Esti JuniningUniversity of Brawijaya
Esti Junining
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (46)
Several studies have been conducted to determine the implementation of the Independent Curriculum. However, the existing studies have not identified English teachers’ self-efficacy in implementing the curriculum. Therefore, the present research aims to investigate the English teachers’ self-efficacy in applying the Independent Curriculum in seconda...
In the post-pandemic era, virtual educational environments are replacing the role of traditional classroom instruction. Due to the technological revolution and the COVID-19 pandemic, learning has evolved considerably in recent decades in educational parties at the higher education levels in Indonesia have offered various new options. LMS is referre...
In the context of Indonesian secondary schools, the transition to the Emancipated Curriculum, known as Kurikulum Merdeka, represents a profound shift in teaching paradigms necessitated by the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. This paper investigates the extent and nature of support offered by secondary schools to English teachers in implementing...
Abstrak Pengembangan kompetensi guru di Indonesia merupakan tugas bertahap dan berkelanjutan yang dimaksudkan untuk meningkatkan profesionalisme guru. Permenpan RB Nomer 16 Tahun 2009 Tentang Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya menyatakan bahwa guru mulai golongan IIIa yang akan naik ke IIIb harus mengumpulkan 3 poin dari pengembangan diri...
This study aims to analyze the changes in the meaning of "person's name" in East Java Society. The significance of people's "names" holds importance due to differences in naming practices and their meanings across generations, specifically the X, Y, Z, and Alpha generations. A sociolinguistic perspective is employed in this study, utilizing a descr...
Di era globalisasi, pendidikan bilingual (Indonesia-Inggris) yang digalakkan di beberapa sekolah membuat intensitas penggunaan bahasa daerah sebagai bahasa ibu menurun. Hal ini mengakibatkan bahasa daerah berada pada level kritis. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan pengaruh pendidikan bilingual terhadap perkembangan diksi, ta...
This paper focuses on the user perception of their experience in using the auto-translate feature on social media. A mixed method is employed in this study to gain quantitative and qualitative results and provide a more in-depth understanding of the analysis, with an online questionnaire as the research instrument. In order to reach a broader audie...
The language use of the Balinese diaspora in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, a multilingual village in Banyuwangi
The paper investigates the language use of the Balinese diaspora in Kampung Bali, Penganjuran, a multilingual village in Banyuwangi, which includes the multilingual situation, the nature of the language accommodation and the language domain...
Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL) has become an essential approach in the field of language education, especially for English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching. This study enhanced the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT) to examine the determinants that influence the acceptance of mobile technology use for English l...
The recommended model of teaching English for students of non-English department is collaborative teaching which provides subject lecturer‘s involvement in the curriculum design. This paper reported the process of designing a syllabus of collaborative teaching for ESP teaching in Indonesian context. As a part of curriculum design, this ESP syllabus...
This study was conducted to identify the kinds of errors in surface strategy taxonomy and to know the dominant type of errors made by the fifth semester students of English Department of one State University in Malang-Indonesia in producing their travel writing. The type of research of this study is document analysis since it analyses written mater...
This research is discussing the usage translation techniques with the purpose of understanding how match a meaning of an utterance, specifically indirect-literal utterance in a novel Another by Ayatsuji Yukito with Molina and Albir (2002) translation technique theory, supported by Baker (2011) translation equivalent theory. This research is qualita...
p> Critical thinking (CT) is crucial for the aspect in English language education, yet little attention has been given to language teacher’s perception an experience regarding CT during the pre-service of their teaching career. The data of the present study were gained from the focus group discussion and interview which covered the participants’ un...
On Critical Thinking and Academic Writing in EFL/ESL Contexts: A Literature Review
Hamamah1, Sahiruddin2, Esti Junining3
Universitas Brawijaya, Indonesia1,2,3
This study wants to gain insights into existing publications that looked into the effect of critical thinking in academic writin...
[Bahasa]: Pada tahun 2007, masyarakat Dusun Kungkuk, Desa Punten, Kota Batu mengembangkan kampung wisata secara mandiri. Tokoh masyarakat dan penggerak usaha wisata berhasil mengajak masyarakat lokal untuk mengembangkan berbagai paket wisata yang fokus menawarkan pengalaman hidup di kampung kepada wisatawan. Namun, terjadinya pandemi menjadikan usa...
When deciding to use the media, of course, the decision to use the media must be able to accept the advantages and disadvantages of the media. The advantages of a media used are expected to increase understanding in using the media, on the other hand, the disadvantages when using a media are expected to be minimized. This study aims to investigate...
ABSTRAKTujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberikan dan menerapkan pengetahuan terkait kegiatan promosi berbasis Bahasa dan kewirausahaan masyarakat desa wisata. Metode yang digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan ini adalah ceramah bervariasi, demonstrasi, dan latihan. Pendampingan kegiatan pengabdian ini dilakukan secara luring da...
Peningkatan sektor pariwisata di Kabupaten Manggarai Barat berimbas kepada peningkatan permintaan konsumen terhadap daging ternak potong yang berkualitas. Potensi peternakan sapi potong yang cukup besar menjadi salah satu keunggulan yang harus disertai dengan peningkatan kualitas pemeliharaan ternak serta penyediaan daging yang ASUH (aman, sehat, u...
Masyarakat terbentuk karena beberapa kesamaan factor, antara lain hubungan antar anggota-anggotanya dan pergaulan hidup. Dalam hidup manusia juga dituntut untuk terus belajar dan berkembang. Pembelajaran sangat berkaitan dengan pendidikan baik formal maupun non formal. Pendidikan adalah proses pembelajaran secara aktif mengembangkan potensi pembela...
This study is intended to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) learners in Indonesia to reduce their anxiety level while speaking in front of other people. This study helps to develop an atmosphere that encourages students to practice speaking independently. The interesting atmosphere can be obtained by using Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR)...
There are various kinds of translation strategies proposed by the experts of translation. This study aims to find out the translation strategies used by the English Education students from Faculty of Cultural Studies (FCS) of Universitas Brawijaya (UB) in translating a news article. The translation strategies used by the students are categorized ba...
The vocational college students instructed by the teacher to used self-directed learning in learning English outside classroom or during the internship. Due to the requirement of graduation which they should pass the TOEFL test after the internship. The self-directed learning is exercised by managing students’ Language Learning Strategies (LLS) whi...
This study aims to examine the Muna language interference on the morphological aspects as a symptom of language that generally occurs in bilingual people. The influence of Muna language as a mother tongue and the difference between the morphological system of Muna and Indonesian is very possible for interference. This study was conducted with 20 pa...
p class="00guruagama">Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kota Kendari Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara dengan tema “Implementasi pengangkatan Guru Pendidikan Agama di Sekolah Umum” yang menggunakan metode kualitatif, dengan memilih pendekatan studi kasus, fokus penelitian ini pada kebijakan-kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan peraturan pemerintah tentang pengangkat...
Pronouns are used by the politicians in order to make significant effect in their speeches. This study is designed to describe the rhetorical devices of pronoun used by Donald Trump in his presidential speech to March For Life participants and pro-life leaders and to explain how the use of pronoun reflects the intended meaning. The research design...
Pendidikan seni budaya, termasuk pendidikan budi pekerti, merupakan upaya paling mendasar yang harus diterapkan kepada anak-anak generasi bangsa, karena tanpa mengenal budaya Indonesia, maka pertumbuhan generasi akan kacau di masa datang. Efek dari hal ini adalah timbulnya demoralisasi atau kemerosotan moral di masyarakat. Misalnya, dalam masyaraka...
As social media increasingly became a lifestyle of the Indonesians in responding to popular phenomena, social media has become daily needs. On the other side, the use of English borrowings in Indonesian increases in terms of quantity and frequency. This research aims at investigating the correlation between social media access intensity and the use...
p>A traditional game can develop either cognitive, social or emotional skills of the children. Dakon , one of the name of traditional game from Java, becomes the point of discussion in this paper. Dakon is made of wood or plastic with fourteen pits filled with particles like tamarine seeds, snail cover or small stones. This game can be played by tw...
Issues related to the need of English at higher education continue to be a discussion among scholars. Many believe that there is a positive relationship between English language skills of university students and their academic performance, and that English language skills are highly valued as a graduate attribute for employability. However, there a...
As one of the efforts to awaken the local economy of Batu, this study offers a model of language and tourism awareness-based-tourism village that is establishing a tourism community that actively supports the government tourism programs. On the basis of the need analysis of the local people, a material for learning English for tourism and a model o...
Kelud is one of the 13 active volcanoes located in Java Island. The sequence of eruptions becomes a natural phenomenon which constructs the culture of the people who live around it. Therefore, this local wisdom-based research tries to investigate the relationship between the socio-cultural life of people inhibiting at the foot of Kelud Volcano and...
Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing economic sectors in the world and has a considerable role to play in delivering sustainable development in many countries. Over the last fifty years, tourism has become one of the largest economic sectors globally, accounting for some 9% of the world’s GDP and over 200 million jobs. Tourist movement...
The aim of this study was primarily to investigate the effects of morphological awareness training in acquiring vocabulary of EFL’ Learners. The design of this study was quasi-experiment design. The total population of this study was 263 studentsat the first grade from SMPN 2 Singosari. The sample was 66 students consist of 33 students from class V...