Eugenio Alberto Aragon-Noriega

Eugenio Alberto Aragon-Noriega
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C. | CIBNOR · Unidad Guaymas



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Eugenio Alberto Aragon-Noriega currently works at the Unidad Sonora, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste. Eugenio does research in Marine Ecology. Their current project is 'Growth of Decapod Crustacean.'
Additional affiliations
August 1994 - present
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste S.C.
  • Principal Investigator


Publications (178)
Technical Report
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In this paper some natural history traits are detailed about biology and ecology of crocodile shark.
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Citation: Calle-Morán, M.D.; Aragón-Noriega, E.A.; Hernández-Téllez, A.R.; Marín-Enríquez, E.; Tovar-Ávila, J.; Arzola-González, J.F.; Payán-Alejo, J. 2025. Population Dynamics of the Crocodile Shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai, in the Tropical Equatorial Pacific Ocean, Ecuador. Fishes 2025, 10, 5. fishes10010005. Abstract:...
The growth of the Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei was analysed with data from nine earthen ponds in three aquaculture farms located at the mouth of the Gulf of California in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico. Each farm has a different source of water supply: marine, estuarine-freshwater, and estuarine-hypersaline. Growth was estimated with a mult...
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The age, growth, and longevity parameters of crocodile shark, Pseudocarcharias kamoharai, from Santa Rosa, Ecuador were estimated. A number of 328 organisms were analyzed, 158 females (69 to 117 cm total length, TL) and 170 males (72.5 to 110 cm TL). The relationship between the vertebra's radius and TL was moderate (r 2 = 0.63), indicating a relat...
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Using data from 1991 to 2019, we develop a method to study hyperstable fished stocks relaxing the assumption of constant catchability, hence direct dependence of catch-per-uniteffort and biomass. Information criterion was used to choose the best model including a Cobb-Douglas function for gulf corvina (Cynoscion othonopterus), a sciaenid fish endem...
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Catch and fishing effort data are generally available, hence surplus production models are commonly used to conduct assessments. However, hyperstability resulting from spawning aggregations (SA) pose challenges to determine status and inform management of many fisheries resources. Using data from 1991 to 2019, we develop a method to study hyperstab...
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The crab fishery of the genus Callinectes is one of the most important fisheries in Mexico. Sonora and Sinaloa are the states on the eastern coast of the Gulf of California, the mainland coast. Sinaloa encompasses the greatest production in Mexico of these species, in particular the Bahía Santa Maria La Reforma (BSMR), supplying the most important...
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During the last 50 years, the increase in the efforts of the longline fleet in the Eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO) resulted in an increase in the capture of the swordfish Xiphias gladius. We analyzed a historical database of swordfish catches (1980–2020) reported by the industrial longline fleet to the Inter-American Tuna Tropical Commission (IATTC), w...
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Modeling individual growth in marine species for aquaculture encounters many difficulties when the species pauses its growth but resumes its later after the disrupting phenomenon (environmental or physiological) has been overcome. Seasonal or oscillatory growth has been addressed by modifying existing models, such as von Bertalanffy and Gompertz, t...
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The crab’s fishery of the genus Callinectes is one of the most important fisheries in Mexico. Sonora and Sinaloa are the states in the eastern coast of the Gulf of California, the mainland coast. Sinaloa encompass the greatest production in Mexico of these species, in particular the Bahía Santa Maria La Reforma (BSMR), supply the most important cat...
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The clam fishery in northwestern Mexico encompasses the mangrove cockle Anadara tuberculosa. It is extracted manually, at low tides and between the roots of mangroves. Biological samplings were carried out in Estero Las Lajitas, Sinaloa, from May 2021 to April 2022. A total of 661 A. tuberculosa organisms were analyzed, of which 126 were males, wer...
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In Mexico, the spiny lobster fishery is well established but this is not the case with the slipper lobster fishery. For a sustainable fishery, many biological traits must be known, one of which is growth. The objective of the present study was to probe the multi-model approach to identify the curve that best describes the growth of Evibacus princep...
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The totoaba (Totoaba macdonaldi) is a sciaenid (croaker) fish endemic to the Gulf of California with high commercial importance. Because it was considered at risk of extinction (since 2021 it was reclassified as vulnerable by the IUCN), and aquaculture procedures were developed for restocking and commercial purposes. The present study was conducted...
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In Mexico, shrimp catch is the main fishing activity, and the second important species is the blue shrimp, Penaeus stylirostris. Specimens of P. stylirostris collected in 2016-2018 from inland waters (bay) and offshore (littoral) in the Santa María la Reforma lagoon (SMLR) system were analysed. The sexes were separated, and then individuals were me...
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A stock reduction analysis (SRA) of bigeye croaker Micropogonias megalops was performed based on commercial catch data. SRA solutions were restricted to a 2011 bigeye croaker stock biomass estimate of 14,412 t. The viable solution indicated a reduction in stock of 73.6% from 1983 to 2020 with an initial biomass of 22,186 t. In addition, a possible...
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The relative growth of Calappa convexa can be used to identify dimorphism or morphological change related to sexual maturation. The carapace width (CW) against width and length of the propodus of the right and left cheliped were tested to obtain a coefficient of allometry. CW against total wet weight WT values were analysed for length-weight relati...
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In the present study, size-at-age data (length and weight) of marine cage-reared spotted rose snapper Lutjanus guttatus were analyzed under four different variance assumptions (observed, constant, depensatory, and compensatory variances) to analyze the robustness of selecting the right standard deviation structure to parametrize the von Bertalanffy...
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Obtaining the best possible estimates of individual growth parameters is essential in studies of physiology, fisheries management, and conservation of natural resources since growth is a key component of population dynamics. In the present work, we use data of an endangered fish species to demonstrate the importance of selecting the right data erro...
In the present study, weight-at-age data of reared Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus vannamei Boone, 1931, were analysed under four different assumptions of variance (observed, constant, depensatory, and compensatory variance) in order to analyse the robustness for selecting the right standard deviation structure to parametrize the Von Bertalanffy, Log...
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En México, el recurso pesquero más importante es Penaeus stylirostris (camarón azul), siendo aprovechado a su máximo sustentable. P. stylirostris es considerada por sus tallas máximas registradas, la especie de camarón prioritaria para la alimentación humana y muy cotizada en los mercados nacional (México) e internacional. El objetivo fue determina...
The spot prawn fishery, targeting Pandalus platyceros, has failed to prove commercially viable on the Mexican Pacific coast. A survey was carried out off the northwestern coast of Baja California, at depths of 140-180 m. The objective was to describe the biological traits of the species to test the hypothesis that warmer water stimulates higher growt...
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Length-frequency data of juveniles and sub-adults of Penaeus californiensis were analyzed, collected from January 2002 to January 2003 in the Agiabampo lagoon system and adjacent marine coastal zone. Six models were parameterized with four criteria, in addition to a mixed criterion (fat-tail and depensatory), to estimate the parameters that best fi...
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The yellowlegs shrimp Penaeus californiensis is an oceanic species that approaches the coastal zone for its reproduction. However, in the southern Gulf of California, this species also enters coastal lagoons to grow and reproduce. To test the hypothesis that the growth of P. californiensis differs between these two environments, monthly samplings o...
The pearl oyster Pteria sterna produces pearls from animals gathered from the wild but spat collection is increasingly unreliable. Therefore, hatchery support is required to supply spat for aquaculture operations. In this study is described the hatchery processes to produce spat of P. sterna in a pilot‐commercial grade. Growth and survival (relativ...
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En el sureste del golfo de California, en el estado de Sinaloa, la pesquería de las jaibas Callinectes arcuatus y C. bellicosus es la segunda más importante para los pescadores ribereños, después de la pesquería del camarón. Su captura se realiza durante casi todo el año, solo se suspende en los meses de su veda y al inicio de la temporada de pesca...
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The present study was carried out to determine the effect of tilapia Oreochromis niloticus on the physical and chemical sediment parameters on an earthen pond in monoculture (shrimp Penaeus vannamei) and co-culture (tilapia-shrimp) during the dry and wet seasons in a commercial farm during the period from mid-September to end-December 2017 and Febr...
This study describes biometric characteristics of the pea crab Pinnaxodes gigas , a symbiont of the geoduck clam Panopea globosa in the eastern-central Gulf of California. Differences were observed in the coefficient of allometry when length-weight relationships (LWR) were analysed under a multi-model approach. The winner model for LWR in females w...
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Production of Crassostrea gigas in hatcheries may be affected by different factors influencing spat quality; this will be reflected during its cultivation in the field. The main indicator of quality is growth. Growth modeling is a form of determining individual growth patterns in bivalves. In this study, multi-model inference (MMI) and the Akaike i...
El objetivo de éste trabajo fue determinar la densidad óptima de siembra de Penaues vannamei, cultivado en un sistema intensivo foto-heterotrófico en estanques de engorda circulares revestidos, con un mínimo reemplazo de agua. Se consideraron cinco niveles de densidad (100, 300, 500, 700, y 900 org/mt3). La calidad del agua media durante el periodo...
Growth curves of Panopea globosa were compared from four zones in northwestern Mexico, with three zones in the Gulf of California (Guaymas, Puerto Peñasco, and San Felipe) and one zone on the Pacific Coast of the southern Baja California Peninsula (Bahía Magdalena). The curves were shaped using the von Bertalanffy growth model. The lengths-at-age d...
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This work aimed to determine the optimum stocking density of Penaeus vannamei, cultured in a photo-heterotrophic intensive circular system inlined grow-out ponds with minimal water replacement. Five intensive density levels (100, 300, 500, 700 and 900 ind m-3) were considered. The water quality measured for the 98 days grow-out period was within th...
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We really believe that collaborative efforts are required to save this species from extinction, and that includes analyzing, in a holistic manner, three main socio–ecological factors: (1) The current proximal causes that affect their individuals; (2) the potential distal causes that affect their original habitat, as a contributing factor for its lo...
To fully understand the reproductive habitat of brown shrimp, Farfantepenaeus californiensis, this study analyzed reproductive dynamics of the stock in a semiarid coastal region of the Gulf of California. Monthly biological samplings were conducted simultaneously in a coastal lagoon and in adjacent marine waters from January through December 2002,...
Management of commercial fisheries resources is commonly done assuming that populations are spatially homogeneous throughout their geographic range. However, uneven gene flow can result in gradients of genetic diversity that can affect population dynamics and management reference points and may contribute to overfishing. We examined whether the bro...
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Se analiza, desde la perspectiva socioeconómica, el desempeño de la pesquería de camarón y de calamar gigante en la región noroeste de México. Se ubica a estas dos pesquerías en el contexto de sus orígenes y orientación exportadora, argumentando que estos dos elementos han marcado el ritmo de explotación de esos recursos. Se describe el comportamie...
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Management of commercial fisheries resources is commonly done assuming that populations are spatially homogeneous throughout their geographic range. However, uneven gene flow can result in gradients of genetic diversity that can affect population dynamics and management reference points and may contribute to over-fishing. We examined whether the br...
This work analyses how the fecundity of the brown swimming crab, Callinectes bellicosus, varies along the coast of Sonora in the Gulf of California. Ripe female crabs were collected during May 2015 in four zones, and fecundity was determined and compared with carapace width (CW), total body weight (TW) and egg mass weight (MW). TW ranged between 10...
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This study aimed to determine weight-size relationships and to fit the best growth model of the Cortez oyster Crassostrea corteziensis from early juvenile to adult during one single culture cycle. The morphometric data (n = 50 oysters sampled each two weeks during January 2010 to March 2011) of shell height-shell length [SH-SL], shell height-shell...
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Growth estimates of animals are often based on a single data set. The sizes used to determine these estimates can nevertheless be biased by the selectivity of the data source and how well the data represent a population. The average growth of the brachyuran crab Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) (Ocypodidae) had been previously estimated utilizin...
We examined the length-weight relationship (LWR) in Callinectes bellicosus (Stimpson, 1859) (Brachyura: Portunidae). The power model W = aLb is practically the only model used for allometry in aquatic animals, where the allometric coefficient b is considered as constant and determined by the overall size of the animal. We tested the hypothesis that...
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The objective of this research is to assess the main social and economic effects on local fishermen in El Golfo de Santa Clara, as a result of the severe fishing restrictions enforced to protect the marine mammal "vaquita" (Phocoena sinus). Sustainable development includes natural resources conservation and the improvement of the social and economi...
In Mexico, swimming crabs are considered a strategic resource because it supports artisanal fishing when the main fish resource (shrimp) is in closed season. In "Marismas Nacionales" the blue crab fishery is relatively new, and the catches have been maintained due to the national demand and the availability of the resource. Individual growth, sexua...
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The Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta is a zone which is immersed in an ecological, economic, political and social conflict. That is because of the Totoaba Totoaba macdonaldi illegal fishing and the Vaquita Phocoena sinus potential extinction. This issue has driven to ban all the region’s fisheries with the exception of the Gulf cor...
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The Upper Gulf of California and Colorado River Delta is a zone which is immersed in an ecological, economic, political and social conflict. That is because of the Totoaba Totoaba macdonaldi illegal fishing and the Vaquita Phocoena sinus potential extinction. This issue has driven to ban all the region’s fisheries with the exception of the Gulf cor...
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The main purpose of this study was to review the growth models used in fish culture and demonstrate the benefit of using the most appropriate growth model for aquaculture studies. For this reason, another part of this study was to use a dataset from spotted rose snapper (Lutjanus guttatus Steindachner, 1869) cultured in floating cages to determine...
The fishing effort of a Sinaloa crab fishery in the Gulf of California in 2014 was analysed based on fishermen’s interviews, official catches and permits, and information from a sample of fishing logbooks from five fishery cooperatives operating in four coastal lagoons that contained the daily catch from individual fishing trips. Unauthorized gear,...
The present study was done under the hypothesis that size variation among individuals of one particular age affects the precise assessment of anticipated growth curve trajectories and their parameters for the marine shrimp, Penaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931). The data come from shrimp farmed in earthen ponds of an aquaculture farm located in the Gulf o...
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RESUMEN La curvina golfina, Cynoscion othonopterus, es una especie endémica del Alto Golfo de California, que actualmente está bajo una alta presión por pesca debido a que es el único re-curso de escama con permiso de explotación en la región. Por ello es necesario conocer sus parámetros y patrón de creci-miento, a fin de contribuir con el manejo s...
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The gulf corvina Cynoscion othonopterus, is an endemic species of the upper Gulf of California, which is under a high pressure by fishing because is the only finfish resource with permission of exploitation in the region. Therefore, it is necessary to know its growth parameters and growth pattern to contribute to the sustainable management of the r...
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The gulf corvine, Cynoscion othonopterus, is an endemic species of the upper Gulf of California, which is under a high pressure by fishing because is the only finfish resource with permission of exploitation in the region. Therefore, it is necessary to know its growth parameters and growth pattern so as to contribute to the sustainable management o...
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Background. The squalid callista Megapitaria squalida is an important fishery resource in the eastern coast of the Gulf of California. To sustainably manage of this resource, it is necessary to address its individual growth pattern. Previous studies on M. squalida growth have fitted the von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) without examining alternat...
The distribution forecasting to year 2050of geoduck Panopea globosa in the Gulf of California, was done, using the maximum entropy model (MaxEnt), in which 12 environmental variables were used. The MaxEnt model predicted potential habitat suitable for P. globosa with high success rates (AUC = 0.995). The most favorable habitat of P. globosa is loca...
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Antecedentes: La almeja chocolata, Megapitaria squalida, es un recurso pesquero importante en el Golfo de California, por lo que para su manejo sostenible es necesario determinar la estructura por edades y el patrón de crecimiento indi vidual. Los estudios previos sobre el crecimiento de M. squalida sólo han utilizado el modelo de crecimiento de vo...
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The shovelnose guitarfish ( Pseudobatos productus ) is the most abundant and economically important batoid in Gulf of California fisheries. Despite the importance of the guitarfish in the demersal ecosystem, its trophic relationships are poorly understood. Results from stomach content and stable isotope analysis indicate P. productus is a specialis...
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The culture of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei in low salinity waters (1.2 ± 0.5 g L⁻¹) presents challenges, the deviation of the ionic composition of water is known that influences the overall condition of the cultured organisms. The effect of water of low salinity with different ion content on the growth and survival of shrimp was determined. F...
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This study demonstrate the advantage of multi-model approach to calculate the growth of Crassostrea gigas cultivated in the Gulf of California. The generalized von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) and its modification to represent the seasonal variations (VBGM seasonal) were tested. The parameters of each model and their confidence intervals were co...
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This study demonstrate the advantage of multi-model approach to calculate the growth of Crassostrea gigas cultivated in the Gulf of California. The generalized von Bertalanffy growth model (VBGM) and its modification to represent the seasonal variations (VBGM seasonal) were tested. The parameters of each model and their confidence intervals were co...
In the present study we explored the effect of the tidal hour on the postlarvae abundance of the penaeid white-leg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931)) in three Mexican Pacific coastal lagoons. Correlation analysis of tidal hour against the hourly variation of the abundance of postlarvae was conducted in three regions of the Mexican Pacific;...
In northwestern Mexico (Gulf of California and Pacific Coast), a fishery on the squalid callista Megapitaria squalida (Sowerby, 1835) was established four decades ago, but little is known about its growth. The objective of this study was to assess individual growth parameters by testing the best growth model fitted to M. Squalida. Four growth model...
Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) is a commercial crab in the Ecuadorian continental coast, however, little knowledge is available about its biology. A very important aspect for stock assessment and fisheries management is the species’ individual growth. In this paper U. occidentalis growth in males and females was determined by indirect methods...
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Currently the crab fishery in the state of Nayarit is under development, yet basic fishery and biological data are needed to allow a proper management. The blue crab, Callinectes arcuatus, was sampled monthly during the fishing season from June to December 2014 from commercial catches in Marismas Nacionales, Nayarit, Mexico. Carapace width (ac) and...
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La pesquería de jaiba en el estado de Nayarit, México, está en desarrollo y se tiene poca información para el manejo adecuado del recurso. Durante la temporada que va de junio a diciembre de 2014 se realizaron muestreos biológicos mensuales de jaiba azul, Callinectes arcuatus, desembarcada en Marismas Naciona-les, Nayarit. Se hicieron mediciones de...
Sexual dimorphism was established in Ucides occidentalis (Ortmann, 1897) in the Gulf of Guayaquil, Ecuador on the basis of the size and dimensions of the chelar propodus (CP); whether the CP can be used as an indicator of sexual maturity in males was also evaluated. Morphological differences were also established in individuals by inspecting CP var...
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Sex ratio and environmental influence on population growth rate of Callinectes bellicosus (Decapoda: Portunidae) in the Gulf of California. The brown swimming crab (Callinectes bellicosus) is an economically important species in the Gulf of California, and its fishing activity, held in Sonora from 1986, has been affected by a 20-year declining tren...
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El camarón de profundidad o gamba imperial (Pandalus platyceros, Brandt 1851) se distribuye en la zona del Pacífico noreste, en la costa oeste de América del Norte desde Alaska en las Islas Aleutianas, frente a la costa de Japón y en la costa occidental del estado de Baja California; no existiendo registros de su presencia al sur de Punta Eugenia,...
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The brown swimming crab (Callinectes bellicosus) is an economically important species in the Gulf of California, and its fishing activity, held in Sonora from 1986, has been affected by a 20-year declining trend in its biomass. With the aim to understand the possible reasons of this species population changes along time, we estimated population gro...
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Individual growth of two shrimp species of the family Penaeidae, the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and blue shrimp L. stylirostris were analyzed. The hypothesis was that both species would have an asymptotic growth type with sigmoid shape. The data comes from shrimp farming in earthen ponds of an aquaculture farm located in the Gulf of Californ...