Etem Karakaya

Etem Karakaya
Eskişehir Osmangazi University | ESOGU · Department of Economics

Currently working on resource efficiency, particularly role of material efficiency on the way to netzero targets


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July 2005 - July 2008
European Environment Agency (EEA)
  • Project Manager
April 2014 - March 2021
Adnan Menderes University
  • Professor (Full)
May 1993 - present
Adnan Menderes University
  • Assoc.Prof.Dr.
August 1995 - February 2001
Nottingham Trent University
Field of study
  • economics
September 1994 - September 1995
University of Leicester
Field of study
  • economics


Publications (49)
This study argues that improvements in material productivity might pave the way for a substantial reduction in emissions when adopted alongside energy productivity policies. We, therefore, compare the convergence pattern of material productivity with that of energy productivity from the mitigation perspective. To this end, we apply (un)conditional...
This study argues that improving material efficiency should be seriously considered as a mitigation policy objective alongside energy efficiency in order to meet the net-zero carbon targets and climate mitigation policies should be designed at the industry level based on the industry-specific needs and peculiarities. Therefore, by highlighting the...
This study investigates the main driving forces behind material use of the EU in the case of heterogeneity between member states with paying special attention to the comparison of domestic material consumption (DMC) with material footprint (MF). To this end, we first classify countries into several clubs based on time-varying behavior of two materi...
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This study focuses on CO2 emission trends and its decompositions as well as decoupling performance between CO2 emissions and economic growth of Turkish case for the period of 1990–2016. The drivers of CO2 emission changes are calculated by using an extended Kaya identity and the well-established logarithmic mean Divisia index (LMDI) method. Decompo...
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Much of the existing research analyses on emissions and climate policy are dominantly based on emissions data provided by production-based accounting (PBA) system. However, PBA provides an incomplete picture of driving forces behind these emission changes and impact of global trade on emissions, simply by neglecting the environmental impacts of con...
Sanayi devriminden bu zamana atmosfere salınan sera gazı emisyonlarının, negatif dışsallık yaratarak toplumsal refaha zarar verdiği ve en büyük piyasa başarısızlıklarından biri olan iklim değişikliğine yol açtığı görülmektedir. Çeşitli ekonomik araçlar kullanılarak kamu müdahalesi sayesinde emisyonlar azaltılabilir. Karbon emisyonunu maliyetli kıla...
Materials are of great importance as they are fundamentally integrated into many different critical topics, including green transition, technological progress, industrial emissions, and supply chains. Therefore, the amount of materials we demand and employ in the production process or how efficiently we use them become highly crucial. In this paper...
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The share of emissions from materials has dramatically increased over the last decades and is projected to rise in the coming years. Therefore, understanding the environmental effect of materials becomes highly crucial, especially from the climate mitigation perspective. However, its effect on emissions is often overlooked and more attention is hea...
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The share of emissions from materials has significantly increased over the last decades and is projected to rise in the coming years unless effective climate policies are developed. In this regard, understanding the environmental effect of material becomes highly crucial for achieving climate goals, especially from the climate mitigation perspectiv...
Mitigating industrial emissions is highly critical to achieving the net-zero emissions target. However, the fact that this sector is a part of a carbon-intensive production process makes it difficult to reduce emissions resulting from material production and use. The purpose of this study is to emphasize the importance of material efficiency for in...
Conference Paper
The demand for materials has significantly risen in recent decades. This considerable increase in material demand has consequently led to a further increase in global emissions. In this regard, alongside widely-adopted energy efficiency policies, designing and implementing more comprehensive resource efficiency strategies particularly material effi...
Conference Paper
In this paper, we discuss the role of material efficiency as a climate mitigation policy. For that purpose, we particularly focus on the degree of substitution between inputs, which is seen as one of the several material efficiency strategies, and explore substitution/complementarity possibilities between energy and material as well as between mate...
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Recent studies investigating convergence in energy consumption at the sectoral level within a country suggest that aggregate energy consumption could mask considerable differential impacts that might be observed at the sectoral level. This study aims to contribute and complement the existing convergence literature with an attempt to analyze sectora...
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Türkiye'nin en büyük ticari partnerinin AB olması nedeniyle Karbon Sınır Düzenlemesi (Carbon Border Adjustment-CBA) mekanizmasının uygulamaya konması, haliyle bu bloğa ihracat yapan birçok enerji-yoğun sektörü doğrudan etkileyecek. Ancak konu CBA'dan daha öte ve kapsamlı bir konu ve tüm sektörleri CBA harici de etkileyecek. Dolayısıyla Türkiye'de e...
SUPPLEMANTARY MATERIAL FOR "Decomposition and Decoupling Analysis of Energy-Related Carbon Emissions in Turkey". Instructions: This supplemantry information is provided for researchers to help to calculate LMDI based index decomposition models as well as decoupling elasticity and decoupling effort index. This excel workbook provides information o...
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Şu anda pandemiye dönüşen COVID-19 salgını küresel bir sağlık krizidir. Ancak, bu salgına karşı ülkelerin aldığı önlemler, devamında eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir ekonomik felaketi de beraberinde getiriyor. Dünyanın neredeyse %90 civarında bir kesiminde bir şekilde sosyal izalosyon uygulanıyor, insanlar sokaklara çıkmıyor, işyerleri kapanıyor, uçuşlar...
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Şu anda pandemiye dönüşen COVID-19 salgını küresel bir sağlık krizidir. Ancak, bu salgına karşı ülkelerin aldığı önlemler, devamında eşi benzeri görülmemiş bir ekonomik felaketi de beraberinde getiriyor. Dünyanın neredeyse %90 civarında bir kesiminde bir şekilde sosyal izalosyon uygulanıyor, insanlar sokaklara çıkmıyor, işyerleri kapanıyor, uçuşlar...
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COP25'te tartışmaları tıkayan ve çözümü 2020'de Glaskow'da düzenlenecek COP26'ya kalan, Karbon Piyasalarını düzenleyen Paris Anlaşması'nın 6. Maddesi, küresel emisyonların düşürülmesinde kritik bin öneme sahip. 2005-2008 yılları arasında, merkezi Danimarka'daki AB kurumu olan Avrupa Çevre Ajansı (AÇA) iklim değişikliği ve enerji biriminde proje yön...
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Avrupa Birliği 11 Aralık 2019 tarihinde iklim değişikliği yükümlülüğü açısından çok önemli ve radikal bir adım attı. Iklim değişikliği konusunda küresel anlamda her zaman liderliğini gösteren Avrupa Komisyonu "Avrupa Yeşil Düzeni" (European Green Deal) planı ile üye ülkeler coğrafyasında 2050 yılına kadar "karbon nötr" olmak için yol haritasını kam...
Abstract Strazicich and List (Are CO_2 Emission Levels Converging among Industrial Countries?. Environmental and Resource Economics 2003; 24: 263-271) examine whether CO_2 emissions converge among the twenty-one industrial countries from 1960-1997. This study replicates their main results and performs a similar analysis on a more recent dataset and...
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Much of the existing research analyses on emissions and climate policy are dominantly based on emissions data provided by production-based accounting (PBA) system. However, PBA provides an incomplete picture of driving forces behind these emission changes and impact of global trade on emissions, simply by neglecting the environmental impacts of con...
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ÖZET 21. Taraflar Konferansı olarak bilinen Paris İklim Zirvesi, yıllardır süren ve başarısız geçen müzakereler sonrasında, tarihi nitelikte küresel bir anlaşma ile sonuçlandı. 196 ülke tarafından kabul edilen Paris Anlaşması tarihi niteliktedir çünkü anlaşmanın içeriği bilimsel temelli, dinamik ve bu yüzyılın diğer yarısına gelindiğinde sera gaz...
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One of the important inputs to the production process is energy. Energy consumption is proportional to a country's economic growth. Energy consumption and energy supplied from fossil fuels in production process, cause carbondioxide (CO2) emissions and environmental deterioration. In this study, casual relationships among economic growth, energy con...
Conference Paper
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Dünyada iklim değişikliği sorunu günden güne daha fazla dikkatleri üzerine çekmektedir. 1992 Rio Konferansı’ndan bu yana iklim değişikliği sorunu hakkında bir farkındalık yaratılmış, 1997 yılında 3. Taraflar Konferansı’nda şekillenen Kyoto Protokolü’nde EK-1 listesinde yer alan ülkelerin 2008-2012 Kyoto dönemi için sera gazı azaltımı kararı alınmış...
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This paper examines the impact of real exchange rate volatility on the demand for electrical exports, which is the second largest sub-sector of machinery in Turkey, by employing multivariate cointegration and error correction methods. The model was estimated for two-digit electrical exports (SITC 77), using quarterly data for the period 1995-2010....
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Energy has become increasingly crucial for countries as we have experienced high economic growth, increases in population together with rapid urbanization in the globalized world. Turkey’s energy demand has grown rapidly and is expected to continue growing. In this context many studies have been carried out to forecast energy demand in Turkey. The...
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This paper discusses methodological aspects of recent climate change damage studies. Assessing the total and/or marginal damage costs of environmental change is often difficult and it is certainly difficult in the case of climate change. A major obstacle is the uncertainty on the physical impacts of climate change, especially related to extreme eve...
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Main aim of this paper is to measure the feasibility of Turkey's integration with the EU from an economic point of view. For this purpose, we decompose the effect of economic integration into trade creation (TC) and trade diversion (TD) by using the well-known revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index. The RCA index has also been used to analyze t...
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This paper discusses methodological aspects of recent climate change damage studies. Assessing the total and/or marginal damage costs of environmental change is often difficult and it is certainly difficult in the case of climate change. A major obstacle is the uncertainty on the physical impacts of climate change, especially related to extreme eve...
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Gelişmiş Avrupa ülkelerinin demografik yapısında yaşlı nüfusun önemli oranda artış gösterdiği gözlemlenmektedir. Son yıllarda, uzayan insan ömrü, artan ekonomik refah, kolay ve ucuzlaşan ulaşım imkanları, bu yaşlı nüfus arasında uluslararası emekli göçü adı verilen yeni bir olgunun ortaya çıkmasına neden olmuştur. Bu çalışma, Türkiye için oldukça y...
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Global warming poses serious threats on environment, ecology and socio-economic systems. In the arid ecosystem of Central Asia, for instance, the Aral Sea has been subjected to an unprecedented degree of negative anthropogenic impacts. The atmospheric concentration of CO2 emissions is rising as the result of a variety of human activities, of which...
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International trade has been seen as the "engine of growth" both for developing and developed countries. Since free world trade is not a realistic possibility, economic integration is seen as a move towards free trade, despite criticisms from some quarters. The last decade has seen a dramatic increase in the number of preferential trade agreements...


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