Estefanía López-Salas

Estefanía López-Salas
Universidade da Coruña | UDC · Department of Architectural Design, Urban Planning and Composition

PhD Architect
Professor at Universidade da Coruña (Spain)


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Publications (66)
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El próximo LUNES 16 de septiembre a las 18 hs. de la tarde tendremos el IX Seminario virtual "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en España" (Proyecto VICES). Esta nueva sesión se centrará en torno a la presentación y debate del Dossier Revuelta popular, de la Edad Moderna a la Contemporánea que se publicó en el último nº 109 de la revista Histo...
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El trabajo que aquí se presenta forma parte del proyecto I+D+i VICES, “Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en las ciudades españolas: la Guerra de la Independencia” financiado durante los años 2020-2024 por el FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España. Uno de los objetivos específicos de este proyecto es...
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Este volumen presenta los resultados del proyecto "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en las ciudades españolas: la Guerra de la Independencia", financiado por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (2020-2024). En particular se centra en una modalidad de motines sangrientos, que superan los setenta episodios y que con frecuencia culminaban en la...
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El próximo jueves 14 de diciembre de 2023 tendremos el VIII Seminario virtual "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en España" (VICES). La sesión, con el título "Violencia liberal (1820-1835): revolución o bullanga", tendrá como conferenciante al profesor Jordi Roca Vernet (Universitat de Barcelona) y como moderadora a la profesora Teresa Abelló...
Conference Paper
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El Panel es una sesión de 1h.30’ de duración, que supone la presentación y discusión de la metodología y primeros resultados del Proyecto VICES a cargo de los 5 firmantes: Introducción.- Descripción del problema de investigación, metodología y resultados obtenidos – José María Cardesín Díaz 1.- Obstáculos recurrentes y discontinuidades en el anális...
Conference Paper
Today, there are huge amounts of handwritten documents accessible in digital collections. However, working with these documents for research purposes is limited due to the lack of appropriate technological tools to read, transcribe and analyze them in the same digital environment. This paper presents a web-application that allows a dynamic interact...
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El próximo jueves 15 de junio de 2023 tendremos el VII Seminario virtual "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en España" (VICES). La sesión, con el título "Mapas para analizar la violencia colectiva: el Atlas de la Guerra Civil en Catalunya", tendrá como conferenciante al profesor Joan Villarroya Font (Universitat de Barcelona) y como moderadora...
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The paper focuses on a prototype interactive web-map developed for the presentation and dissemination of architectural transformations at the monastic site of San Julián de Samos in north-western Spain. The paper’s central argument offers a response to questions regarding why and how to create an interactive web-map in the field of architectural hi...
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El próximo jueves 01 de diciembre de 2022 tendremos el VI Seminario virtual "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en España" (VICES). La sesión, con el título "Arrojado por una ventana. Violencias revolucionarias en la retaguardia isabelina 1833-1840" tendrá como conferenciante a Daniel Aquillué Domínguez (Universidad Isabel I), y como moderadora...
Palaeoenvironmental and historical approaches have often been used separately to investigate past land-use change, but they are still rarely combined, especially in places where the most suitable archives are sediment sequences. Here we used a transdisciplinary approach combining a multiproxy palaeoenvironmental study of two pedosedimentological se...
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Estrenamos el canal en youtube “Proyecto Violencia Colectiva VICES”, donde pretendemos difundir las video-grabaciones de conferencias, seminarios y otras actividades de nuestro proyecto. La dirección es: Para esta inauguración hemos seleccionado las grabaciones de las 13 ponencias que...
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Presentamos la Web de nuestro proyecto VICES: “Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en las ciudades españolas: la Guerra de la Independencia” (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, 2020-2024). La dirección es La web pretende ser un espacio de encuentro entre los miembros del equipo, y de debate y divulgación de resultados dirigi...
Conference Paper
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Este simposio supone la reunión, a mitad del periodo de ejecución, de los miembros del proyecto “Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en las ciudades españolas: la Guerra de la Independencia” (PID2019-106182GB-I00), financiado por FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación–Agencia Estatal de Investigación, durante los años 2020-2024. El proyecto in...
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El próximo jueves 17 de Marzo de 2022 tendremos el cuarto Seminario virtual "Violencia colectiva y protesta popular en España" (VICES). La sesión, con el título "Masacres e Imperios en la Edad Moderna: desafíos, riesgos y nuevas vías de investigación" tendrá como conferenciante a Igor Pérez Tostado (Universidad Pablo Olavide de Sevilla), y como mod...
A través del uso combinado de herramientas digitales y fuentes documentales históricas, el proyecto Mapping Hospitals plantea un estudio de los hospitales existentes en territorio gallego a mediados del siglo XVIII, al servicio de los peregrinos hacia Santiago de Compostela, con una doble finalidad. Por un lado, proponemos una aproximación de conju...
The H2020 project rurAllure, “Promotion of rural museums and heritage sites in the vicinity of European pilgrimage routes” (2021-2023) aims to enrich pilgrims’ experiences with the creation of meaningful cultural products focused on the lesser-known heritage sites of rural areas that are not found on pilgrimage routes, but in their surroundings. On...
In this article we will examine how and why the animation ‘Creating the monastic site: from its origins to the nineteenth century’ allowed us to expand the digital art and architectural project ‘Digital Samos. A digital approach to the Monastery of San Julián de Samos’. On the one hand, by making the animation, we were able to create an easy-to-rea...
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Basándonos en un exhaustivo análisis in situ de la arquitectura construida en el monasterio de San Julián de Samos (Lugo, España) durante los siglos XVII y XVIII, este artículo explora la variabilidad de las estructuras utilizadas para cubrir las nuevas dependencias y su ausencia clara de relación con las corrientes estilísticas predominantes y con...
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In order to help enhance public outreach and understanding of historical sites, we developed a virtual spatial ecosystem called CultUnity3D. It consists of a set of components specifically implemented within the Unity engine that enable the user to virtually explore spatial changes over time in two different modes, and to learn about the past of a...
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Entre finales de 1835 y principios de 1836 se redactaron los llamados inventarios de las herrerías del monasterio de San Julián de Samos, dentro del proceso desamortizador en el que, de forma general, se vieron envueltas todas las casas religiosas españolas. En el presente artículo proponemos utilizar estos documentos como recurso de aproximación a...
Research Proposal
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Este proyecto se propone investigar las relaciones cambiantes entre conflicto y producción de consenso social, entre los códigos de protesta popular y las manifestaciones de violencia colectiva en España en el tránsito entre la Edad Moderna y la Edad Contemporánea, y más concretamente durante la Guerra de la Independencia (1808-1814). La iniciativa...
Conference Paper
The project titled “San Julián de Samos: a digital approach” aims to study the architectural transformation of the monastic site of San Julián de Samos, in the northwest of Spain, over the course of centuries. This study includes the parallel evolution undertaken by its rural and urban surroundings, the sacred precinct and the nearby village. I uti...
Conference Paper
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Simulating human movement and actions in historical spaces/landscapes is a complex task. It requires not only the recreation of spaces that no longer exist, but more challenging the recovery of actions performed in the past. These actions can provide insights into important aspects such as how people inhabited, used, perceived, lived, sensed, and s...
Conference Paper
The aim of the present article is twofold. On one side, we explain the method we applied to approach the question of change over time at the monastery of San Julián de Samos (Spain) in the period that ranges from the late 17th century to the early 19th century. On the other side, we examine the results achieved and the potential that this method of...
Conference Paper
Alimentar el espíritu y el cuerpo a través del rezo y la comida son dos de los actos comunitarios más importantes en el día a día de un monasterio. Así pues, los legisladores monásticos se preocuparon por establecer detalladas disposiciones para organizar ambos actos, hecho que derivó en la definición de una serie de rituales de los monjes en torno...
Conference Paper
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Along the different ways to Santiago de Compostela, buildings were made to host and take care of pilgrims. Most of them were called hospitals. Based on the Cadastre of Ensenada, in the present paper, we are focused on knowing the number, location and main features of these buildings in the mid-18th century, within the present borders of the provinc...
Conference Paper
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In chapter 66, the rule of St. Benedict set that “the monastery ought to be so organized, if it can possibly be done, that all necessaries, that is, water, a mill-house, a garden and various crafts may be forthcoming within the monastery, so that there may be no necessity for the monks to go beyond the gates, because that is by no means expedient f...
Conference Paper
In the mid-18th century, the Cadastre of Ensenada was done in the Crown of Castile. Its main aim was to conduct a fiscal investigation in this territory to create a single tax. This way each person who lived inside the Crown of Castile would pay according to its possessions. In order to achieve that goal, it was necessary to make a register of al...
Conference Paper
The Chapel of the Cypress, also known as the Chapel of St. Saviour, is located in the province of Lugo (Galicia, Spain), next to the river Sarria and in an area around the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela. It is the only building we preserve at present from the early medieval monastery of San Julián de Samos. Besides, it is one of the few...
Conference Paper
Tomando como caso de estudio el templo del monasterio gallego de San Julián de Samos, en la presente comunicación proponemos, por una parte, el análisis de la vestimenta de su arquitectura original, tanto de aquellos elementos de mobiliario litúrgico (retablos, sillería de coro, púlpitos,...) que fueron elaborados para producir una determinada conf...
Conference Paper
The place that was chosen to set the monastery of San Julián de Samos (Lugo-Spain) not only shows the concern of its first inhabitants for seeking certain conditions to develop a proper monastic life, but it also reflects the capacity of influence that the place had on the form of the buildings that were made there as well as on its profound and co...
Conference Paper
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Las carreteras son un parte esencial del paisaje pues no sólo nos dan acceso a él, sino que también lo estructuran. La presencia o ausencia de una carretera, la desaparición de ella o la construcción de una nueva se revelan como factores determinantes de la permanencia o cambio de las estructuras históricas. Por ello, el estudio de la evolución exp...
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El artículo que a continuación se desarrolla tiene por objetivo el estudio del proyecto de restauración redactado y dirigido por Juan Monleón Sapiña, oblato regular de la comunidad monacal de San Julián de Samos (Lugo-España), con motivo de recuperar las zonas dañadas de los dos claustros de la citada fábrica monástica, a raíz del incendio del 24 d...
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The knowledge of how a landscape was in the past is essential in order to assess its suitable value at the present as well as ensuring its future conservation. Working on that principle, in this paper my aim will be to show the process I developed to identify what remains nowadays from the lost enclosed space around Samos Abbey, which is one of the...
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En julio de 1967 tenía lugar el desmantelamiento y traslado del coro del templo del monasterio de San Julián de Samos (Lugo-España) de su posición original, en el primer y segundo tramos de la nave central, a la cabecera, provocando un cambio significativo en su organización espacial interior y en su arquitectura que perdura hoy en día. Entender la...
Conference Paper
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Entre las localidades de Triacastela y Sarria, el camino francés de peregrinación a Santiago de Compostela tiene, además de su ruta principal, un recorrido alternativo hacia el sur que permite al peregrino pasar por el monasterio benedictino de San Julián de Samos, ubicado en la provincia de Lugo (España). En la presente comunicación exploramos la...
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Based on several archival sources and new graphic approaches, this article seeks to examine the first major changes that were made on the medieval architecture of Samos Abbey (Lugo-Spain) during the period that ranged from the beginning of the religious orders' reform, in the late 15th century, to the 1630s. On the one hand, the detailed analysis o...
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This paper is focused on the possibilities of using one type of archival document to recreate the past shape of a monastic town and its rural surroundings in a certain stage of its evolutionary process. The archival document in which my research is based on is a book of demarcations, the one entitled «Demarcations of Samos parish. Year of 1660». Th...
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El presente estudio busca comprender cuál fue el grado de implicación de los monjes de San Julián de Samos (Lugo) en la forma de ordenar, transformar y desarrollar el amplio territorio de su coto jurisdiccional. Para ello, acudimos a fuentes históricas hasta el momento inéditas, con la finalidad de descubrir las reglas, los intereses y los instrume...
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Based on an analysis of diverse archival documentation as well as on a on-site study of different historical remains, this paper seeks to understand, on the one hand, how the “Cercado” of Samos Abbey was before 1835, the date of the abolition of the religious orders in Spain. That is, we aim to show the plan of the former monastic wall which enclos...
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En octubre de 1943, el abad del monasterio de San Julián de Samos y la Obra Sindical de Colonización firmaban un acuerdo para crear una granja escuela en una propiedad de la comunidad religiosa. A partir de la documentación localizada en archivos, este trabajo tiene por objeto analizar los proyectos que fueron definidos para aquella: el primero de...
Conference Paper
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Cuando nos paramos a leer el tejido de una ciudad, una villa o una pequeña población actual, rápidamente descubrimos que diferentes capas se han superpuesto en el tiempo o sustituido unas a otras para formar la imagen que el asentamiento muestra hoy, en un proceso constante de transformación, permanencias y pérdidas que, poco a poco, reescribe el p...
Before the secularization of the monastery of San Julián de Samos at the early 19th century, its religious community possessed a large piece of land, which was enclosed by a stony wall, around the monastic buildings. This piece of land was called the «Enclosed Space». Knowing how this property was before its final confiscation is the main aim of th...
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During the morning of 24th September 1951, a fire began in the monastery of San Julián de Samos (Lugo-Spain) and soon it was spread across its rooms. In the present article we propose, on the one hand, to analyze what were the causes of the beginning of the fire and, on the other hand, what were its consequences on the monastic architecture. In oth...
Conference Paper
The building of a new road resulting from a national plan to improve the communications of the late 19th century in Spain caused deep changes in the historic tissue of the monastic village called Samos and in its surrounding rural landscape. The aim of this paper will be to analyse the impact of the planning of this new route over the centre of the...
Conference Paper
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The knowledge of how a landscape was in the past is essential to achieve its suitable value at the present as well as ensuring its future conservation. Working on that principle, in this paper we will identify what remains nowadays from the lost enclosed space around one of the most ancient Galician monasteries, Samos Abbey, in order to know how it...
Conference Paper
This paper will try to recreate the lengthy building process undergone by the St. Julian's Monastery at Samos from its origin to the end of the 18th century. That is, we focus on a period where the monks were the only authorities within the limits of its properties, just before the secularization of the Spanish religious houses as a result of the r...
Conference Paper
Based on an analysis of diverse archival documentation as well as on a on‑site study of different historical remains, this paper seeks to understand, on the one hand, how the "Cercado" of Samos Abbey was before 1835, the date of the abolition of the religious orders in Spain. That is, we aim to show the plan of the former monastic wall which enclos...
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Bajo el título San Julián de Samos - Lugo, estudio e interpretación del diseño monástico y su evolución, la presente tesis intenta recrear y analizar el largo proceso constructivo experimentado por este monumento, así como la paralela evolución de su entorno inmediato, la villa de su mismo nombre, desde sus orígenes hasta la actualidad. A través de...
Conference Paper
During the second half of the fifteenth century, the Catholic Kings favoured a reform of the religious orders in Spain, with the aim of bringing to an end the spiritual and material declining period that the most of monasteries were suffering. Taking as an example the case of Samos Abbey, in this paper we will examine what steps were given to make...
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St. Julian’s Monastery at Samos (Lugo) is one of the largest religious buildings in Galicia and it is also one of the oldest Spanish monasteries. The present paper is part of a wider research, which intends to analyse the long constructive process undergone by this monument, from its origin to the present time, in order to understand the reality of...
Conference Paper
From the eighth to the nineteenth century, besides the architectonical complex of Samos Abbey, its monks owned a collection of properties which made possible their self-sufficient life. The majority of those possessions were pieces of land surrounding the Abbey, in a round area of one mile and a half. This space was called "jurisdictional reserve"....
La Cappella del Cipresso è una delle più antiche costruzioni che formavano nel passato il complesso monastico di san Giuliano di Samos, nella provincia di Lugo. Si trova presso questo monumento, e la sua edificazione ha coinciso temporalmente con il processo di nascita del Cammino francese verso Santiago de Compostela, il cui tracciato passa molto...


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