Esther López-Montalvo

Esther López-Montalvo
French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS · TRACES UMR 5608-Université de Toulouse II-Jean Jaurès



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Additional affiliations
February 2016 - present
French National Centre for Scientific Research- CNRS
  • Research Fellow/ Chargée de recherche Première classe
March 2014 - January 2016
French National Centre for Scientific Research
  • Marie Curie Fellow-IEF
January 2010 - December 2012
University of Zaragoza
  • "Juan de la Cierva" Research Fellow


Publications (57)
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In the framework of the long-standing debate regarding the chronology of Spanish Levantine rock art, the hypotheses proposing its cultural affiliation to the Epipalaeolithic and Mesolithic societies are largely based on the socio-economic activities depicted in the Levantine scenes, in particular hunting. This position is closely related to the bel...
Abstract: In Europe, the emergence of the agro-pastoral way of life is accompanied of a novel socio-symbolic system that develops new forms of expression, themes and supports. In this sense, the shape, themes and decorative patterns in ceramics have particularly favoured the characterisation of both regional identities and spheres of influence at d...
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Southwest Europe offers some remarkable examples of Mesolithic portable art, mostly characterized by a graphic abstraction depicting complex geometric compositions. One of the most singular and richest portable art collections comes from the Cueva de la Cocina (Dos Aguas, Valencia, Eastern Iberia), an emblematic site whose long sequence of occupati...
Conference Paper
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Like no other prehistoric period, the emergence and spread of the agro-pastoral way of life involved new relationships with the environment and deep social transformations. Changes were also expressed in the symbolic sphere. The blossoming of new social codes was translated into novel media and forms of figurative expression, coupled with a renewed...
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Las Jornadas se desarrollaron en dos sesiones en las que pudimos es�cuchar a un total de 15 investigadoras. La primera sesión Museos, patri�monio y educación: propuestas y herramientas desde el feminismo estuvo centrada en la transferencia de conocimiento, cómo comunicar a la ciudadanía el resultado de las investigaciones que el equipo desarrolla...
This paper presents a refined Mesolithic chronocultural sequence as a result of matching data provided by the set of archaeological research conducted at Cueva de la Cocina (Valencia, Spain) in the 20th and 21st centuries and the new radiocarbon dates record. Because available data are of different quality, we apply a methodological framework based...
Conference Paper
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Este trabajo tiene por objetivo evaluar las posibilidades que ofrece el análisis de imagen efectuado sobre soporte fotográfico obtenido con smartphone en la caracterización colorimétrica de los pigmentos utilizados en el arte rupestre prehistórico. Con este fin, se procedió a la elaboración experimental de pigmentos minerales, siguiendo distintas r...
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Between the 8th and 5th millennium BCE, human societies in the Western Mediterranean underwent several major changes. One of them took place during the 7th millennium with a profound change in material production, especially in their stone industries. It resulted in a fundamental change in production patterns, operating sequences and technical proc...
Entre le 8e et le 5e millénaire avant notre ère, les sociétés humaines de la Méditerranée occidentale ont opéré plusieurs changements majeurs. L’un d’eux a eu lieu au cours du 7e millénaire avec une modification profonde dans les productions matérielles, en particulier dans leurs industries de la pierre. Il se traduit par un changement fondamental...
In Europe, the emergence of the agro-pastoral way of life is accompanied of a novel socio-symbolic system that develops new forms of expression, themes and supports. In this sense, the shape, themes and decorative patterns in ceramics have particularly favoured the characterisation of both regional identities and spheres of influence at different t...
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Violence seems deeply rooted in human nature and an endemic potential for such is today frequently associated with differing ethnic, religious or socio-economic backgrounds. Ethnic nepotism is believed to be one of the main causes of inter-group violence in multi-ethnic societies. At the site of Els Trocs in the Spanish Pyrenees, rivalling groups o...
The Iberian Mediterranean Basin is home to one of the largest groups of prehistoric rock art sites in Europe. Despite the cultural relevance of prehistoric Spanish Levantine rock art, pigment composition remains partially unknown, and the nature of the binders used for painting has yet to be disclosed. In this work, we present the first omic analys...
Spanish Levantine rock art is a unique prehistoric phenomenon from the Western Mediterranean. Long-standing difficulties with radiocarbon dating the pigments taken from the paintings have led to the formulation of disparate chronological hypotheses, ranging from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Chalcolithic. Recently, two hypotheses have been put forw...
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The Iberian Mediterranean Basin is home to one of the largest groups of prehistoric rock art sites in Europe. Despite the cultural relevance of prehistoric Spanish Levantine rock art, pigment composition remains partially unknown, and the nature of the binders used for painting has yet to be disclosed. In this work, we present the first omic analys...
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In the past two decades, conflict archaeology has become firmly established as a promising field of research, as reflected in publications, symposia, conference sessions and fieldwork projects. It has its origins in the study of battlefields and other conflict-related phenomena in the modern Era, but numerous studies show that this theme, and at le...
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Abstract: An important area to explore is conservation, documentation and cultural dissemination of prehistoric rock art. Normally, rock art paintings are located in difficult access sites and the weathering complicate their preservation. The necessity of an accurate documentation that offers dissemination and heritage conservation of Levantine pai...
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L’art Levantin est une manifestation graphique unique à l’échelle européenne, localisé dans le basin méditerranéen ibérique. Les peintures levantines se caractérisent par une forte composante naturaliste et narrative. Malgré le potentiel d’information des scènes levantines, à ce jour leur cadre chrono-culturel et leur dynamique historique restent i...
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We present a new multi-analytical approach to the characterization of black pigments in Spanish Levantine rock art. This new protocol seeks to identify the raw materials that were used, as well as reconstruct the different technical gestures and decision-making processes involved in the obtaining of these black pigments. For the first of these goal...
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A case study to evaluate the use of microfading spectrometry (MFS) for the study of colored systems found in prehistoric rock art paintings was conducted in the Cova Remígia rock-shelter, Castellón (Spain). This rock shelter is part of the rock art sites of the Mediterranean basin on the Iberian Peninsula included in UNESCO’s World Heritage List. S...
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How violent was life in Neolithic society, and was there anything resembling organised warfare? Recent research has largely overturned ideas of peaceful farming societies. Spanish Levantine rock art offers a unique insight into conflict in Neolithic society, with images of violence, real or imagined, being acted out in scenes preserved in rockshelt...
Conference Paper
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PALABRAS CLAVE: espectrómetro portátil EDXRF, análisis no destructivos " in situ " , pigmentos rupestres, Arte Levantino RESUMEN: El Arte Levantino constituye una manifestación gráfica prehistórica de elevado valor arqueológico y patrimonial. Se localiza en la vertiente mediterránea Ibérica, en abrigos rocosos abiertos y, por tanto, expuestos a la...
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Les créations artistiques préhistoriques qui nous sont parvenues (art mobilier, art rupestre) constituent une source d'information inestimable sur les cultures de ces sociétés. L'art rupestre est l'une des constantes des sociétés sans écriture, mais nous sommes incapables d'interpréter ces mes-sages totalement étrangers à notre propre culture (E. P...
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téc-nicas de documentación digital 2D y 3D, es reflexionar críticamente sobre las venta-jas y problemáticas de cada una de ellas. Paralelamente, proponemos unos criterios generales mínimos para la documentación integral del arte rupestre. Esta reflexión nos permite concluir que las técnicas 3D no son necesariamente una alternativa a las técnicas 2D...
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RESUMEN: Desde los primeros trabajos dedicados al arte rupestre levantino existe una cierta indefinición a la hora de precisar sus características. No hay que olvidar que la referencia geográfica asociada a su nombre se sustentó en su diferenciación con el arte paleolítico cantábrico, con el que en un primer momento se pensó compartía cronología. A...
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L’hypothèse selon laquelle la structure iconographique des arts rupestres diffère profondément, en termes de fréquences des motifs animaliers et de leur distribution dans les sites, en fonction de l’organisation socio-économique et du type de croyances est examinée à l’aide de données africaines, australiennes et européennes issues de sociétés préh...
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The results of the analyses of elemental composition of red and black pigments of Levantine rock art from La Saltadora rock shelters (Valltorta gorge, Castellón, Spain) are presented in this paper. Nondestructive analyses were carried out using a portable energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer developed for in situ analysis. The...
L’hypothèse selon laquelle la structure iconographique des arts rupestres diffère profondément, en termes de fréquences des motifs animaliers et de leur distribution dans les sites, en fonction de l’organisation socio - économique et du type de croyances est examinée à l’aide de données africaines, australiennes et européennes issues de sociétés pr...
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RESUMEN Uno de los rasgos más significativos del Arte Levantino es la repetida ocupación de los abrigos al aire libre como lugar de representación. La multiplicación de fases o campañas decorativas, con modos distintos de abordar el diseño de las figuras, su distribución en el espacio e, incluso, las propias temáticas representadas son, sin duda, e...
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Los trabajos de documentación y el posterior análisis interno de las manifestaciones rupestres del Cingle del Mas d’en Josep han puesto de manifiesto la existencia de un total de 25 motivos estructurados en diversas composiciones de temática cinegética. La coexistencia en sus paredes de dos especies (toro y jabalí) con una distribución geográfica e...
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La ocasión que nos ha brindado J.M. Segura, al proponernos participar en el volumen realizado con motivo del cincuentenario del descubrimien-to de las pinturas rupestres de La Sarga, nos ha generado sentimientos contrapuestos. Por un lado y antes que nada, nos ha llenado de satisfac-ción, ya que nos ha permitido acercarnos a este importante conjunt...


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