Ester Martínez-RosUniversity Carlos III de Madrid | UC3M · Department of Business Administration
Ester Martínez-Ros
Ph. D in Economics
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Environmental Innovation
Innovation policies
Panel data
Discrete choice
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September 1998 - present
Publications (78)
The empirical research finds a contingent, slightly positive net effect on the relationship between digitalization and employment, resulting from the automation and reinstatement of jobs, the two countervailing forces revealed by the theoretical literature. We dig down at the features of this relationship, using two waves of Innobarometer surveys t...
It is well established in the literature that a firm’s innovation can promote its exports through demand-pull and/or regulatory channels. However, there is a lack of knowledge on whether green innovation strategies affect a firm’s international expansion. In this study, we depart from the existing literature by considering the introduction of envir...
This paper analyses the effectiveness of environmental taxation in stimulating the adoption of end-of-pipe and cleaner production technologies across manufacturing and mining firms between 2008 and 2014. We perform simple and categorical treatment matching of firms to study the heterogeneous effects of different taxation levels. We assess the effec...
This paper focuses on the drivers of green technology adoption. We distinguish between end-of-pipe and cleaner production technologies aimed at either pollution mitigation or energy efficiency, respectively. We provide empirical evidence of the relations between existing policy instruments, organizational capabilities of firms and the adoption of d...
Despite the generosity of its tax system, Spain is far from EU countries in terms of R&D spending and innovation outcomes. A policy instrument commonly used to foster firms’ R&D investment are tax incentives. The use of this instrument is not generalized in firms spending on R&D, and only a fraction of firms are regular claimants. This paper invest...
Este artículo establece los déficits que se observan en la inversión en recursos intangibles (capital directivo y capital organizacional), en las empresas españolas cuando se comparan con las empresas de los países más avanzados de la Unión Europea. Se sugiere que «la política industrial» se oriente a actuar sobre estos problemas del ámbito empresa...
The concept of the circular economy (CE) is currently gaining impetus as a way to move towards sustainable, low‐carbon, resource‐efficient, and competitive economies. However, despite the potential benefits of CE activities, their implementation remains relatively rare. We use a cross‐sectional survey of European small and medium‐sized firms (SMEs)...
Using insights from institutional literature, the resource‐based theory of the firm, and internationalization, we explain variations in the diffusion of organizational eco‐innovations. Studies have previously reported that the drivers of eco‐innovation are regulatory pressures, technology push, market pull, and firm factors. But relatively little a...
Recent literature analyses the economic effects of employee downsizing on organizations under a contingent framework. Information technology (IT) can be considered a relevant factor for organizations that downsize. IT could enhance knowledge management, innovation management and organizational learning. Given the damage produced by downsizing on th...
This paper reports research on relationship between firm's knowledge sourcing strategy and green innovation. The data are taken from Spanish Technological Innovation Panel survey during 2007–2011. The study contributed to the literature by focusing on the moderating role of firm size on the relationship between knowledge sources and green innovatio...
Since the seminal work of Utterback and Abernathy in 1975, many
relevant studies have been developed around the phenomena of product and process innovations. Both activities are placed within the area of technological innovation to differentiate them from non-technological innovation such as organisational or commercial innovation carried out in a...
Since the seminal work of Utterback and Abernathy in 1975, many relevant studies have been developed around the phenomena of product and process innovations. Both activities are placed within the area of technological innovation to differentiate them from non-technological innovation such as organisational or commercial innovation carried out in a...
El principal objetivo de este trabajo consiste en analizar las determinantes de las actividades de innovación de empresas españolas del sector manufacturero con datos de panel durante el periodo 1990 - 1993.
Research and innovation strategies are the pillars of Europe’s 2030 strategy: achieving growth that is smart, inclusive and sustainable. Key to this process is providing a direction for change, while also enabling bottom up experimentation and exploration. Directions for innovation can be guided towards the grand challenges facing societies, whethe...
To face the challenges posed by climate change, environmental R&D and innovation are critical factors if we hope to cut emissions; yet, investment in environmental R&D remains below the social optimum. The aim of this paper is to analyse the determinants of investment in environmental innovation and to detect the differences, if any, with the deter...
We examine how persistent firms’ participation is in R&D subsidy and tax incentive programs, and whether persistence is driven by individual heterogeneity—observed and unobserved—or by state dependence. Using a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms over the period 2001–2008, we estimate a set of dynamic models of program participation. True state de...
¿Hasta qué punto las ayudas directas y los incentivos fiscales a la I+D empresarial pueden
cumplir el objetivo de aumentar la inversión privada en conocimiento? ¿Está relacionada la
recepción de ambas ayudas con los posibles fallos de mercado que justifican la existencia de
las mismas? ¿Tienden a aprovechar estos instrumentos a lo largo del tiempo...
To face the challenges posed by climate change, environmental RD yet, investment in environmental RD however, data constraints hamper the use of this variable when examining the drivers of eco-innovation. The literature reports that demand factors in general and collaboration with stakeholders play a crucial role in generating such investment. In a...
Despite the great importance of in-store consumer decisions, the relevance of in-store stimuli, especially trends in new product packaging claims, has not been studied in depth. The role of product packaging claims about new product advantages in particular has not been addressed. This paper provides in-depth analyses of this topic by considering t...
Do service and manufacturing firms differ in their access to public policies supporting R&D? Does each industry need a different innovation policy? In this paper we provide some empirical evidence that may contribute to answer these questions. We compare the use of tax incentives and direct support in both industries, and their correlation with som...
We provide comparative evidence on R&D tax credit and subsidy programs by studying whether firms' participation in each program exhibits state dependence and whether cross program interactions exist and are significant. We use a panel of manufacturing Spanish firms, which could use both types of support, to estimate a random effects bivariate dynam...
The use of fiscal policy instruments to stimulate private R&D is widespread and important in some countries like Spain. In this paper we explore the effectiveness of R&D tax incentives on knowledge capital accumulation in Spanish manufacturing firms using an unbalanced panel and compare the estimates based on claimed and claimable tax reductions. W...
The use of fiscal policy instruments to stimulate private R&D is widespread and important in some countries like Spain. In this paper we explore the effectiveness of R&D tax incentives on knowledge capital accumulation in Spanish manufacturing firms using an unbalanced panel and compare the estimates based on claimed and claimable tax reductions. W...
The use of fiscal policy instruments to stimulate private R&D is widespread and important in some countries like Spain. In this paper we explore the effectiveness of R&D tax incentives on knowledge capital accumulation in Spanish manufacturing firms using an unbalanced panel and compare the estimates based on claimed and claimable tax reductions. W...
This paper reports research on the relationship between sourcing strategy of a firm and its environmental innovation propensity. The data is taken from the Spanish Technological Innovation Panel (PITEC) survey during the period of 2007-2011. The uniqueness of the Spanish innovation structure and the increasing relevance of environmental issues for...
We study whether firms’ actual use of R&D subsidies and tax incentives is correlated with financing constraints -internal and external- and appropriability difficulties and investigate whether both tools are substitutes. We compare the use of both policies by SMEs and by large firms and find significant differences both across instruments and acros...
We extend the size–innovation debate by incorporating decision-making style as a relevant factor in the innovation process. We propose that the size of firms affects the scale and quality of product innovation through the adoption of different decision-making styles. Using the literature on cognition, we conceptualize decision-making style as the d...
This paper explores the effect of training plans and managerial characteristics on innovation activity in the hospitality sector. This sector is featured by being labor-intensive so the examination of employment and managers skills deserves attention in order to determine the level of quality and competitive advantage in the provision of services....
This research focuses on trends in new product packaging claims and how such claims influence firm value. Empirical evidence reveals differential impacts of three types of packaging claims: nutritional, environmental, and production. The results also identify an increasing trend toward introducing multiple claims simultaneously on the same package....
This work explores which factors increase firms' propensity to enter into international markets. The study draws on the resource-based view and assesses the effect played by firms' technological capabilities and cost structures on entry. While many research papers consider those two factors to be independent one from the other, this study focuses o...
This paper studies whether firms' use of R&D subsidies and R&D tax incentives are correlated to two sources of underinvestment in R&D, financing constraints and appropriability. We find that financially constrained SMEs are less likely to use R&D tax credits and more likely to obtain subsidies. SMEs using legal methods to protect their intellectual...
This paper presents a model in which a firm with a degree of R and D specialization raises external funds to develop a two-period project that involves some non-verifiable returns (R and D-type of project). Taking into account a possible opportunistic behavior by the manager, we find out that the optimal firm's debt equity ratio is negatively relat...
The measurement of the effects that public support to private R&D has on R&D investment and output has attracted substantial empirical research in the last decade. The focus of this research has mostly focused on testing for possible crowding out effects. There is virtually no study aiming at understanding how and why these effects may or may not b...
En este artículo se compara la utilización por parte de las empresas de dos instrumentos públicos de fomento a la I+D+i empresarial: las ayudas directas y los incentivos fiscales. Los resultados indican que ambos instrumentos no son perfectamente sustitutivos. Se pone de relieve que la probabilidad de utilizar los incentivos fiscales disminuye cuan...
This paper explores which types of firms benefit more from the R&D fiscal incentives and the effect of this type of instrument on the performance of R&D activities. Spain is considered the most generous countries in the OECD in fiscal treatment of R&D, yet our data reveal that tax incentives are little known and, especially, seldom used by firms. R...
We argue that the positive association found between firm productivity and exports in the literature relates to the firm's innovation decisions. Using a panel of Spanish manufacturing firms we find strong evidence that product innovation - and not process innovation - affects productivity and induces small non-exporting firms to enter the export ma...
This paper provides evidence for different innovation activities in the hotel industry. In particular, we explore the influence of a variety of firm and market characteristics on radical and incremental innovations. We consider the learning of new attributes (radical) and the addition of characteristics to existing attributes (incremental) to repre...
Using a Spanish database, we have explored the role of persistence in the decision of firms to implement product and process innovations and to develop those innovations. We assume that a company that is continuously engaged in some type of innovation activity will be encouraged to innovate, either for investment reasons or to enhance its market im...
En este trabajo se investigan los factores que determinan la decisión de aplicar los incentivos fiscales a la inversión en I+D de las empresas españolas. El tema es de interés por cuanto nos encontramos que empresas con gasto en I+D que conocen de su existencia, no los utilizan. Ello lleva a plantear un modelo empírico que supone que, detrás de est...
This paper explores the factors that influence the decision to apply R&D fiscal incentives in a sample of Spanish manufacturing firms. The observation that few innovative firms apply these incentives has motivated this analysis. We developed a model considering that behind the decision to use these fiscal incentives, firms carry out a cost-benefit...
El estudio resume los resultados obtenidos por el equipo de trabajo Indicadores AER, centrado en al análisis y diagnóstico de los principales problemas y retos de la economía de la Ribera de Navarra. Este cuarto informe actualiza en su primera parte los cambios que están teniendo lugar en años recientes en cuanto a tendencias demográficas, económic...
The paper provides empirical evidence on technological activity in the Spanish service sector, in particular for the tourist accommodation in the Balearics. The study wants to fulfil the lack of analyses in the field of tourism. Commonly, the study of innovation activity has been carried out from a manufacture perspective, for that reason the paper...
This paper explores how firms finance their R&D projects. There are several instruments that can be used, however, due to information asymmetries and the combination of tangible and intangible returns that R&D projects generate, debt-financing is the worst alternative. The novelty of this paper is that it combines aspects of the resource-based view...
El objetivo de este trabajo es aportar evidencia a la respuesta de las empresas respecto a la aplicación de incentivos fiscales a la I+D. El diseño español de dichos incentivos es uno de los más favorables a nivel internacional pero los datos revelan que una importante cantidad de empresas, aún conociendo de su existencia y posibles beneficios, no...
This study develops a model that explains export sales volume by destination based on a company's export marketing strategy. A seemingly unrelated regression model (SURE) simultaneously estimates the explanatory value of the different elements of the marketing strategy, as well as company characteristics, such as experience, size and motivation to...
The main concern of this paper is to analyse the complementarities between the decisions to carry out both product and process innovations. We also try to identify the main determinants of the innovation activity as well as to separate the experience effect of the firm (capacities, routines as organization) from the experience effect of the manager...
The main purpose of this paper is to analyse the relationship between firm size and innovation activity using Spanish data at firm level corresponding to the manufacturing sector for the period 1990-93. This exercise is different to previous applications because we allow for different size effects in the decision to innovate and the innovation coun...
The main purpose of this chapter is to analyze the determinants of innovation activity using Spanish data at firm level corresponding to the manufacturing sector. We focus on the relationship between the R&D effort undertaken by firms, and the innovation decision claimed by them. We are really estimating a research production function (see, for exa...
This study aims to develop a model that explains the degree of involvement in the different export regions based on the company’s marketing strategy. Of particular interest is the case of Spanish exporting companies. First of all, export propensity has been steadily growing over time from a 33 % of total sales in 1992 to a 41 % in 1998. Nevertheles...
The question of whether workers take part of the rents when a firm introduces technological changes is studied. Information from a Spanish survey, the Encuesta sobre Estrategias Empresariales covering a period of five years, 1990-94 is used. Given the data available, panel data techniques are used to control unobserved heterogeneity. A new estimati...
Es conocido que las tecnologías de la información han propiciado cambios en la industria. Sin embargo, los estudios llevadas a cabo para el sector servicios son más bien escasos. Desde el punto de vista organizativo, se observa que la gestión de la tecnología en los servicios está cargada de incertidumbre porque los resultados a menudo son ambiguos...
Our aim was to analyze the effects of firms' innovative behavior on their employees' salaries in the Spanish manufacturing industry. We found a premium in the wage paid by innovative firms, regardless of size. However, when taking company size into account, we found that the effect of innovations was greater in small-medium enterprises (SME), contr...
We investigate the determinants of innovation activity making a distinction between product and process innovations. We analyse a pseudo production function of innovations where among the explanatory variables, special attention is paid to firm and market characteristics. The study is applied to a large sample of Spanish manufacturing firms during...
Este trabajo trata de analizar emp�ricamente la influencia que ejercen ciertas tipolog�as estrat�gicas sobre la elecci�n de la empresa conjunta internacional. Para ello se han elegido tres tipos de estrategias: internacionalizaci�n, crecimiento y negocio. Despu�s de su desarrollo conceptual, se ha elaborado un modelo de regresi�n log�stica binomial...
We develop a mediation model in which firm size is proposed to affect the scale and quality of innovative output through the adoption of different decision styles during the R&D process. The aim of this study is to understand how the internal changes that firms undergo as they evolve from small to larger organizations affect R&D productivity. In so...
Firm decisions affect performance and survival. Unfortunately, due to severe selection problems it is hard to study this causality. Export decisions, however, have been related to better performing firms, where causality seems to run from good performance to entering export markets. Using the fact that we observe both exporting and non-exporting fi...
We explore the impact of the hotel innovation activity on employment's skills. Our framework follows the new tradition of the theory of innovation in services and the recent empirical studies. In general, the impact of innovation on employment is positive in small firms since innovation activities tend to substitute low skilled workers by higher qu...
This work explores the factors that spur firms’ propensity to enter in international markets. Among the whole population of Spanish firms active in the pharmaceutical sector (over the period 1995-2004), we identify those firms that have entered the US market by assessing whether they have filed at least a trademark in the US Patents and Trademarks...
Abstract Firm decisions affect performance and survival. Unfortunately, due to severe selection problems it is hard to study this causality. Export decisions, however, have been related to better performing firms, where causality seems to run from good performance to entering export markets. Using the fact that we observe,both exporting and non-exp...
Our model shows that firm's debt-equity ratio decreases with R&D investment returns, firms' R&D specialization degree, and internal funds availability. Our basic hypothesis is that firms specialized in R&D assimilate faster than others their R&D investment.
El progreso técnico afecta considerablemente a los niveles de empleo. Este trabajo se propone investigar si, además, tiene efectos sobre su estructura. El principal objetivo es analizar si se produce efecto sustitución de trabajadores fijos por eventuales cuando se introducen cambios técnicos en las organizaciones. El análisis empírico llevado a ca...
En este trabajo presentamos, en primer lugar, un modelo teórico en el que una empresa con un determinado grado de especialización en I+D y de fondos propios, pretende llevar a cabo un proyecto que requiere un determinado volumen de inversiones específicas. La resolución del modelo nos permite concluir que el apalancamiento financiero de esta empres...