integrity of the ice structure formed when water and a cryoprotective solutions were frozen in the temperature range from 0 to –50°C was studied using optical microscopy. It was shown that the crystallization of a water drop with a volume of approximately 200 μL in the air atm...
Any biological material contains dissolved gases that affect physical and biological processes associated with cooling and freezing. However, in the cryobiology literature, little attention has been paid to the effect of gasses on cryopreservation. We studied the influence of helium, neon, krypton, xenon, argon, nitrogen, and sulfur hexafluoride on...
Due to advances in medical technologies, it is an important problem to develop methods that allow safe and efficient long-term preservation of the human gut microbiota without substantially altering the abundance of the species and quantitative balance of components in the microbial community. The effects were studied of 5 and 10% solutions of dime...
The idea of using a higher pressure to reduce damage due to freezing has been thoroughly theoretically examined, while there is little experimental evidence on cryopreservation of living systems at a higher hydrostatic pressure. A study was made to assess the viability of HeLa cells at a pressure of 1.0–2.0 kbar, the toxic effects of five classical...
A comparative analysis of the survival rate of the human gut microbiota after low-temperature preservation under the protection of penetrating (dimethylsulfoxide and glycerol), nonpenetrating (gelatin) and gas (helium) protectors was performed. Increased resistance of intestinal bacteria to the effect of low temperatures was revealed. A significant...
Peroxiredoxin 6 (Prdx6) is an antioxidant enzyme in the human body that performs a number of important functions in the cell. Prdx6 restores a wide range of peroxide substrates, thus playing a leading role in maintaining redox homeostasis in mammalian cells. In addition to peroxidase activity, Prdx6 has an activity of phospholipase A2, thus taking...
High organoprotective properties of a carbon monoxide (CO)–oxygen (O2) gas mixture were confirmed after prolonged (24-h) preservation of the papillary muscle and an isolated rat heart at 4°C. Hypothermic preservation in the high-pressure gas mixture (6 atm) provided efficient restoration of the contractile activity of the isolated rat heart after 2...
The human intestinal microbiota is a complex ecosystem that consists of thousands of bacterial species that are responsible for human health and disease. The intestinal microbiota is a natural resource for production of therapeutic and preventive medicals, such as probiotics and fecal transplants. Modern lifestyles have resulted in the extinction o...
One of the possible approaches to a new method of cryopreservation seems to be the controlled formation of a multitude of small crystals in an object, which, due to their size, will not damage cellular structures. Managing the crystal formation, given the stochastic nature of the process, is an extremely difficult task. Theoretically, it is simplif...
It is found experimentally that a mesoscopic droplet phase is formed in low-concentration aqueous solutions of various polar organic compounds, which are considered in the chemical literature as infinitely soluble in water. The content of dissolved organic molecules in droplets is much higher than in the ambient solution. The droplet size increases...
The effect of helium on cell survival during cryopreservation was studied using the HeLa and L929 cell lines. Cell suspensions were incubated in an atmosphere of helium, nitrogen, or air and frozen in the presence or absence of glycerol as a cryoprotectant. After thawing, the cell viability was evaluated by the Trypan Blue exclusion test and cultur...
A mesoscale droplet phase, which is spontaneously formed in aqueous solutions of some polar organic compounds, has been experimentally investigated by methods of dynamic light scattering and laser phase microscopy. It is shown that tetrahydrofuran and tert-butanol aqueous solutions demonstrate a strong peak of light scattering intensity in the rang...
Forty-two strains of avian influenza viruses were isolated from the wild waterfowls’ feces in the city of Moscow. These viruses, as well as reference strains and some experimental reassortants, were analyzed by microarrays. The microarrays contained 176 probes to the different segments of influenza virus genome. The microarray helps to determine 1)...
В черте города Москвы из фекалий диких водоплавающих птиц изолировали 42 штамма вируса гриппа птиц и проанализировали их на микрочипах «Биогрипп», которые содержат 176 зондов к различным участкам генома вирусов гриппа. Микрочип позволяет определять: 1) субтип поверхностных белков гемагглютинина и нейраминидазы; 2) структуру С-концевой последователь...
The review covers a wide range of issues related to the nucleation, growth and dissociation of gas hydrates. The attention is focused on publications of the last 10-15 years. Along with the mathematical models used to describe these processes, the results of relevant experimental studies are surveyed. Particular sections are devoted to the gas hydr...
Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) was used to determine the spectra (range = 1.2-120 cm(-1)) of aqueous solutions of bovine serum albumin (BSA) at pH range 2.5-10. Under each of the selected pH, BSA molecules exist in a different conformation, compared to other pH values. The spectra were used to calculate the functions of the dielectric...
Processes and thermodynamic parameters of dehydration of transition metal (Ni, Co, and Fe) sulfate heptahydrate crystals grown in aqueous solutions have been investigated by optical thermomicroscopy, X-ray analysis, and differential scanning calorimetry. Values of temperature and specific heat of the first stage of dehydration have been determined,...
Origin of cononsolvency, based on the structure of tetrahydrofuran-water mixture Pretransitional behavior of a water in liquid crystal microemulsion close to the demixing transition: Evidence for intermicellar attraction mediated by paranematic fluctuations Optical measurements of the phase diagrams of Langmuir monolayers of fatty acid, ester, and...
Due to shallow penetration of millimeter waves (MMW) and convection in liquid medium surrounding cells, the problem of accurate assessment of local MMW heating in in vitro experiments remains unsolved. Conventional dosimetric MMW techniques, such as infrared imaging or fiber optic (FO) sensors, face several inherent limits. Here we propose a method...
The novel C5-modified nucleotides containing indodicarbocyanine dye bearing a carboxyl group at the 3-position of indolenine have been synthesized and incorporated into DNA by commercially available thermostable Taq DNA polymerase. The efficiency of incorporation of labeled nucleotides during polymerase chain reaction was studied in a TB-biochip an...
Three independent experimental laser techniques (dynamic light scattering, nanoparticle tracking analysis, and laser phase microscopy) have been used to find and quantitatively characterize a lowconcentration domain of existence for the droplet-stratified phase in an aqueous solution of tetrahydrofurane (THF) molecules acting as hydrogen bond accep...
The absorption spectra of liquid water and different aqueous solutions were analyzed in a terahertz frequency domain (from 6 to 200 cm-1) which characterize the collective dynamics of water molecules. The particular attention was paid to the relaxation process in the range of ~6-80 cm-1. The physical essence of this process on the molecular level i...
We studied the effect of the antioxidant α-tocopherol on the activity of protein kinase C that was isolated from rat brain, which was used as a model system for investigating a bimodal dose-dependent effect. The enzyme activity was measured photometrically with a luciferase assay for determining the amount of ADP that is produced in the phosphoryla...
The heating of a membrane-forming hole in a Teflon film upon irradiation with decimeter waves was calculated. The dependence of the temperature increase in the membrane-forming hole on its geometry, the concentration of electrolyte solution, and the frequency of decimeter radiation were studied. The heating kinetics of the hole depending on its dia...
In the present review, we attempt to evaluate the known properties of gas hydrates and gases that form them from the point of view of the mechanisms of cryoinjury and cryoprotection, to consider the publications on the freezing of biological materials in the presence of inert gases, and to assess the prospects of development in this field. For this...
This study demonstrates that 20-100 GHz range can be used for spatially-accurate focusing of heating inside the skin achieved by varying frequency and exposure beam size, as well as by enforcing air convection. The latter is also used to reduce overheating of skin surface. Heating at different skin depths depending on these parameters is investigat...
We analyzed spectra of light and heavy water at temperatures from 4 up to 50°C in a frequency range of 0.15 to 6.5 THz. It was shown that the amplitude of high-frequency relaxation absorption band with its maximum at 0.5 THz extends with increasing temperature and this temperature dependence for light water has a marked feature at 35–40°C as a shar...
In this paper, we analyzed spectra of liquid water and water solutions in a frequency domain, characteristic of the collective dynamics of water molecules (from 0 to 200 cm−1). Particular attention is paid to the relaxation processes, one of which is observed in the terahertz region of the spectrum (∼5–50 cm−1). The physical essence of this process...
Gilbert’s syndrome is a common metabolic dysfunction characterized by elevated levels of unconjugated bilirubin in the bloodstream. This condition is usually caused by additional (TA) insertions in a promoter region of the uridine diphosphate glucuronosyltransferase 1A1 (
The technique is based on hybridization analysis of a pre-amplified segment o...
Immobilization of molecular probes in 3D hydrogel elements provides some essential advantages compared with conventional flat surfaces. In this article, an integrated technology based on the use of low-density microarrays comprised of hemispherical gel elements, developed at the Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology (Moscow, Russia) for various...
The epizootic etiologically associated with highly pathogenic avian influenza H5N1 genotype 2.3.2 that is new for Russia among wild and domestic birds in the south of the Primorye Territory during spring migration in April 2008 has been decoded. About 25% of the wild birds of a water complex, which include European teals (Anas crecca), mallard duck...
Influenza A viruses are classified into subtypes depending on the antigenic properties of their two outer glycoproteins, hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). Sixteen subtypes of HA and nine of NA are known. Lately, the circulation of some subtypes (H7N7, H5N1) has been closely watched because of the epidemiological threat they present.
This s...