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My main research interests concern socio-spatial interactions and agent-based simulations with a focus on co-operation emergence.
Publications (75)
Transhumants move their herds based on strategies simultaneously considering several environmental and socio-economic factors. There is no agreement on the influence of each factor in these strategies. In addition, there is a discussion about the social aspect of transhumance and how to manage pastoral space. In this context, agent-based modeling c...
Cormas is an agent-based simulation platform developed in the late 90s by the Green research at CIRAD unit to support the management of natural resources and understand the interactions between natural and social dynamics. This platform is well-suited for a participatory simulation approach that empowers local stakeholders by including them in all...
Les métaphores sont des outils utiles pour aider à questionner la recherche, mieux la comprendre et la partager.
A Diohine, nous avons constitué un collectif composé d’habitants et de chercheurs, femmes et hommes, pour réfléchir ensemble à mieux comprendre et protéger le sol.
Nous présentons ici les résultats d’un atelier que nous avons mené pour t...
Sahelian transhumance is a seasonal movement of herds based on strategies. These strategies are based on environmental and socio-economic factors. However, it is empirically difficult to establish the influence of each factor on the spatio-temporal distribution of herds. This paper presents a microsimulation software Sahelian transhumance simulator...
Sahelian transhumance is a type of socio-economic and environmental pastoral mobility. It involves the movement of herds from their terroir of origin (i.e., their original pastures) to one or more host terroir, followed by a return to the terroir of origin. According to certain pastoralists, the mobility of herds is planned to prevent environmental...
Since the 1960s, droughts have caused significant degradation of Sahelian ecosystems, particularly resulting in a reduction in tree cover. Despite the challenges posed by climate change, the rural Sahelian population continues to depend on natural resources for pastoral livestock farming, which remains a critical source of livelihood. To address th...
Urgent calls to transform societies toward more sustainability make the practice of anticipation more and more necessary. The progressive development of computational technologies has opened room for a growing use of quantitative methods to explore the future of social-ecological systems, in addition to qualitative methods. This warrants investigat...
1 Calling on the concept of environmental justice in its distributive, procedural and recognition dimensions, we implemented a coelaborative scenario building approach to explore sustainable livelihoods pathways in four sites belonging to two Transfrontier Conservation Areas (TFCAs) in southern Africa.
2 Grounded on participation and transdisciplin...
Africa has managed to conserve an exceptional mammal diversity but is also facing an increasing demand for agricultural land to address a booming human population. Conserving natural resources while producing food in natural landscapes is a challenge that requires ecosystem health and social-ecological systems thinking.
A logo of the company Pro Su...
Dans l’objectif général d’un ouvrage proposant un autre récit fondateur de la coopération territoriale, cette introduction ancre
ce dernier dans l’histoire de chercheurs passionnés «passeurs de frontières ».
Qui sommes-nous?
Un collectif de chercheurs d’un institut de recherche français, investi dans la coopération internationale avec les pays d...
Ce chapitre vise à ouvrir notre réflexion sur l’opportunité que constitue la redéfinition de notre rapport au vivant, aux autres et à nos territoires pour changer nos pratiques et «infiltrer » les politiques publiques.
Quel positionnement vis-à-vis de la diversité du vivant en matière de coopération territoriale?
Plutôt que de préserver la diversi...
L’initiative Grande Muraille verte (GMV) est bien plus qu’une activité de reforestation pour limiter la désertification des écosystèmes sahéliens. Elle vise à restaurer des terres
dégradées pour permettre une meilleure résilience et durabilité des territoires sahéliens face aux changements globaux (O’Connor & Ford, 2014). Sur le terrain, les résult...
Sahelian transhumance is a seasonal pastoral mobility between the transhumant’s terroir of origin and one or more host terroirs. Sahelian transhumance can last several months and extend over hundreds of kilometers. Its purpose is to ensure efficient and inexpensive feeding of the herd’s ruminants. This paper describes an agent-based model to determ...
L'objectif de restaurer 100 millions d'hectares d'ici 2030 au Sahel n'est pas seulement un défi technique - définir les meilleurs itinéraires techniques agro-écologiques et forestiers - face à des conditions climatiques extrêmes. C'est aussi l'enjeu de (ré)concilier dans l'espace et le temps les activités de restauration écologique avec celles huma...
Since the 1970s, the Sahel region has been struck by severe droughts that has brought suffering to human populations. Scientists also observed declining rainfall leading to desertification in the zone. Against this backdrop, in 2007, several African states launched the international Great Green Wall (GGW) project that aimed to create a strip of for...
This paper uses a series of serious games – a form of participatory modelling designed and played in Kandal, Cambodia - as an entry point for reexamining relations between development projects, participatory formats, landscape transformations, and sustainable futures. Critics of development and participation have shown that participatory formats si...
Ce rapport technique a été produit sous la coordination de Camille Jahel, de l'unité de recherche Tetis du CIRAD.
Le territoire des Niayes, dont est issu la plus grande partie des produits maraichers du Sénégal, fait face à une diminution du niveau de sa nappe superficielle et à une réduction des terres agricoles, notamment du fait de l’urbanisat...
The occurrence of natural root grafts, the union of roots of the same or different trees, is common and shared across tree species. However, their significance for forest ecology remains little understood. While early research suggested negative effects of root grafting with the risk of pathogen transmission, recent evidence supports the hypothesis...
Abstract The first wave of the COVID- 19 pandemic crisis introduced a sudden discontinuity into the functioning of human societies worldwide by affecting individual habits as well as economic and social life. This paper is a first attempt to investigate whether that discontinuity also altered our relationship to the future, in particular through th...
The occurrence of natural root grafts, the functional union of roots of the same or different trees 1–3 , is common and shared across tree species ² . However, their significance for forest ecology remains little understood. While early research suggested negative effects of root grafting (i.e. increases the risk of pathogen transmission) 4,5 , rec...
Video presented at the African Commons IASC 2020 Web Conference:
In the Niayes region, part of Senegal’s drylands, population growth, extractive activities, and irrigated agriculture, with a background of climate change, lead to the depletion of natural resources on which people depend for their livelihood. W...
Compared with more productive areas, mountain areas are at risk of being marginalized, particularly in the agri-food sector. To circumvent price competition, local actors in the mountains can develop specialized local products, which depends on their capacity to act collectively. Collective action, however, is complex and needs to be better underst...
The VitiTerroir project ambitions to develop a model simulating spatial dynamics of vineyards in Centre-Val de Loire region, France. We study these dynamics in the long (several centuries), medium and short term, using historical sources (administrative surveys, field books, cadasters…). In this paper, we focus on the impact of four factors on the...
Understanding the origins, conditions, advantages and limitations of cooperation in natural and social systems has motivated many investigations in the biological and social sciences. To investigate individual cooperative behaviour in the face of temporal and spatial heterogeneity of resources we considered a definition of cooperation at the same o...
In this article, we consider the social effects of a large dam in the Eastern Pyrenees region of France. In 1976, the French state constructed a dam near the town of Vinça on the Têt River, altering the hydrological conditions that had co-produced a complex system of hydro-social relations evolved since the Middle Ages. We argue that through alteri...
The VitiTerroir project ambitions to develop a model simulating spatial dynamics of vineyards in Centre-Val de Loire region, France. We study these dynamics in the long (several centuries), medium and short term, using historical sources (administrative surveys, field books, cadasters…). In this paper, we focus on the impact of four factors on the...
The serious game LittoSIM models the risk of coastal flooding, using real data, to which an island on the French Atlantic coast is exposed. It proposes to four teams of players to manage the territory, planning urbanization and coastal defense, and then to observe the consequences of land use planning during marine submersion events. The serious ga...
Climate change is a complex process that requires societies to seek viable solutions to enable them to adapt. Agent based modelling using co-constructed models can thus be contemplated as a means of understanding the manner in which societies in wine-growing areas take into account the different variables that influence their systems. Here we offer...
From our different research fields, by comparing the relationships between local populations and their territory, we noted some similarities. This paper aims to analyze the relationship between local or indigenous stakeholders and their territory. We thus wondered on the possibilities to create a common framework to represent social dynamics of hum...
Due to the increase in coastal flooding risk associated with sea-level rise and increasing population along the coasts, there is a strong need to develop efficient and long-term management strategies. In partnership with the local administration of Oléron Island in France, a participatory simulation model was developed to foster social learning abo...
In pre-industrial society, wine and food crops are under competition for space. Fertile soils are generally used for grains, vineyards are grouped in poor lands where cereal does not grow (Dion 1952). In our society space is hardly specialized in the market around mass production for favorable to trades (Hinnewinkel 2004). Using agent-based modelin...
Coastal flood is a major risk for the French Atlantic coast and its island territories, and its management is a key issue for local authorities. Good management of this risk requires understanding the need for a trade-off between occupant safety, attractiveness of the island, environmental development, costs minimisation and population satisfaction...
La submersion marine est un risque majeur pour le littoral Atlantique français, en particulier pour ses territoires insulaires tels que l'ile d'Oléron. La gestion de ce risque est donc un enjeu important pour les élus locaux (communes et communauté de communes). Une bonne maitrise de ce risque repose sur une assimilation des principes d'équilibre e...
La submersion marine est un risque majeur pour le littoral Atlantique français, en particulier pour ses territoires insulaires tels que l’ile d’Oléron. La gestion de ce risque est donc un enjeu important pour les élus locaux (communes et communauté de communes). Une bonne maitrise de ce risque repose sur une assimilation des principes d’équilibre e...
The mountain environment is perceived today by vine-growers as a strong structural constraint. Yet in the current context of climate change, in which we turn to genetics, irrigation or innovation in cultural practices to maintain production quality, could the mountain environment emerge as a solution for adapting to climate change in vine-growing?...
In an economy of increased globalization and trade, wine holds a privileged place. The wine cooperative system in vineyards in mountain regions, such as in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France and the Val di Cembra, Italy, offers a privileged context for studying the opportunities for individual action that affect precarious socio-economic balances. To understa...
Wine and wineyards stand nowadays as a significant wealth for a number of countries. While retaining their properties as production space, vine-growing regions are developing adaptation strategies to market globalisation and to the ever more versatile consumer expectations.
Yet, due to the corresponding specific orographic conditions in steep and m...
En ce début de XXIe siècle, le vin et la vigne constituent une richesse importante pour bon nombre de pays. Les territoires viticoles, tout en conservant leurs qualités d'espace de production, développent des stratégies d'adaptation à la globalisation du marché et aux attentes des consommateurs toujours plus versatiles. Or en raison de conditions o...
In an economy of increased globalization and trade, wine holds a privileged place. The wine cooperative system in vineyards in mountain regions, such as in Banyuls-sur-Mer, France and the Val di Cembra, Italy, offers a privileged context for studying the opportunities for individual action that affect precarious socio-economic balances. To understa...
This paper explores, using a Agent-based model approach (ABM), the conditions for the emergence and the structuration of quality wine’s historical areas as described in the work of Roger Dion, particularly in his article entitled “Querelles des anciens et des modernes sur les facteurs de la qualité du vin” written in 1952 (Dion, 1952).
Loin d'être figés, les territoires viticoles, espaces vivants, évoluent au rythme des pulsations de la société. Les communautés humaines créent, exploitent, entretiennent, adaptent à leurs besoins les vignobles sous l'influence des considérations culturelles (évolution des goûts, sentiment d'attachement identitaire à la vigne), sociales (exigences...
Il paesaggio è la percezione che l’uomo ha dell’ambiente che lo circonda e del risultato dei processi dinamici nel tempo e nello spazio che agiscono su un territorio.
Nell’ultimo secolo i paesaggi agricoli hanno subìto cambiamenti radicali in risposta a forti trasformazioni sociali e importanti innovazioni tecnologiche. Queste ultime, in generale,...
This paper explores, using a Agent-based model approach (ABM), the conditions for the emergence and the structuration of quality wine's historical areas as described in the work of Roger Dion, particularly in his article entitled "Querelles des anciens et des modernes sur les facteurs de la qualité du vin" written in 1952 (Dion, 1952).
This work began as an intellectual game, in order to discuss the notion of wine quality in terms of terroir and territory spatial structure. Vine and wine quality has long been questioned by scientists. Each discipline approaching it with his own tools.
One of Frenchs geographers who mark the discipline history was Roger Dion (1896-1981) whit an hi...
Ce travail a débuté comme un jeu intellectuel qui avait pour but de réfléchir sur la notion de qualité des vins du point de vue du terroir et des structures spatiales du territoire. La qualité de la vigne et du vin sont des notions qui sont Dupuis longtemps questionner par le monde scientifique. Chaque discipline les abordant avec ses propres outil...
Dans cette fiche, nous proposons d'utiliser un automate cellulaire pour appréhender les logiques d'évolutions spatiales de structures agricoles antagonistes : agriculture conventionnelle et agriculture biologique. A partir d'une conceptualisation élémentaire de l'espace (une cellule représentant une parcelle agricole), le modèle permet de simuler l...
La filière viticole est l'un des principaux moteurs de l'exportation de produits agroalimentaires en France. L'Europe se taille la part du lion dans la production mondiale, avec l'Italie, la France et l'Espagne dans le trio de tête des pays producteurs. Mais ces données masquent des réalités spatiales très hétérogènes. En effet les différentes régi...
Steep slope vineyards are perfect examples of human adaptations to environemental constraints. Through time, some of these slopes, such as the Lavaux or the Cinque Terre vineyards, have succeeded "in climbing" to a high level of recognition by being integrated into the very closed circle of Unesco World Heritage sites. Today, the slope is an import...
The mountain is lived by vinegrowers as a strong structural constraint. In the current context of climate change, where we look at the side of genetics, irrigation, andinnovation in cultural practices, could the mountain be a solution of adaptation to climate changes in vineyard activity? In this article we explore territorial dynamics that can be...
In wine producing regions, landscape dynamics depend on the complex structure of land use and cover. Land speculation and fluctuations in production costs are some of the most influential factors for the landscape as well as for local wine producers. From a structural analysis of the key agents involved in wine production, we propose a methodology...
Dans le contexte hyper concurrentiel de la viticulture globalisée, la viticulture de fortes pentes, élément majeur de la structuration de paysages emblématiques, est aujourd'hui la grande oubliée de la recherche et du développement de la viticulture. Dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre le CERVIM, l'université de Limoges (GEOLAB), et la fondation E...
Mountain agriculture is made difficult by the geomorphological complexity of the territory. This is especially true for viticulture: over the centuries the work of men in such a difficult environment has produced unique, and valuable landscapes. Whereas some of these mountain viticultural sites have earned a place in the World Heritage List of UNES...